中華大學, TAIWAN R.O.C.
2011 Bc. Štefan Tkáč
中華大學, TAIWAN R.O.C.
Master Design Thesis
Study programm Architecture and Urban Planning Study specialization: Architecture and Urban Planning Department: Department of Architecture and Urban Planning Supervisor: Prof. Ron Chen PhD.
Hsinchu 2011 Bc. Štefan Tkáč
Medata sheet
APPLIED IN HI – TECH ARCHITECTURE Subtitle The Overview and application of Tensile and Modern Wooden
Structures applied in Architectural Design Language English Type of thesis Master Design Thesis
Number of pages 112p.
Degree Master of Archrchitecture and Urban Planning University Chung Hua University Taiwan R.O.C.
College College of Architecture and Planning Department Depertment of Architecture and Urban Planning Study specialization Architecture and Urban Planning
Study programme Architecture and Urban Planning
Town Hsinchu, Taiwan R.O.C.
Supervisor Prof. Ron Chen PhD.
Date of submission June 11th 2011 Date of defense June 17th 2011
Keyword Art, Architecture, Civil Engineering, Construction design Category conspectus Architecture, Civil Engineering Thesis citation Tkáč, Štefan: THE COMBINATION OF TENSILE AND WOODEN STRUCTURES APPLIED IN HI – TECH ARCHITECTURE.
Master Design Thesis. Hsinchu: Chung Hua University, Hsinchu Taiwan R.O.C., Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, 2011. 112 p.
In this master diploma project two hi – tech fields of civil engineering and architecture
are discussed. As the combination of tensile structures and modern wooden constructions became an important issue if talking about large scale sustainable green design applications in nowadays era of micro and nano hi – technology demands of architecture, there are still not many referential and educational materials in this field.
This final master design thesis may serve as a brief recherche in this field of architecture and also as a design anticipating possible progression in hi - tech applications.
Work consists of two major parts, first one, the theoretical, serves as an introduction by gathering all the necessary information about the mentioned issue, counting in types, divisions, materials and statics of the two selected constructional fields.
It also evaluates and compares them, showing positives as well as negatives of each example. At the end of each chapter in theoretical part a visual gallery of examples that are acting as a demonstration of current practical use of constructions that are discussed is provided.
Practical part, contains mostly design drawings made for the selected competition, applied as a master diploma project, presenting architecture and urban renewal design project of an old swimming pool in the city of Košice, Slovak republic, EU.
This project is also shown as an example proposal to demonstrate the application of a possible constructional combination solution with the elements mentioned in the theoretical part.
I hereby declare that this thesis is my own work and effort. Where other sources of information have been used, they have been acknowledged.
in Hsinchu, June 11th, 2011
Appreciation is expressed to those who have reviewed and / or correct my final thesis.
I am especially indebted to my father, mother, grandma and my younger brother who are all my source of inspiration, continual support and encouragement thru the whole my life.
My thanks go to my supervisor and dean of the College of Architecture and Planning at the Chung Hua University – prof. Ron Chen PhD. who helped me thru almost all the period of my studies in Taiwan and to prof. Dr. Hsi-Hsin Chien a dean of international programs who gave me the chance to study my master degree in Taiwan R.O.C.
I would like to express my deepest thanks to the next 4 people for the continual encouragement and support:
Miss. Mgr. Simona Dobrowolska – experimental artist Mr. Ing. arch Miloslav Kovač – architect
Mr. Martin Pažitný – student of medicine Mr. Ing. Jaroslav Ontko – Air Traffic Manager
Last, but certainly not least I would like to thank to my final defense committee, and to the rest of my family members as well as all the closest Taiwanese and Slovakian friends of mine, who helped me during my studies and my whole stay in Asia.
In this work I have chosen to study the selected topics considering progressive hi - tech architectural constructions namely tensile and modern wooden structures as well as their composition because according to my considering of nowadays design trends full of green, ecology, energy self sufficiency, sustainability, progressive, micro and macro world discovering needs, sustainable development, etc; I asked myself a question about our approach toward building environment design, especially if talking about large scale buildings. We are in 21st century, a century full of inventions in hi quality, nano technologies, special poly - functional or superstructure materials, but still when one looking through the major development companies or architectural firms, they still not utilize all their possibilities which are offered by civil engineering solutions market and instead off that keep on designing fast growing concrete urban spaces. The fact is that the modern hi - tech structures are usually expensive solution with the needs of specialized designer or design group, compared to the concrete shells for instance, which was once also considered as a progressive structure and in many cases it is still applied as one. But from the long therm view point materials of these constructions are more sustainable and in many cases almost 100 percent recyclable. In my project I am trying to apply tensile structures and combine them with modern wooden supporting structures to show a possible long therm use of modern hi - technologies which are currently offered by market, not with the application only for huge and large amphitheaters usually build as a cover for one season, but also for a little, permanent structures applied per personal dwellings.
