• 沒有找到結果。

第四章 政府採購協定於各國政府採購救濟制度之適用關係

第一節 美國聯邦政府採購規則之救濟制度

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第四章 政府採購協定於各國政府採購救濟制度之適用關係

有關現行政府採購協定爭端解決機制第二十二條第二項及 2012 年修正政府採購協 定第十八條所定,要求各締約國之申訴程序應遵循不歧視原則、適時性原則、透明化原 則及有效性原則,故各締約國對於其內國政府採購相關爭端解決機制,應遵循政府採購 協定所定之原理原則。

第一節 美國聯邦政府採購規則之救濟制度

美國聯邦採購規則(Federal Acquisition Regulation,FAR)對於政府採購之定義 為,供聯邦政府使用之目的,以適當之經費經由買賣或租賃契約,獲得物品或服務之行 為。至於物品或服務是否既已存在,抑或待創造、開發、展示及評估,則在所不問103。 美國政府採購爭議,亦以決標前或決標後,分為招標爭議及契約履約爭議,前者指未得 標之投標廠商,因認為採購機關之採購過程有瑕疵,如公告事項不完整、開標過程有瑕 疵或規格之制定不合理等,而向政府主管機關控告採購機關作業違法或不當;後者則係 指已與採購機關簽訂採購契約之得標廠商,就契約之內容或因履行契約所生之事項,與 採購機關發生爭議之情形104。因此,美國採購爭議制度有關招標爭議,即為我國政府採 購法第七十四條招標、審標及決標之爭議;有關履約爭議,即為我國政府採購法第八十 五條之一履約爭議。本論文僅就招標階段所生之爭議救濟提出說明,美國政府採購對招 標爭議之救濟,大體可分為二類救濟管道:一、直接向採購機關提出異議。二、向聯邦 主計署提出異議105

第一項 異議制度

美國聯邦採購規則就採購決標前之爭議異議處理程序,有較為詳盡之規範,希望採 購機關與廠商間之紛爭,能於此一程序解決,當發生爭議時,任何「有利害關係之當事 人」,依聯邦採購規則(FAR)33.103 節規定均得以書面向採購機關提出異議;另依聯邦 聯邦採購規則(FAR)33.104 節亦規定向聯邦主計署(General Accounting Office,GAO)

103 FAR2.101:Acquisition means the acquiring by contract with appropriated funds of supplies or services (including constructing)by and for the use of the Federal Government through purchase or lease,whether the supplies or services are already in existence or must be created,

demonstrated,and evaluated.

104 參經濟部國際貿易局,GATT 政府採購協定及美國與歐體政府採購制度研究,1991 年 12 月,頁 6-7。

105 原尚可向聯邦總務署政府契約訴願會(General Services Administration Board of Contract Appeals, GSABCA)提出異議,但自 1996 年 8 月起處理採購爭議之權限已被取消,故處理採購決標爭議之行政機關,

僅剩採購機關及聯邦主計署,參劉倩妏,政府採購之救濟制度-以政府採購之法律性質為中心,國立政治 大學法律研究所碩士論文,1997 年 6 月,頁 126-127。

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提出異議之相關規定,聯邦主計署投標異議規則(GAO Bid Protest Regulation)中 4CFR

(Code of Federal Regulation)Part 21.4,規定向聯邦主計署提出異議相關規範,

依 FAR 之規定,二項規定如有衝突時,應以聯邦主計署之投標異議規則為準106。FAR 要 求當事人在向採購機關提出異議前,應在契約官之層級盡其最大努力,以公開、真誠協 商以解決紛爭107,採購機關亦應提供一套便宜、快速且程序簡便的異議處理程序,利用 爭議解決替代方案(Alternative Dispute Resolution,ADR)或是透過中立的第三者,

均是解決爭議的適當方式108。以下就向採購機關及聯邦主計署提出異議相關規範分別論 述。

第一款 提出異議之要件


依據美國聯邦採購規則之規定,得向辦理政府採購機關或聯邦主計署提出異議,異 議主體為利害關係人(Interested Party)109,利害關係人除包含投標廠商外,其 他因決標或採購機關未決標而受影響之實際投標人或可能之投標人,故得向辦理採 購機關提出異議之主體,包括參與投標之廠商及其他具經濟上利害關係之人。


依據聯邦採購規則規定,有利害關係之人於下列四項採購爭議,得向採購機關或聯 邦主計署以書面提出異議110



106 FAR33.104:Protests to GAO. Procedures for protests to GAO are found at 4 CFR Part 21 (GAO Bid Protest Regulations). In the event guidance concerning GAO procedure in this section conflicts with 4 CFR Part21, 4 CFR Part 21 governs.

107 FAR33.103(b):Prior to submission of an agency protest, all parties shall use their best efforts to resolve concerns raised by an interested party at the contracting officer level through open and frank discussions.

108 FAR33.103(c):The agency should provide for inexpensive, informal, procedurally simple, and expeditious resolution of protests. Where appropriate, the use of alternative dispute resolution techniques, third party neutrals, and another agency’s personnel are acceptable protest resolution methods.

109 FAR33.101:Interested party for the purpose of filing a protest” means an actual or prospective offeror whose direct economic interest would be affected by the award of a contract or by the failure to award a contract;See 4 CFR Sec.21.0.(a).

110 FAR33.101:Protest” means a written objection by an interested party to any of the following:

1) A solicitation or other request by an agency for offers for a contract for the procurement of property or services.

2) The cancellation of the solicitation or other request.

3) An award or proposed award of the contract.

4) A termination or cancellation of an award of the contract, if the written objection contains an allegation that the termination or cancellation is based in whole or in part on improprieties concerning the award of the contract.

