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Mining Cross-Cultural Differences and Similarities in Social Media


Academic year: 2022

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Mining Cross-Cultural Differences and Similarities in Social Media

Bill Yuchen Lin1 Frank F. Xu1 Kenny Q. Zhu1 Seung-won Hwang2

1Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China {yuchenlin, frankxu}@sjtu.edu.cn, kzhu@cs.sjtu.edu.cn

2Yonsei University, Seoul, Republic of Korea seungwonh@yonsei.ac.kr


Cross-cultural differences and similarities are common in cross-lingual natural lan- guage understanding, especially for re- search in social media. For instance, peo- ple of distinct cultures often hold dif- ferent opinions on a single named en- tity. Also, understanding slang terms across languages requires knowledge of cross-cultural similarities. In this pa- per, we study the problem of computing such cross-cultural differences and simi- larities. We present a lightweight yet ef- fective approach, and evaluate it on two novel tasks: 1) mining cross-cultural dif- ferences of named entities and 2) find- ing similar terms for slang across lan- guages. Experimental results show that our framework substantially outperforms a number of baseline methods on both tasks.

The framework could be useful for ma- chine translation applications and research in computational social science.

1 Introduction

Computing similarities between terms is one of the most fundamental computational tasks in natu- ral language understanding. Much work has been done in this area, most notably using the distri- butional properties drawn from large monolingual textual corpora to train vector representations of words or other linguistic units (Pennington et al., 2014; Le and Mikolov, 2014). However, com- puting cross-cultural similarities of terms between different cultures is still an open research ques- tion, which is important in cross-lingual natural language understanding. In this paper, we address cross-cultural research questions such as these:

Both authors contributed equally.

#Nanjing says no to Nagoya# This small Japan, is really irritating.

What is this? We Chinese people are tolerant of good and evil, and you? People do things, and the gods are watching. Japanese, be careful, and beware of thunder chop! (via Bing Translation)

Figure 1: Two social media messages about Nagoya from different cultures in 2012

1. Were there any cross-cultural differences be- tween Nagoya (a city in Japan) for native En- glish speakers and名古屋 (Nagoya in Chi- nese) for Chinese people in 2012?

2. What English terms can be used to explain

“浮云” (a Chinese slang term)?

These kinds of questions about cross-cultural dif- ferences and similarities are important in cross- cultural social studies, multi-lingual sentiment analysis, culturally sensitive machine translation, and many other NLP tasks, especially in social media. We propose two novel tasks in mining them from social media.

The first task (Section 4) is to mine cross- cultural differences in the perception of named entities (e.g., persons, places and organizations).

Back in 2012, in the case of “Nagoya”, many na- tive English speakers posted their pleasant travel experiences in Nagoya on Twitter. However, Chi- nese people overwhelmingly greeted the city with anger and condemnation on Weibo (a Chinese ver- sion of Twitter), because the city mayor denied the truthfulness of the Nanjing Massacre. Figure1il- lustrates two example microblog messages about Nagoya in Twitter and Weibo respectively.

The second task (Section 5) is to find simi- lar terms for slang across cultures and languages.

Social media is always a rich soil where slang terms emerge in many cultures. For example,


“浮云” literally means “floating clouds”, but now almost equals to “nothingness” on the Chinese web. Our experiments show that well-known on- line machine translators such as Google Translate are only able to translate such slang terms to their literal meanings, even under clear contexts where slang meanings are much more appropriate.

Enabling intelligent agents to understand such cross-cultural knowledge can benefit their perfor- mances in various cross-lingual language process- ing tasks. Both tasks share the same core problem, which is how to compute cross-cultural differ- ences (or similarities) between two terms from different cultures. A term here can be either an ordinary word, an entity name, or a slang term. We focus on names and slang in this paper for they convey more social and cultural connotations.

There are many works on cross-lingual word representation (Ruder et al., 2017) to com- pute general cross-lingual similarities (Camacho- Collados et al., 2017). Most existing models re- quire bilingual supervision such as aligned paral- lel corpora, bilingual lexicons, or comparable doc- uments (Sarath et al.,2014;Koˇcisk´y et al.,2014;

Upadhyay et al.,2016). However, they do not pur- posely preserve social or cultural characteristics of named entities or slang terms, and the required parallel corpora are rare and expensive.

