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在文檔中 WEB 2.0發展介紹 (頁 80-115)

O'Reilly, Tim(2006), Web 2.0 Report, O'Reilly Media.

Product Description65

Web 2.0 is here today and yet its vast, disruptive impact is just beginning. More than just the latest technology buzzword, it's a transformative force that's propelling companies across all industries towards a new way of doing business characterized by user participation, openness, and network effects. What does Web 2.0 mean to your company and products? What are the risks and opportunities? What are the proven strategies for successfully capitalizing on these changes?

O'Reilly Radar's Web 2.0 Principles and Best Practices lays out the answers the why, what, who, and how of Web 2.0. It's an indispensable guide for technology decision-makers executives, product strategists, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders who are ready to compete and prosper in today's Web 2.0 world.


The term "Web 2.0" has started to become the hot new label slapped on internet sites to make them "cool". As such, the words have become somewhat muddled as far as what it actually means. Since O'Reilly came up with the term, perhaps it's best to go back to that source to discover what Web 2.0 really means. John Musser (with Tim O'Reilly and the O'Reilly Radar team) does just that in the O'Reilly Radar report Web 2.0

65 轉引自



66 So what *is* Web 2.0? You'll find out here..., December 8, 2006 By Thomas Duff

"Duffbert" (Portland, OR United States).


002-1839585-9543201?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1180089183&sr=8-5).本書評選擇 採用Amazon網路書店讀者評價最佳者。

Principles and Best Practices. I found this really cuts through the hype and confusion...


Executive Summary

Section 1 - Market Drivers of Web 2.0: Six Key Market Drivers Section 2 - Ingredients of Web 2.0 Success: The Eight Core Patterns; Web 2.0 Patterns and Practices Quick Reference

Section 3 - Web 2.0 Exemplars: Web 2.0 Profile - Amazon.com;

Web 2.0 Profile - Flickr.com Section 4 - Web 2.0 Assessment Appendix A - Web 2.0 Reading List Appendix B - Technologies of Web 2.0 Endnotes

Because this is a 100 page report and not a book that's fluffed out to 300 pages, you are getting core information distilled down to the essentials. Musser starts out with a summary that explains how the web has changed in terms of applications and usage, broken down into eight core patterns. Using real examples of companies like MySpace.com, eBay, and many others, he notes how the time of static web pages and PC-only access has gone by the wayside.

Section 1 goes into what is driving this dramatic change in thinking and interaction. The global nature of customers, "always-on" connectivity, and connectivity everywhere are a few of the forces that are shaping the evolution and direction of how sites have to interact with users. Section 2 gets into the meat of the eight patterns, such as harnessing collective intelligence, "data is the next 'Intel Inside'", and rich user experiences.

Each of the eight patterns has an overview, benefits, best practices, issues

& debates, misconceptions, Enterprise 2.0 recommendations, and related patterns. So in the space of six to eight pages, you get a complete understanding of how Web 2.0 has changed the thinking behind what's

important, as well as real examples (good and bad) of sites who have made it happen. I found myself thinking about sites like Amazon and eBay much differently, knowing how they've implemented many of these patterns. Their actions have truly revolutionized what the web is all about.

Section 3 goes more in depth, examining Amazon and Flickr in a case study format. Amazon went from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0 and learned along the way. Flickr started at the Web 2.0 mark and incorporated much of the learning that was taking place. Again, these studies made me think about my own work and how it measures up to these standards. Section 4, the assessment section, is where you ask yourself a number of questions related to each of the patterns. These questions are designed to help you think about your company and product in terms of Web 2.0 principles and best practices, and guides you towards the changes in thinking that will help you make the transition to today's leading edge practices.

Overall, I thought this was a great read. Concise, logical, and backed up by excellent examples. If I were going to try and explain the whole Web 2.0 phenomenon to someone, this report is where I'd like to start...

Anderson,Chris(2006) The Long Tail: Why the Future of Business Is Selling Less of More, Hyperion.

中文版:《長尾理論─打破 80/20 法則的新經濟學》,天下文化。

Editorial Reviews67

From Publishers Weekly

Wired editor Anderson declares the death of "common

67 轉引自




culture" —and insists that it's for the best. Why don't we all watch the same TV shows, like we used to? Because not long ago, "we had fewer alternatives to compete for our screen attention," he writes. Smash hits have existed largely because of scarcity: with a finite number of bookstore shelves and theaters and Wal-Mart CD racks, "it's only sensible to fill them with the titles that will sell best." Today, Web sites and online retailers offer seemingly infinite inventory, and the result is the

"shattering of the mainstream into a zillion different cultural shards."