Although my own example shown in practical part is a specific urban renewal project I do believe that such solution could survive also as a new build design and also in smaller as well as greater scale.
Table of contents
I. List of all included Figures 6
II. List of included Tables 21
III. List of Symbols and Abbreviations 22
IV. Glossary 23
1. Motivation 24
1.1. Why I have decided to develop this topic... 24
2. Theoretical Part 25
2.1 Progressive Structures and Human Nation (Author´s introduction essay) 25
2.2. Wooden Structures 30
2.2.1. Introduction 30
2.2.2. Why considering wooden material as a one of the progressive leading 21st century material? 30
2.3. History of Applications (from the beginning to the 19th – early 20th century) 31
2.4. Definitions and Divisions 43
2.4.1. According to the Material 43
2.4.2. According to the Products 46
2.4.3. According to the Structures 48
2.5. Statics 49
2.6. Fire Protection 54
2.7. Future of Wooden Constructions 59
2.7.1. Issues that promote the wood as a one of the 21st century material 59
2.7.2. Future applications – set of new material dimensions... 60
2.8. Gallery of Applications 63
2.9. Tensile Structures 66
2.9.1. Introduction 68
2.9.2. Why applying membranes? 68
2.10. History of Applications 70
2.11. Definitions and Divisions 78
2.11.1. Statics 78
2.11.2. Division 81
2.12. Future of Tensile Constructions 83
2.13. Gallery of Applications 86
2.14. Summary of Theoretical Review 91
2.14.1. The Genesis of Conceptual & Construction Design 91
3. Practical Part 100
3.1. Tensile structures in combination with the wooden constructions applied in selected competition example 100
3.1.1. The Combination of Inflated ETFE Pillow Construction with Wooden VTC Laminated Beam 100
3.1.2. Background Studies 100
3.1.3. Direct Application 101
3.1.4. Reasons for choose of specific elements 101
3.2. Application of VTC Wooden Construction with ETFE foil pillow in the selected case 103
3.2.1. Preliminary Report 103
3.3. Design Drawings Content 104
3.3.1. Complex Drawings 104
3.3.2. Selected Competition Drawings 104
3.4. Discussion 105
3.5. References 106
I. List of all included Figures
Fig. 0-1.: Peter Vetsch – Earth house ... 26 Source: Top-View.jpg (browsed April 20th 2011)
Fig. 0-2.: Peter Vetsch – Earth house ... 26 Source:
Lattenstrasse_overview.jpg (browsed May 20th 2011)
Fig. 0-3.: Christian Muller - Ultimate Underground Swiss Mountain Home... 26 Source:
6-villa-vals-search-7923.jpg?__SQUARESPACE_CACHEVERSION=1265180308938 (browsed May 25th 2011)
Fig. 0-4.: Christian Muller - Ultimate Underground Swiss Mountain Home... 26 Source:
(browsed May 25th 2011)
Fig. 0-5.: A future houses from the movie ''Time Machine'' ... 26 Source: s hot from the movie ''Time Machine'' (2000) director Simon Wells
(browsed May 23rd 2011)
Fig. 0-6.: Streve Burg´s mmage of future village – conceptual design for the movie ''Time Machine'' ...26 Source:
(browsed April 23rd 2011)
Fig. 0-7.: Jean-Marie Tjibaou Cultural Center, Nouméa, New Caledonia...27 Source:
(browsed April 25th 2011)
Fig. 0-8.: Jean-Marie Tjibaou Cultural Center, Nouméa, New Caledonia...27 Source: (browsed April 23rd 2011)
Fig. 1-1.: Example of a domed room dwelling, typical for Norther Native American tribes – Wigwam...29 Source:
(browsed April 8th 2011)
Fig. 1-2.: Example of a conical tent using animal skins or birch bark popular among Native Americans of the Great Plains – Tepee...29 Source:
(browsed April 8th 2011)
Fig. 1-3.: Toyo Ito´s Odate Jukai Dome...30 Source:
(browsed April 8th 2011)
Fig. 1-4.: Shigeru Ban´s Imai Atsushi Memorial Gymnasium...30 Source:
(browsed April 8th 2011)
Fig. 1-5.: Agricultural evidences in Cùl a' Bhaile, suggested reconstuction of neolithic house...31 Source:
(browsed April 8th 2011)
Fig. 1-6.: Neolithic house - suggested reconstruction – Knockadoon...31 Source:
(browsed April 7th 2011)
Fig. 1-7.: Reconstruction of Neolithic house by Margaret Gowen, Tankardstown Early Irish settlers...31 Source:
(browsed April 8th 2011)
Fig. 1-8.: Reconstruction one of the Yang – Shao Houses, Pan – Po – Ts´un (Banpo)...31 Source: Fletcher, 1996: 104.
Fig. 1-9.a – 1.-10.b.: Neolithic Houses found in Banpo, Yellow River Valley region - China – 2000 B.C. Shows circular and rectangular shapes both plan (a) and 3D section (b). Building material was locally available
including wood, thatch, earth, etc...31 Source: Fazio, 2008: 82.