In this paper, we propose a lightweight yet effective approach to project two incompatible monolingual word vector spaces into a single bilingual word vector space, known as social vec- tor space (SocVec). A key element of SocVec is the idea of “bilingual social lexicon”, which con- tains bilingual mappings of selected words reflect- ing psychological processes, which we believe are central to capturing the socio-linguistic character- istics. Our contribution in this paper is two-fold:

(a) We present an effective approach (SocVec) to mine cross-cultural similarities and differ- ences of terms, which could benefit research in machine translation, cross-cultural social me- dia analysis, and other cross-lingual research in natural language processing and computa- tional social science.

(b) We propose two novel and important tasks in cross-cultural social studies and social media analysis. Experimental results on our anno- tated datasets show that the proposed method outperforms many strong baseline methods.

2 The SocVec Framework

In this section, we first discuss the intuition be- hind our model, the concept of “social words”

and our notations. Then, we present the overall workflow of our approach. We finally describe the SocVec framework in detail.

2.1 Problem Statement

We choose (English, Chinese) to be the target lan- guage pair throughout this paper for the salient cross-cultural differences between the east and the west1. Given an English term W and a Chinese term U , the core research question is how to com- pute a similarity score, ccsim(W, U ), to represent the cross-cultural similarities between them.

We cannot directly calculate the similarity be- tween the monolingual word vectors of W and U , because they are trained separately and the seman- tics of dimension are not aligned. Thus, the chal- lenge is to devise a way to compute similarities across two different vector spaces while retaining their respective cultural characteristics.

A very intuitive solution is to firstly translate the Chinese term U to its English counterpart U0 through a Chinese-English bilingual lexicon, and then regard ccsim(W, U ) as the (cosine) similarity between W and U0 with their monolingual word embeddings. However, this solution is not promis- ing in some common cases for three reasons:

(a) if U is an OOV (Out of Vocabulary) term, e.g., a novel slang term, then there is probably no translation U0in bilingual lexicons.

(b) if W and U are names referring to the same named entity, then we have U0 = W . There- fore, ccsim(W, U ) is just the similarity be- tween W and itself, and we cannot capture any cross-cultural differences with this method.

(c) this approach does not explicitly preserve the cultural and social contexts of the terms.

To overcome the above problems, our intuition is to project both English and Chinese word vec- tors into a single third space, known as SocVec, and the projection is supposed to purposely carry cultural features of terms.

2.2 Social Words and Our Notations

Some research in psychology and sociology (Ki- tayama et al., 2000; Gareis and Wilkins, 2011)

1Nevertheless, the techniques are language independent and thus can be utilized for any language pairs so long as the necessary resources outlined in Section2.3are available.



!!"#$(&, () (

tmrw ESV adore


*+ ,-

Bilingual Social Lexicon (BSL)



Figure 2: Workflow for computing the cross- cultural similarity between an English word W and a Chinese word U, denoted by ccsim(W, U )

show that culture can be highly related to emo- tions and opinions people express in their discus- sions. As suggested byTausczik and Pennebaker (2009), we thus define the concept of “social word” as the words directly reflecting opinion, sentiment, cognition and other human psycho- logical processes2, which are important to cap- turing cultural and social characteristics. Both Elahi and Monachesi(2012) and Garimella et al.

(2016a) find such social words are most effec- tive culture/socio-linguistic features in identifying cross-cultural differences.

We use these notations throughout the paper:

CnVecand EnVec denote the Chinese and English word vector space, respectively; CSV and ESV de- note the Chinese and English social word vocab;

BLmeans Bilingual Lexicon, and BSL is short for Bilingual Social Lexicon; finally, we use Ex, Cx

and Sx to denote the word vectors of the word x in EnVec, CnVec and SocVec spaces respectively.

2.3 Overall Workflow

Figure2shows the workflow of our framework to construct the SocVec and compute ccsim(W, U ).

Our proposed SocVec model attacks the problem with the help of three low-cost external resources:

(i) an English corpus and a Chinese corpus from social media; (ii) an English-to-Chinese bilingual lexicon (BL); (iii) an English social word vocabu- lary (ESV) and a Chinese one (CSV).

We train English and Chinese word embeddings (EnVec and CnVec) on the English and Chinese so- cial media corpus respectively. Then, we build a BSLfrom the CSV, ESV and BL (see Section2.4).

