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第 1 頁 / 共 4 頁 二英語 1


105 學年度第 2 學期第 1 次段考二年級英語科試題

二 年 班 座號: 姓名: 《請一律用藍、黑原子筆作答。用鉛筆作答,或用其他顏色筆作答一概不予計分。》 壹、聽力測驗:30%(每題 2 分) 第一部分:辨識句意。第1-5 題每題有三張圖片,請依據所聽到的內容,選出符合描述的圖片,每題播放兩次。 示例題:你會看到… (A) (B) (C) 然後你會聽到…(播音)。 依據所播放的內容,正確答案應該選(B)。 1. (A) (B) (C) 2. (A) (B) (C) 3. (A) (B) (C) 4. (A) (B) (C) 5. (A) (B) (C) 第二部分:基本問答。第6-10 題每題有三個選項,請依據所聽到的句子,選出一個最適合的回應,每題播放兩 次。 示例題:你會看到…

(A) Medium, please. (B) I don't really like the steak. (C) It's delicious.


第 2 頁 / 共 4 頁 二英語 1

6. (A) Maybe they are for Cindy. (B) They stand for true love. (C) Yes, I bought them today.

7. (A) It's my favorite holiday. (B) It sounds like a good idea. (C) Yes, we will have a party for Tim. 8. (A) Yes, it looks great on me. (B) The story sounds interesting. (C) I failed my test again.

9. (A) It goes with coffee. (B) Quite delicious. (C) Two pieces of cake, please. 10. (A) No, it's not mine. (B) Where did you buy it? (C) The smartphone is expensive.

第三部分:言談理解。第11-15 題每題有三個選項,請依據所聽到的對話內容及問題,選出一個最適合的答案,

每題播放兩次。 示例題:你會看到…

(A) The man likes Tina. (B) Tina also likes the man. (C)The man wrote a letter to Tina.

然後你會聽到 …(播音)。 依據所播放的內容,正確答案應該選(A)。

11. (A) He wants to sell the watch. (B) The watch is expensive. (C) The girl will buy the watch for him. 12. (A) She wants to be slim. (B) She is sick and gets heavy. (C) The food tastes bad.

13. (A) Go to the movies. (B) Go to the park. (C) Go hiking. 14. (A) In a restaurant. (B) In a movie theater. (C) In their school. 15. (A) The woman has a dog and a rabbit with her.

(B) Although Lucky is friendly, he is afraid of strangers.

(C) The woman lives in a big house and she can keep pets at home. 貳、字彙測驗:20% (1~10 每題 1 分;11~15 每題 2 分)

一、文意選擇:第1-5 題為大家說英語雜誌字彙,請選出一個正確或最適合的答案,每題 1 分,共 5 分。

1. When we drive a car, we should wear a ______ to keep safe.  safe 安全的 (A) law (B) cellphone (C) limit (D) seat belt 2. Last night, my neighbor's dog ______ all night, and I didn't sleep well.

(A) barked (B) recycled (C) polluted (D) explained 3. If you take a trip to Italy, you can throw a ______ into the fountain and make a wish.  fountain 噴泉

(A) painting (B) coin (C) tower (D) pigeon 4. Look! The river bank is very ______. There is trash everywhere.

(A) tired (B) upset (C) exciting (D) dirty 5. I want to ______ a cellphone from my classmate and call my mom later.

(A) borrow (B) chew (C) collect (D) add 二、單字:根據中文寫出英文單字,每題1 分,共 5 分。

6.節日,節慶(f______) 7.永遠 8.義大利麵(s_______) 9.草莓 10.語言 三、文意字彙:每題2 分,共 10 分。

11.When you get a p t, it is polite to open it right now.

12. Westbrook, when you are t y, drink water. Don’t drink cola all the time.

13. To our s e, Kobe came to school first this morning. He is often late for school. 14. Mom, I have a lot of homework today. It is i e for me to finish it in an hour.


