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以觀光建立國家品牌: 以台灣為例 - 政大學術集成


Academic year: 2021

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(1)NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY INTERNATIONAL MASTER PROGRAM IN INTERNATIONAL STUDIES 國立政治大學國際研究英語碩士學位學程. 碩士論文. 立. 政Thesis治 大. ‧ 國. 學. 以觀光建立國家品牌:以台灣為例. ‧. Nation Branding through Tourism The Case Study of Taiwan n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. Ch. engchi. i n U. 研究生: 賴俊魁 Student Researcher: Jerrel Chun-Kuei Lai 指導教授: 姜家雄 博士 Advisor: Dr. Alex Chiang 中華民國一零四年七月 July, 2015. v.

(2) Acknowledgements Owing to the contribution and support of many people, I could finish this paper in time successfully. First I would like to appreciate my gratitude is my advisor, Professor Alex Chiang who always gives abundant information to help me make the thesis complete, and always directs me to the right track with clear logic when I was lost. The discussion was something happened just like yesterday. Second, I would give my sincere appreciation to the professors on my way to build up my knowledge to a thesis and support me for this research: Thank you, Professor Nancy Chen for the very practical and informative methodology class from which I learned how to build up my foundation of the thesis. Thank you, Professor Wen Yang Chang for the class of statistics from which I learn to recognize the meanings behind the numbers and values. Thank you, Professor Lu Yeh Chung and Professor Sally Ping for the comprehensive advice on the twice defense. Third, I would like to thank my best friends from two English Master programs and my dorm mates who always share the most difficult time with me when I am fighting with my thesis. Those tears and laughter are the thing I would never forget. Especially my roommate Jin and Hunk who stay with me through hundreds of endless nights on writing with mental support. I will miss the nights that the chatting and late night snacks, and the drink you know, ha. Also I would like to thank Michael, my best partner from IMPIS program, for sharing the experience of road on learning and growing in IMPIS with many of our energetic and crazy classmates. Fourth, I would like to appreciate those interviewees and those who spend their precious time on taking my interview and questions. Without their support, this research would never be complete. Because of your experience and sharing, I could understand the advantage and disadvantage on the soft power of my lovely country, Taiwan! Last but never the least, I would bring my gratitude and wishes to my lovely grandparents and parents. Without your support on every of my decision, from childhood to the master degree, I would never go this far and learn what I dream of. The gratitude for you is beyond description. I would like to say "Thank you" and I love you. I wish you to fulfill your dream and enjoy the most pleasure moment in your life, just like what I had in the way of learning. 謝謝您!. 立. 政 治 大. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. er. io. sit. y. Nat. n. al.  . Ch. engchi.  . I. i n U. v.

(3) Abstract Main research purpose of this thesis focuses on the process of construction on nation branding. The discussion of nation branding includes the brand organizers and the access of marketing and promotion. The research focus of nation branding focuses on tourism industry and Taiwan tourism as case study to discover how Taiwan construct Taiwan Brand through tourism industry. This thesis adopts Document Analysis and interview of qualitative analysis and officials from Taiwan Tourism Bureau and foreign tourists as interviewees. By comparison with East Asian countries with closer relations on tourism development with Taiwan (such as China, Japan, Hong Kong and South Korea), this thesis discusses what strategies and how those countries construct their nation branding through implementation of tourism policy, integration of tourism resource, and promotion of tourism strategy. As the research result has shown by comparison Taiwan did not lack of tourism resource, but there are still some space for improvement on the promotion strategies. On the evaluation of national brand, during 2008 to 2014, tourism development Taiwan did not have prominent growth on the number of international tourist and revenue as well as the international ranking on tourism competitiveness. From the interview with foreign tourists, this thesis finds that several disadvantages and disadvantage of Taiwan on the construction of Taiwan Brand through tourism industry. Finally, based on the research result and finding this thesis provides suggestions toward nation branding organizers in aspects of implementation of tourism policy, integration of the tourism resource, and promotion of tourism marketing strategies.. 立. 政 治 大. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. Key words: Nation Branding, Taiwan, Tourism, Tourism Policy, Tourism Resource, Tourism Marketing Strategy     . II.

(4) 中文摘要 本研究旨在探究國家品牌建立的過程,其中國家品牌的探討包含品牌的建立者、 行銷與宣傳的管道,觀光產業為研究重點,並以台灣為研究個案,探討台灣如何 以觀光建立其國家品牌。 本研究採用內容分析法與質性訪談分析,以台灣觀光局與外國旅客作為研究 對象,並與台灣在觀光上有密切關連國家與地區 (包含中國、日本、香港、南韓) 的觀光發展策略相比較。研究探討國家如何以觀光建立其國家品牌,透過其觀光 政策、觀光資源的整合,以及觀光行銷與宣傳策略。此研究結果顯示,台灣在其 觀光資源並不匱乏,但相較之下,在觀光行銷策略上較為不足。在效益評估方面, 自 2008 年到 2014 年,台灣在觀光人數與收益以及國際觀光競爭力排名上並無明 顯的增長。自與外國旅客的訪談中,此研究也歸納出台灣以觀光建立國家品牌上 的數項特色與長短處。最後,根據此研究之研究結果,提出對國家觀光品牌建立 者與其觀光政策實施、觀光資源整合、行銷宣傳策略等方面,提出具體建議。. 立. 政 治 大. 關鍵字: 國家品牌、台灣、觀光、觀光政策、觀光資源、觀光行銷策略. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. Ch. engchi. III. i n U. v.

(5) Table of Contents Chapter I Introduction............................................................................1 1.1 Introduction..................................................................................1 1.1.1 Motivation 1.1.2 The Importance of this Research 1.1.3 Research Purpose 1.1.4 Problem Statement 1.1.5 Research Scope 1.1.6 Research Limitation 1.2 Literature Review.........................................................................7 1.2.1 Construction of Nation Branding: Factors and Strategies 1.2.2 Nation Branding and Tourism Industry in Regional Development 1.2.3 Taiwan Brand: Adopting Tourism to Build Nation Branding. 政 治 大 1.3 Research Methods......................................................................16 立 1.3.1 Research Approach and Method ‧. ‧ 國. 學. 1.3.2 Data Collection 1.3.3 Research Framework. al. n. 2.2.1 Nation Branding Hexagon 2.2.2 Nation Branding through Tourism Industry. er. io. sit. y. Nat. Chapter 2 Construction of Nation Branding: Reason, Factors and Strategies.................................................................................................19 2.1 Reasons to Promote Nation Branding......................................21 2.2 Factors on Nation Branding.....................................................24. i n U. Ch. v. nNation 2.3 Strategies of Countrieseon g c h iBranding...........................33 2.3.1 Strategies of Nation Branding in Asia-Pacific Countries 2.3.2 Strategies of Nation Branding through Tourism Policy 2.3.3 Strategies of Nation Branding through Tourism Resource 2.3.4 Strategies of Nation Branding through Tourism Marketing Promotion. IV.

