• 沒有找到結果。

第三章 我國文化資產保存法規

第二節 有關文化資產保存其他相關法規

67 文化部文化資產類法規(http://law.moc.gov.tw/law/LawCategoryContentList.aspx?id=09,瀏覽日 期:2015 年 11 月 30 日)

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典藏品盤點作業要點 (民 102) 國立臺灣博物館

典藏管理作業要點 (民 102) 資料蒐集製表人:桑慧芬

由上表可見我國國立古物保存機構,最早訂定內部文物管理相關行政規則者 為國立歷史博物館,保管機構制定內部行政規則的高峰期為民國 94 年至 97 年,

千禧年之後在經營管理觀念上確與國際博物館管理方式接軌,已備有頗為細緻的 行政規則作為國內實際執行保存保護的準則。另外,國立故宮博物院隸屬行政院,

與文化部為平行機關,故未列於上表,但該機關也依法訂有《國立故宮博物院古 文物及藝術品管理辦法》。由於本論文著眼於我國文化資產法律體系整全架構,

以上各個國立古物保管機關所訂之行政規則涉及博物館學等相關領域專業內涵 並不予以深究,僅以各機關確依法訂定相關文物管理辦法論之。

檢視整部《文資法》及依本法另訂之命令、行政規則,可見我國有形文化資 產相關法規在《文資法》的架構下,已建立自成一體系的法律規範。絕大多數法 規在民國九十四年至民國一百零二年之間頒布施行,其他稍早制定的法規亦在同 一時期再行修訂。可謂千禧年之後,我國文化法規進入立法高峰,距離《文資法》

民國七十一年頒布實施已然廿餘年,期間文化事務分屬不同機構,不僅事權未統 一,執行程序亦無可依之據,使得文化保護的實際作為有限,也造成文化遺產保 護不周、保存不及的情況。雖言目前有形文化資產法規相當完備,但其中仍存有 實務操作後發現的問題,這部分本文作者將於本論文第五章第一節另行討論。此 外,無形文化遺產的概念在《文資法》中顯然薄弱不彰,然而我國屬於此類的文 化遺產數量十分豐富,且非物質文化遺產有更易遭受破壞的脆弱性,亟需立法周 延以成完善的保護網,此一部分的分析與建議,將詳述於本論文第五章第二節。

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國際間為保護水下文化遺產免於全球日趨頻繁的水下活動,前有「1956 年 聯合國教科文組織關於適用於考古挖掘國際原則的建議書」,之後有「海洋憲法」

美譽的《海洋法公約》,及聯合國教科文組織於 2001 年通過之《水下遺產保護 公約》。近年教育部、文化部等機關委託學術機構或博物館調查研究68,發現我 國周邊海域存有豐富水下文化資產,但國內除《文資法》針對文物保護保存之外,

僅有「國有埋沉財產申請掘發打撈辦法」,然該法規性質屬行政規則,且涵蓋管 理保護水下文物僅偏一隅。

水下文物若求適用我國目前的《文資法》,其中第一章「總則」、第二章「遺 址」與第六章「古物」當屬可能適當範圍。本文作者逐一檢視前述三章所包含之 各條文,並無水下之概念。而《文資法》第二章,「遺址」係以土地管轄概念分 類,依遺址所在地及重要性區分為國定、直轄市定、縣(市)定三類,該章針對陸 地空間適用,並不能套用於水下文化資產處於何種海域的情況。此外,沿海國對 水下文化資產有何種權利,若以尊重國際公約的角度來看,另受《海洋法公約》


檢視本法之後,本文作者再進一步檢視現行版《文資法施行細則》,發現其 中第 3 條第 3 項條文「本法(指《文資法》)第 3 條第 2 款所定遺物、遺跡及其所 定著之空間,包括陸地及水下」,明顯擴大本法針對遺物、遺跡適用的範圍,延 伸至陸地以外的水下區域。我國《文資法》民國 91 年修正公布之版本,其中有 關水下文物的條文為第 17 條有關沈沒水中之「無主古物」與第 32 條沈沒水中之

「無主古蹟」,兩條條文明示各該無主古物/古蹟為「國家所有」。民國 94 年版 本中,這兩條條文均被刪除,僅餘第 46 條對外國人禁制「領海範圍內調查及發 掘遺址」70,該條條文宣示我國對於在領海之水下文化資產享有排他性的法律地

68 1995 年教育部委託國立歷史博物館於望安鄉將軍嶼進行古沈船水下考古工作;2006 年文建會

文資中心委託中央研究院歷史語言研究所辦理為期三年之「澎湖馬公港古沈船調查、發掘及水 下文化資產研究、保存科學人才培育計畫」。

69 《海洋法公約》第 303 條第一項指出各國應對於考古性或歷史性文物予以保護,但未給予何


http://www.un.org/depts/los/convention_agreements/texts/unclos/unclos_e.pdf,瀏覽日期 2015 年 11 月 11 日。

70 對應於《海洋法公約》第 2 條第 2 項。

sNOzGZ5nSiiJew3GrQ,瀏覽日期:2015 年 10 月 30 日。

74 Article 1(1) (a) “Underwater cultural heritage” means all traces of human existence having a cultural, historical or archaeological character which have been partially or totally under water, periodically or continuously, for at least 100 years such as: (i) sites, structures, buildings, artefacts and

human remains, together with their archaeological and natural context; (ii) vessels, aircraft, other vehicles or any part thereof, their cargo or other contents, together with their archaeological and natural context; and (iii) objects of prehistoric character. (b) Pipelines and cables placed on the seabed shall not be considered as underwater cultural heritage. (c) Installations other than pipelines and cables, placed on the seabed and still in use, shall not be considered as underwater cultural heritage.

