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大學生感恩與自殺意念之關係:以自尊為中介變項 - 政大學術集成


Academic year: 2021

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(1)59. 國立政治大學「教育與心理研究」 2016 年 3 月,39 卷 1 期,頁 59-83 DOI. 10.3966/102498852016033901003. 大學生感恩與自殺意念之關係:以自尊 為中介變項 林志哲*. 摘. 要. 本研究旨在分析感恩、自尊及自殺意念之關聯性。一方面意欲了解感恩對自 尊及自殺意念的影響情形,另方面更在探討自尊是否在感恩與自殺意念之間扮演中 介角色。本研究針對國內364位大學生進行問卷調查,研究工具包括感恩量表、自 尊量表及自殺意念量表,所得資料主要應用積差相關及結構方程模式進行統計分 析。本研究主要發現:一、感恩、自尊及自殺意念三者間有顯著相關;二、感恩能 有效預測自尊及自殺意念,自尊亦可有效預測自殺意念;三、就直接效果而言,感 恩對自殺意念具有負向影響,以中介效果視之,感恩則透過自尊的中介作用,間接 的負向影響自殺意念。最後,根據研究結果,針對高等教育現場與未來研究方向提 出相關建議。. 關鍵詞: 自殺意念、自尊、結構方程模式、感恩. *. 林志哲:國立臺北科技大學技術及職業教育研究所助理教授 誌謝: 本研究為科技部補助專題研究計畫(計畫編號:MOST 103-2410-H-130-031)部分 研究成果,特此感謝科技部經費支持。 電子郵件:chihche1024@gmail.com. 收件日期:2015.02.24;修改日期:2015.06.09;接受日期:2015.09.08.

(2) 60. Journal of Education & Psychology March, 2016, Vol. 39 No. 1, pp. 59-83. The Relationships Between Gratitude and Suicidal Ideation in University Students: SelfEsteem as a Mediator Chih-Che Lin*. Abstract. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships among gratitude, self-esteem, and suicidal ideation. This study was to analyze the impact of gratitude on self-esteem and suicidal ideation. On the other hands, this study examined the relationship between gratitude and suicidal ideation mediated by the condition of self-esteem. A survey was used to gather responses from a sample of 364 university students from freshman to seniors in Taiwan. Three related questionnaires were used to measure the major variables. Data were analyzed using Pearson’s correlation and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The main findings were as follows: (1) There were significant correlations among gratitude, self-esteem, and suicidal ideation. (2) Gratitude significantly predicted self-esteem and suicidal ideation. Self-esteem also predicted suicidal ideation. (3) The results from a directed-effects model showed gratitude had an impact on suicidal ideation. The results from a mediated-effects model indicated that self-esteem did entail the significant mediated effect of gratitude on suicidal ideation. Based on the results, discussion and suggestions for higher education practice and future *. Chih-Che Lin: Assistant Professor, Graduate Institute of Technological and Vocational Education, National Taipei University of Technology E-mail: chihche1024@gmail.com. Manuscript received: 2015.02.24; Revised: 2015.06.09; Accepted: 2015.09.08.

(3) 61. research were proposed.. Keywords: suicidal ideation, self-esteem, SEM, gratitude.


















(21) 大學生感恩與自殺意念之關係:以自尊為中介變項 79. 免負向自殺想法的出現,進而減少可能 的自殺行為。惟令人好奇,對於已有自 殺行為(如自殺未完成)的個案而言, 復原因子是否仍舊發揮其正向影響?而 對於其他年齡的一般學生(如中學生) 來說,感恩與自尊二者是否也同樣扮演 相對重要的預防角色?皆有賴未來進一 步了解。最後,本研究採用橫斷式調查 法,研究結果仍無法確切了解大學生感 恩、自尊及自殺意念間之因果脈絡,未 來可將關鍵的時間因素納入考量,包括 採行交叉延宕設計、長期縱貫性設計、 實驗介入設計等不同方法,應有助洞悉 三者之因果關聯,進一步釐清感恩、自 尊及自殺意念間的影響時序及相互作用 效果。. 參考文獻 王建雅(2010)。八向度幽默風格量表之 發展暨其與自尊、人格特質、依附風 格關係之探討(未出版之博士論 文)。國立臺灣師範大學,臺北市。 【Wang, C. Y. (2010). The development of the eight-dimension humor style questionnaire and the correlation analysis with selfesteem, personality and attachment style of people (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan.】. 公視新聞網(2014)。今年前五月32學生 自殺,5成9大專生。取自http://news. pts.org.tw/detail.php?NEENO=212599 【 PTS News Networks. (2014). 32 students have committed suicide before May this year and 59% of them are college students. Retrieved from http://news.pts.org.tw/ detail.php?NEENO=212599】. 林杏足(2003)。青少年自尊量表編製報 告。測驗學刊,50(2),223-256。 【 Lin, S. D. (2003). The construction of adolescent self-esteem inventory. Psychological Testing, 50(2), 223-256.】. 林志哲、葉玉珠(2011)。「大學生感恩量 表」之發展。測驗學刊,58(S),233。 【 Lin, C. C., & Yeh, Y. C. (2011). The development of the “inventory of undergraduates’ gratitude”. Psychological Testing, 58(S), 2-33.】. 衛生福利部(2014)。102年國人死因統計 結 果 。 取 自 http://www.mohw.gov.tw/ cht/Ministry/DM2_P.aspx?f_list_no=7&f od_list_no=4558&doc_no=45347 【 Ministry of Health and Welfare. (2014). Statistics of cause of death in Taiwan in 2013. Retrieved from http://www.mohw. gov.tw/cht/Ministry/DM2_P.aspx?f_list_no =7&fod_list_no=4558&doc_no=45347】. 陳錦宏、陳億倖、陳俊鶯、薛素霞、紹文 娟、王姿乃……陳快樂(2008)。青 少年自殺意念與自殺未遂之相關因子 研究。台灣精神醫學,22(1),5766。 【Chen, C. H., Chen, Y. H., Chen, C. Y., Shiu, S. S., Shao, W. C., Wang, T. N., … Tan, H. K. L. (2008). Factors associated with suicide ideations and attempts in adolescents. Taiwanese Journal of Psychiatry, 22(1), 57-66.】. 樊景立、鄭伯壎(1997)。華人自評式績 效考核中的自謙偏差:題意、謙虛價 值及自尊之影響。中華心理學刊,39 (2),103-118。 【Fan, J. L., & Cheng, P. H. (1997). Modesty bias in self-ratings in Taiwan: Impact of item wording, modesty valus, and selfesteem. Chinese Journal of Psychology, 39(2), 103-118.】. 蘇宗偉、邱震寰、郭千哲、陳喬琪、李明 濱(2005)。自殺之流行病學研究。.

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In section 4, based on the cases of circular cone eigenvalue optimization problems, we study the corresponding properties of the solutions for p-order cone eigenvalue

生源主要來自屋邨,家庭 社經地位不高,但絕大部 分學生品德純良,喜愛學 習,家長願意與學校携手

 學校選用「對學校的態度」量表,以了解學生對 學校的觀感及學生朋輩之間的關係,探討學生的 發展及成長需要。學校再於 下學年

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