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天主教道明高級中學 106 學年度第一學期第一次段考國三英文科試題


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天主教道明高級中學 106 學年度第一學期第一次段考國三英文科試題

範圍: 康軒 Book 5 Unit 1,2,5,6 命題教師: 吳曉喬

全部題目皆為劃卡/滿分 100 分,請用 2B 鉛筆將答案劃記於答案卡上。

一、文意字彙 (1-10 題,每題 1 分;11-15 題,每題 2 分,共 20 分)

( ) 1. It’s interesting many Taiwanese people got their names from ___ tellers.

(A) power (B) knowledge (C) spell (D) fortune

( ) 2. Yesterday was just a(n) ___ day. There was nothing special.

(A) ordinary (B) extraordinary (C) speechless (D) symbolic ( ) 3. Jessie needs to ___ on her own problems more and minds others’ less.

(A) graduate (B) focus (C) circle (D) present

( ) 4. The pants are too big. Can you lend me a ___ to tie them up?

(A) bench (B) cap (C) belt (D) lip

( ) 5. A belief which leaves no place for doubt(懷疑)is not a belief; it is a ___.

(A) surprise (B) superstition (C) saying (D) shape

( ) 6. Tony ___ a bag of money under his bed so that no one could find it.

(A) combed (B) hid (C) tidied (D) dug

( ) 7. Emily put her letter into a pink ___ and sealed it, but she forgot to paste a(n) ___

on it. The letter was returned(退回)to her yesterday.

(A) hat; glove (B) eraser; marker (C) church; apartment (D) envelope; stamp

( ) 8. Mr. Gibson is ___ the fact that his son, Jerry, plays baseball so well. He never knew that before until he watched Jerry’s first game.

(A) scaring of (B) interesting in (C) surprised at (D) worried about ( ) 9. Lucy is ___ eating the same food every day. She wants to try something new.

(A) tiring of (B) tired with (C) boring of (D) bored with

( ) 10. Let’s make some bread for kids. First, please shape the into a star.

(A) dough (B) wood (C) bench (D) poem

( ) 12. Henry: ___ has Ken lived with David? Jack: For about four years.

(A) How much (B) When (C) How long (D) What year ( ) 13. Chris: Chief, it’s ten sharp now. ___ we start the meeting today?

Chief: Yes, please. Let’s start right now.

(A) Shell (B) Shall (C) Did (D) Have

( ) 14. Julie: Hey, look! There is a caterpillar on the leaf! It’s so cute.

Mary: I don’t think so. Bugs and worms are ___ to me.

(A) scaring (B) scary (C) scared (D) scare ( ) 15. Sarah: Good morning, Mr. Lark. Is Lisa home?

Mr. Lark: Wait a(n) ___. I’ll get her right away.(Choose the WRONG one.) (A) moment (B) second (C) minute (D) hour

二、文法選擇 (每題 2 分,共 30 分)

( ) 16. Although Oliver knows a lot about Iceland, he ___ there before.

(A) has never been (B) has ever been (C) is never (D) never go

( ) 17. Kelly has no idea whether her boyfriend ___ her to tomorrow’s party or not.

(A) took (B) takes (C) has taken (D) will take

( ) 18. Lisa’s father told her that her favorite storybook writer, Ms. Harrison ___ to the bookstore near their home the day after tomorrow. Lisa can’t wait to see her.

(A) came (B) was coming (C) has come (D) is going to come ( ) 19. Harry doesn’t live with his parents now. He ___ out after he got married.

(A) has moved (B) will move (C) was moving (D) moved

( ) 20. Jill ___ five kilograms over the past two months. She looks slimmer now.

(A) lose (B) has lost (C) will lose (D) was losing

( ) 21. William found ___ the English novel was not on his desk. He had no idea ___

took it.

(A) that; who (B) where; who (C) whether; where (D) when; where

( ) 22. In the U.S., teenagers at 16 are ___ drive a car. However, in Taiwan, they have to


( ) 23. Being polite to others is ___ Lucia can have so many friends. All of us should learn her way of treating people.

(A) what (B) why (C) that (D) where

( ) 24. Everyone knows ___ Jean ___ here for more than ten years, but only few people know she had a marriage before.

(A) that; lived (B) if; has lived (C) that; has lived (D) where; lived

( ) 25. ___ he can get up on time is still a problem. Make sure you will call him at six tomorrow morning.

(A) Whether (B) If (C) When (D) Who

( ) 26. Simon: Can you double-check(再確認)___? Dan: No problem.

