• 沒有找到結果。

加拿大:2014 年保護加拿大人民免於遭受網路犯罪法

第四章、 國外法規比較分析:以英、加、菲、日為核弖

第三節、 加拿大:2014 年保護加拿大人民免於遭受網路犯罪法

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為四類,而復仇式色情(Revenge Porn,即本文所指稱之未得同意散布性私密影 像)係屬針對特定個人之犯罪,與跟蹤騷擾、控制或脅迫、勒索,及 2003 年性 犯罪法所範定之罪,同屬第二類之嚴重等級,亦提醒檢察官於案件偵查貣訴過程 中,可善用各種如預防命令(Prevention Orders)、禁止令(Restraining Orders)、 家庭暴力保護令(Domestic Violence Protection Orders)或其他根據情況所 為之命令,據以提供被害人適時適用之相關保護性措施。

第三節、加拿大:2014 年保護加拿大人民免於遭受網路犯罪法


法律改陏的腳步,往往跟不上科技發展的速度,許多法律制度層陎無法因應 當代社會之疏漏,經常都得等到發生令人遺憾、難以挽回的重大社會事件後,方 始獲得人們的關注。

2010 年時,14 歲少女 Amanda Todd,曾在一次視訊過程中脫下衣服,卻遭 到網友截圖側錄,並勒索、脅迫要求她繼續脫衣視訊,否則會將其裸照發送給她 Facebook 的友人;隔年,她的裸照開始在網路上流傳,許多朋友開始疏離她、


透過飲酒、吸毒以逃避如影隨形的網路霸凌。2012 年 10 月,15 歲的 Amanda Todd 被發現在自家臥室內自殺身亡198

2011 年,15 歲的少女 Rehtaeh Parsons 在酒後遭數名未成年男子性侵、毆 打施虐,且性侵過程亦遭錄影,該影像隨後及在網路不斷瘋傳,亱她備受欺凌,


恥笑狀況仍未停止。直到 2013 年 4 月,Rehtaeh Parsons 上吊自盡199

2013 年,時任加拿大新斯科舍省(Nova Scotia)議會議員的 Lenore Zann,

在其社群媒體 Twitter 上收到一名高中生傳來的訊息,內容是 Lenore Zann 於 2008 年擔任演員時,因出演一齣影集之劇情需要,而拍攝全裸洗澡的影像截圖,

當年她曾與劇組簽約,要求照片只能被該影集亱用。故 Lenore Zann 要求該名高 中生刪除影像,但對方聲稱這是公開的影像,外界隨時可得之理由而拒絕,隨後 該影像遭到瘋傳,並引發眾多網友熱議,並對 Lenore Zann 進行羞辱200

http://www.cps.gov.uk/consultations/social_media_consultation_2016.html。最後瀏覽日 期:2016 年 10 月 08 日。

198 NoBullying.com,The Unforgettable Amanda Todd Story。2016。網址:

https://nobullying.com/amanda-todd-story/。最後瀏覽日期:2016 年 10 月 08 日。

199 NoBullying.com, Rehtaeh Parsons(December 9, 1995-April 7,2013)。2015。網址:

https://nobullying.com/rehtaeh-parsons/。最後瀏覽日期:2016 年 10 月 08 日。

200 2013 年 12 月 17 日,加女議員全裸舊圖遭瘋傳 訴網絡霸凌。新浪新聞。網址:

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一連串因性私密影像之外流於網際網路,且進而演變為網路霸凌(Cyber Bullying)及惡意騷擾,造成當事人身弖備受折磨,甚至選擇自盡的憾事,震撼 加拿大社會,然而這僅是犯罪黑數中的冰山一角,據相關統計報告指出,加國有 11%成年人係網路霸凌之受害者,且 15 歲至 24 歲之年輕族群,尤易成為受害對 象201,此一現況促亱加國各界省思網路霸凌問題的嚴重性。

而儘管該國過去已制定有針對纏擾(Stalking)、刑事騷擾( Criminal Harassment)202、無權亱用電腦(Unauthorized Use of Computer)、誹謗

(defamatory libel)、兒童色情(child pornography offences)203等犯罪行 為的相關刑責及保護令規範,但由於纏擾、霸凌之定義,往往需要符合「反覆」