Fig. 1-11.:Triglyph nomenclature...32 Source: Harris, 1993: 860.
Fig. 1-12.: Traditional wooden roof of Greek Temple – roof construction...32 Source: wooden.gif
(browsed April 8th 2011)
Fig. 1-13.: Onager 350 AD...32 Source: Pic.jpg
(browsed April 5th 2011)
Fig. 1-14.: Bridge over the river Rhine for Caesar´s legions, after Alberti with length 600m...32 Source: HERZOG, NATTER, SCHWEITZER, VOLZ, WINTER 2004: 24.
Fig. 1-15.: Basilica of St. Paul outside the city walls of Rome, Italy, 4th Century AD...32 Source: HERZOG, NATTER, SCHWEITZER, VOLZ, WINTER 2004: 24.
Fig. 1-16.a.: Top of the tower (detail)...33 Source: Pic.jpg
(browsed April 5th 2011)
Fig. 1-16.b.: Tower walls (detail)...33 Source: (browsed April 23rd 2011)
Fig. 1-16.c.: Great Mosque of Djenné, Mali Djenné, Mali – 1906 – 07. - There is an ongoing controversy talking about design contribution of French people...33 Source: Fazio, 2008: 281
Fig. 1-17.: Tecna tent, Morocco, linen, 5 x 8 m, wooden posts, detail of apex and perspective drawing...33 Source: HERZOG,, NATTER, SCHWEITZER, VOLZ, WINTER 2004: 26.
Fig. 1-18.: Sidamo house, Hagara Salam, Ethiopia...33 Source: HERZOG,, NATTER, SCHWEITZER, VOLZ, WINTER 2004: 26
Fig. 1-19.: Royal Palace complex located in at Padmanabhapuram Fort...34 Source:
(browsed April 22nd 2011)
Fig. 1-20.: Detail of a brilliant wood carved dormer...34 Source:
(browsed April 23rd 2011)
Fig. 1-21.: Chergaon Temple, Chamba, in Himalaya, Himachal Pradesh, India...34 Source: Fletcher, 1996: 778.
Fig. 1-22.a.: Grain store in Tobaz, Samosir – Sumatra, a transverse section...34 Source: HERZOG, NATTER, SCHWEITZER, VOLZ, WINTER 2004: 26.
Fig. 1-22.b.: Grain store in Tobaz, Samosir – Sumatra, a longitudial section...34 Source: HERZOG, NATTER, SCHWEITZER, VOLZ, WINTER 2004: 26.
Fig. 1-23.: Cross section of Temple of Heaven in Beijing ,China, 1420, Ming Dynasty,
diameter 30 m, height 38 m...35 Source: HERZOG, NATTER, SCHWEITZER, VOLZ, WINTER 2004: 27.
Fig. 1-24.a.: Plan and longitudinal section of the main hall, Nanchan Monastery, Shanxi province, 782...35 Source: Fazio, 2008: 84.
Fig. 1-24.b.: Front elevation and transverse section of the main hall Nanchan Monastery, Shanxi province, 782; Bracket sets serves as an interlocking point for supports and allow roof to protrude from its contour...35 Source: Fazio, 2008: 84.
Fig. 1-24.c.: Typical Chinese house (diagram)...35 Source: Fazio, 2008: 84.
Fig. 1-25.a.: Horyu-ji Pagoda, Kyoto, Japan, 1178...36 Source:
Jpg, (browsed April 28th 2011)
Fig. 1-25.b.: silhouette and construction, showing the heart pillar and basement rock which assists the structure to sustain an earthquake...36 Source:
(browsed April 25th 2011)
Fig. 1-25.c.: section...36 Source: nara-japan-heart-pillar.JPG, (browsed April 8th 2011)
Fig. 1-26.a.: Horyuji temple complex, 670-714. (奈良市, Nara-shi), capital city of Nara Prefecture, Kansai region, Japan...36 Source: Source : Fazio, 2008: 94.
Fig. 1-26.b.: Horyuji temple complex, 670-714. (奈良市, Nara-shi), capital city of Nara Prefecture, Kansai region, Japan...36 Source: Source : Fazio, 2008: 94.
Fig. 1-27.: ''minka'' ( usually refers to wooden folk houses) a traditional house in Japan...37 Source:Fazio, 2008: 99.
Fig. 1-28.: Yoshimura House, close to Osaka. 1620...37 Source: Fazio, 2008: 98.
Fig. 1-29.a.: Church of the Rising of Lazarus. Muromansky monastery, Kizhi, 1291. reputedly the oldest wooden church surviving in Russia it has three different roof pitches and two different forms of wall
construction. (Fazio, 2008:147 )...38 Source: Fazio, 2008: 147
Fig. 1-29.b.: Church of Transfiguration in Kizhi, detail of tower´s single work to promote the rain water
draining... 38 Source:Fazio, 2008: 150.