The BSL further maps the previously incompati-

2Example social words in English include fawn, inept, tremendous, gratitude, terror, terrific, loving, traumatic, etc.

We discuss the sources of such social words in Section3.

ble EnVec and CnVec into a single common vector space SocVec, where two new vectors, SW for W and SUfor U , are finally comparable.

2.4 Building the BSL

The process of building the BSL is illustrated in Figure 3. We first extract our bilingual lexi- con (BL), where confidence score wi represents the probability distribution on the multiple trans- lations for each word. Afterwards, we use BL to translate each social word in the ESV to a set of Chinese words and then filter out all the words that are not in the CSV. Now, we have a set of Chinese social words for each English social word, which is denoted by a “translation set”. The final step is to generate a Chinese “pseudo-word” for each En- glish social word using their corresponding trans- lation sets. A “pseudo-word” can be either a real word that is the most representative word in the translation set, or an imaginary word whose vec- tor is a certain combination of the vectors of the words in the translation set.

For example, in Figure 3, the English social word “fawn” has three Chinese translations in the bilingual lexicon, but only two of them (under- lined) are in the CSV. Thus, we only keep these two in the translation set in the filtered bilingual lexicon. The pseudo-word generator takes the word vectors of the two words (in the black box), namely奉承 (flatter) and 谄媚 (toady), as input, and generates the pseudo-word vector denoted by

“fawn*”. Note that the direction of building BSL can also be from Chinese to English, in the same manner. However, we find that the current direc- tion gives better results due to the better translation quality of our BL in this direction.

Given an English social word, we denote ti as the ithChinese word of its translation set consist- ing of N social words. We design four intuitive types of pseudo-word generator as follows, which are tested in the experiments:

(1) Max. Maximum of the values in each dimen- sion, assuming dimensionality is K:

Pseudo(Ct1, ..., CtN) =

max(Ct(1)1 , ..., Ct(1)N) ...

max(Ct(K)1 , ..., Ct(K)N )


(2) Avg. Average of the values in every dimension:

Pseudo(Ct1, ..., CtN) = 1 N






Bilingual Lexicon (BL) inept (incompetence)/0.7 (clumsy)/0.3 terror (horror)/0.6 (fear)/0.4

fawn (flatter)/0.4 (toady)/0.4 (lamb)/0.3

inept terror fawn

English Social Vocab Filtered Bilingual Lexicon

inept (incompetence)/0.7 (clumsy)/0.3 terror (horror)/0.6 (fear)/0.4

fawn (flatter)/0.4 (toady)/0.4

inept: inept*:

terror: terror*:

fawn: fawn*:

Bilingual Social Lexicon (BSL)

Pseudo-word Generator

“translation set”


Chinese Social Vocab

Figure 3: Generating an entry in the BSL for “fawn” and its pseudo-word “fawn*”

(3) WAvg. Weighted average value of every di- mension with respect to the translation confidence:

Pseudo(Ct1, ..., CtN) = 1 N




wiCti (4) Top. The most confident translation:

Pseudo(Ct1, ..., CtN) = Ctk, k = argmax



Finally, the BSL contains a set of English- Chinese word vector pairs, where each entry rep- resents an English social word and its Chinese pseudo-word based on its “translation set”.

2.5 Constructing the SocVec Space

Let Bidenote the English word of the ith entry of the BSL, and its corresponding Chinese pseudo- word is denoted by Bi. We can project the English word vector EWinto the SocVec space by comput- ing the cosine similarities between EW and each English word vector in BSL as values on SocVec dimensions, effectively constructing a new vector SW of size L. Similarly, we map a Chinese word vector CU to be a new vector SU. SW and SU

belong to the same vector space SocVec and are comparable. The following equation illustrates the projection, and how to compute ccsim3.

ccsim(W, U ) := f (EW, CU)

= sim

cos(EW, EB1) ... cos(EW, EBL)



cos(CU, CB1) ... cos(CU, CBL)


= sim(SW, SU)

For example, if W is “Nagoya” and U is “名古 屋”, we compute the cosine similarities between

“Nagoya” and each English social word in the BSL with their monolingual word embeddings in En- glish. Such similarities compose Snagoya. Simi- larly, we compute the cosine similarities between

3The function sim is a generic similarity function, for which several metrics are considered in experiments.

