• 沒有找到結果。

第五章 結論與建議

第二節 建議


「九年一貫」以及「教科書全面開放審定」為教育之既定政策,雖然有國立 編譯館審定各出版商所編輯的國中英語教科書,但是很明顯地,各版本的千字達 成率都無法達到百分之百。


「國中最基本 1000 字詞」的宣導,讓學生及家長知道國中學測出題並不以任何 一個版本為宗,而是以「國中最基本 1000 字詞」為依據。

換言之,無論全台國中所選的是哪一種審定版本,國中三年只要能夠熟讀這 1000 字詞以及自己學校所學的版本就足以準備國中基測。如此一來,學生就不 需為了準備學測而浪費時間、耗費心力遍讀坊間各種版本的國中英語教科書。


研究發現各版本的教科書編輯在主題上跟以往的國編版差異並不大,如此一 來,便失去當初教育鬆綁的美意,故研究者建議在編輯成本以及審查標準的範圍 之內,編輯者能夠將教科書的內容盡量活潑化、多元化。

編輯者可以在合理範圍內加入大部分學生所感到興趣的主題,如「偶像」、「星 座」、「流行新知」、「電影」等,研究者以為其中又以「偶像」這主題最值得注意。

因為資訊的發達以及媒體的渲染,正值青春期的國中生一定會有某種程度的 偶像崇拜。編輯者可以使用國中的文法及單字,簡述一些青少年偶像的成功歷 程,如:台灣之光王建民等。他們的成功經驗都具有其相當的教育意義,也算是 多元智慧論的成功典範。如此一來,學生學習完該單元之後,不只在語言能力上 進步,在情意方面也能有所提升。

此外,對於圖文設計更可以再進一步地精進,教科書出版商可以在審查範圍 之內,儘可能地與娛樂出版業作「異業整合」,比如說可以邀請台灣知名漫畫家 蔡志忠、鄭問、幾米、敖幼祥、朱德庸、劉興欽等,為課本的內容繪製相關的精 美插圖。如此一來,台灣畫家不僅有發揮空間以提升其知名度,學生們也容易因 為這些精美的插圖而引起英語的學習興趣。


為了讓學生能夠確實達到英語能力的提升,研究者建議在第一線的現場教師 絕對不可輕易省略課本的相關活動,尤其是聽、說這兩個部分,因為英語在台灣 只是第一外語,並不像如新加坡被列為官方語言之一。換言之,台灣的學生只要 一離開教室,就很少有機會可以開口練習說英語。

故建議學校方面可以在校園裡多營造英語的環境,如:多設置英語標語、舉 辦英語歌謠及話劇比賽讓學生有學以致用的機會。甚至可以在晨間或午飯時間播 放跟英語有關的廣播、歌曲等,讓學生在聽、說能力也能有實際的進步。


針對本研究之限制,進而提出對後續研究之建議,以下分為研究對象及研究 方法兩部分。

由於本研究在時間及能力的限制下,只有對國編版、A 版、B 版以及 C 版這 四套教科書進行內容分析。然而,市面上還有許多其他市佔率較小的的審定版國 中英語教科書。此外,還可針對國小所審定的國小英語教科書進行分析,比較國 中小整體英語教科書的一貫性。

本研究只有針對這四種版本的「編輯原則與編輯人員」、「教學目標」、「主題 設計」、「字彙數量」及「外在屬性」這五個項目進行內容分析。未來的研究者可 以將內容分析的項目加以擴大,例如課本中的族群或兩性刻版印象、活動設計等 進行更進一步的分析以暸解各版本間的異同性。亦可以使用其他研究法,如問卷 調查法,針對實際使用教科書的老師、學生,進行使用現況滿意度調查等。



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王慧靜(2001)。國民小學國語科教科書中「父母角色」之內容分析。國立屏東 師範學院國民教育研究所碩士論文。


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附錄一 國中英語教科書審查規準與總評表

1.4 各年級以及各單元間之教材有順序性、銜接性、完整性。優 良 可 差

4.3 字體大小適宜、印刷清楚、不傷眼力。 優 良 可 差

1.8 教材中之英語文正確、自然、流暢。 優 良 可 差

5.教師手冊(15 分) 參 考 等 級 得分:


本表為常用 2000 字詞,其中畫底線者為國民中小學最基本之 1000 字詞。


A— a(an), a few, a little, a lot, a.m., able, about, above, abroad, absent, accept, accident, across, act, action, active, activity, actor, actress, actually, add, address, admire, adult, advertisement, advice, advise, affect, afraid, after, afternoon, again, against, age, ago, agree, ahead, aim, air, air conditioner, airlines, airplane (plane), airport, alarm, album, alike, alive, all, allow, almost, alone, along, aloud, alphabet, already, also, altogether, always, ambulance, America, American, among, ancient, and, angel, anger, angry, ankle, animal, another, answer, ant, any,

anyone(anybody), anything, anywhere, apartment, apologize, appear, apple, appreciate, April, area, argue, arm, armchair, army, around, arrange, arrive, art, artist, as, ask, asleep, assistant, assume, at, attack, attention, August, aunt, autumn (fall), available, avoid, away

