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The Study on Corporate Social Responsibility Affects Corporate Competitiveness 朱俞靜、王學銘


Academic year: 2022

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The Study on Corporate Social Responsibility Affects Corporate Competitiveness 朱俞靜、王學銘

E-mail: 9511522@mail.dyu.edu.tw


Various reports have suggested the existence of strong evidence in favor of companies bearing the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Companies not only consider that the CSR can add to their competitiveness, bur also regard the CSR as being essential to their competitiveness. Still, many investigations show that companies have no high will and good attitude in bearing the CSR. That has motivated the author of the present study to research on how the CSR affect Corporate Competitiveness (CC). The research focuses on the companies passing the ISO14000 or ISO9000, and it retrieves the sample observing values, employing SPSS as an analytical tool. According to the international index of GRI, and the CSR of Sustainable Development (SD) is the research range.

We have divided the CSR into five phases of the research, including the environment, product and service, interior employee, consumer and society, in order to study how these five phases affect CC. The results of the research point to the fact that the approval of the CSR can improve CC in companies of Taiwan. CC may significantly improve the human resources, and the quality management and innovating spirit. Companies in Taiwan are concerned with the interior employee, as well as with goods and service. This situation is different from that of foreign, international enterprises. The research expects that the companies in Taiwan look out for even more, and pay utmost attention to this new subject of business.

Keywords : Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) ; Corporate Competitiveness (CC) Table of Contents

目錄 封面內頁 簽名頁 授權書iii 中文摘要iv 英文摘要v 誌謝vi 目錄vii 圖目錄x 表目錄xi 第一章 緒論 1.1 研究背景與動機1 1.2 研究目的3 1.3 研究步驟3 1.4 研究流程5 第二章 文獻探討 2.1 企業之永續發展6 2.1.1 永續發展三重盈餘6 2.1.2 永續企業價值 矩陣7 2.1.3 永續發展推展相關機構8 2.2 企業社會責任概念15 2.2.1 企業社會責任之演變16 2.2.2 企業社會責任之範圍及分 類18 2.2.3 企業社會責任之定義21 2.2.4 企業社會責任之國際標準及規範23 2.2.5 國內外各類國際驗證及管理系統介紹27 2.2.6 永續發展與企業責任40 2.3 企業競爭力相關文獻42 2.3.1競爭力意涵42 2.3.2競爭策略42 2.3.3企業社會責任和企業競爭 力49 第三章 研究方法 3.1 研究架構51 3.2 研究假設52 3.3 問卷設計53 3.4 問卷回收57 3.5 統計分析方法58 第四章 研究分析 4.1 回收樣本特性描述61 4.1.1基本敘述分析61 4.1.2兩構面之影響因素之敘述63 4.2 構面因素萃取與信度分析71 4.2.1各構面 因素萃取71 4.2.2信度分析75 4.3 因素分析76 4.4 單因子變異數分析78 4.4.1產業別對企業競爭力之影響78 4.4.2 成立年數對 企業競爭之影響78 4.4.3 公司上市上櫃與否對企業競爭力之影響80 4.4.4 公司員工人數對企業競爭力之影響80 4.5 Pearson相 關81 4.6 迴規模式分析82 4.6.1 簡單回歸82 4.6.2 多元回歸分析83 第五章 結論 5.1 結論86 5.1.1 基本敘述分析得知86 5.1.2 各 構面因素分析得知87 5.1.3 單因子多變量分析得知87 5.1.4 基本敘述分析得知88 5.1.5 Pearson相關88 5.1.6 研究假設之研究結 果89 5.1.7 研究發現90 5.2 建議91 5.2.1 對政府及企業之建議91 5.2.2 對後續研究者之建議92 5.3 本研究限制93 參考文獻94 附錄100


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