“名 古 屋” and each Chinese pseudo-word, and compose the social word vector S名古屋.

In other words, for each culture/language, the new word vectors like SW are constructed based on the monolingual similarities of each word to the vectors of a set of task-related words (“social words” in our case). This is also a significant part of the novelty of our transformation method.

3 Experimental Setup

Prior to evaluating SocVec with our two proposed tasks in Section4 and Section 5, we present our preparation steps as follows.

Social Media Corpora Our English Twitter corpus is obtained from Archive Team’s Twitter stream grab4. The Chinese Weibo corpus comes from Open Weiboscope Data Access5 (Fu et al., 2013). Both corpora cover the whole year of 2012.

We then randomly down-sample each corpus to 100 million messages where each message con- tains at least 10 characters, normalize the text (Han et al., 2012), lemmatize the text (Manning et al., 2014) and use LTP (Che et al., 2010) to perform word segmentation for the Chinese corpus.

Entity Linking and Word Embedding Entity linking is a preprocessing step which links vari- ous entity mentions (surface forms) to the identity of corresponding entities. For the Twitter corpus, we use Wikifier (Ratinov et al.,2011;Cheng and Roth, 2013), a widely used entity linker in En- glish. Because no sophisticated tool for Chinese short text is available, we implement our own tool that is greedy for high precision. We train En- glish and Chinese monolingual word embedding respectively using word2vec’s skip-gram method with a window size of 5 (Mikolov et al.,2013b).

Bilingual Lexicon Our bilingual lexicon is collected from Microsoft Translator6, which trans- lates English words to multiple Chinese words

4https://archive.org/details/twitterstream 5http://weiboscope.jmsc.hku.hk/datazip/




with confidence scores. Note that all named en- tities and slang terms used in the following exper- iments are excluded from this bilingual lexicon.

Social Word Vocabulary Our social word vo- cabularies come from Empath (Fast et al., 2016) and OpinionFinder (Choi et al., 2005) for En- glish, and TextMind (Gao et al., 2013) for Chi- nese. Empath is similar to LIWC (Tausczik and Pennebaker,2009), but has more words and more categories and is publicly available. We manu- ally select 91 categories of words that are rele- vant to human perception and psychological pro- cesses followingGarimella et al. (2016a). Opin- ionFinder consists of words relevant to opinions and sentiments, and TextMind is a Chinese coun- terpart for Empath. In summary, we obtain 3,343 words from Empath, 3,861 words from Opinion- Finder, and 5,574 unique social words in total.

4 Task 1: Mining cross-cultural differences of named entities

Task definition: This task is to discover and quan- tify cross-cultural differences of concerns towards named entities. Specifically, the input in this task is a list of 700 named entities of interest and two monolingual social media corpora; the output is the scores for the 700 entities indicating the cross- cultural differences of the concerns towards them between two corpora. The ground truth is from the labels collected from human annotators.

4.1 Ground Truth Scores

Harris(1954) states that the meaning of words is evidenced by the contexts they occur with. Like- wise, we assume that the cultural properties of an entity can be captured by the terms they always co-occur within a large social media corpus. Thus, for each of randomly selected 700 named entities, we present human annotators with two lists of 20 most co-occurred terms within Twitter and Weibo corpus respectively.

Our annotators are instructed to rate the topic- relatedness between the two word lists using one of following labels: “very different”, “different”,

“hard to say”, “similar” and “very similar”. We do this for efficiency and avoiding subjectivity. As the word lists presented come from social media messages, the social and cultural elements are al- ready embedded in their chances of occurrence.

All four annotators are native Chinese speakers but have excellent command of English and lived in

the US extensively, and they are trained with many selected examples to form shared understanding of the labels. The inter-annotator agreement is 0.67 by Cohen’s kappa coefficient, suggesting substan- tial correlation (Landis and Koch,1977).

4.2 Baseline and Our Methods

We propose eight baseline methods for this novel task: distribution-based methods (BL-JS, E-BL- JS, and WN-WUP) compute cross-lingual relat- edness between two lists of the words surround- ing the input English and Chinese terms respec- tively (LEand LC); transformation-based meth- ods (LTrans and BLex) compute the vector repre- sentation in English and Chinese corpus respec- tively, and then train a transformation; MCCA, MCluster and Duong are three typical bilingual word representation models for computing gen- eral cross-lingual word similarities.

