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The Study on Relationship between Network Utilization and Academic Achievement for Elementary School Student - A Case .. 顏淑華、包冬意


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The Study on Relationship between Network Utilization and Academic Achievement for Elementary School Student - A Case ..


E-mail: 9607400@mail.dyu.edu.tw


The aim of this study were to explore the relationship between network utilization and academic achievement for elementary school students- a case of sixth-grade ele-mentary school students in Changhua.The researcher used students’ background, inter-net-using behavior and academic achievement as main variable and studied the rela-tionship in between. The 303 samples will draw from elementary school students- a case of sixth-grade elementary school students in Changhua. There were 293 valid samples. The instru-ments including “A Survey of the Elementary School Students’ Internet-using Behav-ior”. Statistical methods employed to analyze the data included chi-square test and one way ANOVA. The main finding were as follows: The most popular place to long on internet was home, one or two hours aweek at most and the most popular activities on internet was playing on-line games.

The higher family educational investments in elementary schools, the earlier con-tacting internet. The more frequency elementary school students using Internet activities on kinds of education, the better their academic achievement were. On the contrary,the more fre-quency elementary school students using Internet activities on kinds of internet game, the worse their academic

achievement were

Keywords : Internet, Academic achievement, Behavior of internet using Table of Contents

授權書   中文摘要 ...................... iii 英文摘要 ...............

....... iv 誌謝辭  ...................... v 內容目錄 ............

.......... vi 表目錄  ...................... viii 圖目錄  ........

.............. x 第一章  緒論.................... 1   第一節  研究背 景與動機............. 1   第二節  研究目的................ 4   第三節   研究範圍與限制............. 5   第四節  名詞解釋................ 6 第二章   文獻探討.................. 7   第一節  我國資訊教育發展現況.......... 7    第二節  網際網路路之概述............ 12   第三節  網路使用者的特性及相關研究.....

.. 21   第四節  網際網路與學業成績........... 29 第三章  研究方法............

...... 32   第一節  研究架構................ 32   第二節  研究變項操作定義..

.......... 33   第三節  研究假設................ 34   第四節  研究對象..

.............. 36   第五節  研究工具................ 36   第六節  資料 處理與分析統計........... 38 第四章  研究結果分析與討論............. 39   第一節   基本資料分析.............. 39   第二節  國小學生網路使用情形.......... 42 第 三節  不同背景變項與網路使用行為的差異比較...46   第四節  網路使用行為在學業成績上的差異比較...

59 第五章  研究結論與建議............... 68   第一節  研究發現............

.... 68   第二節  研究結論................ 70   第三節  未來發展與建議.....

........ 73 參考文獻 ...................... 77 附錄A  國小學生網路使用行為 問卷...........88


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