第 3 頁 / 共 4 頁 二英語 1

叁、綜合選擇:18% (選出一個最適合的答案,每題 2 分)

( ) 1. George: How do I look after I put on the hat? Mary: You look _____.  put on戴上

(A) a grape (B) funny (C) a chicken (D) a model ( ) 2. Don’t get _____ to the river, or(否則) your shoes will get _____.

(A) open; wet (B) close; dry (C) close; wet (D) open; dry ( ) 3. If Anthony _____ time tomorrow, he will go to a basketball game at Madison Square Garden.

(A) have (B) has (C) is going to have (D) will have ( ) 4._____ Jenny is tired, _____ she keeps studying.

(A) Although; but (B) X; although (C) But; although (D) Although; X ( ) 5. Kevin: Hey, Tim. Look over there, the girl under the tree. Tim: Wow! How beautiful! She really ______.

(A) catch my eye (B) catches my eyes (C) catches my eye (D) catch my eyes ( ) 6. Judy: I am so _________ Mayday(五月天). Maggie: Me, too. I am their big fan.

(A) good at (B) crazy about (C) angry with (D) afraid of ( ) 7. Larry: It just keeps raining and raining. Bruce: If it _____like this, we’ll have to stay home for days.

(A) goes along (B) goes out (C) goes on (D) goes with ( ) 8. Parker ______ a card to Thomas on his birthday. (選出最不適當的選項)

(A) gave (B) sent (C) wrote (D) bought

( ) 9. Tracy: Whose cellphone is that? Carter: It’s _______. (選出最不適當的選項)

(A) her (B) his (C) Jame’s (D) mine 肆、克漏字、閱讀測驗:20% (選出一個最適合的答案,每題 2 分)

Part A:

One day a man walked into Dr. Chen’s office and said to him, “I swallowed a horse, Doc, and I don’t feel well now. ” Dr. Chen thought for a few seconds and an idea (1) . He said, “All right, Mr. Jordan. I’ll help you. Please lie down on this bed.” A nurse came and (2) the man a shot; the man went to sleep. And Dr. Chen went out to look for a horse.

After half an hour, when Mr. Jordan (3) up, there was a horse in front of him. “Here’s the horse.” Dr. Chen said. “It can’t give you any trouble now.” At first, Mr. Jordan was happy, but then he looked at the horse again and said, “But, Doc, this horse is white, and (4) is black.”

 office辦公室 swallow吞下 horse馬 second秒 lie躺 shot打針 trouble麻煩

( ) 1. (A) across my mind (B) crossed my mind (C) crossed his mind (D) across his mind ( ) 2. (A) give (B) show (C) showed (D) gave

( ) 3. (A) grew (B) gave (C) woke (D) hurried ( ) 4. (A) yours (B) mine (C) his (D) hers Part B:

Curry is a successful salesman. He lives in England, but he is often away from home because he has to meet people in different countries. He has a beautiful girlfriend, Natalie. She lives next to him. One day, Curry said to her, “My next trip will begin in a few days, Natalie. I love you, and I will marry you when I come back. I’ll think of you all the time, and I’ll write to you and send you a gift from every place.”

Curry’s first destination was Tokyo, and he sent Natalie a parrot from there. The parrot could do a lot of things, but Natalie didn’t know that. When Curry arrived in Taipei, there was a letter from Natalie. It said, “Thank you for the parrot, Curry. It tasted better than a chicken. ”

 marry娶 destination目的地 parrot鸚鵡 could can的過去式 better than比…好

( ) 5. Why does Curry have to travel around the world?  travel 旅行

(A) He likes traveling. (B) He wants to meet Natalie. (C) He wants to sell things to people in other countries. (D) He likes visiting other countries.


( ) 6. What happened to the parrot?

(A) It flew away. (B) It died. (C) It became a chicken. (D) It lives in Taipei now.

Part C:

There are many kinds of round watermelons in the world. Some watermelons are even without seeds, so it is easy for people to eat them. Farmers in Japan are very smart and they like to try new things. If they put a growing watermelon in a square container, will it grow into a square shape? The answer is finally yes. Now people in Japan can see square watermelons in the market.

