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104.03.30 是否劃卡:是 適用班級:201,202,205,206,209 班

一、 Magazine Vocabulary:10%

1. At the age of nine, Emma Watson tried eight for her role as Hermione Granger.

(A) perspectives (B) auctions (C) auditions (D) transactions

2. Emma Watson wanted to do something by not pursuing a comfortable and traditional role for her next movie.

(A) unconventional (B) unwilling (C) unprofessional (D) untalented

3. For fashion designers, it is easy to design a fancy dress, but it is tough to the design well.

(A) bloom (B) examine (C) revive (D) execute

4. A good speaker is always thinking about how to properly and efficiently his or her ideas to the audience.

(A) confine (B) convey (C) concrete (D) confess

5. A singer’s partly reflects in the sales numbers of his or her albums and turnout rate of his or her live concerts.

(A) brushstroke (B) density (C) trademark (D) popularity

6. Usually it is men that conversations with women at a party instead of the other way around.

(A) invent (B) imitate (C) initiate (D) inform

7. Peggy was _____ when she learned that she only missed by 1 point to pass the GEPT intermediary test.

(A) indignant (B) intelligent (C) insulting (D) invaluable

8. Amber’s mother _____ her when she saw Amber’s report card of poor grades.

(A) took on (B) dwelled on (C) doted on (D) frowned upon

9. George and Janet are thinking about getting married in June. But their plan is not . Namely, it is subject to change.

(A) up in the air (B) food for thought (C) set in stone (D) in the middle of nowhere 10 Can you yourself to be someone’s parent someday—changing dirty diapers and feeding bottles to your

baby? It is actually not that far away.

(A) mediate (B) simulate (C) command (D) envision 二、Cloze Tests:40%

(A) Our diet matters because what we eat has 11 with our weight and can directly affect our health. Thus, it is critical that we 12 any foods that are probably damaging to our health. Many of us sometimes absorb large 13 of fat, saturated fat, and salt. And we can risk our health unknowingly. Therefore, the Food Standards Agency in the United States has 14 an idea called traffic light labeling. This system 15 possibly risky nutrients with something we are familiar with: the lights at the intersection that tell both drivers and pedestrians when to go, to be cautious, or to stop.

11 (A) nothing to do (B) something to do (C) anything to do (D) the same thing to do 12 (A) kept off (B) keeping off (C) be kept off (D) keep off

13 (A) a number (B) numbers (C) amounts (D) mounts 14 (A) come along (B) given in (C) come up with (D) made out

15 (A) labeling (B) labels (C) to label (D) labeled

(B) As time passed, Omar still wandered along, 16 banished and forgotten. His name never 17 to people until another epidemic hit Mocha again. This time, another strange disease, which 18 the body to throb and itch, was quickly spreading. The people of Mocha, in their suffering, recalled Omar’s good deeds and his extraordinary medical skill. Seeking out Omar was their last hope. When they finally found him, he had them 19

the liquid made from this magic bean. Miraculously, all of the sick people who consumed the drink 20 from the disease.

16 (A) remained (B) to remain (C) remaining (D) be remained 17 (A) happened (B) relayed (C) took place (D) occurred 18 (A) caused (B) causing (C) being caused (D) was caused by 19 (A) to drink (B) drinking (C) drink (D) drunk

20 (A) recovering (B) were recovered (C) recovered (D) to recover


(C)A more radical idea is to 21 into games something called transcranial direct current stimulation, which administers a mild electrical current to the player’s brain. Studies have shown that tDCS, as it’s commonly called, 22 a person’s ability to concentrate, learn and even become more creative. And the Air Force says its tests 23 that the time it takes to train pilots can be significantly reduced by giving them transcranial stimulation while they use video simulators.

But just developing neurogames that are entertaining would 24 many people, including 32-year-old Adam Garcia of Pittsburg, California, who works in construction. He enjoys spending a few hours a week playing video games. Noting that he’s never tried a neurogame, he finds the concept 25 , assuming the product is well done.

21 (A) cooperate (B) incorporate (C) coordinate (D) mediate

22 (A) improves (B) improving (C) to improve (D) is improved

23 (A) have been demonstrated (B) have demonstrated (C) having demonstrated (D) having been demonstrated 24 (A) welcome (B) be welcomed by (C) be welcoming (D) have welcomed

25 (A) intrigue (B) to be intrigued (C) intriguing (D) having intrigued

(D) Since street art isn’t legal in most places, an entire work needs to be completed over night—which is not easy! Banksy 26 faster methods by using stencils to help him finish a work without getting caught. That contributed 27 much of his success. A master of technique and experience, he has accomplished daring and grand projects other artists only dream of. Banksy’s true identity still 28 a secret with good reason. Mayors and other authorities from cities around the world still seek to arrest him for breaking the law.