The LE and LC in the BL-JS and WN-WUP methods are the same as the lists that annotators judge. BL-JS (Bilingual Lexicon Jaccard Similar- ity) uses the bilingual lexicon to translate LE to a Chinese word list LE as a medium, and then cal- culates the Jaccard Similarity between LEand LC as JEC. Similarly, we compute JCE. Finally, we regard (JEC+ JCE)/2 as the score of this named entity. E-BL-JS (Embedding-based Jaccard Simi- larity) differs from BL-JS in that it instead com- pares the two lists of words gathered from the rankings of word embedding similarities between the name of entities and all English words and Chinese words respectively. WN-WUP (Word- Net Wu-Palmer Similarity) uses Open Multilingual Wordnet (Wang and Bond, 2013) to compute the average similarities over all English-Chinese word pairs constructed from the LEand LC.

We follow the steps ofMikolov et al.(2013a) to train a linear transformation (LTrans) matrix be- tween EnVec and CnVec, using 3,000 translation pairs with maximum confidences in the bilingual lexicon. Given a named entity, this solution simply calculates the cosine similarity between the vec- tor of its English name and the transformed vec- tor of its Chinese name. BLex (Bilingual Lexi- con Space) is similar to our SocVec but it does not use any social word vocabularies but uses bilin- gual lexicon entries as pivots instead.

MCCA (Ammar et al.,2016) takes two trained monolingual word embeddings with a bilingual lexicon as input, and develop a bilingual word em-


Entity Twitter topics Weibo topics Maldives coup, president Nasheed quit, political

crisis holiday, travel, honeymoon, paradise, beach

Nagoya tour, concert, travel, attractive, Osaka Mayor Takashi Kawamura, Nanjing Massacre, denial of history Quebec

Conservative Party, Liberal Party, politicians, prime minister, power failure

travel, autumn, maples, study abroad, immigration, independence

Philippines gunman attack, police, quake, tsunami South China Sea, sovereignty dispute, confrontation, protest Yao Ming NBA, Chinese, good player, Asian patriotism, collective values, Jeremy Lin, Liu Xiang, Chinese

Law maker, gold medal superstar USC college football, baseball, Stanford,

Alabama, win, lose

top destination for overseas education, Chinese student murdered, scholars, economics, Sino American politics

Table 1: Selected culturally different entities with summarized Twitter and Weibo’s trending topics

bedding space. It is extended from the work of Faruqui and Dyer(2014), which performs slightly worse in the experiments. MCluster (Ammar et al.,2016) requires re-training the bilingual word embeddings from the two mono-lingual corpora with a bilingual lexicon. Similarly, Duong (Duong et al.,2016) retrains the embeddings from mono- lingual corpora with an EM-like training algo- rithm. We also use our BSL as the bilingual lex- icon in these methods to investigate its effective- ness and generalizability. The dimensionality is tuned from {50, 100, 150, 200} in all these bilin- gual word embedding methods.

With our constructed SocVec space, given a named entity with its English and Chinese names, we can simply compute the similarity between their SocVecs as its cross-cultural difference score.

Our method is based on monolingual word embed- dings and a BSL, and thus does not need the time- consuming re-training on the corpora.

4.3 Experimental Results

For qualitative evaluation, Table1shows some of the most culturally different entities mined by the SocVec method. The hot and trendy topics on Twitter and Weibo are manually summarized to help explain the cross-cultural differences. The perception of these entities diverges widely be- tween English and Chinese social media, thus sug- gesting significant cross-cultural differences. Note that some cultural differences are time-specific.

We believe such temporal variations of cultural differences can be valuable and beneficial for so- cial studies as well. Investigating temporal factors of cross-cultural differences in social media can be an interesting future research topic in this task.