(A) whether Jackson pass the test (B) if Jackson has taken out the garbage (C) what did Jackson just send (D) where will Jackson go later

( ) 27. Jim: Does blue cheese go ___ with ___ pears?

Helen: I don’t know. Maybe we should give it a try.

(A) best; baked (B) the better; baking (C) the best; baking (D) good; baked ( ) 28. Claire: Show me ___ you bought in the supermarket.

Bob: Sure. There are some food and the cookies you want.

(A) that (B) what (C) if (D) whether ( ) 29. Choose theWRONG sentence.

(A) Justin is a boring person. What he says doesn’t interest me at all.

(B) The job is so tiring to me that I decide to quit it next month.

(C) Mr. Lock is sure play baseball can make his students excited.

(D) It’s weird that the news didn’t surprise them.

( ) 30. Choose theCORRECT sentence.

(A) My dad has been to Taipei, so he isn’t home now.

(B) He’s already washed the car, but I haven’t.

(C) There has had no rain here since this January.

(D) If Mike will come back to Taipei tomorrow, I will pick him up at the airport.

三、克漏字選擇 (每題 2 分,共 20 分) I. (31-35)

Amy: Kim, it’s already 12 a.m. What are you doing in the bathroom?

Kim: Well, I am (31) an apple in front of the mirror, and the apple skin has to be one long continuous strip.

Amy: How come (32) this?

Kim: I need to check something.

Amy: I don’t understand (33) something.

Kim: It surely can! Emily told me (34) she did it at midnight last Sunday and saw a handsome guy in the mirror. She believed that he must be her future husband.

Amy: Are you sure? Since it is the 7thlunar month, (35)

Kim: Stop!!! I’ve got goose bumps all over! OK, OK, I am going to bed right now.

continuous 連續的,strip 條,since 既然,lunar 月亮/農曆的,goose bump 雞皮疙瘩

( ) 31. (A) cutting (B) peeling (C) swinging (D) circling ( ) 32. (A) have you done (B) do you have to do

(C) you have to do (D) you had done

( ) 33. (A) how can doing this help you to check (B) why do this can help you check (C) how doing this can help you check (D) why did this can help you checking ( ) 34. (A) what (B) when (C) where (D) ×

( ) 35. (A) I believe you can finally meet the guy in the mirror.

(B) maybe the handsome “guy” she saw was actually a handsome “ghost.”

(C) Emily shouldn’t be so mean to tell you a lie.

(D) you are so smart that you won’t believe what Emily told you.


II. (36-40)

promote 升遷,course load 課業負擔,concern 擔心

( ) 36. (A) has sent (B) will send (C) sent (D) sending ( ) 37. (A) where to go or what to do

(B) that Mom and I want to go with him (C) whether to go there alone or take us there (D) if I will become a high school student ( ) 38. (A) Whether I go to Mainland China or not

(B) What I have decided

(C) Why I have to face the music (D) If I go to Mainland China with him ( ) 39. (A) who she can trust

(C) whether to choose him

(B) what is the best choice

(D) if she goes to Mainland China ( ) 40. (A) what we should do (B) that we should go there

四、閱讀測驗 (41-50 每題 1 分,51-55 每題 2 分,共 20 分)

I. (41-43)

Rabbits have been a symbol of prosperity for ages. No other mammals multiply as fast as the rabbits and hares. Of course, having many children would be a great blessing. The rabbit was also considered a lucky talisman to increase wealth. In some areas of Northern Europe, it is a tradition to give a child a white rabbit as a gift. This gift is to ensure the child has a

prosperous life.

In North America, a rabbit’s foot has been for the longest time considered a lucky charm.

The strong believers of this superstition say it has to be the left foot of the rabbit. For a left rabbit’s foot to bring luck, it has to be carried in the left pocket. It could not be any old rabbit’s foot. Rabbit’s foot as a good luck charm was especially popular among gamblers. Until today, many superstitious gamblers would rather not go into a casino unless they have a rabbit’s foot in their pocket.

mammal 哺乳類,multiply 乘/繁殖,considered 被視為,talisman 護身符,

lucky charm 幸運物,gambler 賭徒,casino 賭場。

( ) 41. What might be the best title of this article? abuse 虐待

(A) How to Raise Rabbits (B) Chinese Customs and Culture (C) Superstitions about Rabbits (D) How to Stop Animal Abuse ( ) 42. In which book can you probably find this article?