Fig. 1-30.a.:Borgund Stave Church, Borgund, Lærdal, Norway, 1125 – 40...38 Source: Fazio, 2008: 87.
Fig. 1-30.b.: Construction of a stave church...38 Source:Fazio, 2008: 187.
Fig. 1-31.: Timber house in Beauvais...39 Source: Fletcher, 1996: 450.
Fig. 1-32.: Timber house in Caen...39 Source: Fletcher, 1996: 450.
Fig. 1-33.: An example of medieval manor house...39 Source: Fazio, 2008: 241.
Fig. 1-34.: Reconstruction of an early medieval longhouse – Bremerhaven Germany...39 Source:Fazio, 2008: 241.
Fig. 1-35.: Brace heavy timber frame ( half - timbering construction commonly used during medieval age...39 Source: Fazio, 2008: 241.
Fig. 1-36 - Fig. 1-37.: Types of wooden Gothic roofs...40 Source of both figures: Fletcher, 1996: 457.
Fig. 1-38.: Wooden scaffolding of barrel vault...40 Source:
(browsed April 5th 2011)
Fig. 1-39.: Rotating scaffolding for the dome of the Pantheon in Rome during renovation, Italy, 1756...40 Source: HERZOG, NATTER, SCHWEITZER, VOLZ, WINTER 2004: 29.
Fig. 1-40.: An example of colonial architecture house...41 Source: colonial arch .gif
(browsed April 8th 2011)
Fig. 1-41.: Joseph Paxton, Crystal Palace,London, England, 1851 perspective view...41 Source:
(browsed April 5th 2011)
Fig. 1-41.: Joseph Paxton, Crystal Palace,London, England, 1851 central vault construction...41 Source: HERZOG, NATTER, SCHWEITZER, VOLZ, WINTER 2004: 29.
Fig. 1-43.: Imre Makovecz Catholic Church in Pakd, Hungary, 1987-91...41 Source: (browsed April 6th 2011)
Fig. 1-44.A.: Wooden structure, cross section and definition of parts...42 Source:
(browsed April 8th 2011)
Fig. 1-44.B.: Wooden bark surface...42 Source:
(browsed April 8th 2011)
Fig. 1-44.C.: Microscopical pictures of wooden fibers...42 Source:
(browsed April 8th 2011)
Fig. 1-44.D.: Microscopical pictures of wooden fibers...42 Source:
(browsed April 8th 2011)
Fig. 1-44.E.: Microscopical pictures of wooden fibers...42 Source:
(browsed April 8th 2011)
Fig. 1-44.F.: Microscopical pictures of wooden fibers...42 Source:
(browsed April 8th 2011)
Fig. 1-45.: Solid wood and solid products...45 Source: HERZOG, NATTER, SCHWEITZER, VOLZ, WINTER 2004: 38 - 40.
Fig. 1-46.: Wood - based products...46 Source: HERZOG, NATTER, SCHWEITZER, VOLZ, WINTER 2004: 42 - 46.
Fig. 1-47.: Examples of wooden structures...47 Source: HERZOG, NATTER, SCHWEITZER, VOLZ, WINTER 2004: 140 – 141, 270 - 271.
Fig. 1-48.:Load diagrams for saddleback girder and Tapered girder...48 Source: Goetz 1989: 67.
Fig. 1-49.: longitudinal and lateral stability of a frame construction. (system of bracing)...49 Source: Goetz 1989: 72.
Fig. 1-50.a.: Examples of cross bracing...49 Source: Source: Goetz 1989: 203.
Fig. 1-50.b.:Cross bracing – detail of gripping and cross bracing during construction...49 Source: Goetz 1989: 202.
Fig. 1-51.:Load – deformation of different connectors...50 Source: Source: Goetz 1989: 69.
Fig. 1-52.: Stress distribution for rectangular shear connector...50 Source: Source: Goetz 1989: 69.
Fig. 1-53.: Example of beam loads possibilities...51 Source: Source: Goetz 1989: 62.
Fig. 1-54.: Example of two and three - hinged girder loads possibilities...52 Source: Goetz 1989: 64.
Fig. 1-55.: Temperature Gradient of timber cross section exposed on all 4 sides to fire...55 Source: HERZOG, NATTER, SCHWEITZER, VOLZ, WINTER 2004: 71.
Fig. 1-56.: Depth of charring...55 Source: HERZOG, NATTER, SCHWEITZER, VOLZ, WINTER 2004: 71.
Fig. 1-57.: Timber after fire...55 Source: GOETZ, HOOR, MOEHLER, NATTER, MARTECCHINI 1989: 42.
Fig. 1-58.:Example of wood fire protection coating...55 Source: fire protection coating. gif
(browsed April 8th 2011)
Fig. 1-59.: Example of mechanical fire protection of connectors by reinforcement...56 Source: GOETZ 1989: 45.
Fig. 1-60.: Fire protection criteria and Development of a fire protection concept...57 Source: GOETZ, HOOR, MOEHLER, NATTER, MARTECCHINI 1989: 72.
