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A Study on the Behavioral Intention of Community Colleges Students Participating Voluntary Works in Changhua 王芷嫻、施能仁


Academic year: 2022

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A Study on the Behavioral Intention of Community Colleges Students Participating Voluntary Works in Changhua


E-mail: 9606940@mail.dyu.edu.tw


This research is constructed by the behavior theory proposed by Ajzen (1985), and is conducted with the analysis by the structural equation pattern. The objects of the study are the students of the spring semester in the 95th school year at Changhua County Community College, and the questionnaire survey is carrying on by the stratified sampling way; it is helpful to the time recruits volunteers and the administrative affairs of the Community College. The findings showed: First, in “manner” aspect: The construction surface “self-interesting” and “the advantage sociality” has the remarkable positive influence, and it demonstrated that Community College student's recruiting participated in volunteer is on the basis of the back coupling society's benefit which is more important than serving to the personal interest. Second, in “subjective norm” aspect: The construction surface “the interpersonal influence” and “the external influence ” has the remarkable positive influence, the Community College excepts to utilize the volunteer management games influences regards not only the reference group but the family members and friends, the school may also plan the related curriculum to display the influence. Third, in “perceived behavior control” aspect:

“Self-appraisal” the immediate influence is more remarkable, “the convenience condition” is unable to achieve the remarkable influence. It showed carrying out the volunteer service, it is better to have them learn more information about volunteers, and it is very important to build a good atmosphere as they are serving. Forth, in “behavior intention” aspect: Influenced by “the manner

”, “the subjective standard” and “consciousness behavior control”, the effect influenced by “consciousness behavior control

” is the biggest. When the Community University plans the strategy in which the volunteer serves, the most important part is to provide more resources and the conditions about volunteer services for students, and the next is to change their attitudes and the subjective standard.

Keywords : Community College ; The Theory of Planned Behavior ; Structural Equation Model,SEM Table of Contents

內容目錄 中文摘要 ....................  iii 英文摘要 ................

....   iv 誌謝辭  ....................   vi 內容目錄 ............

........  vii 表目錄  ....................   ix 圖目錄  ........

............   xi 符號說明 ....................  xii 第一章  緒論..

...................1 第一節  研究背景與動機............... 1 第二節   研究目的...................4 第三節  重要名詞解釋.................5 第四節  研究範圍與限制................6 第二章  文獻探討...............

... 8 第一節  社區大學相關研究.............. 8 第二節  志工服務的內涵........

....... 14 第三節  計畫行為理論及相關研究........... 20 第四節  結構方程模式之應用..

........... 32 第三章   研究方法................. 42 第一節  研究架構....

.............. 42 第二節  研究流程.................. 45 第三節  研究假設

.................. 46 第四節  研究變項操作型定義............. 46 第五節   問卷設計.................. 47 第六節  資料分析與統計處理............. 53 第 四章  研究結果與討論............... 56 第一節  樣本人口統計變項分析..........

.. 56 第二節  各信念結構的敘述性統計結果......... 59 第三節  信度與效度分析.........

...... 65 第四節  以SEM分析整體模式的關係並驗證所提 出的假設關係................ 77 第五章  結論與建議................. 85 第一節  結論.................

... 85 第二節  建議.................... 87 參考文獻 ...............

....... 90 附錄A  共變異矩陣算式過程.............104 附錄B  結構方程模式各種配適度 指標的導出式.....106 附錄C  正式問卷..................110 附錄D  本研究以SEM 驗證模式,操作步驟....... 115 附錄E  本研究的測量模式及結構模式其方程式及矩 陣..........




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