(6) Chapter 3 Nation Branding and Tourism: Strategies of East Asian Countries.................................................43 3.1 China...........................................................................................46 3.1.1 Tourism Policy 3.1.2 Tourism Resource 3.1.3 Tourism Marketing 3.1.4 Tourism Analysis 3.2 Japan...........................................................................................55 3.2.1 Tourism Policy 3.2.2 Tourism Resource 3.2.3 Tourism Marketing 3.2.4 Tourism Analysis 3.3 Hong Kong..................................................................................63 3.3.1 Tourism Policy 3.3.2 Tourism Resource 3.3.3 Tourism Marketing 3.3.4 Tourism Analysis 3.4 South Korea................................................................................71 3.4.1 Tourism Policy 3.4.2 Tourism Resource 3.4.3 Tourism Marketing 3.4.4 Tourism Analysis. 立. 政 治 大. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. er. io. sit. y. Nat. n. Chapter 4 Case Study:a Branding Taiwan through Tourism iv l C Industry...................................................................................................83 n h e nPolicies 4.1 Policy Analysis: Tourism Taiwan Tourism Bureau g c h iof U from 2008-2014.................................................................................85 4.1.1 The Year of 2008-2009: Development Vision for 2015: First-Stage Three Year Sprint Program 4.1.2 The Year of 2010-2012: Project Vanguard for Excellence in Tourism 4.1.3 The Year of 2013-2014: Continued the Project Vanguard for Excellence in Tourism. 4.2 Tourism Resource......................................................................91 4.2.1 Information of Domestic Tourism Resource 4.2.2 Establish Transportation Network 4.2.3 Construct the Platform of Accommodation. 4.3 Tourism Marketing Strategy.....................................................98 4.3.1 Discover Taiwan V.

(7) 4.3.2 Attractions 4.3.3 Festivals & Taste of Taiwan 4.3.4 Special Interests. 4.4 Analysis on the Taiwan Brand................................................108 4.4.1 Evaluation from the International Ranking 4.4.2 Evaluation on Domestic Growth on Tourism Development 4.4.3 Evaluation on Tourism Strategies 4.4.4 Evaluation from Tourist Aspects. Chapter 5 Conclusion...........................................................................123 5.1 Conclusion................................................................................124 5.1.1 The Objective of Tourism Policies 5.1.2 The Integration of Tourism Resources 5.1.3 The Promotion of Marketing Strategies. 政 治 大 5.2 Suggestion.................................................................................126 立 5.2.1 The Objective of Tourism Policies. ‧ 國. ‧.  . 學. 5.2.2 The Integration of Tourism Resources 5.2.3 The Promotion of Marketing Strategies 5.2.4 The Construction of Taiwan Brand . io. y. n. al. sit.  . er.  . Nat. Reference...............................................................................................133. Ch. engchi. VI. i n U. v.

(8) Figure and Chart Figure 1.1 The Nation Brand Hexagon........................................................................10 Table 3.1 The Number of Total Visitor Arrival in Taiwan by Purposes 2013..............44  Table 3.2 Main Countries Visiting Taiwan for Tourism from 2005 to 2014................45 Table 4.1 Information of Interviewees.........................................................................85 Table 4.2 Statistical Data on the number of Star Hotel and B&B by District..............96 Table 4.3 Statistical Data of Annual Taiwan Tourism Hotel House and Room Number.........................................................................................................................98 Table 4.4 Taiwan Tourism Highlight 2010 to 2013....................................................110 Table 4.5 Competitiveness of Taiwan Tourism in International Ranking..................110 Table 4.6 Countries Visiting Taiwan for Tourism 2005 to 2014.................................111 Table 4.7 Number of Visitors from Countries Visiting Taiwan for Tourism 2005-2014...................................................................................................................112 Table 4.8 Information of International Tourist Interviewees......................................116 Chart 4.1 Foreign Nations Visiting Taiwan for Tourism 2005 to 2014......................112 Chart 4.2 International Tourist Arrivals and Tourism Revenue of Taiwan 2008 to 2014............................................................................................................................113. 立. 政 治 大. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. Ch. engchi. VII. i n U. v.

(9)  .  . Chapter I Introduction 1.1 Introduction What is your impression of a country? When we think of Japan, we may think of clean environment or polite Japanese people. When we think of the United States, we may think of strong influence of the U.S. from business model to technological innovation creativity. Then how about Taiwan? When you think of Taiwan, what image do you have? Taipei 101, night market, or friendly people using traditional. 治 政 Chinese characters. The image of Taiwan has been an effort 大 for Taiwanese 立 ‧ 國. 學. government to work on for several years. Taiwan is good at making computer product, design, and cultural culinary. A country may have several ways to build their national. ‧. image. Thus, the general image of Taiwan may be a difficult question to answer. If we. sit. y. Nat. io. n. al. er. narrow down the focus to a special category, what is the image of Taiwan in terms of travel and tourism industry?. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. The concept of the image building has been an issue discussed in the Journal of Place Branding and Public Diplomacy. Place branding is a process of communication on a particular image toward the targeted audience or market. The use of place branding could bring much influence, as Molianen and Rainisto (2009) pointed out in their book, How to Brand Cities and Destinations that the influence of a place-branding could increase attractiveness of companies and investments, promote the objectives of the tourism industry, promote public diplomacy, support the interests 1   .

(10)  . of the exporting industry, and strengthen the identity and self-esteem of citizens.. 1.1.1 Motivation The motivation of this thesis came from the image of a nation. What factors would cause the image of a nation? How did these countries build their national brand? From the past literature reviews, there are several articles discussing the concept of the nation branding, but more focusing on western countries. As Go and Konecnik. 政 治 大. (2008) explored brand identity on tourism destination in the case of Slovenia. On the. 立. other hand, Fullerton et. al. (2009) investigated the message of tourism advertising. ‧ 國. 學. made by the U.S. Commerce Department among a group of Australian students.. ‧. Pigman (2012) discussed how the government of certain place or region with. Nat. io. sit. y. ambiguous sovereignty status uses place branding, public diplomacy and investment. er. promotion to improve its identity through the case study of the Cook Islands.. al. n. v i n C h on the image ofUTaiwan, I found that there are However, when reviewing the literature engchi just few articles discussing the issue. Therefore, Taiwan did not have quite clear and strong image or brand in the international society. The image of Taiwan does not have a clear picture in the international society. "How does Taiwan build its brand through tourism?", which is the main issue that this thesis would like to discuss and explore. There are three motivations for this research: (1) From academic discussion, this thesis would explore what factors influence the 2   .

(11)  . image of a nation, or national branding; (2) From the discussion on the development of Eastern Asian countries, this thesis would explore how do regional countries brand their national brand through the adoption of tourism; (3) From personal interest, this thesis would like to find out how does Taiwan brand itself in tourism. What is what the brand of Taiwan in tourism industry?. 政 治 大. 1.1.2 The Significance of this Research. 立. The significance of this thesis is to explore how does Taiwan adopt tourism to. ‧ 國. 學. build its nation branding, and discover the future challenge and opportunities.. ‧. However, why is nation branding important for tourism? Why does tourism industry. Nat. io. sit. y. matter, not adopting other ways to build the national branding? As Cromwell (2006). er. in his article, Why Nation Branding Is Important for Tourism? he observed that many. al. n. v i n countries are keen to take nationCbranding consideration. However, owing to the h e n into gchi U task and load are overwhelming, many governments hesitate to do so. Therefore Cromwell (2006) suggested that it would be a better strategy to achieve the goal of. nation branding through tourism branding. Cromwell (2006) concluded that through a successful nation branding it could maximize many benefits in the international community, such as the international recognition, robust business relations with the global commands, and creating jobs and wealth for the people. 3   .