Banksy and street art are not 29 critics. People wonder if street art is really art or a crime. Some argue that street art promotes negative social behavior and is nothing 30 vandalism. Amidst the arguments Banksy has said, “Some people want to make the world a better place. I just [want to] make the world a better-looking place.”

His response may seem childish but is full of good intentions. That may be the statement the street art movement wants to make.

26 (A) pioneering (B) pioneered (C) , pioneering (D) to pioneer

27 (A) on (B) at (C) to (D) with

28 (A) keeps (B) maintains (C) reminds (D) remains

29 (A) with (B) against (C) of (D) without

30 (A) up to (B) made of (C) short of (D) sort of

三、Reading Comprehension:10%

Great Meteoron, a monastery in Greek, was probably the prototype of the flying castle in this film Hayao Miyazaki’s animated feature “Laputa-Castle in the Sky.” The name of this place Meteora came from that of the monastery. Meteoron means “hollow,” built in the 14


century. It was located in a very giant stone (with the height of 616 meters above the sea level). The giant seems like the bridge connected to the heaven and the ground.

Until now all everyday necessities have been transported through ropes. It means that there is no road to the monastery. Thus, it provides a perfect site for monks to come close to God. This place Meteoron is located in a valley through which a river went. This river etched the ground, creating a very beautiful landscape.

This film depicts the floating island, Laputa Empire, once mentioned in Gulliver’s Travels. This film was based

on the story in which human beings developed high-tech flying machinery to a very high extent. They created a lot

of high-tech flying castles and forts. But of some unknown reason, the flying city and forts were destroyed, falling

down to the ground. Some people alive in this unknown disaster came back to the ground and saw it as their

home, while others still lived in a flying castle called Laputa, the only existing one in the sky after the disaster. It

was hidden in the cloud where very strong storms arose. The film started with a flying boat on which there were a

lot of passengers. Among them a girl, Sheeta, owned a blue crystal flying stone coming from her family. It was

said that the stone had a very strong power. Pirates taking flying boats attacked this boat and she fell down to the

ground with a flying stone in a necklace. A young boy working as a miner called Pazu found a girl falling down

from the sky. He took her home. Pirates and the army in the government tried to find the whereabouts of Laputa

through the guidance of the flying stone. These two groups of people pursued her. In the process of being exiled,

Pazu helped her go through these difficulties. Finally, an evil man Muska deprived Sheeta for her flying stone,

controlling everything in the floating island. As Muska wanted to kill them, they got this stone again. At this

moment they cast a spell and the floating castle started to blow up. Fortunately, the giant tree making up the

floating castle helped it escape being destroyed. As Sheeta uttered, “Without land, people can’t live,” human

beings cannot live without nature. She pointed out why the flying castle was intended to have been destroyed.


31. A lot of things EXCEPT are discussed about the passage.

A. the fact that human beings cannot live if they do not care about nature.

B. the plot of Laputa-Castle in the Sky

C. the reason why Hayao Miyazaki issued Laputa-Castle in the Sky D. the destiny of the flying castle in Laputa-Castle in the Sky

32. Which description about Meteoron is WRONG?

A. The name, Great Meteoron, came from the name of a Greek village, Meteora.

B. Its almost inaccessible location is perfect for monks to pray.

C. The Monastery of Great Meteoron was built around the 14



D. Access to the monastery on the top of the giant stone requires a long rope used to haul up goods and people.

33. Which of the following words is close to the word exiled in meaning?

A. examined B. extolled C. exhibited D. expelled

34. Which of the following statements about the film Laputa-Castle in the Sky is true?

A. The floating island ended up being destroyed.

B. Deprived of her falling stone, Sheeta was doomed to live on the ground.

C. Muska’s foolishness directly led the flying castle to destruction.

D. Laputa Empire, the imaginary one, appeared in Gulliver’s Travels first.


35. Taiwanese people basically resent that China i es with Taiwan’s domestic and international affairs.

They would like China to stay away from the decisions made by Taiwanese government.

36. Students should follow and obey school rules and r ns ; otherwise, they will be punished by the teachers and supervisors for breaking the laws.

37. It is pointless to discuss the pr n of rhinoceros if people still consume lots of rhinoceros horn powder and believe that it works wonder.

38.The school principal has to address different issues with different teachers, so he needs to talk to each teacher r y instead of altogether.

39. My neighbor Jane at the age of 8 plays the piano so well that I believe she has the p l to be a pianist in the future.

40. Manchester of the UK was a renowned city of textile manufacture in the 1800s and therefore became the first i ed city in the world.

41.The i ts of Taitung do not really appreciate the natural surroundings of the fresh air, the vast ocean, and the rolling hills. It takes an outsider from Taipei to tell them how lucky they are to live at “the weekend getaway.”

42.If you do not drink a e water to replenish yourself after biking in the sun for one hour, you may get dehydrated or even pass out.

43. Jenny does not easily wear her luxurious designer black dress unless it is a special o n such as a wedding or a graduation ceremony.