B— baby, baby sitter, back, backward, bad, badminton, bag, bake, bakery, balcony, ball, balloon, banana, band, bank, barbecue, barber, bark, base, baseball, basement, basic, basket, basketball, bat, bath, bathe, bathroom, be (am, is, are, was, were, be, been), beach, bean, bear, beard, beat, beautiful, beauty, because, become, bed, bedroom, bee, beef, beer, before, begin, beginner, beginning,

behave, behind, believe, bell, belong, below, belt, bench, beside, besides, between, beyond, bicycle (bike), big, bill, biology, bird, birthday, bite, bitter, black,

blackboard, blame, blank, blanket, blind, block, blood, blouse, blow, blue, boat, body, boil, bomb, bone, book, bookcase, bookstore, bored, boring, born, borrow, boss, both, bother, bottle, bottom, bow, bowl, bowling, box, boy, branch, brave, bread, break, breakfast, brick, bridge, bright, bring, broad, broadcast, brother, brown, brunch, brush, bucket, buffet, bug, build, building, bun, bundle, burger, burn, burst, bus, business, businessman, busy, but, butter, butterfly, button, buy, by

C— cabbage, cable, cafeteria, cage, cake, calendar, call, calm, camera, camp, campus, can (could), cancel, cancer, candle, candy, cap, captain, car, card, care, careful, careless, carpet, carrot, carry, cartoon, case, cash, cassette, castle, cat, catch, cause, ceiling, celebrate, cell phone, cent, center, centimeter, central, century, cereal, certain, chair, chalk, chance, change, channel, character, charge, chart, chase, cheap, cheat, check, cheer, cheese, chemistry, chess, chicken, child, childhood,

Christmas, chubby, church, circle, city, clap, class, classical, classmate, classroom, clean, clear, clerk, clever, climate, climb, clock, close, closet, clothes, cloud, cloudy, club, coach, coast, coat, cockroach, coffee, coin, cola, cold, collect, college, color, colorful, comb, come, comfortable, comic, command, comment, common, company, compare, complain, complete, computer, concern, confident, confuse, congratulation, consider, considerate, contact lens, continue, contract, control, convenience store, convenient, conversation, cook, cookie, cool, copy, corn, corner, correct, cost, cotton, couch, cough, count, country, couple, courage, course, court, cousin, cover, cow, cowboy, crab, crayon, crazy, cream, create, credit card, crime, cross, crowd, crowded, cruel, cry, culture, cup, cure, curious, current, curtain, curve, custom, customer, cut, cute

D— damage, dance, danger, dangerous, dark, date, daughter, dawn, day, dead, deaf, deal, dear, death, debate, December, decide, decision, decorate, decrease, deep, deer, degree, delicious, deliver, dentist, department, department store, depend, describe, desert, design, desire, desk, dessert, detect, develop, dial, diamond, diary, dictionary, die, diet, difference, different, difficult, difficulty, dig, diligent,

diplomat, dining room, dinner, dinosaur, direct, direction, dirty, disappear, discover, discuss, discussion, dish, dishonest, distance, distant, divide, dizzy, do (does, did, done), doctor (Dr.), dodge ball, dog, doll, dollar, dolphin, donkey, door, dot, double, doubt, doughnut, down, downstairs, downtown, dozen, dragon, drama, draw, drawer, dream, dress, dresser, drink, drive, driver, drop, drugstore, drum, dry, dryer, duck, dumb, dumpling, during, duty

E— each, eagle, ear, early, earn, earrings, earth, ease, east, Easter, easy, eat, edge, education, effort, egg, eight, eighteen, eighteenth, eighth, eighty, either, elder, elect, elementary school, elephant, eleven, electric, eleventh, else, e-mail, embarrass, emotion, emphasize, employ, empty, end, enemy, energetic, energy, engine, engineer, English, enjoy, enough, enter, entrance, envelope, environment, envy, equal, eraser, error, especially, eve, even, evening, event, ever, every, everyone (everybody), everything, everywhere, evil, exam, example, excellent, except, excite, excited, exciting, excuse, exercise, exist, exit, expect, expensive, experience, explain, express, extra, eye

F— face, fact, factory, fail, fair, fall, false, family, famous, fan, fancy, fantastic, far, farm, farmer, fashionable, fast, fat, father (dad, daddy), faucet, fault, favorite, fear, February, fee, feed, feel, feeling, female, fence, festival, fever, few, fifteen,

fifteenth, fifth, fifty, fight, fill, film, final, finally, find, fine, finger, finish, fire, first, fish, fisherman, fit, five, fix, flag, flashlight, flat tire, flight, floor, flour,

flower, flu, flute, fly, focus, fog, foggy, follow, food, fool, foolish, foot, football,

flower, flu, flute, fly, focus, fog, foggy, follow, food, fool, foolish, foot, football,