Fig. 1-61.a.: VTC (Viscoelastic Thermal Compression) – Untreated yellow poplar sample...59 Source:
(browsed April 2nd 2011)
Fig. 1-61.b.: VTC (Viscoelastic Thermal Compression) – Treated yellow poplar sample...59 Source:
(browsed April 5th 2011)
Fig. 1-62.A.: Thorncrown Chapel by Fay Jones and Associates, Eureka Springs, Arkansas USA (1979 – 80) main staircase... 62 Source:
(browsed April 8th 2011)
Fig. 1-62.B.: Thorncrown Chapel by Fay Jones and Associates, Eureka Springs, Arkansas USA (1979 – 80) chape hall... 62 Source: chapel.jpg, (browsed April 8th 2011)
Fig. 1-62.C.: Thorncrown Chapel by Fay Jones and Associates, Eureka Springs, Arkansas USA (1979 – 80) front facade – night... 62 Source:
(browsed April 8th 2011)
Fig. 1-62.D.: Thorncrown Chapel by Fay Jones and Associates, Eureka Springs, Arkansas USA (1979 – 80) roof construction... 62 Source:
(browsed April 8th 2011)
Fig. 1-62.E.: Thorncrown Chapel by Fay Jones and Associates, Eureka Springs, Arkansas USA (1979 – 80) front facade - day... 62 Source:
(browsed April 8th 2011)
Fig. 1-63.A.: Jean – Marie Tjibaou Cultural Center by Renzo Piano, Nouméa, New Caledonia (1992 – 98)
detail of bracing on the botom of construction...62 Source:
(browsed April 8th 2011)
Fig. 1-63.B.: Jean – Marie Tjibaou Cultural Center by Renzo Piano, Nouméa, New Caledonia (1992 – 98)
facade detail – top part... 62 Source:
(browsed April 8th 2011)
Fig. 1-63.C.: Jean – Marie Tjibaou Cultural Center by Renzo Piano, Nouméa, New Caledonia (1992 – 98)
one of the exhibition domes...62 Source: (browsed April 8th 2011)
Fig. 1-63.D.: Jean – Marie Tjibaou Cultural Center by Renzo Piano, Nouméa, New Caledonia (1992 – 98)
construction detail – facade...62 Source:
(browsed May 28th 2011)
Fig. 1-64.A.: Byōdō-in - The Phoenix Hall , Buddhist temple, city of Uji, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan (998)
detail of the roof – Phoenix....63 Source:
(browsed April 8th 2011)
Fig. 1-64.B.: Byōdō-in - The Phoenix Hall, Buddhist temple, city of Uji, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan (998)
The Phoenix Hall... 63 Source:
(browsed April 8th 2011)
Fig. 1-64.C.: Byōdō-in - The Phoenix Hall , Buddhist temple, city of Uji, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan (998)
facade of the whole complex...63 Source:
(browsed April 8th 2011)
Fig. 1-64.D.: Byōdō-in - The Phoenix Hall , Buddhist temple, city of Uji, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan (998)
facade of The Phoenix Hall...63 Source:
(browsed April 8th 2011)
Fig. 1-65.A.: Tuscany thermal springs by Ollertz & Olertz, Fulda, Bad Sulza, Germany (1999), roof net...63 Source: HERZOG, NATTER, SCHWEITZER, VOLZ, WINTER 2004: 247
Fig. 1-65.B.: Tuscany thermal springs by Ollertz & Olertz, Fulda, Bad Sulza, Germany (1999), plan...63 Source: HERZOG, NATTER, SCHWEITZER, VOLZ, WINTER 2004: 247
Fig. 1-65.C.: Tuscany thermal springs by Ollertz & Olertz, Fulda, Bad Sulza, Germany (1999), front facade...63 Source: HERZOG, NATTER, SCHWEITZER, VOLZ, WINTER 2004: 247
Fig. 1-65.D.: Tuscany thermal springs by Ollertz & Olertz, Fulda, Bad Sulza, Germany (1999), interior...63 Source: HERZOG, NATTER, SCHWEITZER, VOLZ, WINTER 2004: 247
Fig. 1-66.A.: Expo roof by T. Herzog + Partner, Hannover, Germany (2000), the whole complex view – night...64 Source: HERZOG, NATTER, SCHWEITZER, VOLZ, WINTER 2004: 261
Fig. 1-66.B.: Expo roof by T. Herzog + Partner, Hannover, Germany (2000), the whole complex view – day...64 Source:
(browsed April 8th 2011)
Fig. 1-66.C.: Expo roof by T. Herzog + Partner, Hannover, Germany (2000), the column detail...64 Source:
(browsed April 8th 2011)
Fig. 1-66.D.: Expo roof by T. Herzog + Partner, Hannover, Germany (2000), the column detail...64 Source:
(browsed April 8th 2011)