In Table2, we evaluate the benchmark methods and our approach with three metrics: Spearman and Pearson, where correlation is computed be-

Method Spearman Pearson MAP

BL-JS 0.276 0.265 0.644

WN-WUP 0.335 0.349 0.677

E-BL-JS 0.221 0.210 0.571

LTrans 0.366 0.385 0.644

BLex 0.596 0.595 0.765

MCCA-BL(100d) 0.325 0.343 0.651

MCCA-BSL(150d) 0.357 0.376 0.671

MCluster-BL(100d) 0.365 0.388 0.693 MCluster-BSL(100d) 0.391 0.425 0.713 Duong-BL(100d) 0.618 0.627 0.785 Duong-BSL(100d) 0.625 0.631 0.791

SocVec:opn 0.668 0.662 0.834

SocVec:all 0.676 0.671 0.834

SocVec:noun 0.564 0.562 0.756

SocVec:verb 0.615 0.618 0.779

SocVec:adj. 0.636 0.639 0.800

Table 2: Comparison of Different Methods

tween truth averaged scores (quantifying the labels from 1.0 to 5.0) and computed cultural difference scores from different methods; Mean Average Pre- cision (MAP), which converts averaged scores as binary labels, by setting 3.0 as the threshold. The SocVec:opn considers only OpinionFinder as the ESV, while SocVec:all uses the union of Empath and OpinionFinder vocabularies7.

Lexicon Ablation Test. To show the effec- tiveness of social words versus other type of words as the bridge between the two cultures, we also compare the results using sets of nouns (SocVec:noun), verbs (SocVec:verb) and adjec- tives (SocVec:adj.). All vocabularies under com- parison are of similar sizes (around 5,000), indi- cating that the improvement of our method is sig- nificant. Results show that our SocVec models, and in particular, the SocVec model using the social words as cross-lingual media, performs the best.

7The following tuned parameters are used in SocVec methods: 5-word context window, 150 dimensions monolin- gual word vectors, cosine similarity as the sim function, and

“Top” as the pseudo-word generator.


Similarity Spearman Pearson MAP

PCorr. 0.631 0.625 0.806

L1 + M 0.666 0.656 0.824

Cos 0.676 0.669 0.834

L2 + E 0.676 0.671 0.834

Table 3: Different Similarity Functions

Generator Spearman Pearson MAP

Max. 0.413 0.401 0.726

Avg. 0.667 0.625 0.831

W.Avg. 0.671 0.660 0.832

Top 0.676 0.671 0.834

Table 4: Different Pseudo-word Generators

Similarity Options. We also evaluate the ef- fectiveness of four different similarity options in SocVec, namely, Pearson Correlation Coef- ficient (PCorr.), L1-normalized Manhattan dis- tance (L1+M), Cosine Similarity (Cos) and L2- normalized Euclidean distance (L2+E). From Ta- ble3, we conclude that among these four options, Cosand L2+E perform the best.

Pseudo-word Generators. Table 4 shows ef- fect of using four pseudo-word generator func- tions, from which we can infer that “Top” gen- erator function performs best for it reduces some noisy translation pairs.

5 Task 2: Finding most similar words for slang across languages

Task Description: This task is to find the most similar English words of a given Chinese slang term in terms of its slang meanings and senti- ment, and vice versa. The input is a list of English/Chinese slang terms of interest and two monolingual social media corpora; the output is a list of Chinese/English word sets corresponding to each input slang term. Simply put, for each given slang term, we want to find a set of the words in a different language that are most similar to itself and thus can help people understand it across lan- guages. We propose Average Cosine Similarity (Section5.3) to evaluate a method’s performance with the ground truth (presented below).

5.1 Ground Truth

Slang Terms. We collect the Chinese slang terms from an online Chinese slang glossary8consisting of 200 popular slang terms with English expla- nations. For English, we resort to a slang word


Gg Bi Bd CC LT

18.24 16.38 17.11 17.38 9.14

TransBL MCCA MCluster Duong SV 18.13 17.29 17.47 20.92 23.01

(a) Chinese Slang to English

Gg Bi Bd LT TransBL

6.40 15.96 15.44 7.32 11.43

MCCA MCluster Duong SV

15.29 14.97 15.13 17.31 (b) English Slang to Chinese

Table 5: ACS Sum Results of Slang Translation

list from OnlineSlangDictionary9 with explana- tions and downsample the list to 200 terms.

Truth Sets. For each Chinese slang term, its truth set is a set of words extracted from its English ex- planation. For example, we construct the truth set of the Chinese slang term “二百五” by manually extracting significant words about its slang mean- ings (bold) in the glossary:

二 二

二百百百五五五: A foolish person who is lacking in sense but still stubborn, rude, and impetuous.

Similarly, for each English slang term, its Chinese word sets are the translation of the words hand picked from its English explanation.

