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The Research of International Marketing for Cultural Creative Industry in Taiwan- The Case of Ten Drum Culture Village 戴妏如、胡瓊元


Academic year: 2022

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The Research of International Marketing for Cultural Creative Industry in Taiwan- The Case of Ten Drum Culture Village


E-mail: 9800848@mail.dyu.edu.tw


In this research, customer values are chosen tentatively to shape the core competi-tive advantages of Taiwan cultural creative industries. An international marketing strat-egy is then proposed according to the results of this research. According to literature re-view, cultural creative industry has been regarded as a kind of culture capital, which may open a new epoch for the economic development of Taiwan. While the customer value is the next source for competitive advantage under globalization, it is imperative that the Taiwan cultural creative industries start to set up their own international mar-keting strategies. In this research, the Ten Drum Culture Village established by a prom-inent team of traditional Taiwan drum artists is chosen as the objective for study. The qualitative research resulting from in-depth interview with the founder of Ten Drum Culture Village and the quantitative research resulting from questionnaires to the village visitors are both adopted in this research. In the interview with the founder of the village, the customer values that are expected to be delivered to the visitors are clarified. These expected customer values include “The perception about the performances and the theatres”, “The perceptions about the exhibition spaces”, and “The perception about the outdoor recreation spots” based on which the questionnaire is designed. With the results of the questionnaires, the perceived customer values are then analyzed and according to the analysis results, international marketing strategies are formed. In this case, 585 questionnaires are collected and among them 538 are valid (92% response rate). According to the results, most of the visitors achieve degree of satisfaction in two dimensions, “The perception about the performances and the theatres” and “The percep-tions about the exhibition spaces”, based on Woodruff’s Customer Value Hierarchy Theory. Hopefully the methodology and the results of this research as well as the proposed international marketing strategies can provide useful references to the objective in this study and other similar cultural creative industries.

Keywords : cultural creative industry、customer value、international marketing strategy Table of Contents

第一章  緒論   第一節  研究背景與動機   第二節  研究目的   第三節  研究流程與範圍 第二章  文 獻探討   第一節  文化創意產業   第二節  顧客價值   第三節  國際行銷策略   第四節  十鼓文化村 簡介 第三章  研究方法   第一節  研究架構   第二節  研究工具   第三節  資料分析方法 第四章  研 究結果與分析   第一節  深度訪談結果分析   第二節  樣本分析 第五章  結論與建議   第一節  總結    第二節  研究限制與建議 參考文獻    附錄A  研究問卷


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