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A Research of Correlation between Learning Effetiveness Based on Self-Regulated Learning in Industrial Design Education 陳鴻毅、杜瑞澤


Academic year: 2022

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A Research of Correlation between Learning Effetiveness Based on Self-Regulated Learning in Industrial Design Education


E-mail: 9707851@mail.dyu.edu.tw


The original purpose of the education reformation in Taiwan was meant to offer everyone with the opportunity of going to colleges.

According to Ministry of Education, the entrance rate of the College Entrance Exam has reached 96.28% in 2007. Although the curriculums have been proper designed and the teachers are qualified, the students have lost the enthusiasm in self-efficacy.

Competitiveness is therefore reduced and has become a major issue to the schools and parents. To review the college design education from the perspective mentioned above, self-efficacy has played a very important role in enhancing the design capability.

However, it is found that the students spent much time on the curriculums but gain little effects. Which shows passive learning has become the main attitude and little creativeness are shown from their works. Some works are even completed by the very last minute from the instruction of their teachers. To investigate self-efficacy and cognition checklist in the education of Industrial Design, the research is conducted with sound theories of data-analysis and with interviews carried between professors and students. With the data and information collected, learning difficulties have been found. Also, the influence of self-efficacy on the education of Industrial Design has been further confirmed. The followings are the summaries from this research. First, students’ avoidance from learning difficulties and problems results in learning stress and issues. The more a learner avoids his or her learning difficulties, the more the learning stress he or she will gain. Because of the avoidance, students will also achieve low self-efficacy, rather than high self-efficacy.

Second, to enhance self-efficacy, students need to be capable of resisting and managing stress from learning. They also need to be able to properly relieve their pressure and anxieties at times. Third, to make learning effectively, students have to learn to manage their time well and to become skilled at self-management, too. Fourth, students need to improve their design techniques. By doing so, I believe that the education and training of Industrial Design in Taiwan will be better off and will play a significant role in the Industrial Design around the world. The research contributes sensible and practical conclusions to students majoring in Industrial Design. Also, it serves as a guideline for learners to do self-review on their self-efficacy.

Keywords : Design education ; Industrial Design ; self-efficacy ; Study result ; grounded theory Table of Contents

目錄 封面內頁 簽名頁 授權書 iii 中文摘要 iv 英文摘要 vi 誌謝 viii 目錄 ix 圖目錄 xii 表目錄 xiii 第一章 緒論 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究動機 2 1.3 研究目的 3 1.4 研究重要性 4 1.5 研究範圍與限制 5 1.6 研究方法與流程 6 第二章 文獻探討 2.1 設計教育 11 2.1.1台灣設計教育發展史 11 2.1.2 台灣工業設計教育 16 2.1.3 工業設計專業知能學習 18 2.2 自律學習 26 2.2.1 自律學習 策略 26 2.2.2 自我管理效益 30 2.2.3 時間管理效益 33 2.3 學習成效 36 2.3.1 學習成效的定義與壓力之間的關係 36 2.3.3 學習 成效之評估 40 2.4 文獻小結 42 第三章 研究方法 3.1 研究架構 44 3.2 調查訪談對象 46 3.3 研究工具 49 3.4 資料分析方法 51 第四章 研究分析與結果討論 55 4.1 紮根理論個案分析 55 4.1.1 開放性譯碼表 55 開放性譯碼概念總表 61 概 念性質類別要項 62 4.1.2 主軸譯碼 64 4.1.3 選擇性譯碼 66 描述性故事 66 從描述性到概念化 68 故事線 備註 68 4.2 工業設計系學生學習之問題點 71 4.3 自律學習與工業設計教育關係之分析 72 4.4 自律學習於工業設計學習成效 影響性之分析 72 4.5 工業設計教育自律學習態度與認知檢核表之建構 73 4.5.1 自律學習與工業設計學習成效之關係認知要 74 4.5.2 工業設計教育自律學習態度與認知檢核表 75 4.6 結果討論 82 第五章 結論與建議 5.1 研究結果 83 5.2 後續研究與建 議 84 參考文獻 86 附錄一 92 附錄二 97 附錄三 107 附錄四 113 附錄五 130 附錄六 135 附錄七 140 附錄八 157 圖目錄 圖1.1 研究流程圖 8 圖2.1文獻探討架構圖 10 圖2.2 顏水龍教授 13 圖2.3 自我管理評量範例 31 圖3.1 研究架構圖 45 圖3.2 主軸譯碼 典範模型 53 圖3.3 紮根理論分析方法及步驟 54 表目錄 表2.1自律學習目標研究表 28 表3.1訪談對象-專任教師部份 46 表3.2 訪談對象-學生部份 48 表4.1個案1(吳婉宜老師)開放性譯碼表 56 表4.2個案2(黃俊傑老師)開放性譯碼表 56 表4.3個案3(謝堅銘 老師)開放性譯碼表 57 表4.4個案A(學生-1、F9540013)開放性譯碼表 57 表4.5個案B(學生-2、F9540052)開放性譯碼表 58 表4.6個案C(學生-3、F9540048)開放性譯碼表 59 表4.7個案D(學生-4、F9540045)開放性譯碼表 59 表4.8個案E(學生-5

、F9540036)開放性譯碼表 60 表4.9個案F(學生-6、F9540046)開放性譯碼表 60 表4.10開放性譯碼概念總表(專業教師訪談

)61 表4.11開放性譯碼概念總表(學生訪談)62 表4.12主軸譯碼概念性質類別要項整合表 63 表4.13主軸譯碼表 64 表4.14 自律學習概念次數分配表 74 表4.15工業設計教育自律學習態度與認知要項表 75 表4.16工業設計教育自律學習態度與認知 檢核表 76



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