5.2 Baseline and Our Methods

We propose two types of baseline methods for this task. The first is based on well-known on- line translators, namely Google (Gg), Bing (Bi) and Baidu (Bd). Note that experiments using them are done in August, 2017. Another baseline method for Chinese is CC-CEDICT10(CC), an on- line public Chinese-English dictionary, which is constantly updated for popular slang terms.

Considering situations where many slang terms have literal meanings, it may be unfair to re- trieve target terms from such machine translators by solely inputing slang terms without specific contexts. Thus, we utilize example sentences of their slang meanings from some websites (mainly from Urban Dictionary11). The following example shows how we obtain the target translation terms for the slang word “fruitcake” (an insane person):

Input sentence: Oh man, you don’t want to date that girl. She’s always drunk and yelling. She is a totalfruitcake.12







Slang Explanation Google Bing Baidu Ours 浮云 something as ephemeral and

unimportant as “passing clouds” clouds nothing floating

clouds nothingness, illusion 水军

“water army”, people paid to slander competitors on the Internet and to help shape public opinion

Water army Navy Navy propaganda,

complicit, fraudulent floozy a woman with a reputation for

promiscuity N/A 劣根性

(depravity) 荡妇(slut) 骚货(slut),妖 精(promiscuous) fruitcake a crazy person, someone who is

completely insane

水果蛋糕 (fruit cake)

水果蛋糕 (fruit cake)

水果蛋糕 (fruit cake)

诞(bizarre),厌 烦(annoying)

Table 6: Bidirectional Slang Translation Examples Produced by SocVec

Google Translation: 哦, 男人, 你不想约会那个女 孩。她总是喝醉了, 大喊大叫。她是一个水水果果蛋蛋糕糕。

Another lines of baseline methods is scoring- based. The basic idea is to score all words in our bilingual lexicon and consider the top K words as the target terms. Given a source term to be trans- lated, the Linear Transform (LT), MCCA, MClus- ter and Duong methods score the candidate tar- get terms by computing cosine similarities in their constructed bilingual vector space (with the tuned best settings in previous evaluation). A more so- phisticated baseline (TransBL) leverages the bilin- gual lexicon: for each candidate target term w in the target language, we first obtain its translations Tw back into the source language and then cal- culate the average word similarities between the source term and the translations Twas w’s score.

Our SocVec-based method (SV) is also scoring- based. It simply calculates the cosine similarities between the source term and each candidate target term within SocVec space as their scores.

5.3 Experimental Results

To quantitatively evaluate our methods, we need to measure similarities between a produced word set and the ground truth set. Exact-matching Jaccard similarity is too strict to capture valuable related- ness between two word sets. We argue that aver- age cosine similarity (ACS) between two sets of word vectors is a better metric for evaluating the similarity between two word sets.

ACS(A, B) = 1








Ai· Bj kAikkBjk The above equation illustrates such computation, where A and B are the two word sets: A is the truth set and B is a similar list produced by each method. In the previous case of “二百五” (Sec- tion 5.1), A is {foolish, stubborn, rude, impetu- ous} while B can be {imbecile, brainless, scum-

Chinese Slang English Slang Explanation

adorbz, adorb,

adorbs, tweeny, attractiveee

cute, adorable 二百五 shithead, stupidit,


A foolish person 鸭梨

antsy, stressy, fidgety, grouchy,


stress, pressure, burden

Table 7: Slang-to-Slang Translation Examples

bag, imposter}. Aiand Bjdenote the word vector of the ith word in A and jth word in B respec- tively. The embeddings used in ACS computations are pre-trained GloVe word vectors13and thus the computation is fair among different methods.

Experimental results of Chinese and English slang translation in terms of the sum of ACS over 200 terms are shown in Table 5. The perfor- mance of online translators for slang typically de- pends on human-set rules and supervised learning on well-annotated parallel corpora, which are rare and costly, especially for social media where slang emerges the most. This is probably the reason why they do not perform well. The Linear Transfor- mation (LT) model is trained on highly confident translation pairs in the bilingual lexicon, which lacks OOV slang terms and social contexts around them. The TransBL method is competitive be- cause its similarity computations are within mono- lingual semantic spaces and it makes great use of the bilingual lexicon, but it loses the information from the related words that are not in the bilin- gual lexicon. Our method (SV) outperforms base- lines by directly using the distances in the SocVec space, which proves that the SocVec well captures the cross-cultural similarities between terms.

