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Empowering Leadership and Team Performance- The Mediating Effects of Knowledge Sharing and Team Cohesion 張祐瑄、童惠玲


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Empowering Leadership and Team Performance- The Mediating Effects of Knowledge Sharing and Team Cohesion


E-mail: 9707883@mail.dyu.edu.tw


Different invention and its process of an organization yield various outputs. The study explores the intermediate effect that sharing knowledge and team agglomeration bring between authorized leadership and team achievements. The study collects the data about the team of exclusive leadership from 70 branches of a famous fast-food chain restaurant, and examines various assumptive path relationship using related and linear architecture equations. The result tends to suggest that authorized leadership and team

achievements do not lead a direct and obvious positive influence. Instead, sharing knowledge of individuals and agglomerative power of a team indeed cause an obvious positive effect, they also dutifully play the role of an intermediater between the former two. In the process in which members mutually aid, each member will share the valued knowledge related to the team mission with others, which further affects team achievements. Besides, through associating emotion or consciousness with team agglomeration, including morale and motivations of members, the effect that members team up with each others generally affects team achievements. The top leadership should deeply concern such a relationship between team and effect, shares information, power, and cooperative

decision-making process with members through this flexible working unit, and enhances identification toward the team that members join. Accordingly, members shall tend to devoted themselves to the organization objects from the role and behaviors of individual, bringing team achievements positive effect. Food service industry is a kind of face-to-face labor trade with customers.

These organizations must continually and dynamically modify or extend their policies following the trends of market and their competitor. To orientate towards the service concept of customer satisfaction, leadership not only has to encounter internal employees and external customers, but also needs wisdom and service experience for changeable marketing environment. Human resource is a very important factor in developing organization, especially for the current service industry, which emphasizes high mutuality with customers, customer satisfaction, and customized and differentiated flexible service. High efficient mode of human resource management reaches to attract or persuade employees in the industry. Therefore, excellent operating achievement that brings quality, production, and finance becomes more important.

Keywords : empowerment leadership, team performance, knowledge sharing, team cohesion Table of Contents

內容目錄 中文摘要 ..................... iii 英文摘要 ................

..... iv 誌謝辭  ..................... v 內容目錄 ...............

...... vii 表目錄  ..................... ix 圖目錄  .............

........ xi 第一章  緒論................... 1   第一節  研究背景與動機...

......... 1   第二節  研究目的與問題............ 3 第二章  文獻探討.......

.......... 5   第一節  團隊績效............... 5   第二節  授權賦能....

........... 12   第三節  知識分享............... 17   第四節  團隊凝聚力.

............. 22 第三章  研究方法................. 29   第一節  研究架構

............... 29   第二節  研究假設............... 30   第三節  研究 對象與受訪方式.......... 30   第四節  研究變項與測量工具.......... 31   第五節   資料分析與統計方法.......... 36 第四章  資料分析與發現.............. 40   第一節   描述性統計分析............ 40   第二節  差異分析............... 41   第 三節  信度與效度分析............ 51   第四節  整體衡量模式分析........... 61    第五節  假設驗證............... 70   第六節  中介效果驗證.............

72 第五章  結論與建議................ 78   第一節  結論...............

.. 78   第二節  建議................. 84 參考文獻 .................

.... 87 附錄A  預測問卷 ................. 106 附錄B  正式問卷 ..........

....... 108



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