Fig. 1-67.A.: Brine baths by Geier & Geier, Stuttgart, Germany (1987), roof net...64 Source: HERZOG, NATTER, SCHWEITZER, VOLZ, WINTER 2004: 265
Fig. 1-67.B.: Brine baths by Geier & Geier, Stuttgart, Germany (1987), 3D view of roof net and section thru the main hall...64 Source: HERZOG, NATTER, SCHWEITZER, VOLZ, WINTER 2004: 265
Fig. 1-67.C.: Brine baths by Geier & Geier, Stuttgart, Germany (1987), the column detail...64 Source: HERZOG, NATTER, SCHWEITZER, VOLZ, WINTER 2004: 265
Fig. 1-67.D.: Brine baths by Geier & Geier, Stuttgart, Germany (1987), interior...64 Source: Geier & Geier
(browsed April 8th 2011)
Fig. 1-68.A.: Ice rink by Kurt Ackermann und Partner, Munich, Germany (1983), whole bulding at night...65 Source:
(browsed April 8th 2011)
Fig. 1-68.B.: Ice rink by Kurt Ackermann und Partner, Munich, Germany (1983), detail of roof connection...65 Source:
(browsed April 8th 2011)
Fig. 1-68.C.: Ice rink by Kurt Ackermann und Partner, Munich, Germany (1983), view of the main girder...65 Source:
(browsed April 8th 2011)
Fig. 1-68.D.: Ice rink by Kurt Ackermann und Partner, Munich, Germany (1983), interior...65 Source:
(browsed April 8th 2011)
Fig. 1-69.A.: Jurassic Museum of Asturias by Rufino Uribelarrea, Colunga, Asturias, Spain (2004), finished roof – top view... 65 Source: /muja%2001.jpg, (browsed April 8th 2011)
Fig. 1-69.B.: Jurassic Museum of Asturias by Rufino Uribelarrea, Colunga, Asturias, Spain (2004), unfinished roof – front view... 65 Source: /muja%20media%20madera%2002.JPG, (browsed April 8th 2011)
Fig. 1-69.C.: Jurassic Museum of Asturias by Rufino Uribelarrea, Colunga, Asturias, Spain (2004), interior under construction... 65 Source:
%20Asturias/muja%20media%20madera%2005.JPG, (browsed April 8th 2011)
Fig. 1-69.D.: Jurassic Museum of Asturias by Rufino Uribelarrea, Colunga, Asturias, Spain (2004), interior – finished stage... 65 Source:
%20Asturias/muja%20media%20madera%2001.jpg (browsed April 8th 2011)
Fig. 1-70.A.: Concrete shuttering with glue laminated shaped trusses for Centro Ovale by neue Holzbau AG, Chiasso, Schwitzerland (2010), side view...66 Source:
(browsed April 20th 2011)
Fig. 1-70.B.: Concrete shuttering with glue laminated shaped trusses for Centro Ovale by neue Holzbau AG, Chiasso, Schwitzerland (2010), front view...66 Source:
(browsed April 20th 2011)
Fig. 1-70.C.: Concrete shuttering with glue laminated shaped trusses for Centro Ovale by neue Holzbau AG, Chiasso, Schwitzerland (2010), detail of shuttering...66 Source:
(browsed April 20th 2011)
Fig. 1-71.A.: Odate Jukai Dome - Sports stadium by Toyo Ito & Associates, (1997)...66 Source: ADA Editors 2007:152.
Fig. 1-71.B.: Odate Jukai Dome, interior during match...66 Source: HERZOG, NATTER, SCHWEITZER, VOLZ, WINTER 2004: 361.
(browsed April 8th 2011)
Fig. 1-71.C.:Odate Jukai Dome, detail of roof...66 Source: HERZOG, NATTER, SCHWEITZER, VOLZ, WINTER 2004: 361.
Fig. 1-71.D.: Traditional wooden roof of Greek Temple – roof construction...66 Source: HERZOG, NATTER, SCHWEITZER, VOLZ, WINTER 2004: 361.
(browsed April 8th 2011)
Fig. 1-71.E.: Traditional wooden roof of Greek Temple – roof construction...66 Source: ADA Editors 2007:154.
Fig. 2-1.: An example of typical nomadic shelters, if compared with nowadays tent like tensile or membrane construction they look very similar...69 Source: BECHTHOLD 2008: 19.
Fig. 2-2.: The Hanneford Circus in Strabane, Ireland (British Isles, late 1800's)...69 Source:
(browsed April 5th 2011)
Fig. 2-3.: Leonardo da Vinci´s Ornithopter...70 Source:
(browsed May 5th 2011)
Fig. 2-4.:Festo group - Smart Bird a nowadays Ornithopter...70 Source:
(browsed May 5th 2011)
Fig. 2-5.: Otto Lilenthal´s Glider No. 11. in flight...70 Source:
(browsed April 5th 2011)
Fig. 2-6.: Zeppelin LZ1 in flight...70 Source:
(browsed April 5th 2011)
Fig. 2-7.: Lanchaster´s project of pneumatic house from the year 1917...71 Source: BECHTHOLD 2008: 21.