(12)  . Tourism has been a prosperous industry for the global community during the past two decades. The World Tourism Organization of the United Nations (UNWTO) suggests that tourism serve as a top job generator and leading export industry. Statistic points out that around 6-7% of the world's job and millions more jobs indirectly are provided by tourism. In addition, tourism industry also accounts for 3% of the export of the world services, which is around US$ 1 trillion a year and 45% of the total. 政 治 大. export of services in developing countries.1. 立. On the other hand, in 2010 the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC). ‧ 國. 學. pointed out that travel and tourism industry is one of the world’s largest industries,. ‧. contributing US$5,834.5 billion to global GDP on 9.3% of the total. Tourism industry. Nat. al. er. io. to over 303 million jobs by the year of 2020.2. sit. y. also provides more than 235 million jobs, and WTTC estimates that it would increase. n. v i n Considering the importanceCofhtourism around theUworld, this thesis would focus engchi. on the topic of nation branding though adopting tourism and further to explore how Taiwan adopts tourism to build national brand and increases country competitiveness..                                                         1.   United Nations World Tourism Organization. 2008. The Definition of Tourism: http://media.unwto.org/en/content/understanding-tourism-basic-glossary. Search date: December 15th, 2014. 2.   World Travel & Tourism Council, Travel Tourism Competitiveness Report 2013: http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_TT_Competitiveness_Report_2013.pdf 4 .  .

(13)  . 1.1.3 Research Purpose This thesis would focus on nation branding. First of all, this thesis would start from the discussion of the definition and the application of place branding, and further explore what are the factors? and how does a country use tourism to build their national brand. Second, this thesis would discuss how do states use tourism to build nation brand? Finally, this thesis is aiming at analyzing how does Taiwan adopt tourism industry to form its national brand?. 1.1.4 Problem Statement. 立. 政 治 大. ‧ 國. 學. Each year, Taiwan Tourism Bureau sets annual goals and policies for tourism industry. Although the statistic shows that the growth of the tourism industry, these. ‧. statistics could not reveal the brand of Taiwan tourism from the international tourists.. sit. y. Nat. io. al. n. in different chapters:. er. Therefore, this thesis would try to find out that the answer for the following questions. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. a. What are the key factors influencing the national brand? (Chapter 2) b. How does countries in East Asian adopt tourism to build their national brand? (Chapter 3) c. How does Taiwan use the tourism industry to brand Taiwan brand? (Chapter 4). 1.1.5 Research Scope In terms of the concept of nation branding, this thesis would discuss the case 5   .

(14)  . study of Taiwan through policies launched by Taiwan Tourism Bureau from 2008 to 2014. The reason behind choosing this time period is because in the year of 2008 Taiwan launched the policy of Three Direct Links owing to the improved relationship between the People's Republic of China. Therefore, since 2008, Taiwan Tourism Bureau has launched a series of tourism policies and campaigns to meet the need.3. 1.1.6 Research Limitation. 立. 政 治 大. On considering the issue of brand image, Ham (2008) suggested that like brand. ‧ 國. 學. products, branded states depends on trust and customer satisfaction. Therefore it. ‧. would be more comprehensive to consider image of nation branding from the double. Nat. io. sit. y. side, the perspective of policy makers (Taiwan Tourism Bureau) as well as that of the. al. er. audience. Therefore considering the feedback from the targeted audience on the image. n. v i n of brand image, the quantitativeC analysis might be a suitable way to conduct. h e nthrough gchi U However, it is difficult to get the effectiveness from the sample with great representativeness from the population owing to the fact that the total population. tourists is too abstract to control. Also the perception from them on feature of tourism, such as culture and value on the tourism of Taiwan. Therefore, this thesis would adopt qualitative method through document analysis through tourism policies from                                                         3.  .   M.O.T.C. Republic of China (Taiwan)Tourism Policy, Tourism Bureau,: http://admin.taiwan.net.tw/public/public.aspx?no=122. Search date: December 15th, 2014  6 .

(15)  . 2008-2014 as well as the interview with government officers from Taiwan Tourism Bureau and exams the satisfaction and trust from the tourist through the evaluation from the economic growth of tourism revenue and international ranking.. 1.2 Literature Review In order to understand the three research questions above, this thesis would begin with the discussion on nation branding. Therefore, this thesis would develop the. 治 政 literature review into three parts: First, what are the factors 大 that could influence the 立 ‧ 國. 學. process of national branding. Second, how did countries in East Asia adopt tourism to form their national branding? Finally, how did Taiwan illustrate Taiwan brand through. ‧. tourism?. sit. y. Nat. io. n. al. er. The discussion of nation branding originated from place branding. The early. i n U. v. discussion of national image comes from the business perspectives, as Kolter (2000). Ch. engchi. addressed image of nation in the book of the Marketing of Nations, he viewed nation as a company-liked economic entity to solve the future challenge through three perspectives, the environment, the goal, and the state strategy. However, Kolter focused more on the economic discussion and analysis of nation without much explanation on the how national branding was formed. In the journal of Place Branding and Public Diplomacy4, there comes to have much discussion on nation                                                         4.  . For the introduction of this journal, please refer to: Place Branding and Public Diplomacy: 7 .

(16)  . branding, which systematically collect and analyze how did countries manage their reputation and influence on their audience. Since the management of a nation became an essential issue, then what are the factors that would have impact on place branding? The discussion are shown as below:. 1.2.1 Construction of Nation Branding: Factors and Strategies In order to have a comprehensive understanding on nation branding, we should. 治 政 start with the definition first. Scholars have different opinions 大 on the definition of 立 ‧ 國. 學. place branding. However, most of them suggest that place branding includes place marketing and place promotion, which is an umbrella term to cover nation. ‧. branding, region branding and city branding. Porter (1998), Guy and Marvin (1999). sit. y. Nat. io. n. al. er. defined that place branding is a process of communication on certain image to their. i n U. v. target market or audience. It is invariably related to the notion that places compete. Ch. engchi. with other places for people, resources, and business. Lindsay and Marsha (2000) suggested that place branding is “the totality of the thoughts, feelings, associations and expectations that come to mind when a prospect or consumer is exposed to an entity’s name, logo, products, services, events, or any design or symbol representing them”. As we can see nation branding is concerned about the process that entity conveyed a certain image or message toward the targeted audience. In the process of nation branding, what are the factors that might influence 8   .

(17)  . perception of those targeted audience? The national image might be different as the time went by, and therefore time is the first issue addressed concerning place branding. Discussed the factors influencing nation branding, Fan (2006) suggested that time seems to serve as an essential factor in determining people's perception on nation image. For instance, China was associated with the event of SARS epidemic in spring 2003. However, in the year of 1989, it was the Tiananmen massacres shaped the. 政 治 大. image while in 2008 it turns out to be the event of Olympic Games.. 立. Under the influence of time, the second factor has impact on national branding is. ‧ 國. 學. the assessment or personal experience of the targeted audience. As Fan (2006). ‧. furthered explained that audience assessment might be based upon the personal. Nat. io. sit. y. experience factors, such as their education or knowledge, prior ownership of a. n. al. er. produced product in that country, and the depiction of the country through media. Ch. channels and stereotypes of audience.. engchi. i n U. v. In Figure 1.1, Anholt (2005) simplified the perception of brand image into six parts, called Nation Brand Hexagon.. 9   .