Eating watermelons sounds like a good and healthy idea because there are lots of Vitamins A and C. Vitamin A helps you see clearly, and Vitamin C helps you have healthy teeth. Next time in the market, when the clerk asks you, “Which fruit do you want to buy?” The answer should be the watermelon! Though it is heavy to move, it can cool you down on a hot summer day.

 round 圓形的 kind 種類 seed 種子 container 容器 shape 形狀 Vitamin 維他命 clearly 清楚地 ( ) 7. What kind of watermelons can you NOT buy in the market according to the passage(根據本段)?

(A) Watermelons without seeds. (B) Watermelons in a heart shape. (C) Watermelons in a square shape. (D) Watermelons in a round shape. ( ) 8. Which is NOT true?

(A) Watermelons have rich Vitamins A and C. (B) If you don’t want to see a dentist, eat watermelons. (C) Watermelons are usually heavy to move. (D) Vitamin C helps us see clearly.

Part D:

One day in Mr. Pop’s class, he showed us a bottle. He said, “It’s time for a test.” Then, he took out some big rocks and put them into the bottle. “Is it full?” he asked us. “Yes!” the class answered. “Really?” Mr. Pop took out some rocks in medium size, put them into the bottle, and asked us again, “Is it full?” “Not yet, sir.” the class answered. Later, Mr. Pop put some sand and then some water into the bottle. “Is it full now?” “Yes, sir.” the class answered. “Why am I doing so? What am I trying to tell you?” Mr. Pop asked. “We can still find some time to study although we are very busy.” Duncan answered. “Very good, but wrong answer.” Mr. Pop continued. “I just want to tell you the thing—if you don’t put big rocks first, you can’t put them in again. What are your big rocks in your life? Health? Love? Dream? Remember to put them in first!”

 rock石塊 size尺寸 yet尚未 sand沙 so如此

( ) 9. What did Mr. Pop put into the bottle last?

(A) Water. (B) Sand. (C) Medium rocks. (D) Big rocks. ( ) 10. What does the story want to tell us?

(A) Big rocks are useful. (B) Medium rocks are powerful.

(C) We can find time to study if we want to. (D) Do important things first, or(否則) you won’t do it again.

伍、翻譯:12% (每題 3 分,分段給分)

1. 玫瑰代表愛情,所以很多戀人選擇在情人節這天買給彼此玫瑰。 2. 你這週末會寄封情書給 Cindy 嗎? (be going to)

3. 在我吃過臭豆腐之後,我愛上了它。

4. 雖然我們可能沒辦法(able)裝扮成蜘蛛人,我們還是可以做其他的(else)事。 <<試題結束>>



105 學年度第 2 學期第 1 次段考二年級英語科答案卷

年 班 座號: 姓名: 《請一律用藍、黑原子筆作答。用鉛筆作答,或用其他顏色筆作答一概不予計分。》 壹、 聽力測驗:30% (每題 2 分) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 貳、字彙測驗:20% (1~10 每題 1 分;11~15 每題 2 分) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 叁、綜合選擇:18% (每題 2 分) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 肆、克漏字、閱讀測驗:20% (每題 2 分) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 伍、翻譯:12% (每題 3 分,分段給分) 1 2 3 4



105 學年度第 2 學期第 1 次段考二年級英語科解答

壹﹑聽力測驗:30% (每題 2 分)


貳、字彙測驗:20% (1~10 每題 1 分;11~15 每題 2 分)

1 D 2 A B 4 D 5 A

6 festival 7 forever 8 spaghetti 9 strawberry 10 language 11 present 12 thirsty 13 surprise 14 impossible 15 popcorn 叁、綜合選擇:18% (每題 2 分)


肆、克漏字、閱讀測驗:20% (每題 2 分)


伍、翻譯:12% (每題 3 分,分段給分)

1 Roses stand for love, so a lot of lovers choose to buy each other roses on Valentine’s Day. buy roses for each other on Valentine’s Day. 2 Are you going to send a love letter to Cindy this weekend?

send Cindy a love letter

3 I fell/was in love with stinky tofu after I tasted / ate it.



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臺北市大理高級中學 第32試場.



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