Fig. 2-8.: Walter Bird´s one of the first ''radoms'' – lately used as a cover for radar station in WW II...71 Source: BECHTHOLD 2008: 22.
Fig. 2-9.: Schjeldahl, was the first company that came up with transparent inflatable structures...71 Source: BECHTHOLD 2008: 23.
Fig. 2-10.: Skylon tower at the Festival of Britain – view from the river...71 Source: (browsed April 5th 2011)
Fig. 2-11.: Skylon during day...71 Source:
(browsed April 5th 2011)
Fig. 2-12.: Skylon during night...71 Source: (browsed April 10th 2011)
Fig. 2-13.: F. Otto – Cable net roof over the mountain area...72 Source:
(browsed April 11th 2011)
Fig. 2-14.: F. Otto - City for mine workers...72 Source:
(browsed April 11th 2011)
Fig. 2-15.: R. B. Fuller´s famous project of dome over Manhattan....72 Source:
(browsed April 5th 2011)
Fig. 2-16.: Sketches for Dyodon project by Jean-Paul Jungmann...73 Source:
(browsed April 10th 2011)
Fig. 2-17.: Jean Aubert, Jean Paul Jungmann, Paul Stinco project of inflatable dome...73 Source:
(browsed April 6th 2011)
Fig. 2-18.: American pavilion – Biosphere...73 Source:
(browsed April 6th 2011)
Fig. 2-19.: German pavilion...73 Source:
(browsed April 6th 2011)
Fig. 2-20.: Fuji group pavilion at expo in 1970 – Osaka, Japan – plan...74 Source:
mxc_iVg&t=1 (browsed April 6th 2011)
Fig. 2-21.: Fig. 2-20.” Fuji group pavilion at expo in 1970...74 Source: 0B51BC19FD115AD8FEC106C489F3D31ADEB3B01E70F2B3269972
(browsed April 5th 2011)
Fig. 2-22.: Feasibility study “City in the Antarctica“,1971...74 Source: (browsed April 5th 2011)
Fig. 2-23.: Feasibility study “City in the Antarctica“ - view of the model...74 Source: http:// www
Dateien/ image004.jpg (browsed April 5th 2011)
Fig. 2-24.A.: Water Cube in Beijing, China – construction net for ETFE pillows...75 Source:
(browsed April 5th 2011)
Fig. 2-24.B.: Water Cube in Beijing, China -ETFE pillows inside view...75 Source:
(browsed April 5th 2011)
Fig. 2-24.C.: Water Cube in Beijing, China - ETFE pillow – outside view...75 Source:
(browsed April 5th 2011)
Fig. 2-24.D.: ETFE pillows at display...75 Source:
(browsed April 5th 2011)
Fig. 2-24.E.: Eden project – UK. Project during construction – application of ETFE pillow into the construction.
... ...75 Source:
(browsed April 20th 2011)
Fig. 2-24.F.: Water Cube in Beijing, China – project during construction...75 Source:
(browsed April 5th 2011)
Fig. 2-24.G.: Eden project – UK. Project during construction...75 Source:
(browsed April 20th 2011)
Fig. 2-25.: Vincent Callebaut – project of Hyddrogenase - radical idea for a vertical farm...76 Source:
(browsed April 5th 2011)
Fig. 2-26.: Ocean pavilion – EXPO 2012 Korea. Emergent Architecture and Kokkugia...76 Source:
(browsed April 10th 2011)
Fig. 2-27.: Foster and Partners - Khan Shatyry Entertainment Centre...76 Source:
(browsed April 5th 2011)
Fig. 2-28.: Types of membrane prestressing...77 Source: BECHTHOLD 2008: 21.
Fig. 2-29.: Shapes of membranes – analysis of stresses, nomenclature...77 Source: BECHTHOLD 2008: 21.
Fig. 2-30.a.: System options for air – inflated membranes. (BECHTHOLD 2008: 97.)...78 Source: BECHTHOLD 2008: 97.
Fig. 2-30.b.: Equilibrioum in an air - inflated beam element. (BECHTHOLD2008:97.)...78 Source: BECHTHOLD 2008: 97.
Fig. 2-31.a.: Hybrid systems combining air – inflated arches that support mechanically stressed membrane....79 Source: BECHTHOLD 2008: 61.
Fig. 2-31.b.: Tensairity system – beam – nomenclature...79 Source: BECHTHOLD 2008: 61.
Fig. 2-31.c.: Equilibrium in air inflated sphere...79 Source: BECHTHOLD 2008: 58.
Fig. 2-31.d.: Uplift pressure (c) and probable collapse scenario (d) for air – inflated membrane structure...79 Source: BECHTHOLD 2008: 58.
Fig. 2-31.e.: Lens – shaped pneumatic membrane using compression ring to sustain tension force in
membrane...79 Source: BECHTHOLD 2008: 60.
Fig. 2-32.: Tensile membranes – types of system...80 Source: BECHTHOLD 2008: 48.