(18)  . Tourism . Exports .   Nation . People . Governance . Culture & Heritage . Investment & Immigration . Figure 1.1 The Nation Brand Hexagon Source: Anholt, S. (2005). Anholt Nation Brands Index: How Does the World See America?. Journal Of Advertising Research, 45(3), 296-304.. 立. 政 治 大. ‧ 國. 學. In the Nation Brand Hexagon, six parts of perception on national branding are Tourism, People, Culture and Heritage, Investment and Immigration, Governance and. ‧. Export, which are factors that would easily form perception on their target audience.. sit. y. Nat. io. n. al. er. Anholt (2005) observed that tourism is the most apparent part because the state would. i n U. v. have annual budge on the development of tourism industry, such as promotion and. Ch. engchi. facilities of tourism. Therefore, those images of a nation in tourism industry becomes a strong impression in the coming tourists. On the other hand, in the investigation of culture and heritage, interviewees tested on three perspectives, first on asking the raking of traditional culture or heritage from the local people. Second, on the willingness to purchase the popular or commercial cultural activity. Finally, on the culture activity that those local people hope the most to have in order to test the strongest culture feature of that particular country. However, the focus of this thesis is 10   .

(19)  . only the nation branding through tourism, thus other factors are not under the discussion of this thesis. As discussed above, we can find that the factors influencing nation branding can vary from one to another depending on the time, targeted audience's personal experience, especially their perception from tourism of the nation. In addition, from the Hexagon of Nation Band, Anholt (2005) further explores that six factor. 政 治 大. measurements on national brand forming, including tourism, people, culture and. 立. heritage, exports, governance, as well as investment and immigration. Among them,. ‧ 國. 學. tourism has been pointed out as the most prominent brand image on targeted audience. ‧. to form their personal experience toward a country. As a result, the discussion of place. Nat. io. sit. y. branding may be too broad to cover all, and therefore, this thesis would only focus on. n. al. er. nation branding and tourism industry.. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. 1.2.2 Nation Branding and Tourism Industry in Development of East Asian Countries On the discussion of nation branding and the tourism industry, this thesis would divided it into two parts: First, it is the trend of nation branding development of East Asian countries. Second, through adopting tourism to brand their national brand, what are the strategies and goals of these countries? The first trend of nation branding in development East Asian countries has been 11   .

(20)  . focused on raising their national brand. As Anholt (2008) further observed that the notice of nation branding has grown, and Asia is the one of the fastest grown regions around the world. Some countries are eager to make national brand grow as fast as their hard power, such as political and economic power while other countries would like to get rid of their negative reputation. And still others are trying to raise their visibility in international society through more positive national image. After World. 政 治 大. War II, Japan has built its strong economic image through exports, from which Japan. 立. is commonly associated with positive image other developed countries. On the other. ‧ 國. 學. hand, in the year of 2008 China held the Olympic Games and tried to get rid of the. ‧. negative reputation on domestic governance. Still some countries, such as Malaysia. Nat. io. sit. y. has launched the long-term tourism campaign trying to raise their national image.. er. Another trend of nation branding in East Asian development has been focused on. al. n. v i n onehof the main editorsUin the journal of Place the attraction. As Ham (2008) , C engchi 5. Branding and Public Diplomacy, once suggested that "a country's brand is similar to commercial brands and Nye's soft power, which is determined by its culture, political ideals, and policies to attract their targeted audience to buy their products". However, Fan (2008) concerned that although soft power and nation branding both concern nation's influence, the use of soft power may have the double-edged effect attraction                                                           Van Ham, P. (2008). Place Branding: The Stat of the Art, THE ANNALS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY: 1-5.  5. 12   .

(21)  . and confusion. Therefore, he suggested that nation branding should be more important, which could help promote the positive image to the targeted audience, and enhance the country's soft power at the same time. To increase the national branding and increase the attractiveness, nowadays many Asian countries adopt tourism as their strategies. As Anholt (2008) observed that nowadays place branding in Asia is connected with tourism. For instance,. 政 治 大. countries such as Thailand and Maldives are eager to broad their national branding to. 立. attract more investment and exports from foreign countries. Ham (2001) also. ‧ 國. 學. illustrated the relationship between nation branding and tourism. Many countries. ‧. present themselves on the world map in various ways. For instance, Singapore offers. Nat. io. sit. y. the picture of satisfied passengers of airline service while Ireland is associated with. er. green and friendly environment. However, Ham (2001) questioned whether these. al. n. v i n C hof these states that U images describes the real situation e n g c h i the audience can really visit or they just sell their products through culture stereotype? Ham (2001) further pointed out that as brand products, branded states depends on trust and customer satisfaction. On the other hand, some researchers found that the nation branding through tourism industry has strong connection with destination branding. As Morgan (2006) asserted that within the context of tourism destination branding would have the wider strategy of location branding. Hanna and Rowley (2007) also found that nation brands 13   .

(22)  . in relation to countries, the reference is in the context of country 'outputs' which within the context of tourism is a destination brand. As Ionela (2014) observed that Romania promoted the nation brand through nature and beauties of its tourism resources, and Greece highlighted the national branding through providing natural attractions and extra experience to tourists, such as ocean tourism and medical tourism.. 政 治 大 1.2.3 Taiwan Brand: Adopting Tourism to Build Nation Branding 立. ‧ 國. 學. When reviewing the past literatures, it is hard to find many researches on how did Taiwan adopt tourism to build national brand. Previously the case study on nation. ‧. branding through the adoption of tourism focusing on Western countries, although the. sit. y. Nat. io. n. al. er. number of study in Asia has been increase in recent years, compared to Western. i n U. v. countries, there is just few studies. The case study on building Taiwan brand through tourism is even fewer.. Ch. engchi. The early studies on building the national image in the case study of Taiwan is government and individual companies. Amine and Chao (2005) found that national advertising campaign could benefit the country itself but also the individual companies, such as Taiwan's Acer. While the current studies of nation branding on Taiwan through adopting tourism has focused much more on the studies of destination and culture. Culture is a reflection of life, and therefore those studies discuss the place 14   .

(23)  . branding and tourism industry from the perspective of culinary and culture activity experience, such as festival, religion activity or exhibition. From the culture perspective, as Long (2004) observed that a wide variety of food relevant activities and various dining places provides the hosts with the local dishes to promote their culinary cultures to attract more tourists in the future. Lin et al. (2011) found from their studies that as a tourism destination, Taiwan tried to promote its image as a. 政 治 大. tourism destination through the identity of food. In their findings from interviews,. 立. most of the international tourists suggested that to participate in local festivals is the. ‧ 國. 學. attractive way to taste and experience specific Taiwanese food.. ‧. Chen et al. (2012) adopt the quantitative method to examine the factors under the. Nat. io. sit. y. six measurements of the Hexagon from Anholt (2005). They observed that among. er. several factors in national branding of Taiwan through tourism, the top three elements. al. n. v i n are festivals, culture, and foods.C They h einferred h itheUreason may be owing to the n g cthat population formation of Taiwan, a combination of indigenous people, mainland. Chinese, Hakka, and Taiwanese. They suggested that considering branding the image of Taiwan in tourism, Taiwan should make good use of the culture diversity, especially the strength of festival to deliver nation strategy. As a result, in the following chapters of this thesis, it would develop further on the process and strategies of how does Taiwan brand itself in tourism and form possible policy 15   .