To qualitatively evaluate our model, in Table6, we present several examples of our translations for Chinese and English slang terms as well as their



explanations from the glossary. Our results are highly correlated with these explanations and cap- ture their significant semantics, whereas most on- line translators just offer literal translations, even within obviously slang contexts. We take a step further to directly translate Chinese slang terms to English slang terms by filtering out ordinary (non- slang) words in the original target term lists, with examples shown in Table7.

6 Related Work

Although social media messages have been essen- tial resources for research in computational social science, most works based on them only focus on a single culture and language (Petrovic et al.,2010;

Paul and Dredze,2011;Rosenthal and McKeown, 2015;Wang and Yang, 2015;Zhang et al.,2015;

Lin et al.,2017). Cross-cultural studies have been conducted on the basis of a questionnaire-based approach for many years. There are only a few of such studies using NLP techniques.

Nakasaki et al. (2009) present a framework to visualize the cross-cultural differences in concerns in multilingual blogs collected with a topic key- word. Elahi and Monachesi (2012) show that cross-cultural analysis through language in social media data is effective, especially using emotion terms as culture features, but the work is restricted in monolingual analysis and a single domain (love and relationship).Garimella et al.(2016a) investi- gate the cross-cultural differences in word usages between Australian and American English through their proposed “socio-linguistic features” (similar to our social words) in a supervised way. With the data of social network structures and user in- teractions, Garimella et al.(2016b) study how to quantify the controversy of topics within a culture and language. Guti´errez et al.(2016) propose an approach to detect differences of word usage in the cross-lingual topics of multilingual topic mod- eling results. To the best of our knowledge, our work for Task 1 is among the first to mine and quantify the cross-cultural differences in concerns about named entities across different languages.

Existing research on slang mainly focuses on automatic discovering of slang terms (Elsahar and Elbeltagy,2014) and normalization of noisy texts (Han et al., 2012) as well as slang formation.

Ni and Wang (2017) are among the first to pro- pose an automatic supervised framework to mono- lingually explain slang terms using external re-

sources. However, research on automatic transla- tion or cross-lingually explanation for slang terms is missing from the literature. Our work in Task 2 fills the gap by computing cross-cultural sim- ilarities with our bilingual word representations (SocVec) in an unsupervised way. We believe this application is useful in machine translation for so- cial media (Ling et al.,2013).

Many existing cross-lingual word embedding models rely on expensive parallel corpora with word or sentence alignments (Klementiev et al., 2012;Koˇcisk´y et al., 2014). These works often aim to improve the performance on monolingual tasks and cross-lingual model transfer for docu- ment classification, which does not require cross- cultural signals. We position our work in a broader context of “monolingual mapping” based cross- lingual word embedding models in the survey of Ruder et al. (2017). The SocVec uses only lexi- con resource and maps monolingual vector spaces into a common high-dimensional third space by incorporating social words as pivot, where orthog- onality is approximated by setting clear meaning to each dimension of the SocVec space.

7 Conclusion

We present the SocVec method to compute cross- cultural differences and similarities, and evaluate it on two novel tasks about mining cross-cultural differences in named entities and computing cross- cultural similarities in slang terms. Through ex- tensive experiments, we demonstrate that the pro- posed lightweight yet effective method outper- forms a number of baselines, and can be useful in translation applications and cross-cultural stud- ies in computational social science. Future di- rections include: 1) mining cross-cultural differ- ences in general concepts other than names and slang, 2) merging the mined knowledge into exist- ing knowledge bases, and 3) applying the SocVec in downstream tasks like machine translation.14 Acknowledgment

Kenny Zhu is the contact author and was sup- ported by NSFC grants 91646205 and 61373031.

Seung-won Hwang was supported by Microsoft Research Asia. Thanks to the anonymous review- ers and Hanyuan Shi for their valuable feedback.

14We will make our code and data available athttps:




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Figure 1: Two social media messages about Nagoya from different cultures in 2012
Figure 2: Workflow for computing the cross- cross-cultural similarity between an English word W and a Chinese word U, denoted by ccsim(W, U )
Figure 3: Generating an entry in the BSL for “fawn” and its pseudo-word “fawn*”
Table 1: Selected culturally different entities with summarized Twitter and Weibo’s trending topics



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