Fig. 2-33.a.: Physical modeling of membrane structure...81 Source: BECHTHOLD 2008: 68.
Fig. 2-33.b.: Photogrammetry – method that uses photo of physical model as a source for measurements for digital model... 81 Source: BECHTHOLD 2008: 71.
Fig. 2-33.c.: Examples of laser scanning method for creating a digital model of surface...81 Source: BECHTHOLD 2008: 70 - 72.
Fig. 2-33.d.: 3D modeling of certain shape of membrane...81 Source: BECHTHOLD 2008: 53.
Fig. 2-34.a.: Examination sample of ETFE pillow in Bremen, Germany...83 Source: BARNES, DICKSON 2000: 68.
Fig. 2-34.b.: Another examination sample of ETFE pillow in Bremen, Germany...83 Source: BARNES, DICKSON 2000: 68.
Fig. 2-34.c.: ETFE pillow applied in Water Cube in Beijing, China...83 Source: (browsed May 6th 2011)
Fig. 2-34.d.: Structural study for Water Cube...83 Source:
(browsed April 5th 2011)
Fig. 2-34.e.: Detail of ETFE connection to the bearing construction – Water Cube Beijing, China...83 Source:
(browsed April 5th 2011)
Fig. 2-35.a.: Tensairity bridge test...84 Source: BECHTHOLD 2008: 61.
Fig. 2-35.b.: Tensairity test – digital finite - element analysis of stresses in the beam shown above...84 Source: BECHTHOLD 2008: 61.
Fig. 2-36.A.: German Pavilion, EXPO 67 Montreal by Frei Otto, Gutbrod, Stromeyer,
Leonhardt & Adra, Linkwitz, Montreal, Canada (1967), expo card...85 Source:
(browsed April 15th 2011)
Fig. 2-36.B.: German Pavilion, EXPO 67 Montreal by Frei Otto, Gutbrod, Stromeyer,
Leonhardt & Adra, Linkwitz, Montreal, Canada (1967), interior of the pavilion...85 Source:
(browsed April 15th 2011)
Fig. 2-36.C.: German Pavilion, EXPO 67 Montreal by Frei Otto, Gutbrod, Stromeyer,
Leonhardt & Adra, Linkwitz, Montreal, Canada (1967), roof membrane detail...85 Source:
(browsed April 15th 2011)
Fig. 2-36.D.: German Pavilion, EXPO 67 Montreal by Frei Otto, Gutbrod, Stromeyer,
Leonhardt & Adra, Linkwitz, Montreal, Canada (1967), bird eye view...85 Source:
(browsed April 15th 2011)
Fig. 2-36.E.: German Pavilion, EXPO 67 Montreal by Frei Otto, Gutbrod, Stromeyer,
Leonhardt & Adra, Linkwitz, Montreal, Canada (1967), membrane shape...85 Source:
(browsed April 25th 2011)
Fig. 2-36.F.: German Pavilion, EXPO 67 Montreal by Frei Otto, Gutbrod, Stromeyer,
Leonhardt & Adra, Linkwitz, Montreal, Canada (1967), lightening made by transparent membrane...85 Source: (browsed April 25th 2011)
Fig. 2-37.A.: Circular Pavilion, All – Russian Exhibition by Vladimir Grigorevič Šuchov, Niznij Novgorod, Russia (1968 – 72), plans...85 Source: www. _1896.jpg, (browsed April 20th 2011)
Fig. 2-37.B.: Circular Pavilion, All – Russian Exhibition by Vladimir Grigorevič Šuchov, Niznij Novgorod, Russia (1968 – 72), inner circular supports...85 Source:
(browsed April 5th 2011)
Fig. 2-37.C.: Circular Pavilion, All – Russian Exhibition by Vladimir Grigorevič Šuchov, Niznij Novgorod, Russia (1968 – 72), supports detail...85 Source: www.
200px-Oval_pavilion_by_Vladimir_Shukhov_1896.jpg (browsed April 5th 2011)
Fig. 2-37.D.: Circular Pavilion, All – Russian Exhibition by Vladimir Grigorevič Šuchov, Niznij Novgorod, Russia (1968 – 72), section...85 Source:
(browsed April 5th 2011)
Fig. 2-38.A.: Munich, Olympic Park, Swimming Center and Stadium by Gűnter Behnisch and Frei Otto, Munich, Germany, (1968 – 72), swimming pool section...86 Source: ADA Editors 2007: 57.
Fig. 2-38.B.: Munich, Olympic Park, Swimming Center and Stadium by Gűnter Behnisch and Frei Otto, Munich, Germany, (1968 – 72), sports arena...86 Source: ADA Editors 2007: 65.
Fig. 2-38.C.: Munich, Olympic Park, Swimming Center and Stadium by Gűnter Behnisch and Frei Otto, Munich, Germany, (1968 – 72), detail of the roof – seating area cover...86 Source: ADA Editors 2007: 62.