(24)  . recommendation as the conclusion. As a result, in order to make the discussion on nation branding though adopting tourism more sufficient, this thesis would begin with nation branding, discussing the factors and strategies how countries build their national brand, and use Taiwan as the case study for analyzing the future opportunities and challenges through tourism policies and promotion campaign.. 立. 學. ‧ 國. 1.3 Research Methods. 政 治 大. 1.3.1 Research Approach and Method. ‧. On considering the difference between research approach and method, research. Nat. io. sit. y. approach deals with what we are going to conduct research, and method copes with. er. how we are going to conduct research. Therefore, in this thesis, the thesis method was. al. n. v i n Cmore conducted by document analysis, U the analysis of previous h especifically n g c h ithrough studies on nation branding through tourism industry, especially from the tourism policies and promotion campaigns, this research would discuss the answer to the research question from the research approach and method. On the part of policy analysis, this thesis would adopt qualitative method. focusing on the case study how does Taiwan brand its national image through tourism policies launched during the year of 2008 to 2014 and interview with the government 16   .

(25)  . officials from Taiwan Tourism Bureau to have a more detailed understanding on the construction of Taiwan branding through tourism.. 1.3.2 Data Collection Since the method would cover document analysis, the data collection would include the tourism policies of Taiwan Tourism Bureau from 2008-2014. The data for. 政 治 大. the tourism policy would be based on articles, journals, documents, books, magazines. 立. and publication provided by the Taiwan government, the media press, and the. ‧ 國. 學. Internet.. ‧. This thesis would follow the following procedure: First, the analysis of. Nat. io. sit. y. construction of nation branding through the tourism policies of Taiwan Tourism. er. Bureau during 2008-2014, including the background of time and context of the. al. n. v i n Cgovernment policy-making, and goals that the U to approach. Second, the h e n g cwould h i like analysis would explore deeper to investigate the strategies that the Taiwan Tourism Bureau has adopted to reach their goals, through the publication and promotion, including the tourism campaign, media publications and promotions, such as official website of Taiwan Tourism Bureau. Third, the analysis would evaluate the results of these policies and strategies in attracting tourists and the growth on economic implication generated from the successful Taiwan brand through tourism. 17   .

(26)  . 1.3.3 Thesis Chapters Chapter 1: Introduction (Overview)  From Nation  Branding Hexagon,  this thesis adopts the  aspect of tourism to  exam nation branding    Chapter2: Literature Review on Tourism Industry    reasons, factors & strategies (Tourism as a tool) . 立. 政 治 大. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. Chapter 3: Document Analysis through    Comparative Studies (Method 1) . y. er. io. sit. Nat.     Chapter 4: Case Study of Taiwan Brand through  Tourism Policy analysis and Interview (Method 2)   . n. al. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. Chapter 5: The Construction of Taiwan Brand (Result)   .  . 18   .

(27)  . Chapter 2 Construction of Nation Branding: Reason, Factors and Strategies Branding provides a connection between people's perception with the characteristics of the product itself. Kolter and Gertner (2004) illustrated in their article concerning how a country can be branded, from their findings. They explored the connection between country and brand equity. The name of the country helped. 政 治 大. consumers associate products and make their decision, which are connected to the. 立. perceived value of the products.. ‧ 國. 學. On the discussion of nation branding and the importance to the countries adopt it,. ‧. we should have a clarification of the definition of it. Sharman (2007) suggested that. Nat. io. sit. y. place branding is “the totality of the thoughts, feelings, associations and expectations. er. that come to mind when a prospect or consumer is exposed to an entity’s name, logo,. al. n. v i n Cdesign products, services, events, or any representing them”. (Sharman, h e norgsymbol chi U. 2007, p.20) Also, the Chinese scholar Ying Fan (2006) defined Nation Branding as "applying branding and marketing communications techniques to promote a nation's image." (Fan, 2006, p.5) Therefore, if we adopt and simplify the definition from the above discussion, nation branding is a process concerning about the image of a nation, the access to promote the image as well as to the targeted audience. As a result, the process of place 19   .

(28)  . branding involves the entity (nation), ways to convey the image or designed message (marketing and promotion), and the message receiver (the targeted audience). When we discuss the concept of nations, country, and states are often been used interchangeable. Ying Fan (2006) explained that they actually have different meanings, "a country means an area of land occupied by a nation, while nation generally refers to a large of people shared the same race and language. State, considers a country as. 政 治 大. a political organization, such as the form of government, parliament democracy,. 立. constitutional monarchy or one party dictatorship." (Fan, 2006, p.10) Therefore, this. ‧ 國. 學. thesis would adopt the term “nation” to represent the concept of country, the people. io. sit. y. Nat. branding.. ‧. within the area and the governmental institutions in it on the discussion of nation. er. Concerning on the process of branding. If interpersonal relationship is the. al. n. v i n relationship between person andC person, diplomacy is the subject that dealing h e nthen gchi U with the relations between countries. As shown in first chapter nation branding is the concept extended from place branding, which applies the concept of brand from business field into the diplomacy aspect, especially on the relations between countries and the image that is associated when people think of the countries. Through communication on a particular image toward the targeted audience or market, the process of nation branding conveyed a certain influential message from the countries 20   .

(29)  . toward its audience. As Molianen and Rainisto (2009) illustrated, the influence of a branding could increase attractiveness of companies and investments, promote the objectives of the tourism industry, promote public diplomacy, support the interests of the exporting industry, and strengthen the identity and self-esteem of citizens. The process of nation branding, from the above discussion, covers the process ranging from the an entity that share the idea of a group of people with the same race. 政 治 大. and languages to promote the national image through communication to deliver. 立. message toward the target audience to maximize their interest. However, what are the. ‧ 國. 學. reasons to promote nation branding, what factors that influence nation branding, and. ‧. what strategies countries use on nation branding among the process? In the following. Nat. er. io. sit. y. chapters, this thesis would explain respectively.. n. al. C h Branding 2.1 Reasons to Promote Nation i e ngch. i n U. v. Why does nation branding matter? What are the benefits for countries to apply this concept when they are dealing their diplomacy policies? As Kolter and Gertner (2002) are first people to introduce the concept of nation branding and discussed in the Journal of Brand Management that there are more reasons for countries to control and put their national brand into management to attract tourists, higher quality of human resources such as talented people, investment such as factories, companies, as 21   .

(30)  . well as markets investment for their exports. Therefore, countries adopt strategic marketing management tools and conscious branding. In terms of the function of nation branding, scholars have positive and promising expectation on the development and promotion of country through nation branding. Toward the development of nation branding, Kolter et al. (2004) have addressed on the function and purpose of place branding. From the aspect of function Kolter. 政 治 大. recognized that nation branding provides nation with opportunity in work and sense of. 立. belonging.. ‧ 國. 學. From the aspect of management and marketing, Israel Nebenzahl explained the. ‧. function of nation branding from the impact of it from the perspective of marketing.. Nat. io. sit. y. She further explained that customers would be willing to pursue a product of certain. er. country owing to its country image. Seppo Rainisto also suggested that a place or. al. n. v i n C h could attract moreUcustomers compared to its country that has a well-known brand engchi counterparts without branding. Finally, from the perspective of diplomacy and international relations, Ham (2008) has pointed out that image and reputation played important roles in the strategy of development. As brand of product in marketplace, it is associated with trust and satisfaction of customers. By the same token, when concerning about the personality of state, Ham (2008) suggested that there are ‘friendly’ countries, such as 22   .