These "countless niches" are market opportunities for those who cast a wide net and de-emphasize the search for blockbusters. It's a provocative analysis and almost certainly on target—though Anderson's assurances that these principles are equally applicable outside the media and entertainment industries are not entirely convincing. The book overuses its examples from Google, Rhapsody, iTunes, Amazon, Netflix and eBay, and it doesn't help that most of the charts of "Long Tail" curves look the same. But Anderson manages to explain a murky trend in clear language, giving entrepreneurs and the rest of us plenty to think about.

From Bookmarks Magazine

In The Long Tail, Chris Anderson offers a visionary look at the future of business and common culture. The long-tail phenomenon, he argues, will "re-shape our understanding of what people actually want to watch" (or read, etc.). While Anderson presents a fascinating idea backed by thoughtful (if repetitive) analysis, many critics questioned just how greatly the niche market will rework our common popular culture.

Anderson convinced most reviewers in his discussion of Internet media sales, but his KitchenAid and Lego examples fell flat. A few pointed out that online markets constitute just 10 percent of U.S. retail, and brick-and-mortar stores will never disappear. Anderson's thesis came under a separate attack by Lee Gomes in his Wall Street Journal column.

Anderson had defined the "98 Percent Rule" in his book to mean that no

matter how much inventory is made available online, 98 percent of the items will sell at least once. Yet Gomes cited statistics that could indicate that, as the Web and Web services become more mainstream, the 98 Percent Rule may no longer apply: "Ecast [a music-streaming company]

told me that now, with a much bigger inventory than when Mr. Anderson spoke to them two years ago, the quarterly no-play rate has risen from 2%

to 12%. March data for the 1.1 million songs of Rhapsody, another streamer, shows a 22% no-play rate; another 19% got just one or two plays." If Anderson overreaches in his thesis, he has nonetheless written

"one of those business books that, ironically, deserves more than a niche readership"


這本書一開始提到了一個有趣的數字:至今為止,全球唱片業裏 銷售最好的前五十張專輯,幾乎全都集中在 70 與 80 年代。然而,最 近五年內所上市的專輯裏,沒有一張擠上前五十名。這個就像是有線 電視開放前,30%才叫好收視率,開放後,只要收視率破 3%,就可 以開紅酒慶功。當選擇從個位數,激增到千位、萬位的時候,我們可 以看到消費者的注意力再也不會停留在少數的幾個商品上。很明顯 的,單一明星概念、主打商品已不能滿足消費者的胃口。


藉由實體與消費者互動,限於時間、空間、成本上的考量,商品陳列 受限、選擇性有限的情況下,消費者對於訊息的注意力、實際的購買 發生也會相對的集中。於是商品的經營模組就如同10 年前的【80/20 法則】所說的,把力氣集中在20%的明星商品,即可創造 80%的利潤。


作者指出【80/20 法則】的時代已經結束了,【長尾效應】才是 這個世代最重要的生存法則。如何利用網路世界,無時間空間限制,

68 轉引自(http://www.books.com.tw/exep/prod/booksfile.php?item=F010692667)。

訊息分散、注意力不集中的特性,替商品創造出更大的價值。以往大 眾媒体的時代,消費者只能透過少數的管道獲得資訊,購買的過程與 商品的選擇全數受限;現今,藉由網路的特質,大眾市場被小眾市場 所取代,網路經濟更把資訊獲得、購買發生、商品選擇等決定權全部 回歸消費者手中。

在【長尾效應】的時代,網路讓過往在實體店面因空間成本考量 而無法上架銷售的小眾商品,有了無限的機會;透過適當的規劃與行 銷,小眾商品集聚出來所產生的價值,絕對會大過20%的明星商品。

長尾時代的各種特色與現象,不同產業體可能有的機會點,再加上網 路行銷關鍵的操作分析,是作者最重要想傳達的訊息;當然,如同書 名的附標”Why the Future of Business Is Selling Less of More”所言,作 者也試著幫助讀者如何在長尾時代找出”賣的少就是賺的多”的方法。

