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Academic year: 2021

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* 此類規則乃為發音自然、便利,並不強制應用。

* 學習此類規則有利發音及增強聽力。務必自己多念幾遍。 * Practice makes perfect. Practice. Practice. Practice.

1. 任何在輕音節中的母音都很容易弱化成[ ]。如此才能強弱分明。

Florida, product, pollute, control, success, battery, delicious 2. 鼻音向前影響母音鼻音化。

Tom, come, rain, line, down, sing, song, ________ 3. [s]後的無聲塞爆音[p, t, k]不吐氣。

speak, spin, stone, stop, school, skin, ________ 4. 字(音節)尾塞爆音[p, b, t, d, k, g]可不吐氣。

top, rob, seat, world, cook, bag, dictionary, English, __________ Read the third word. Meet me at the bus stop.

5. 一字尾是塞爆音的字,若後面再接以塞爆音開頭的字,則字尾塞爆音不吐氣。 good day, big guy, that place, back to, ________

6. 旁流音[l]前的齒齦塞爆音[t, d],氣流由舌頭兩旁爆出。

little, battle, riddle, kettle, cradle, ________________... 7. 齒間音[ , ]前後之某些齒齦音,發音時位置稍向前。

wealth, tenth, sixth, width, both teams, _________ 8. 齒齦音[t, d, s]在硬顎音[r, j]前會硬顎化。

tree, did you ..., won't you ..., super, sugar, ________ 9. 母音後的字尾旁流音[l],舌根移向軟顎,舌尖不向上頂。

ball, file, steal, spell, pool, Bill ________ 10. 輕音節中兩母音之間的無聲子音有聲化。

open, dirty, stupid, uncle, rapid, ________ 11. 輕音節中兩母音之間的[t],念有聲且舌尖輕拍齒齦即可。 letter, butter, water, get it, it is, ________

12. 輕音[ ]後之旁流音[l]與鼻音[m,n, ],可去掉[ ]自成一輕音節。

settle, apple, student, season, mountain, taking, digging, _______ 13. 輕音節中[r]前的[ ]可省略。

every, natural, different, interesting, history, ________ 14. [h]在人稱代名詞及 have(has)中常省略。

I saw him. I'll get him. I like her. The students have classes. Come here.


通常由 前一字字尾之子音 與 後一字字首之母音 構成一音節。 not at all once in a while black and white

You can make it. It is a good office. That's all I want. right away He gets up at ten. I can't believe it. Would you fix it for her? I'll go with you. What is it? It is a book.



I can’t get to sleep.’ The gecko said, ‘I thought you are going to tell the fireflies (Open and close his hands) to stop flashing their lights.’ And the Chief told the gecko

 (1828) An American Dictionary of the English


個人、社會及人文教育 |英國語文教育| 藝術音樂教育 | STEM 教育 全球意識與文化敏感度 |體驗學習| 接觸大自然

唇音 b巴 p趴 m媽 f花 舌尖音 d打 t它 n拿 l啦 舌葉音 z渣 c茶 s沙 j也 舌根音 g家 k卡 ng牙. 圓唇音 gw瓜

EdD, MEd, BEd Adjunct Assistant Professor Department of Early Childhood Education Member, Centre for Child and Family Science The Education University of Hong

語音四要素 語音四要素與朗誦的關係 音高 語音的高低抑揚顯示語言的節奏感 音強