(31)  . Western-oriented countries; ‘credible’ countries, such as the alliance they have formed; and unreliable or aggressive countries, such as rough or expanding countries. For instance, the U.S. has successfully applied international pressure to the ‘axis of evil’ countries, such as Libya, Iraq, Iran and North Korea. In terms of adopting the new way to interact with states in diplomacy, why does the construction of nation branding become more and more important and more. 政 治 大. countries are following the trend in development of East Asian countries? According. 立. to Anholt (2008), many countries in Asia as well as countries in other region have. ‧ 國. 學. been aware of the importance of nation branding. Some Asian countries plan to keep. ‧. their international reputation followed the rapid economic growth. Some would like to. Nat. io. er. branding, could be more competitive in global competition.. sit. y. eliminate the negative reputation while still others, through the successful nation. al. n. v i n However why do countriesC choose nation branding to strengthen their national hen gchi U. image instead of others? How does the nation branding matter to country itself and to the possible targeted audience? As Gudjonsson (2005) has found that nation branding is a process that influences and creates positive platforms and an effective environment for the brand of nation to compete in international markets. He suggested that reasons for using nation branding could achieve goals in different aspects such as politic and diplomacy. Therefore, he claimed that through adopting nation branding, 23   .

(32)  . nations could achieve three main goals. First, with the adoption of nation branding, nations could protect their domestic businesses and brands from negative effects of government, politics or other related domestic or international actions. Second, nation branding could also support national businesses and brands to become more competitive in international competition. Finally, nation branding is to construct their prosperity and standards of living. 政 治 大. domestically. These goals are based on the purpose of economic, political and cultural. 立. factors.. ‧ 國. 學. From the above discussion of the reason on nation branding, we could. ‧. understand that through branding it could connect a place with its advantages,. Nat. io. sit. y. including national development, business marketing and management and diplomacy. er. and public relations. Therefore, the function of a successful branding could connect its. al. n. v i n C hwith the practice ofUleadership and partnership to disciplines and techniques together engchi convey the message of international relations, diplomacy and policy making with a more innovative way.. 2.2 Factors on Nation Branding 2.2.1 Nation Branding Hexagon The image of a country is an abstract concept without concrete scale to measure 24   .

(33)  . it. However, Anholt (2005) made the aspect of the national image into six perspectives, including Tourism, People, Culture and Heritage, Investment and Immigration, Governance, and Export, called Nation Brand Hexagon. Among the six perspectives, Tourism is the most obvious and active perspective. Anholt (2005) pointed out that the travel agents have invested great amount of money on promoting countries image to the tourists around the world. Although these. 政 治 大. promoted images are only the iceberg of the whole picture, they have become the. 立. stereotype to the targeted audience.. ‧ 國. 學. The second perspective is the People. In order to test the quality of human capital,. ‧. on the question of their questionnaire, Anholt (2005) mainly focused on two. Nat. io. sit. y. perspectives, first it is regarding to people's perception of the human resource toward. er. a nation in terms of the business to business ranking. If they are the manager, who. al. n. v i n Cofhtheir perception, U would they prefer to hire in terms e n g c h i and people from which country they would prefer to hire. The second question is concerned about the ranking of hospitality toward the people in different country. The third one is about the Culture and Heritage, from which Anholt (2005) investigated people's perception through surveying are ranking on a country's specific traditional culture or culture heritage. In addition, they asked whether they would be willing to purchase the popular or business products from tested countries, and further 25   .

(34)  . ask about their preferred cultural products to infer the cultural feature of the tested countries. The fourth one, it's the Investigation and Immigration. Interviewees are asked about their preference on the willingness, their ranking and the location that they would like to stay or work in the tested country for a period of time to test the investigation and immigration of people's ranking on it.. 政 治 大. On the fifth perspective, Governance, Anholt (2005) investigated people on the. 立. capability in governance as well as their trust on the ability to keeping the peace and. ‧ 國. 學. security of the tested countries to cover both domestic and international level.. ‧. The last perspective is Export, which Anholt (2005) investigated the customers. Nat. io. sit. y. on their satisfaction as well as their loyalty to the tested countries' products and. n. al. er. services. Anholt (2005) argued that business products convey the brand of a nation. Ch. and their connection toward a particular country.. engchi. i n U. v. 2.2.2 Nation Branding through Tourism Industry Among the six factors that will cause influence on the construction of nation branding, in terms of the direct effect on the general public on their association with the particular nation which would be the comparatively influential one? This thesis suggests it is the tourism among the six factors that cause the direct effect of nation 26   .

(35)  . branding toward the general public. Anholt (2008) mentioned many countries in Asia realized that the economic development is relied on a broad spread of risk, including Japan and Korea tended to rely on the exports for the foreign revenue and turn to pursue for more international visitors. Through tourism industry to develop nation branding, it could support to promote the marketing effect on the visitors' association between the tourism. 政 治 大. destination and the entity (nation) itself. As Blain et al. (2005) has found that branding. 立. through tourism could firstly support the identity and uniqueness of the destination;. ‧ 國. 學. second, convey the expectation associated with the destination; third to strengthen the. ‧. emotional connection between the visitors and the destination, and finally eliminate. Nat. io. sit. y. the risk for customers. From the recent studies, this thesis found that there are three. er. factors that influence construction of nation branding through tourism, including the. al. n. v i n policy implementation, resourceC integration, marketing promotion strategies. h e n gand chi U Factor on Policy Making. Policy plays an important role on determining the direction of nation branding through tourism industry. In 1994, Hall (1994) has clarified the process of policy making covering four parts, including policy demand (inside and outside from the political system), policy decision making by the authority, policy output and intended 27   .

(36)  . or unintended impact caused by the implemented policy. Based on the process of policy making, Zhong et al. (1999) analyzed the tourism policy development in contemporary China. They investigated the tourism policy during 1978 to 1999, and found that before 1978, the year of economic reform, tourism initially served as the tool to promote the political achievements and influence of Socialist China. However, owing to the increasing economic capability and opportunities, Chinese government. 政 治 大. has conducted three phases to promote the tourism through the implementation of. 立. policy, including 1978-1985, 1985-1992, and 1992-1999. In the first phase, the. ‧ 國. 學. government promoted a series of policies to start the reform, including the. ‧. improvement of efficiency in tourism administration, infrastructure and facilities, and. Nat. io. sit. y. management and service quality. During the second phase, the authority integrated the. er. tourism resources and facilities based on the Seventh Five-year National Plan,. al. n. v i n C h of tourist attractions, including the restoration and development regulation in tourism engchi U industry. Finally, at the third phase, owing to the increasing opportunities of foreign investment, the government implemented the policies following the "National Tourism Plan 1986-2000", covering expanding the areas of foreign investment, resort construction, decentralization of tourism pricing, and market-oriented tourism development. From the result of the third phase, as Zhong et al. (1999) found that authority has received 4% from foreign exchange earnings from exports during 28   .