44. It is hard to believe that the seemingly sturdy and strong building was actually weak and vulnerable and it co when the earthquake struck.

五 、 Sentence Patterns: 8 % ( 每 題 2 分 ) 答案請寫在答案卷上

45. He understands what his responsibilities are as a soldier. (essential)



(請以虛主詞 It 為首配合形容詞 essential 改寫句子) 46. Mary spoke Chinese slowly and clearly.

She was afraid that the foreigner misunderstood the message.

. (請使用從屬連接詞 lest 改寫句子)

47. If he had not played the stock market and lost all his saving, he might still have kept his seaside mansion.

. (請以過去式假設法倒裝句完成句子)

48. The backpacker started to think how comfortable his home was only when he spent a night at a budget hotel.

. (請以 Only 置於句首完成句子)

六、Translation:1 2 % ,(每題3分共四題) 答案請寫在答案卷上

49. 網路的快速發展對個人隱私權造成威脅; 那就是為什麼人肉搜尋引擎(human flesh search engine)遭受激 烈反對的原因。

50. 我父母連小說都不讓我看,更不用說漫畫了。

51. The Tao (達悟族人)不計一切代價 (限定使用 at 開頭的三個字片語) 開始著手造拼板舟。

52. 儘管(限定使用 in 開頭的三個字片語) 壞天氣,Daniel 還是堅持在室外慢跑及打籃球。



適用班級:201,202,205,206,209 班


四、Vocabulary:20% (每格2分)

3 5 . 3 6 . 3 7 . 3 8 . 3 9 .

4 0 . 4 1 . 4 2 . 4 3 . 4 4 .

五 、 Sentence Patterns: 8 % ( 每 題 2 分 )

45. He understands what his responsibilities are as a soldier. (essential) . (請以虛主詞 It 為首配合形容詞 essential 改寫句子)

46. Mary spoke Chinese slowly and clearly.

She was afraid that the foreigner misunderstood the message.

. (請使用從屬連接詞 lest 改寫句子)

47. If he had not played the stock market and lost all his saving, he might still have kept his seaside mansion.

. (請以過去式假設法倒裝句完成句子)

48. The backpacker started to think how comfortable his home was only when he spent a night at a budget hotel.

. (請以 only 置於句首完成句子)

六、Translation:1 2 % ,(每題3分共四題)






104.03.30 適用班級: 201,202,205,206,209 班 1-5 CADBD 6-10 CADCD 11-15 BDCCB 16-20 CDACC 21-25 BABBC

26-30 BCDDC 31-34 CADD

四、Vocabulary:20% (每格2分)


3 5 . i n t e r f e r e s 3 6 . r e s t r i c t i o n s 3 7 . p r e s e r v a t i o n 3 8 . r e s p e c t i v e l y 3 9 . p o t e n t i a l 4 0 . i n d u s t r i a l i z e d 4 1 . i n h a b i t a n t s 4 2 . a d e q u a t e 4 3 . o c c a s i o n 4 4 . c o l l a p s e d

五 、 Sentence Patterns: 8 % ( 每 題 2 分 )

45. He understands what his responsibilities are as a soldier. (essential)

It is essential that he (should) understand what his responsibilities are as a soldier . (請以虛主詞 It 為首配合形容詞 essential 改寫句子)

46. Mary spoke Chinese slowly and clearly.

She was afraid that the foreigner misunderstood the message.

Mary spoke Chinese slowly and clearly lest the foreigner (should) misunderstand the message . (請使用從屬連接詞 lest 連接兩句改寫句子)

47. If he had not played the stock market and lost all his saving, he might still have kept his seaside mansion.

Had he not played the stock market and lost all his saving, he might still have kept his seaside mansion.


48. The backpacker started to think how comfortable his home was only when he spent a night at a budget hotel.

Only when he spent a night at a budget hotel did the backpacker start to think how comfortable his home was . (請以 only 置於句首完成句子)

六、Translation:1 2 % ,(每題3分共四題)

49. The rapid development of the internet poses/presents a threat to people ’ s privacy; that is (the reason) why human flesh search engine meets with / is met with severe opposition .

50. My parents don ’ t even let me read /allow me to read novels , not to mention / let alone comic books.

51. Dao people embarked on/ embark on building/making plank boats at all costs .

52. In spite of the bad weather, Daniel still insists on/ insisted on jogging and playing basketball




臺北市大理高級中學 第32試場.

發文日期:中華民國109年1月13日 發文字號:高分署人字第1092500023號

西元 1998 年,G oogle 的創辦人之一賴利佩吉發表了網 頁排序的演算法,涵蓋 G oogle

一說到網路搜尋,我們就會想到 G oogle ,但其 實搜尋引擎不是 G oogle 發明的,早在 G oogle 出現 之前就已經有搜尋引擎的應用。那麼, G oogle


Consider 37 your social media notifications off during meals with family and friends or important meetings at work?. Also, pay attention to what you do and how you feel

