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The Study on the Effect of Green Innovation and Environmental Performance on Corporate Business Performance-An Empirical 賴淑女、洪朝陽


Academic year: 2022

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The Study on the Effect of Green Innovation and Environmental Performance on Corporate Business Performance-An Empirical


E-mail: 9800791@mail.dyu.edu.tw


In recent years, environmental consciousness has arisen, and the trend of green enterprise gradually has attracted focus of the world.

Enterprises aggressively promote a variety of internal and external green activities via environment-friendly attitude, to exhibit their performance of promoting and participating in the perpetual development practice. Therefore, the future global economy will evolve into a perpetual economic form of the 21st Century, and the trend of international green thought will challenge the operation and development of enterprises. However, does the correlation between the implementation of green innovation of enterprises and their environmental performance exist? Does environmental performance affect of operating performance of enterprises? If both of environmental performance and operating performance result in positive or negative affection, then does the correlation between green innovation and economic performance exist, affecting operating profit of enterprises? Therefore, this thesis expects to understand the performances of green innovation of Taiwanese enterprises. After referenced with domestic and foreign related literatures, and absorbed practical experiences of enterprises, this study carefully and extensively designs a questionnaire, taking Taiwan listed seven fields companies that were awarded ISO14001 certification at the end of September of 2008, as our empirical study objects. Through questionnaire investigation method together with objective financial analysis information, this study tests the affection of green innovation and environmental performance to operating performance. The following results are obtained via statistical analysis: The significant affection of green innovation adoption to environmental performance indicates that enterprises with higher degree of green innovation adoption have better environmental performance; partial significant affection of

environmental performance to operating performance indicates that environmental performance have partial correlation with economic performance; and green innovation adoption has insignificant affection to operating performance.

Keywords : green innovation ; environmental performance ; operating performance Table of Contents

中文摘要 ..................... iii 英文摘要 .....................

iv 誌謝辭  ..................... vi 內容目錄 ....................

. vii 表目錄  ..................... ix 圖目錄  ..................

... xi 第一章  緒論................... 1   第一節  研究背景...........

.... 1   第二節  研究動機............... 3   第三節  研究目的..........

..... 4   第四節  研究流程............... 5 第二章  文獻探討...........

...... 8   第一節  綠色創新............... 8   第二節  經營績效........

....... 14   第三節  環境績效............... 16   第四節  綠色創新與環境績效之 關係....... 20   第五節  環境績效與經營績效之關係....... 21 第三章  研究方法......

........... 25   第一節  研究架構............... 25   第二節  研究假設..

............. 26   第三節  研究設計............... 28   第四節  資料分析 方法............. 31 第四章  研究資料分析............... 33   第一節  敘述 性統計分析............ 33   第二節  信效度分析.............. 38   第三節   相關分析............... 42   第四節  單因子變異數分析........... 44   第五節   迴歸分析............... 46 第五章  結論與建議................ 50   第 一節  研究結論............... 50   第二節  研究意涵............... 52    第三節  研究限制與建議............ 54 參考文獻 .....................

56 附錄A  研究問卷................. 68 表目錄 表 1- 1 國際主要環保公約與規範.......

.... 1 表 2- 1 ISO 14000的基架構與內容要項........ 12 表 2- 2 績效構面之相關實證研究........

... 15 表 2- 3 ISO 14031之環境績效指標分類表....... 18 表 2- 4 環境績效評估指標之相關研究......

... 19 表 2- 5 探討企業環境績效與經營績效之相關文獻.... 23 表 3- 1 經營績效指標項目...........

... 29 表 3- 2 相關係數的強度大小與相關程度表....... 32 表 4- 1 樣本企業行業別統計表.........


... 33 表 4- 2 樣本企業取得ISO14001認證時間統計..... 34 表 4- 3 樣本企業資本額統計表.........

... 34 表 4- 4 樣本企業員工人數統計表........... 35 表 4- 5 樣本企業年度總營業額統計表......

... 36 表 4- 6 樣本企業問卷填答者職位統計表........ 36 表 4- 7 樣本企業特性分析...........

... 37 表 4- 8 問卷構面之信度分析表............ 39 表 4- 9 綠色創新之KMO值與Bartlett球型檢定..

... 40 表 4-10 環境績效之KMO值與Bartlett球型檢定..... 40 表 4-11 各構念之因素結構與因素負荷量.....

... 41 表 4-12 測量變項常態分配檢視表........... 42 表 4-13 各變數的相關係數..........

.... 43 表 4-14 不同產業其綠色創新之變異數分析....... 45 表 4-15 不同產業其環境績效之變異數分析..

..... 46 表 4-16 綠色創新採行與環境績效之迴歸分析...... 47 表 4-17 環境績效與經營績效之迴歸分析..

...... 48 表 4-18 綠色創新採行與環境績效之迴歸分析...... 48 表 4-19 假設檢定彙總表........

....... 49 圖目錄 圖 1- 1 研究流程圖................. 7 圖 2- 1 環境管理層級......

.......... 11 圖 3- 1 研究架構.................. 25 REFERENCES

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