(37)  . 1991-1995 and 80 to100 US$ billion by the end of the year 2000.. Factors on Resource Integration Except policy and regulation, the integration of resources could also support the re-establishment of positive image for a country on the construction of nation branding even during the war period as Avraham's (2009) research on the topic of. 政 治 大. marketing and nation branding of Israel. The strategies of Israel on nation branding is. 立. focusing on integration of resource. Israeli government is aware of the importance of. ‧ 國. 學. media coverage of the crisis for the audience, and therefore they sought to alternative. ‧. solutions to explore the media to the target audience, including the influence of the. Nat. io. sit. y. media, the cooperation and developing media relations, and the cooperation with the. n. al. er. film industry, the Internet networking as well as the celebrities to construct their nation branding.. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. First of all, the Israeli government prevents the negative effect from the country's perception through the establishment of the positive relationship with the people in field of news media. Second, the government has also cooperated with the foreign media to reach a better understanding in the international public opinion by organizing press conference, interaction with the media and journalists, and the release of domestic information toward the journalist and foreign media interviews. 29   .

(38)  . Moreover, to enhance the recognition on the international society, Israeli government has supported the local film industry and promoted another different context instead of war and conflict on the international film festival to attract more visitors. In addition, Israeli government has also invited Madonna the international celebrity to visit Israel and promoted the travel experience that is safe and positive for travel. Finally, the Israeli government concerned the limitation of the traditional media, then. 政 治 大. the place marketers in Israel have sought out the Internet to present the positive image. 立. of the nation. Therefore, the Israeli foreign and tourism ministries created the websites. ‧ 國. 學. and provides air clips, ads and video through the Internet. Recently, the government. ‧. has also created blogs and news through the online social media, Myspace to present. Nat. io. sit. y. the culture and characteristics of Israel. The integration of resources with marketing. er. the promotion media explore the new way for Israel to construct the positive national. al. n. v i n C h out that the IsraeliUgovernment should also image, however as Avraham pointed engchi. realize the limitations of those resource and marketing tools on the construction of the public image.. Marketing Strategies Factor Through the adaptation of marketing strategies, nation could enhance the attraction and further increases potential foreign investments. As Jansen (2008) 30   .

(39)  . discovered the nation brand of Estonia that examines nation branding as an application in business field at the end of the Cold War. Under the trend of globalization, Estonia initiates Brand Estonia to promote economic development and international recognition to the target audience through the marketing of history origin, the technology development as well as international campaign to reach its goals. As Jansen (2008) has further pointed out Estonia eagerly looked forward to foreign. 政 治 大. investment, and joining the European Union. However, Estonia did not abandon its. 立. past connection with the Soviet Union. Instead, it made the connection with a twist. ‧ 國. 學. and combined it with the innovative elements. First, Estonia describes itself as 'a. ‧. Nordic country with a twist' and 'the New Scandinavia'. After pointing out the unique. Nat. io. sit. y. feature, Estonia attracts more than 150 million television viewers through hosting the. er. Eurovision Song Contest in the year of 2002. As a result, Estonia conceptualized. al. n. v i n C h themselves. Through nation branding as a means to reposition e n g c h i U the examination of movement of nation branding, Jansen (2008) argues that nation branding is the drive to neo-liberalism that make use of the market relations to clarify national identity which was depended on the intuitive knowledge of individual industry creative. Although nation branding through tourism concerns about the factors on policy, resource, and marketing strategies, the national image might be different as the time change. Fan (2006) discussed the factors influencing nation branding, time seems to 31   .

(40)  . serve as an essential factor in determining people's perception on nation image. For instance, China was associated with the event of SARS epidemic in spring 2003. However, in the year of 1989, it was the Tiananmen massacres shaped the image while in 2008 it turns out to be the event of Olympic Games. Under the influence of time, the perception of nation branding toward a certain country might be changed. Therefore, under the particular time period, the association,. 政 治 大. the assessment or personal experience of the targeted audience plays an influential. 立. factors on nation branding. As Fan (2006) furthered explained that audience. ‧ 國. 學. assessment might be based upon the personal experience factors, such as their. ‧. education or knowledge, prior ownership of a produced product in that country, and. Nat. io. sit. y. the depiction of the country through media channels and stereotypes of audience.. er. From the above discussion, we can realize that the influential factors on nation. al. n. v i n C h ranging from tourism, brand cover a variety of perspectives, e n g c h i U people, culture and. heritage, exports, governance and investment and immigration. However these factors will be influenced by the factors of time and the association of target audience. Among them, tourism has been pointed out as the most prominent brand image on targeted audience form their personal experience toward a country. As a result, the discussion of nation branding might be too broad to cover all, and therefore, this thesis would only focus on the discussion of nation branding and the tourism industry 32   .

(41)  . in terms of its policy, resource, and marketing strategies.. 2.3 Strategies of Countries on Nation Branding After understanding the influencing factors in nation branding, what are the strategies countries adopt to construct their nation branding, and how did they apply? As Anholt (2005) first applied the index of Nation Brand Hexagon to the analysis of country case to explore how does the world view the United States. He has conducted. 治 政 around 10, 000 surveys to examine the perception of consumers 大 from 10 countries on 立 ‧ 國. 學. America's political, commercial, culture as well as human assets, investment potential and tourism attraction. He discovered that among the index from the Nation Brand. ‧. Hexagon, the United States is ranked high in the categories of tourism, people,. sit. y. Nat. io. n. al. er. investment, and exports.. i n U. v. In survey, governance as well as culture and heritage of the United States are. Ch. engchi. ranked relatively low. As a result, he suggested that the solution to explore why the United States got relatively low ranking in governance and cultural heritage should pay more attention to what the United States has done intentionally or unintentionally to cause the negative perceptions. At the same time, the U.S. should also learn how other counties maintain their positive image. Therefore, the adaptation nation branding could help a nation to understand much more on its advantage and disadvantage. The case of the United States reveals the strategies of United States in 33   .

(42)  . tourism, people, investment, and exports are relatively more successful than governance as well as cultural heritage on the construction of nation branding. To overcome the disadvantage on the effect national image, the United States adopts its strange on the nation branding through tourism. Fullerton and Kendrick (2013) found that strategies communication tactics as tourism advertising can influence public diplomacy and affect attitude of foreign public toward the U.S..The. 政 治 大. U.S. State Department has launched advertising as public diplomacy. In 2012,. 立. Innocence of Muslims, a low-budget Hollywood movie, irritating the Muslim. ‧ 國. 學. communities through depicting the prophet Mohammad in an appropriate manner.. ‧. The U.S. government launched a commercial on Pakistani TV to broadcast the speech. Nat. io. sit. y. of President Barack Obama and Secretary State Hillary Clinton about their criticism. er. of the controversial movie. In this case, nation branding serves as a platform to. al. n. v i n C hthe communicationUwith the target audience to convey the certain message through engchi achieve the diplomatic objective.. 2.3.1 Strategies of Nation Branding in East Asian Countries Nation branding though tourism is not only a privilege for a strong power such as the U.S., but also a tool of East Asian countries to construct their national image to increase the positive image and attract more tourists. As Horng and Tsai (2012) found 34   .

