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貳、英文【第 26-50 題,每題 2 分,共計 25 題,佔 50 分】


Academic year: 2021

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華南金融集團 103 年度新進人員聯合甄試試題 甄試類別代碼:F5802-F5818;F5901;F6001-F6002;F6101-F6106



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本試卷正反兩頁共 50 題單選選擇題,每題 2 分。限用 2B 鉛筆在「答案卡」上作答,請選出最適 當答案,答錯不倒扣;未作答者,不予計分。

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壹、國文【第 1-25 題,每題 2 分,共計 25 題,佔 50 分】







第 侈 飭 低


克勤克儉 搬門弄斧 剛復自用 並駕其趨


泥「淖」﹙ㄉㄠˋ﹚ 瑕「疵」﹙ㄘ﹚ 哽「咽」﹙ㄧㄢˋ﹚ 腳「踝」﹙ㄌㄨㄛˇ﹚


名 明 銘 鳴







樹木 棺木 麻木 朽木


事奉二姓的臣子 排名第二的臣子

允文允武的臣子 位居核心的臣子












家父不在家 家母不在家 敝父不在家 敝母不在家







反身 反轉 修正 修復








甲乙丁丙 乙丁甲丙 丙甲丁乙 丁丙乙甲


分際 格局 職業 禮儀


詩經 爾雅 論語 莊子


戰國策 後漢書 五代史記 文獻通考







徵兵 身份 菸酒 賸餘







名山事業 斯文所賴 琳瑯滿目 杏林春暖


人生無常 人云亦云

一旦做錯,人人指責 人之善惡,旁觀者清


篤實的樣子 喜樂的樣子

痛苦的樣子 放蕩的樣子

【2】24.「扶搖直上,小小的希望能懸得多高呢/長長一生莫非這樣一場遊戲吧/細細一線,卻想與整座天 空拔河/上去再上去,都快看不見了/沿著河堤,我開始拉著天空奔跑」,這首現代詩所歌詠的對象是:

蝴蝶 風箏 煙囪 浮雲


良辰好景 光陰虛度 時光易逝 良機勿失


貳、英文【第 26-50 題,每題 2 分,共計 25 題,佔 50 分】


【3】26. Reading good books helps to _______ our speech. We can talk in a more decent way.

 deceive  mutter  refine  paddle

【1】27. In science fiction movies and cartoons, an _______ usually appears with a big head, huge eyes and a slender body.

 alien  escort  ivory  oar

【1】28. The field trip was a wonderful memory that I will _______ all my life.

 cherish  fade  scatter  pickle

【3】29. Stanley is a complete _______ in this field. He does not have any professional knowledge at all.

 brakeman  groomsman  layman  statesman

【4】30. The buyer and the seller of the house are still _______. None knows when they will close a deal.

 cooperating  guaranteeing  manufacturing  negotiating

【1】31. I do believe it is possible for different ethnic groups to live together in _______.

 harmony  preference  register  violation

【2】32. The accused man _______ himself innocent, but the judge did not believe in his word.

 bathed  declared  kidnapped  paraded

【2】33. Our store’s sales increased last year despite the _______ economic environment.

 curious  hostile  joyful  worthy


【3】34. A supermarket is a large grocery store _______ customers select their purchases and pay for them at the exit.

 how  what  where  which

【3】35. The purpose of this activity is _______ the students to work more closely together.

 gotten  should get  to get  will get

【2】36. Emily wanted to go to the party with us and she asked us to give her a ride, _______ she?

 did  didn’t  was  wasn’t

【3】37. The basketball coach ordered that his players _______ dribble for half an hour every day.

 are practicing  to practice  practice  practiced

【4】38. When the _______ lady walked into the ceremony, everyone stared at her in amazement.

 beautiful-dress  beautiful-dressed  beautifully-dress  beautifully-dressed

【1】39. My mother, who is sick now, stays in the hospital. Either my sister or I _______ to take care of my mother there.

 need  needs  needed  have needed

【3】40. _______ water is too hot to drink. You should wait for at least few minutes.

 Boil  Boiled  Boiling  Being boiled


A headache is a pain in the head which almost everyone feels at one time or another. Almost half of all people have a headache at least once a year. Most headaches are not dangerous but they 41 of your work and disturb your life. Although many people 42 a doctor when they have a headache, physicians normally cannot see any causes in their offices.

There are two main types of headaches: tension headaches and migraines. Tension headaches cause a 43 to strong pain in the head. Many people describe such headaches as a tightening feeling. Some headaches cause a dull pain that can last for hours. They occur 44 from the front to the back of your head. Other people feel a sharp, throbbing pain in their head.

About 20% of all headaches are migraines. They are strong headaches that can cause extreme pain. They can last as long as a couple of days. Warning signs like nausea, vomiting and seeing flashes of light sometimes occur shortly before migraines attack. 45 a forewarning is called an aura. Migraines are often passed down to you from your parents and grandparents.

【2】41.  run the risk  get in the way  take the advantage  make the most

【3】42.  glance  look  see  watch

【4】43.  chilly  facial  glad  mild

【1】44.  anywhere  elsewhere  nowhere  where

【4】45.  That  This  So  Such


A survey said the average Asian dad spent one minute a day with his children. The fact is many Asian males are terrible at kid-related things. I should know. I am one. So was my father. In fact, almost every direct male ancestor of mine has been an Asian father. What are the odds of that?

Child-rearing doesn’t come naturally to guys. Of course, I am generalizing outrageously, but I’m a columnist.

That’s what we do. Yet, there’s some truth in it. My mother knew the names of all the children in our social circle.

My dad would occasionally refer to “the fat one,” “the one with the elephant ears” and “the ugly one.” My mother served kid food to kids. My dad added chilli sauce to everything. My mother always gave age-appropriate birthday gifts. My dad sneaked me into gangster movies, traumatizing me for life. My mother bought healthy fresh food at the market every day. My dad would only go shopping when there was nothing left in the refrigerator.

Yes, mothers are incredible people, but they are not entirely infallible. Yet honesty forces me to record the fact that mothers only know best 99.99 percent of the time. Here are some famous slip-ups.

The mother of Bill Gates: “If you’re going to drop out of college and hang out with your needy friends, don’t come running to me when you find yourself penniless.” The mother of Albert Einstein: “When you grow up, you’ll find that sitting around thinking about the nature of time and space won’t pay the grocery bills.”

Now if you will excuse me, I have to go and spend another 11 seconds with my children.

【2】46. What is the author’s attitude toward the fact that Asian males are not so concerned about kid-related things?

 This fact surprises the author.

 The author thinks this fact usually happens in Asian family.

 The author feels disappointed at Asian males.

 This author urges that fathers should spend more time with their children.

【2】47. What does the word “infallible” in paragraph 3 mean?

 Brave.  Correct.  Honest.  Tender.

【3】48. What is the similarity between Bill Gates’ mother and Albert Einstein’s mother?

 They always supported their children.

 They were considerate toward their children.

 They didn’t believe their children were doing the right things.

 They hoped their children could become successful businessmen.

【4】49. Which of the following statements is NOT mentioned in this article?

 The author has a typical Asian father.

 Sometimes, mothers give wrong ideas.

 The author’s mother knew the names of his friends.

 The author’s father watched animations with him for his birthday.

【2】50. What can we know about the author from this article?

 The author hates his mother because she does not like his dreams.

 The author admits that he does not spend much time with his children.

 The author tries his best to prevent himself from being a typical Asian father.

 The author selects appropriate birthday presents for his children with his wife.



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