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The Market Differences of Tourism Industry between Taiwan and Mainland China 林侑萱、李俊憲


Academic year: 2022

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The Market Differences of Tourism Industry between Taiwan and Mainland China 林侑萱、李俊憲

E-mail: 9900389@mail.dyu.edu.tw


The main purpose of this study is to is to discuss the discrepancy of tourism industry and market structures in Mainland China and Taiwan by comparing aspects such as the tourism markets of the total number of visitors in inbound, outbound and domestic tourism markets of Mainland China and Taiwan. The study also compare with Mainland China and Taiwan in tourism regulations, travel agencies, hotels, scenic-area administrations and cross-Strait tourists’ tourism interactions etc. The materials used for the purpose of this study are based on the official statistics announced by cross-Strait governments and official organizations, volumes, periodicals, online information and other secondary information available. Suggestions based on the findings in this study are as follows: 1. For China (1)China needs to speed up its process of formulating the legal basis for the tourism industry. (2)Relevant tourism regulations need to be introduced regarding the hotel industry. (3)The quality and professionalism of tourism-related staff need to be improved. (4)Tourist service centers need to be established to provide services. 2. For Taiwan (1)The quality of tours and related staff needs to be promoted. (2)International brand-name hotels need to be actively introduced in order to improve Taiwan's international awareness. (3)New tour routes need to be planned for different international markets. (4)Taiwan must be marketed, and replace Hong Kong to become the new hub of Asia. At the end of the paper, the study results were discussed and summarized, and relevant suggestions were proposed for cross-Strait tourism industries, governmental policies and follow-up researchers.

Keywords : tourism industry, industry analysis, tourism market

Table of Contents

中文摘要 .................. iii 英文摘要 .................. iv 誌謝辭 ...

................ vi 內容目錄 .................. vii 表目錄 .........

.......... ix 圖目錄 ................... x 第一章 緒論 .............

....1 第一節 研究背景............... 1 第二節 研究問題............... 6 第三 節 研究目的............... 6 第四節 研究範圍與限制............ 6 第二章 文獻探討.

.............. 8 第一節 旅遊產業之定義與分類......... 8 第二節 旅遊產業市場之結構..

........ 16 第三節 中國大陸旅遊產業與發展方向...... 23 第四節 台灣地區旅遊產業發展方向....

... 27 第五節 兩岸旅遊產業相關研究......... 31 第三章 研究方法............... 35 第 一節 研究工具............... 35 第二節 研究設計............... 37 第四章 中台旅 遊產業市場之差異........ 40 第一節 台灣旅遊產業相關法規......... 40 第二節 中國旅遊產業相關 法規......... 52 第三節 台灣旅遊產業現況........... 59 第四節 中國與遊產業現況.....

...... 77 第五節 中台旅遊產業差異比較......... 91 第五章 結論與建議.............

. 100 第一節 研究結論............... 101 第二節 研究建議............... 104 參 考文獻 .................. 108


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