(43)  . out in their research that recently food and cuisine has received much more attention than before at the tourist destination, especially in Asia-Pacific region. Therefore, more and more countries are willing to invest more resources on the development. For instance, on the construction of nation branding, Australia Tourism Commission has combined food culture with cultural festivals by the distinguish of different areas. In addition, Korea promoted the cultural image of cuisines through popular broadcasting. 政 治 大. and TV commercials to attract the fans of Korean drama as the targeted audience. Still. 立. others, such as Hong Kong government realized the essence of cuisine in tourism. ‧ 國. 學. development, and they construct Hong Kong as the 'Gourmet Paradise' through. ‧. advertisement and cooperate with the private sector in promotion.. Nat. io. sit. y. Although there are different voices on the opinion of nation branding in Asian. er. countries, nation branding through tourism in Asia still has a lot of spaces to grow. al. n. v i n C h branding and theUimplementation with public considering the complexity of nation engchi diplomacy. Dinnie (2012) has pointed out that the main goals for nation branding is on export promotion, attraction for investment, tourism promotion and increase in international influence. He suggested that nation branding should go beyond not only slogan promotion, but instead nations should adopt policies to engage stakeholders to support, which helps the nation to express its identity in various was toward the target audience. However, adopting tourism as the way to construct nation branding not only 35   .

(44)  . provides another way to increase the positive image of the country, but also eliminates the negative association from the target audience which further fosters the domestic development in relevant industries through the strategies, including the implementation of policies regulation, integration of resources, as well as business promotion and marketing strategies.. 政 治 大. 2.3.2 Strategies of Nation Branding through Policy. 立. First, in terms of the implementation of policies and regulation on nation. ‧ 國. 學. branding through tourism, Thailand and Singapore adopt different strategies on nation. ‧. branding through tourism and the policies regulation. However they represent. Nat. io. sit. y. different ways how Asian countries eliminate negative association from the audience.. er. As Nuttavuthisit (2006) observed that Thailand has been associated with negative. al. n. v i n C hindustry, especiallyUamong consumers and tourists. image of sex industry in its tourism engchi Therefore, in order to correct the negative image, the Thai government took direct actions against sex tourism through government policies and cooperation with local NGOs and other organizations, including prostitution prohibit especially on child exploration and human trafficking. In addition, Thai government provides counseling program in education and employment for young girls of sex trade. Thai government tried to eliminate the negative image in sex tourism, on the other hand the authority 36   .

(45)  . enhanced the promotion on its tourism resources, such as natural scenery and rich and unique culture. From the case of Singapore, nation branding through tourism could support a country to eliminate the misconceptions and shortage of resources. Henderson (2007) has pointed out the case of nation branding in Singapore, he found that although Singapore has been associated with strict legal regulations and the shortage of. 政 治 大. territory space and traditional tourism resources. However, the relevant tourism. 立. authority of Singapore employed the marketing slogan on making Singapore an. ‧ 國. 學. example of Asia with diversity culture in the 1970s and promotion strategies to create. ‧. Singapore as a blend of Asian and Western culture in the 1980s. The case of. Nat. io. sit. y. Singapore and Thailand, as the tourism authority eliminated the negative association. er. with their national brand, at the same time they tried to highlight the strength of their. al. n. v i n brand through the promotion of C tourism Through the effect of trendy drama h e nresources. gchi U and relevant cultural products, Japan and Korea seized the opportunity to convey the message of positive nation branding through the integration of tourism resources.. 2.3.3 Strategies of Nation Branding through Tourism Resource As the tourism policy plays an important role in nation branding through tourism, the integration of tourism resource also makes great contribution on the construction 37   .

(46)  . of nation branding, in the case of Japan and Korea. Huang (2011) found that Japan and Korea initiated the media promotion through trendy dramas to attract the idol-addicted fans and combine with relevant tourism resources to foster domestic tourism industry on the construction of nation branding. Under the development of cultural globalization, Japanese authority created craze through the trendy dramas with the integration of local culture and media communication. Seizing the visitors. 政 治 大. attracted by the trendy drama, in the year of 2003 the Japanese authority launched the. 立. international campaign, Yokoso! JAPAN targeting the audience from Korea, Taiwan,. ‧ 國. 學. China and Hong Kong through integration of resources by inviting famous Japanese. ‧. actress as ambassador to introduce Japan on the purpose to vitalize the local economic. Nat. io. sit. y. and development. Further, the Japanese government sponsored TV travel shows,. er. launched tourism campaign to promote Japanese heritage and traditional. al. n. v i n Cvisa craftsmanship, and offers specific h eservice i Uaudience from certain Asian n g ctohtarget countries. On the other hand, followed the pattern of Japan, Korea developed its culture export into the so-called 'Korean Wave', including TV programs, pop music to food and the combination with tourism. The Korean government adopted media as the tool to foster the economic growth from other sectors. Considering the popular and success brought by the Korean Wave, the Korean government has further hosted the 38   .

(47)  . annual trade show since 2001 and provided the right of some popular dramas into many countries without charge to promote the image of Korea as the future investment for tourism. In addition, the Korean government provided the package tour with the place and cuisine from the TV show and drama to construct the place into a popular travel destination.. 政 治 大. 2.3.4 Strategies of Nation Branding through Tourism Promotion. 立. In addition to tourism policy and resource, from the case of China and South. ‧ 國. 學. Africa which present two different ways of construction through marketing promotion. ‧. by organizing international games, as Beijing Olympic Games in 2008 and 2010 FIFA. Nat. io. sit. y. World Cup in South Africa. FIFA is successful on image improvement, but China did. er. not increase a lot, instead it increases much more on economic performance.. al. n. v i n C inh2008 is one of theUmajor events of China in The Beijing Olympic Games engchi. international stage to convey the message of fusion of traditional Chinese culture with modern nation development achievement. Panagiotopoulou (2012) pointed out that in the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, the government promoted the national image with the ancient culture and modern technology and economic power achievements through effective media communication. Before the Olympic Games, as Panagiotopoulou has discovered the national image was lack of attractiveness by the 39   .

(48)  . examination of Nation Brand Index6 (NBI) before the Olympic Games. The organization of the Olympic Games reveal two international communication strategies: one is the interaction between the official campaign for the international media and the Western media system which dominates the Olympic media report. The second one is the intention to build up the image of "New China" through the organizing the Great Olympic Games. Although through the organizing of the Games, the effect of. 政 治 大. promotion did increase the ranking on nation branding, the effect of the Olympic. 立. violation of human rights among the public citizens.. 學. ‧ 國. Games did not last long owing to the association the decline of freedom in politic and. ‧. On the other hand, the case in 2010 FIFA World Cup organized by South Africa. Nat. io. sit. y. presents the domestic development, the beauty of natural resources and the culture. al. er. and diversity side of South Africa. As Knott et al.(2012) has discovered that the image. n. v i n C h problems, including of South Africa suffered from public e n g c h i U increasing crime rates, high unemployment rate, and a high rate of HIV infection. Therefore, South Africa government seized the opportunity to make the positive image promotion through. several re-branding strategies in 2010 FIFA World Cup. First, the government created the positive impact about the Game and the image of the city Cape Town through the report of foreign media as CNN, BCC and Aljazeera. Second, the government                                                        . 6. Panagiotopoulou adopted Anholt's Nation Brand Hexagon for the years 2005-2009 to examine the changes in nation branding. China ranked 21st among 25 countries (21/25) in the year of 2005 in terms of the overall ranking. 23/35 in 2007, 28/50 in 2008 and 22/50 in the year of 2009. 40   .



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