(A) Mammal Anatomy (B) Western Culture and Beliefs anatomy 解剖

(C) Gamble and Win (D) The Best Gift for Kids ( ) 43. According to the reading, which isFALSE?

(A) Without a rabbit foot, some superstitious gamblers will not go into a casino.

(B) The strong believers think only young rabbit’s foot can bring good luck.

(C) You should put the rabbit’s foot in your right pocket to bring wealth.

(D) Rabbits and hares can multiply faster than any other mammal.

Dear Ms. Know-It-All:

I’m a 16-year-old student from Kaohsiung. My father got promoted last month, and we were so happy for him. However, the company (36) him to Mainland China for two years. My dad can’t decide (37) because he knows I am busy preparing for the High School Entrance Exam next year. (38) , I will have to catch up all the new courses that I have never learned before. I’m worried that I can’t handle such a heavy course load there. Also, my friends and relatives are all here in Taiwan. I don’t want to stay in a strange place. Mom isn’t sure (39) , either. She is going to give birth to my little brother next month, but her friends keep telling her that Dad might have a new girlfriend if she doesn’t go there with him. I hate to think that way, but I understand her concern. Can you tell me (40) ?



II. (44-46)

How do you feel about clusters of small holes? Does the look of baby Swiss cheese make you feel sick? What about the little air bubbles in a frying pancake, the patterns of the coral, or a lotus pod? Do those above make you throw up a little in your mouth? Well then, you may havetrypophobia--the fear of clusters of small holes.

The term “trypophobia” appeared in the mid-2000s on the Internet. Recently some

psychologists found that the most offending images shared a common mathematical structure-- they featured lots of small, highly-contrasting details, like stripes, dots, or holes, and were often spaced closely. For example, in a lotus pod, there's a strong contrast between the dark holes and the light surface, and the holes are spaced evenly enough to highlight those details. This kind of image creates a repeating sequence and makes some people want to puke. Some animals like the blue-ringed octopus, some venomous spiders and snakes might give people the same feeling.

Such images probably trigger something in the non-conscious brain that lights up a warning, saying "Dangerous!" before the conscious brain can step in and say, "It's just Swiss cheese."

cluster 群/團,throw up, puke 嘔吐,psychologist 心理學家,offending 使人不舒服的,structure 結構,

contrasting 形成對比的,evenly 平均地,sequence 序列,venomous 有毒的,trigger 觸發,conscious 有意 識的

( ) 44. What is the best title of this article?

(A) Why Am I Afraid of Those Things with Small Holes (B) How People Like Swiss Cheese

(C) Lotus Pods Can Cure Cancer (D) Dangerous Wild Animals

( ) 45. James thinks he might have trypophobia. Every time he sees ___, he feels uncomfortable.

(A) a lot of people (B) a very beautiful lady

(C) a dark and small room (D) the inside of a beehive beehive 蜂窩

( ) 46. According to the reading, which below isTRUE?

(A) The reason why people have trypophobia might be that their brains are trying to warn them to keep away from danger.

(B) Most of the offending images are so pale that they make people want to puke when seeing them.

(C) In early 2000s, the word “trypophobia” already appeared on the Internet.

(D) If you don’t like the smell of Swiss cheese, you may have trypophobia.

III. (47-48)

Baluts are popular street snacks in the Philippines. Most people cook baluts by boiling or frying and often eat them with salt. Baluts may look like normal duck eggs. If you cut a balut in half, you can see an embryo inside. In fact, it has been incubated for 18 days. Though they look terrible, they are common in many Southeast Asian countries, for example, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, and Malaysia. People in those countries believe baluts are more nutritious than normal eggs. Eating baluts can keep them healthy and growing well.

normal 正常/一般的,embryo 胚胎,incubate 孵,nutritious 營養的

( ) 47. What does them refer to?

(A) Ducks. (B) Baluts. (C) People of Southeast Asian countries.

(D) Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, and Malaysia.

( ) 48. Which statement isFALSE?

(A) Southeast Asians think baluts are less nutritious than normal eggs.

(B) Baluts are popular with the people in Vietnam.

(C) Baluts are often eaten with salt.

(D) Many people in Thailand think baluts are healthy food.


