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國小中高年級學生自律學習與數學學業成就關係之縱貫性分析 - 政大學術集成


Academic year: 2021

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(1)87. 國立政治大學「教育與心理研究」 2016 年 12 月,39 卷 4 期,頁 87-111 DOI. 10.3966/102498852016123904004. 國小中高年級學生自律學習與數學學業 成就關係之縱貫性分析 翁雅芸*. 摘. 余民寧**. 要. 本研究欲探討自律學習與數學學業成就之縱貫性關係,以及其中是否有性別 差異存在。本研究進行橫跨兩年期共計五波次,以國小四年級下學期追蹤至國小六 年級下學期的長期縱貫性追蹤調查,進行潛在成長曲線模型分析。研究發現:性別 對於自律學習與數學學業成就之起始水準的影響達顯著,其中,女生的自律學習起 始水準高於男生,男生的數學學業成就起始水準則高於女生;自律學習起始水準與 自律學習成長速率呈現負向影響,且自律學習起始水準對數學學業成就起始水準則 達顯著正向影響,但數學學業成就起始水準對數學學業成就成長速率則無顯著影 響。最後,根據本研究結果提出相關結論與建議,以供未來研究與實務輔導工作的 參考。. 關鍵詞: 自律學習、性別差異、數學學業成就、潛在成長曲線模型 *. 翁雅芸:國立政治大學教育學系博士生 余民寧(通訊作者):國立政治大學教育學系特聘教授 誌謝:本文作者感謝行政院國家科學委員會補助局部經費(計畫編號:NSC 99-2511-S004-003-MY3) 電子郵件:mnyu@nccu.edu.tw **. 收件日期:2015.04.14;修改日期:2015.12.19;接受日期:2016.03.09.

(2) 88. Journal of Education & Psychology December, 2016, Vol. 39 No. 4, pp. 87-111. The Relationship of Self-Regulated Learning and Math Achievement Among the 4th- to 6thGrade Elementary Schools Students: A Longitudinal Analysis Ya-Yun Weng*. Min-Ning Yu**. Abstract. Students’ self-regulated learning (SRL) is an important topic. This study examines the development of self-regulated learning and math achievement. The sample from the 4th- to 6th-grade elementary schools students. Structural equation modeling with the latent growth curve models is employed to analyze the data. The analysis results are as follows: The gender differences really exist regarding the development of SRL. Between self-regulated’ slope and math achievement’s slope and between self-regulated’ intercept and math achievement’s intercept both have positive relationships. In all students sample and girl’s sample, they have a negative relationship between self-regulated’ slope and intercept. The growth of self-regulated learning is curve, not linear, so could not accurately predict the trend of self-regulated learning in future. Girls’ self-regulated learning are better than boys’, but boys’ growth rate are better than girls’. Boys’ math achievements are better than girls’, and the growth rate is too. Bnd math achievements’. *. Ya-Yun Weng: Doctoral Student, Department of Education, National Chengchi University Min-Ning Yu (Corresponding Author): Distinguished Professor, Department of Education, National Chengchi University E-mail: mnyu@nccu.edu.tw. **. Manuscript received: 2015.04.14; Revised: 2015.12.19; Accepted: 2016.03.09.

(3) 89. mean just has a little difference. But girls’ performances on self-regulated learning and math achievements are better than those of boys in the 4th wave test. Based on these results, several conclusions and suggestions for parctical applications and future research are proposed.. Keywords: self-regulated learning, gender difference, math achievement, latent growth curve model.


















(21) 國小中高年級學生自律學習與數學學業成就關係之縱貫性分析. 有諸如性別刻板印象等因素,進而影響 學生的學業成就或自律學習等表現。 本研究主要探討國小四年級到六 年級學生其自律學習與數學學業成就成 長之情況,對於自律學習成長的波動, 與男、女生自律學習差異的變化,並未 能進行深入探討,研究結果僅能推論國 小中高年級時的變化,但仍發現自律學 習所存在的天花板現象。國小是型塑自 律學習的重要階段,故其中的變化更是 值得深入探討的議題。因此,未來的研 究若能探討與自律學習相關的因素,亦 能對學生自律學習的養成有較為深入完 整的分析。. 參考文獻 毛國楠、程炳林(1993)。目標層次與目標 導向對大學生自我調整學習歷程之影 響。教育心理學報,26,85-106。 【Mao, K. N., & Cherng, B. L. (1993). The effects of goal orientation and goal specificity on college students’ selfregulated learning. Bulletin of Educational Psychology, 26, 85-106.】. 余民寧(2006)。潛在變項模式:SIMPLIS 的應用。臺北市:高等教育。 【Yu, M. N. (2006). Lantent variable models: The application of SIMPLIS. Taipei, Taiwan: Higher Education.】. 余民寧(2013)。縱貫性資料分析⎯⎯LGM 的應用。臺北市:心理。 【Yu, M. N. (2013). Longitudinal data analysis: The application of LGM. Taipei, Taiwan: Psychological.】. 余民寧、陳柏霖、鍾珮純、趙珮晴、許嘉 家(2010)。新移民族群學生科學與數. 107. 學學習的教育長期追蹤資料庫之建置 ⎯⎯國民小學階段新移民族群學生科 學與數學學習的長期追蹤調查 (1/3)。國家科學委員會委託之整合 型 專 題 研 究 案 ( NSC 99-2511-S-004003-MY3 )。 臺 北 市 : 國 家 科 學 委 員 會。 【Yu, M. N., Chen, P. L., Chung, P. C., Chao, P. C., & Syu, J. J. (2010). The longitudinal study of new immigrant children’s science and mathematics learning in elementary school stage (1/3). National Science Council Research Project (NSC 99-2511S-004-003-MY3). Taipei, Taiwan: National Science Council.】. 余民寧、陳柏霖、鍾珮純、趙珮晴、許嘉 家(2011)。新移民族群學生科學與數 學學習的教育長期追蹤資料庫之建置 ⎯⎯國民小學階段新移民族群學生科 學與數學學習的長期追蹤調查 (2/3)。國家科學委員會委託之整合 型 專 題 研 究 案 ( NSC 99-2511-S-004003-MY3 )。 臺 北 市 : 國 家 科 學 委 員 會。 【Yu, M. N., Chen, P. L., Chung, P. C., Chao, P. C., & Syu, J. J. (2010). The longitudinal study of new immigrant children’s science and mathematics learning in elementary school stage (2/3). National Science Council Research Project (NSC 99-2511S-004-003-MY3). Taipei, Taiwan: National Science Council.】. 余民寧、趙珮晴、鍾珮純、葉怡伶、陳玉 樺(2012)。新移民族群學生科學與數 學學習的教育長期追蹤資料庫之建置 ⎯⎯國民小學階段新移民族群學生科 學與數學學習的長期追蹤調查 (3/3)。國家科學委員會委託之整合 型 專 題 研 究 案 ( NSC 99-2511-S-004003-MY3 )。 臺 北 市 : 國 家 科 學 委 員 會。 【Yu, M. N., Chao, P. C., Chung, P. C., Yeh, I. L., & Chen Y. H. (2012). The longitudinal.

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• to develop a culture of learning to learn through self-evaluation and self-improvement, and to develop a research culture for improving the quality of learning and teaching

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