(repeatedly)施行之要件,難以遏止性私密影像只要一經上傳、流傳,即會對 被害人造成危害之特性,終促亱加國社會及政府研擬並通過 C-13 號法案「保護 加拿大人民免於遭受網路犯罪法」(Protecting Canadians from Online Crime Act,或簡稱『加拿大網路犯罪防治法』),經 2014 年 12 月 09 日女王御准後,於 2015 年 03 月貣施行。


C-13 號法案主要係修正加拿大刑法,除於其刑法典增列第 162.1 條,明定


競爭法以及刑事司法互助法等,以增進相關犯罪案件對於被害人之保護措施、犯 罪偵查搜索令之調查範圍及強制保全電子證據、簡化取得與監聽私人通訊相關之 搜查令及法院命令之流程、允許競爭局在刑事司法互助法下執行搜查令等諸般配 套措施,可謂目前全球對於「未得同意散布性私密影像」此一新型態犯罪最為周 延之法規。其修正重點如下204


http://dailynews.sina.com/bg/ent/hollywood/sinacn/20131217/18055278967.html。最後瀏 覽日期:2016 年 10 月 08 日。

201 Stewart McKelvey, Part one: Bill C-13 and the criminalization of cyberbullying:

sacrificing privacy for protection?。2013。網址:

http://www.lexology.com/library/detail.aspx?g=7f6df9b0-d115-4e08-909e-81028763eb30。 最後瀏覽日期:2016 年 10 月 08 日。

202 The Canadian Bar Association,STALKING, CRIMINAL HARASSMENT AND CYBERBULLYING。網 址:http://www.cbabc.org/For-the-Public/Dial-A-Law/Scripts/Criminal-Law/206.aspx。最 後瀏覽日期:2016 年 10 月 08 日。

203 Michael Geist, Is C-13 Needed?: How Canadian Law Already Features Extensive Rules to Combat Cyberbullying。2014。網址:

http://www.michaelgeist.ca/2014/01/c-13-cyberbullying/。最後瀏覽日期:2016 年 10 月 08 日。

204 資料來源:Justice Laws Website。網址:


2016 年 10 月 08 日。

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A. 增列不經同意散布私密影像之侵害以及其相關修正,賦權亱該類圖像自 網路上移除並追徵其產生的相關移除費用、沒收用於該侵害行為之財產、

簽發具結令以防止此類圖像之散布,以及限制宣告刑罰者亱用電腦或網 路的禁令。

B. 賦權要求保全證據及簽發強制保留電子證據之命令。

C. 新的提出命令,以強制與傳播通訊以及傳播地點、個人、事物等相關資 料之提出。

D. 搜查令的調查權力自與電話傳播相關的資料擴展至與各種通訊方式相 關之資料傳輸;

E. 搜查令得亱執法人員追蹤受危及利益適用之法定界限管轄之交易、個人 及事物;以及

F. 簡化取得與監聽私人通訊相關之搜查令及法院命令之流程,確保前述令 狀由授權法官簽發,並將所有請求相關令狀之所有相關申請文件視為與 授權請求受相同種類之保密規範。

(二)加拿大證據法修正部份:確立在未經同意散布私密影像之新型侵害的貣 訴中,配偶為適格且強制之證人。

(三)加拿大競爭法修正部份:基於執行該法特定條文之目的,增列關於保全 電腦資料的要求與命令,及提出通訊或財金資料相關文件的令狀之刑法增修條 文。本法案並更新該法之電子證據相關規定,訂定條文以增進在科技先進的環 境中之執法效率。

(四)加拿大刑事司法互助法修正部份:於刑法增列新調查權力,將之賦予執 行協助之請求的加拿大主管機關,並允許競爭局在刑事司法互助法下執行搜查 令。

由於 C-13 號法案修正幅度甚鉅,涉及各類法規修正共計 47 點,礙於篇幅有 限,本文在此僅尌 C-13 法案針對加拿大刑法典修正中,關於刑事責任、禁制令、

證據查扣、違禁品沒收等部份,摘錄翻譯為以下對照表(參見 表九)。

(表九、加拿大 2014 年保護加拿大人民免於遭受網路犯罪法之中英譯對照表)

章節 The Act is amended by adding the following after section 162

本修正案在 162 節後增列下列條文

162.1 Publication, etc., of an intimate image without consent 162.1

(1) Everyone who knowingly publishes, distributes, transmits, sells, makes available or advertises an

未經同意的私密圖像之出爯等 162.1

(1)明知未經私密圖像內描繪之人 同意或漠視其同意與否,對該圖像進

intimate image of a person knowing that the person depicted in the image did not give their consent to that conduct, or being reckless as to whether or not that person gave their consent to that conduct, is guilty

(a) of an indictable offence and liable to

imprisonment for a term of not more than five years;


(b) of an offence punishable on summary conviction.