如同10 年前【80/20 法則】適切的解釋了商業模組的同時,也真 實的反映我們生活的每個面向:衣櫃一打開,我們 80%的時間都只穿 固定的那幾件衣服,我們用生命 80%的資源去學習最核心的一兩樣生 存價值。如果【長尾效應】見証了網路世代的特質,我們也應該把這 個模組放到自己的生活裏,重新去思考:在這個世代裏,每個人是會 計、業務的同時、也是業餘攝影師、作家、記者,二手拍賣王、百科 全書編輯等;如何運用網路無時間無空間、低成本低風險的特質,為 自己找到生命裏的長尾效應,也許才是這本書給我們最大的啟發。


企業界向來奉80/20 法則為鐵律,認為 80%的業績來自 20%的產 品;企業看重的是曲線左端的少數暢銷商品,曲線右端的多數商品,

則被認為不具銷售力。但本書指出,網際網路的崛起已打破這項鐵 律,99% 的產品都有機會銷售,「長尾」商品將鹹魚翻身。

不僅如此,長尾市場的規模還大得驚人;把冷門商品的市場規模 加總,甚至可與暢銷商品抗衡。背後的數學很簡單:將一個非常龐大 的數字(長尾中的利基商品量)乘以一個相當小的數字(單項長尾商 品的銷售量),仍能得到超級大的數字。

長尾理論已是許多企業成功的秘訣。舉例來說,Google 的主要 利潤不是來自大型企業的廣告,而是小公司(廣告的長尾)的廣告;

eBay 的獲利主要也來自長尾的利基商品,例如典藏款汽車、高價精 美的高爾夫球桿等。此外,一家大型書店通常可擺放十萬本書,但亞 馬遜網路書店的書籍銷售額中,有四分之一來自排名十萬以後的書 籍。這些「冷門」書籍的銷售比例正以高速成長,預估未來可占整體 書市的一半。

長尾理論的來臨,將改變企業行銷與生產的思維,帶動另一波商 業勢力的消長。執著於培植暢銷商品的人會發現,暢銷商品帶來的利 潤越來越薄;願意給長尾商品機會的人,則可能積少成多,累積龐大 商機。

長尾理論不只影響企業的策略,也將左右人們的品味與價值判 斷。大眾文化不再萬夫莫敵,小眾文化也將有越來越多的擁護者。唯 有充分利用長尾理論的人,才能在未來呼風喚雨。


The long tail is the colloquial name for a long-known feature of statistical distributions that is also known as "heavy tails", "power-law tails" or "Pareto tails". In these distributions a high-frequency or high-amplitude population is followed by a low-frequency or low-amplitude population which gradually "tails off". In many cases the infrequent or low-amplitude events--the long tail--can cumulatively outnumber or outweigh the initial portion of the graph, such that in aggregate they comprise the majority. In this book the author explains how due to changing technology it is now not only feasible but desirable in business to cater to the "long tail" of this curve.

69 Ties an old familiar statistical graph to current consumer trends, July 23, 2006 By calvinnme "Texan refugee"



sr=8-5). 本書評選擇採用Amazon網路書店讀者評價最佳者。

The author explains how in traditional retail, you have the 80/20 rule, with 20 percent of the products accounting for 80 percent of the revenue.

Online, instead, he sees the "98 percent rule." Where 98 percent of all the possible choices get chosen by someone, and where the 90 percent that is only available online accounts for half the revenue and two-thirds of the profits. He also explains how filters and recommender systems that help people find what they are really looking for are crucial ingredients. Thus, in a nutshell, Anderson's theory is that mass culture is fading, and being replaced by a series of niches. Thus the subtitle of his book, "Why The Future of Business Is Selling Less of More."

The author explains that the three forces of the long tail are:

1. Democratization of the tools of production such as GarageBand for musicians.

2. Minimization of the costs of distribution which in turn minimize the cost of consumption such as wideband internet connections.

3. The connection of consumers to one another to minimize the noise down the tail, such as this Amazon review system.

In this brave new world of niche markets, the author explains the new producers, markets, and tastemakers all of which are largely driven by the technological forces of cheap hardware and increasingly sophisticated recommender systems that tap the on-line purchasing habits of consumers and match individuals with the products that are likely to

In this brave new world of niche markets, the author explains the new producers, markets, and tastemakers all of which are largely driven by the technological forces of cheap hardware and increasingly sophisticated recommender systems that tap the on-line purchasing habits of consumers and match individuals with the products that are likely to

在文檔中 WEB 2.0發展介紹 (頁 80-115)