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(四)採購機關以決標有全部或部分錯誤為理由而終止或撤銷決標,對上開終止或撤銷 之決定所為之異議。



採購利害關係人提出異議,應向機關契約官署或採購機關另有授權機關內之他人 受理異議111,有利害關係之當事人,亦可要求在契約官層級以上的獨立單位審查 其異議,招標文件中並應載明此一獨立審查之規定,以使投標廠商知悉。同時,

機關之內規及招標文件亦應訂明,此一獨立審查結果係由受理異議之契約官做為 其作成裁定之考量,抑就作為契約官就異議所為裁定之上訴機關。機關應指派專 人負責獨立審查,且該負責獨立審查之人,須不在契約官之行政監督拘束範圍內



向聯邦主計署提出異議者,應於提出異議一日內,繕具與異議案有關之文件影本 及所有相關資料於招標文件中所指定收受異議之人或處所,如招標文件中未予指 定,則送交契約官員。如果聯邦主計署未於一日內收到異議者之所有文件,則該 異議將為聯邦主計署駁回113



111 FAR33.103(d)(3):All protests filed directly with the agency will be addressed to the contracting officer or other official designated to receive protests.

112 FAR33.103(d)(4):In accordance with agency procedures, interested parties may request an independent review of their protest at a level above the contracting officer; solicitations should advise potential bidders and offerors that this review is available. Agency procedures and/or solicitations shall notify potential bidders and offerors whether this independent review is available as an alternative to consideration by the contracting officer of a protest or is available as an appeal of a contracting officer decision on a protest. Agencies shall designate the official(s) who are to conduct this independent review, but the official(s) need not be within the contracting officer’s supervisory chain. When practicable, officials designated to conduct the independent review should not have had previous personal involvement in the procurement.

113 FAR33.104(a)(1):A protester is required to furnish a copy of its complete protest to the official and location designated in the solicitation or, in the absence of such a designation, to the contracting officer, so it is received no later than 1 day after the protest is filed with the GAO. The GAO may dismiss the protest if the protester fails to furnish a complete copy of the protest within 1 day.

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聯邦採購規則關於向採購機關提出異議之期限,可分為兩種:一、異議提出者係基 於招標文件明顯之錯誤而提出異議者,應於開標前或截止收件期限之前提出。二、

如異議非因招標文件之錯誤而提出者,應於知悉或可得而知異議之事由起十日之期 間內提出,並以知悉或應知悉事實之日起算114


如異議人於向聯邦主計署(GAO)提出異議前,已於採購機關階段依前述規定適 時提出異議,則只要異議人在知悉或可得知悉對其不利之採購機關裁定之日起十 日期間內向 GAO 提起異議,GAO 即應受理之。但採購機關就向 GAO 提起異議之期 限,另訂有較為嚴格之規定者,不在此限,依採購機關之期限規定辦理之。又,

若異議人在招標階段即已依法向採購機關提起異議,異議人亦僅需在知悉或可得 知悉對其不利之採購機關裁定之日起十日期間內向 GAO 提起異議即可,不受前述 招標階段之異議應於開標前或等標期限屆滿前提出之限制115。異議應適時提出,

否則將被駁回116,GAO 如認為異議有理由,或認為該項異議將對採購程序造成重 大影響者,仍得對逾期提出之異議加以斟酌117

第二款 對於異議之處理方式 第一目 程序審查



異議之提出,應以書面為之,且須載明下列事項,若異議之提出未符合下述要件 者,將予以駁回118:(1)提出異議者之姓名、地址、傳真及電話號碼;(2)招標

114 FAR33.101(e):Protests based on alleged apparent improprieties in a solicitation shall be filed before bid opening or the closing date for receipt of proposals. In all other cases, protests shall be filed no later than 10 days after the basis of protest is known or should have been known, whichever is earlier. The agency, for good cause shown, or where it determines that a protest raises issues significant to the agency’s acquisition system, may consider the merits of any protest which is not timely filed.

115 4 CFR Sec.21.2.(a)(3):If a timely agency-level protest was previously filed, any subsequent protest to GAO filed within 10 days of actual or constructive knowledge of initial adverse agency action will be considered, provided the agency-level protest was filed in accordance with paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2) of this section, unless the agency imposes a more stringent time for filing, in which case the agency’s time for filing will control. In cases where an alleged impropriety in a solicitation is timely protested to an agency, any subsequent protest to GAO will be considered timely if filed within the 10-day period provided by this paragraph, even if filed after bid opening or the closing time for receipt of proposals.

116 4 CFR Sec.21.2.(b):Protests untimely on their face may be dismissed.

117 4 CFR Sec.21.2.(c):GAO, for good cause shown, or where it determines that a protest raises issues significant to the procurement system, may consider an untimely protest.

118 FAR33.103(d)(1):Protests shall be concise and logically presented to facilitate review

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文件(邀標函)或合約編號;(3)詳細說明異議之事實、法律依據及對異議者所 造成之損害;(4)相關佐證資料文件;(5)異議之聲明事項(即要求採購機關做 出裁定之內容);(6)請求救濟或賠償方式之陳述;(7)證明提出異議者乃異議 事項之利害關係人之相關文件;(8)證明異議係在法定期間內提出之相關文件119


受理異議之採購機關應盡其最大之努力,於收到異議之日起三十五日內解決該項 異議。在法律規定與機關程序允許之範圍內,提出異議者,得以更換及補強所提 出之異議文件120



對於異議之提出仍須以書面為之,並載明異議人、異議事由、請求救濟或賠償方 式121,異議人應於向 GAO 提出異議後一日內,繕具完整之副本及所有附件,送交

對於異議之提出仍須以書面為之,並載明異議人、異議事由、請求救濟或賠償方 式121,異議人應於向 GAO 提出異議後一日內,繕具完整之副本及所有附件,送交