75 同註 16。

76 Article 2(9). States Parties shall ensure that proper respect is given to all human remains located in maritime waters;Rule 5 Activities directed at underwater cultural heritage shall avoid the unnecessary disturbance of human remains or venerated sites.

77 Article 2(7). Underwater cultural heritage shall not be commercially exploited;Rule 2 The commercial exploitation of underwater cultural heritage for trade or speculation or its irretrievable dispersal is fundamentally incompatible with the protection and proper management of underwater cultural heritage. Underwater cultural heritage shall not be traded, sold, bought or bartered as commercial goods. This Rule cannot be interpreted as preventing: (a) the provision of professional archaeological services or necessary services incidental thereto whose nature and purpose are in full conformity with this Convention and are subject to the authorization of the competent authorities.

78Article 19 (3) “Information shared between States Parties, or between UNESCO and States Parties, regarding the discovery or location of underwater cultural heritage shall, to the extent compatible with their national legislation, be kept confidential and reserved to competent authorities of States Parties as long as the disclosure of such information might endanger or otherwise put at risk the preservation of such underwater cultural heritage.”

79 Article 4 “Any activity relating to underwater cultural heritage to which this Convention applies shall not be subject to the law of salvage or law of finds, unless it: (a) is authorized by the competent authorities, and (b) is in full conformity with this Convention, and (c) ensures that any recovery of the underwater cultural heritage achieves its maximum protection.”

化遺產保護公約》11、12 條,但未使用「區域」(The Area)一詞,而是取用《海 洋法公約》第 149 條對於「區域」的定義所提之「海床、洋底及其底土」,使此 條條文更為明瞭易懂。此外,《水下文化資產保存法》草案本無,然於三讀通過 的正式版當中增列第 19 條有關水下文化資產起源國之優先權利,對應《水下文 化遺產保護公約》第 11 條第 4 項85及第 12 條第 6 項86。有關國際合作則明訂於

80 “Finder” Defined and Explained “The ‘Lectric Law Library’s Legal Lexicon on ‘Finder’”於

http://www.lectlaw.com/def/f117.htm,瀏覽日期 2015 年 12 月 15 日。

81 Article 7 (1) “States Parties, in the exercise of their sovereignty, have the exclusive right to regulate and authorize activities directed at underwater cultural heritage in their internal waters, archipelagic waters and territorial sea.”;Article 7 (3) “Within their archipelagic waters and territorial sea, in the exercise of their sovereignty and in recognition of general practice among States, States Parties, with a view to cooperating on the best methods of protecting State vessels and aircraft, should inform the flag State Party to this Convention and, if applicable, other States with a verifiable link, especially a cultural, historical or archaeological link, with respect to the discovery of such identifiable State vessels and aircraft.

82 Article 8 “Without prejudice to and in addition to Articles 9 and 10, and in accordance with Article 303, paragraph 2, of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, States Parties may regulate and authorize activities directed at underwater cultural heritage within their contiguous zone. In so doing, they shall require that the Rules be applied.”

83 Article 9 “Reporting and notification in the exclusive economic zone and on the continental shelf”.

84 Article 10 “Protection of underwater cultural heritage in the exclusive economic zone and on the continental shelf”.

85 Article 11 (4) “Any State Party may declare to the Director-General its interest in being consulted on how to ensure the effective protection of that underwater cultural heritage. Such declaration shall be based on a verifiable link to the underwater cultural heritage concerned, particular regard being paid to the preferential rights of States of cultural, historical or archaeological origin”

86 Article 12 (6) “….Particular regard shall be paid to the preferential rights of States of cultural, historical or archaeological origin in respect of the underwater cultural heritage concerned.”

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《水下文化資產保存法》第 20、21 條,對應《水下文化遺產保護公約》第 6 及 19 條規定。

另外,《水下文化資產保存法》第28條提出以保護區方式保護水下資產,對 照《水下文化遺產保護公約》附錄第八部分「文化保護與遺址管理」第25條提出

「遺址管理計畫應對水下文化遺產在現場開發期間及之後的就地保護和管理工 作作出規定。這一計畫應包括公眾宣傳,以及採取穩定遺址、對其進行監測和防 止其受到侵擾的合理手段」87,更為周延地規範畫定適當區域作為保護的屏障,


「水下文化資產管理保護及違法事項之處理,主管機關得請求海岸巡防機關協 助」,亦為草案未見,本法三讀通過時加入之行政機關橫向聯繫以妥善保護水下 文化資產的措施。

從立法院第 8 屆第 7 會期第 10 次會議議案關係文書之條文說明,可知《水 下文化資產保存法》草案以適用於國內環境條件的角度制定,雖草案第三章以下 未見明白指出對應的國際公約或國際文件,但從本章針對《水下文化資產保存法》

與國際公約對照分析可知,國際公約的精神和立法體例大致具體而微地移植在我 國《水下文化資產保存法》當中。同時,《水下文化資產保存法》第 28、32 條 還結合水下考古實務經驗提出設立保護區的做法,以及統籌行政部會資源以成完 整嚴密的水下文化資產保護網,皆不愧是深慮斟酌與旁徵博引後的成果。

87 Rule 25. The site management programme shall provide for the protection and management in situ of underwater cultural heritage, in the course of and upon termination of fieldwork. The programme shall include public information, reasonable provision for site stabilization, monitoring, and protection against interference.

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