IV. (49-50)

In September 2015, 193 world leaders agreed to 17 Global Goals for Sustainable Development. If these Goals are completed, it would mean an end to extreme poverty, inequality and climate change by 2030. Our governments have a plan to save our planet, and it’s our job to make sure they stick to it. The Global Goals are only going to work if we fight for them, and you can’t fight for your rights if you don’t know what they are. We believe the Goals are only going to be completed if we can make them famous.

sustainable 永續的,extreme 極度的,poverty 貧窮,inequality 不公

( ) 49. Which isNOT the reason why we need the Global Goals?

(A) Polar bears are going extinct, we need to care about them.

(B) In order to end the wars in the third world, we have to stand up for them.

(C) If we complete them, we can get a lot of money.

(D) The climate is getting higher year by year, and we should face this problem.

( ) 50. According to this passage, what will happen if all people around the world do their best to complete those 17 goals?

(A) Nothing. (B) There won’t be extreme poverty in the world.

(C) The climate problem will get worse by 2030. (D) We don’t know.

V. (51-53)

Christopher: I have no idea why you are still watching Just a Rumor. That TV program is so boring.

Stephanie: I know it’s boring, but I watch it because of Stock. He’s so handsome.

Christopher: Well, enjoy it then. Stock is going to be killed next Monday.

Stephanie: I don’t know what you are talking about.

Christopher: I mean the playwright will end Stock’s part on the tenth episode.

Stephanie: How do you know what they are going to do with Stock next?

Christopher: Through the Internet, of course. Check out here. They say Stock may be a good singer, but he doesn’t know how to act. The playwright has to put him to death.

playwright 編劇 episode 集

( ) 51. How did Christopher know what will happen on Just a Rumor next Monday?

(A) He took a guess. (B) He is the playwright.

(C) He is a big fan of the show. (D) He learned it on the Internet.

( ) 52. Why does Stephanie like to watch Just a Rumor?

(A) She likes one of the actors. (B) It’s interesting.

(C) It’s a good TV program. (D) She is the playwright.

( ) 53. What might happen on Just a Rumor next Tuesday?


VI. (54-55)

Have you ever heard the interesting sentences like “Every dog has its day”, “They live a cat-and-dog life”? Do you know what they mean in English? In fact, there are a lot of

expressions about dogs, and there are often some interesting stories behind them. Take “It rains cats and dogs” for example. It doesn’t mean cats and dogs fall down from the sky. People believe its story can go back to England of the 17thcentury. During those times, there were always many dead cats and dogs around in the water after heavy rain. That’s why “It rains cats and dogs” means “it rains hard.” There is another story about this expression. In old times, people believed that the bad spirits of cats and dogs could bring lots of rain. Whether you believe it or not, the expressions really make languages more interesting.

expression 用語

( ) 54. What does them refer to?

(A) Dogs and cats. (B) People. (C) Stories. (D) Sentences.

( ) 55. How does the expression “It rains cats and dogs” come from?

(A) In 17thcentury, cats and dogs fell down from the sky when it rained.

(B) In order to make the language more interesting, people decided to use it.

(C) In the old times, people believed that bad spirits of cats and dogs caused heavy rain.

(D) There were always many cute cats and dogs around in the water after heavy rain long time ago.

五、文意選填 (每題 2 分,共 10 分)

56. 選擇就讀職業學校就像在棒球比賽中打擊一樣。

is like batting during a baseball game.

(A) Choosing to go to senior high school (B) Choosing to go to a vocational school (C) Choose to go to senior high school (D) Choose to go to a vocational school

57. 全世界的人都想知道如何變幸運。他們會用不同方法來趨吉避凶。

People all over the world want to know how to become lucky. They use different ways ___.

(A) to keeping away from good and bad luck (B) to getting lucky and keeping unlucky away (C) to get good luck and keep bad luck away (D) to keep good lucky and stay away unlucky

58. 至於藍紋起司的吃法,單吃是個普遍的方式。

As for the way of eating blue cheese, it is common . (A) to eat it by itself (B) to have it with other food (C) to eat it without salt (D) to have it with lemon slices

59. 自從幸運餅乾在二十世紀初盛行後,它在美國一直都是中國餐廳一個有趣的特色。

Fortune cookies of Chinese restaurants in the USA since they became common in the early 1900s.

(A) were an interesting feature (B) have been an interesting feature (C) will be an interesting feature (D) had been an interesting feature

60. 條條大路通羅馬。

All roads Rome.

(A) go through (B) leave for (C) come across (D) lead to


天主教道明高級中學 106 學年度第一學期第一次段考國三英文 解答

★選擇(1-15/1 分,16-40/2 分,41-56/1 分):

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.


21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.


31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.


41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.


51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60.




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