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Using the Teaching Methods of PBL to Promote Environmental Behavior of Elementary School Students 王詩梅、蕭揚基


Academic year: 2022

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Using the Teaching Methods of PBL to Promote Environmental Behavior of Elementary School Students


E-mail: 360461@mail.dyu.edu.tw


Environmental pollutions of Earth are more and more serious. Natural disaster were countered back to mankind. Faced with environmental pollutions, human must take good care of earth. Researcher think that environmental education must to start small and that become the habits and Ability of the children. This study trageted on the 4th grade students of Guan Yu Elementary School at Chuanghua County that design of five courses and conduct study. The study apply the method of Problem-based learning, every story with a problem to trigger the feelings. Using the panel discussion to find out the processed method of environmental pollution.

Finally, application the learning volume and the poster to enhanced learning outcomes,and become the Lifelong capacity.

Researcher aznalyzed the teaching record、learning volume、 the poster and the questionnaire, the information show that PBL enhance the ability of environmental behavior. The learning effectiveness in Knowledge of the environment is the best, represent that students have a better understanding of environmental pollution.Bothenvironmental attitudes and environmental actions are enhance,this shows that students are willing to take actions to protect the earth. Finally, this study provided the recommendations for teaching practices, curriculum design and future study based on the results of this research.

Keywords : PBL、Environmental Action、Environmental behavior Table of Contents

中文摘要-i Abstract-ii 誌謝辭-iii 內容目錄-iv 表目錄-vi 圖目錄-vii 第一章 緒論-1 第一節 研究背景與動機-1 第二節 研究目 的-5 第三節 名詞釋義-6 第二章 文獻探討-9 第一節 環境議題探討-9 第二節 環境行為的相關理論-12 第三節 環境認知、環境 態度及環境行動相關研究-14 第四節 問題導向學習-25 第五節 問題導向學習的理論基礎-28 第六節 問題導向學習之相關實 證研究-31 第三章 研究方法-35 第一節 研究對象與背景資料-35 第二節 研究流程-36 第三節 教學活動設計-40 第四節 研究工 具與資料蒐集-48 第五節 資料處理與分析-52 第四章 研究過程與結果-54 第一節 教學活動的實施與成果-54 第二節 環境行為 量化結果之分析-93 第三節 教學檢討-99 第五章 結論與建議-106 第一節 結論-106 第二節 研究限制-108 第三節 建議-109 參 考文獻-112 一、中文部分-112 二、西文部分-117 附件一、環境行為教學模組-121 附件二、學習單- 141 附件三、環境行為 量表-146


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