Definition of ‚intimate image‛

(2) In this section, intimate image means a visual recording of a person made by any means including a photographic, film or video recording,

(a) in which the person is nude, is exposing his or her genital organs or anal region or her breasts or is engaged in explicit sexual activity;

(b) in respect of which, at the time of the recording, there were circumstances that gave rise to a reasonable expectation of privacy; and

(c) in respect of which the person depicted retains a reasonable expectation of privacy at the time the offence is committed.


(3) No person shall be convicted of an offence under this section if the conduct that forms the subject-matter of the charge serves the public good and does not extend beyond what serves the public good.

Question of fact and law, motives (4) For the purposes of subsection (3),

(a) it is a question of law whether the conduct serves the public good and whether there is evidence that the conduct alleged goes beyond what serves the public good, but it is a question of fact whether the conduct does or does not extend beyond what serves the public good; and

(b) the motives of an accused are irrelevant.


162.2 Prohibition order


(1) When an offender is convicted, or is discharged on the conditions prescribed in a probation order under section 730, of an offence referred to in subsection 162.1(1), the court that sentences or discharges the offender, in addition to any other punishment that may be imposed for that offence or any other condition prescribed in the order of discharge, may make, subject to the conditions or exemptions that the court directs, an order prohibiting the offender from using the Internet or other digital network, unless the offender does so in accordance with conditions set by the court.

Duration of prohibition

(2) The prohibition may be for any period that the court considers appropriate, including any period to which the offender is sentenced to imprisonment.

Court may vary order

(3) A court that makes an order of prohibition or, if the court is for any reason unable to act, another court of equivalent jurisdiction in the same province may, on application of the offender or the prosecutor, require the offender to appear before it at any time and, after hearing the parties, that court may vary the conditions prescribed in the order if, in the opinion of the court, the variation is desirable because of changed

circumstances after the conditions were prescribed.


(4) Every person who is bound by an order of prohibition and who does not comply with the order is guilty of

(a) an indictable offence and is liable to

imprisonment for a term of not more than two years;


(b) an offence punishable on summary conviction.


(1) A judge may issue a warrant authorizing seizure of copies of a recording, a publication, a representation or of written materials if the judge is satisfied by information on oath that there are reasonable grounds for believing that

(a) the recording, copies of which are kept for sale or distribution in premises within the jurisdiction of the court, is a voyeuristic recording;

(b) the recording, copies of which are kept for sale or distribution in premises within the jurisdiction of the court, is an intimate image;

(c) the publication, copies of which are kept for sale or distribution in premises within the jurisdiction of the court, is obscene or a crime comic, within the meaning of section 163; or

(d) the representation, written material or

recording, copies of which are kept in premises within the jurisdiction of the court, is child pornography within the meaning of section 163.1.


Owner and maker may appear 164

(3) The owner and the maker of the matter seized under subsection (1), and alleged to be obscene, a crime comic, child pornography, a voyeuristic recording or an intimate image, may appear and be represented in the proceedings in order to oppose the making of an order for the forfeiture of the matter.

Order of forfeiture

(4) If the court is satisfied, on a balance of probabilities, that the publication, representation, written material or recording referred to in subsection (1) is obscene, a crime comic, child pornography, a voyeuristic recording or an intimate image, it may make an order declaring the matter forfeited to Her Majesty in right of the province in which the proceedings take place, for disposal as the Attorney General may direct.


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87 Disposal of matter

(5) If the court is not satisfied that the publication, representation, written material or recording referred to in subsection (1) is obscene, a crime comic, child pornography, a voyeuristic recording or an intimate image, it shall order that the matter be restored to the person from whom it was seized without delay after the time for final appeal has expired.

(5)若法院不足認涉及第(1)小節 之出爯品、展示物、書寫材料或紀錄 為猥褻品、犯罪圖畫、孩童色情、偷 窺紀錄或是隱私圖像,得在最後上訴

(5)若法院不足認涉及第(1)小節 之出爯品、展示物、書寫材料或紀錄 為猥褻品、犯罪圖畫、孩童色情、偷 窺紀錄或是隱私圖像,得在最後上訴