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The Relations among Exercise Participation, Self-Efficacy, and Academic Achievement in Adolescence 葉振偉、謝智玲


Academic year: 2022

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The Relations among Exercise Participation, Self-Efficacy, and Academic Achievement in Adolescence


E-mail: 319678@mail.dyu.edu.tw


The first purpose of this study was to explore exercise participation, self-efficacy and academic achievement in adolescence. The second purpose of this study was to compare the gender differences among adolescents’ exercise participation, self-efficacy and academic achievement. The third purpose of this study was to examine the rela-tionships among exercise participation, self-efficacy and academic achievement in ado-lescence. The fourth purpose of this study was to examine how exercise participation in

adolescence predicted self-efficacy and academic achievement in adolescence.Seven hundred forty-one ninth grade adolescents from eight high schools in Taichung and Changhua county participated in the study. The instruments for this study were Exercise Participation Scale, Self-Efficacy Scale(multidimensional self-efficacy for exercise scale, Children's Self-Efficacy Scale). The descriptive statistic, t-test, Pearson correla-tions, multiple regression and hierarchical regression were conducted to test each re-search question. The results clearly showed that: 1. Adolescents involed in less exercise participation.Their self-efficacy, and academic achievement showed higher scores than average. 2. Boys showed higher scores than girls on exercise participation, task, coping and scheduling efficacy. Girls showed higher scores than boys on self-regulating and English efficacy. There were no gender difference in academic achievement. 3. Exercise participation, self-efficacy, and academic achievement in adolescence were associated. 4. Exercise participation and self-efficacy could be used to predict academic achieve-ment. 5. Boys’ Exercise

participation showed direct effects on academic achievement and in-direct effects on academic achievement through self-regulating, English, and math-science efficacy. Girls’ Exercise participation showed direct effects on aca-demic achievement and indirect effects on academic achievement through coping, English, and math-science efficacy.In other words, self-efficacy was the mediator between exercise participation and academic achievement. Key Words: exercise participation, self-efficacy, academic achievement, adoles-cence

Keywords : self-efficacy、academic achievement、exercise participation、adolescence Table of Contents

內容目錄 中文摘要 .....................iii 英文摘要 ..................

...iv 誌謝辭 .....................vi 內容目錄 ...................

..vii 表目錄  .....................ix 圖目錄  ..................

...xi 第一章  緒論...................1   第一節  研究動機...........

....1   第二節  研究目的...............5   第三節  研究問題..........

.....5   第四節  名詞解釋...............6   第五節  研究範圍與限制......

......8 第二章 文獻探討.................9   第一節 運動參與的定義和內涵......

...9 第二節 自我效能的定義理論基礎........19 第三節 青少年運動參與、自我效能與學業成就之相 關研究

................ 38 第三章 研究方法與工具..............53   第一節  研究架 構...............53   第二節  研究對象與樣本的選取.........56   第三節  研 究工具...............57   第四節  資料處理方法.............65   第五節   實施程序...............66 第四章 研究結果與討論..............69   第一節   調查樣本的結構分析和描述性統計分析..68 第二節 不同性別之青少年在運動參與、自我效能與 學業成就方面之差異 情形........ 74   第三節  青少年運動參與、自我效能與學業成就之相 關情形............

.... 78   第四節  青少年運動參與和自我效能對學業成就之多 元逐步迴歸預測情形.......... 81    第五節  青少年運動參與、自我效能與學業學業成就 之中介效果.............. 92 第五章 結論與建 議................101 第一節 研究結論...............101 第二節 研究建議...

............103 參考文獻 .....................106 附錄 問卷........

...........138 表目錄 表 1- 1身體活動和運動異同處.............11 表 2- 1自我效能的各種 類型..............27 表 2- 2運動和自我效能的研究相關整理.........41 表 2- 3自我效能和學 業成就之研究相關整理.......48 表 3- 1選取之學校與有效樣本人數...........57 表 3- 2運動自我效


能量表項目分析摘要表........61 表 3- 3學業自我效能量表項目分析摘要表........61 表 3- 4運動自我 效能之因素分析摘要表.........63 表 3- 5學業自我效能之因素分析摘要表.........64 表 4- 1樣本人 數分配及百分比分析摘要表........69 表 4- 2青少年運動參與的平均數與標準差........71 表 4- 3青少 年自我效能的平均數與標準差........73 表 4- 4運動參與男女間差異情形............75 表 4- 5自 我效能分量表男女間差異情形.........76 表 4- 6男女學業成就的差異情形............77 表 4- 7 青少男運動參與、自我效能與學業成就之相關分析摘要表..................... 78 表 4- 8青少 女運動參與、自我效能與學業成就之相關分析摘要表..................... 79 表 4- 9青少男運 動參與、運動自我效能對學業成就之多元逐步迴歸模式摘要................ 83 表 4-10青少男運動參 與、運動自我效能對學業成就之多元逐步迴歸.................... 84 表 4-11青少男運動參與、

學業自我效能對學業成就之多元逐步迴歸模式摘要................ 86 表 4-12青少男運動參與、學業 自我效能對學業成就之多元逐步迴歸係數摘要分析表............. 86 表 4-13青少女運動參與、運動自我 效能對學業成就之多元逐步迴歸模式摘要................ 88 表 4-14青少女運動參與、運動自我效能 對學業成就之多元逐步迴歸係數模式分析表............. 88 表 4-15青少女運動參與、學業自我效能對學 業成就之多元逐步迴歸模式摘要................ 90 表 4-16青少女運動參與、學業自我效能對學業成 就之多元逐步迴歸係數摘要分析表............. 90 表 4-17青少男運動參與在自我調節效能、數理效能、

英文效能對學業成就之階層迴歸分析摘表........ 94 表 4-18青少女運動參與在解決困難效能對學業成就之階層 迴歸分析摘要表................. 96 表 4-19青少女運動參與在數理效能、英文效能對學業成就之階 層迴歸分析摘要表.............. 98 圖目錄 圖 2- 1社會認知理論交互作用架構圖.........

.21 圖 2- 2自我效能架構理論...............21 圖 2- 3自我效能的來源、判斷、和結果.......

..24 圖 2- 4自我效能和表現的線性關係...........36 圖 3- 1研究架構圖...............

...54 圖 3- 2中介變項要件圖................55 圖 4- 1青少男運動參與在自我調節效能、數理效能

、英文效能對學業成就之中介效果圖........... 95 圖 4- 2青少女解決困難效能在運動參與和學業成就的中 介效果..................... 97 圖 4- 3青少女數理、英語效能在運動參與合學業成就的中介效 果..................... 99


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This research applied the modeling approach of Grey relational analysis to establish the relations among the factors, such as service seniority, education, experience,

Effectiveness of Simulation on Knowledge Acquisition, Knowledge Retention, and Self-Efficacy of Nursing Students in Jordan. Situated Learning Theory: The Key to Effective

Meanwhile, the study also explores the influence of students’ participation intention of Flipped Classroom based on their family background, learning achievement of

The purposes of this research was to investigate relations among learning motivation, learning strategies and satisfaction for junior high school students, as well as to identify

The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of learning organization culture on teachers’ study and teaching potency in Public Elementary Schools.. The research tool of

The purpose of this study was to investigate the current situation of multicultural literacy and intercultural sensitivity of junior high school teachers in Taichung

The purpose of the study is to explore the relationship among variables of hypermarkets consumers’ flow experience and the trust, the external variables, and the internal variables

This study is processed with tribe or community participation on both cultural and natural ecological perspectives to implore the inter-relations of the resources of