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The Research on Occupational Prestige and Professional Development of Elementary and Junior High School Teachers 丁泰之、黃德祥


Academic year: 2022

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The Research on Occupational Prestige and Professional Development of Elementary and Junior High School Teachers


E-mail: 319696@mail.dyu.edu.tw


The research tries to achieve the purposes below: to understand the relationship between the occupational prestige and the professional development of present Taiwan school teachers; to investigate current positions of forty careers, the factors that affect the attitude of respondents toward the occupational prestige, and the status quo of teachers’ occupational prestige indexes; to explore the differences within different background variables of respondents in teachers’ occupational prestige and professional development; to find out the relationship between teachers’ occupational prestige and professional development; to analyze the prediction of educational training, teaching belief, social contribution and work ethic for teachers’ professional development. In this study, 380 elementary and junior high school teachers and parents were surveyed by given Personal Information Questionnaire, Forty Careers Ranking Questionnaire, Teachers’ Occupational Prestige Questionnaire, Teachers’ Professional Development Questionnaire, The Questionnaire of Occupational Prestige cause factors, Teachers’ Occupational Prestige Indexes Questionnaire.

The statistical methods used for data analysis were Descriptive Statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s correlation, multiple regression. The main findings of the research were as follows: 1. Among the factors that affect the attitude of respondents toward the occupational prestige, professional level is the main factor. 2. Among forty careers, the occupational status of elementary and junior high school teachers is quite high. 3. Respondents with different background variables have different attitude toward teachers’

occupational prestige and professional development. 4. Among teachers’ occupational prestige indexes, teachers’ status is an important index. 5. Teachers’ occupational prestige and professional development are positively related. 6. Teachers’

occupational prestige can effectively predict professional development. According to the analysis of the reference and the conclusions of the research, recommendations on teachers, educational administrative authorities, and further researchers are submitted.

Keywords : occupational prestige、professional development、teachers’ prestige Table of Contents

內容目錄 中文摘要 .....................iii 英文摘要 .................

....iv 誌謝辭  .....................vi 內容目錄 ................

.....vii 表目錄  .....................ix 圖目錄  ...............

......xi 第一章  緒論...................1   第一節  研究動機與目的.....

.......1 第二節  研究問題與假設............5   第三節  重要名詞釋義.......

......7 第四節  研究範圍與限制............8 第二章  文獻探討............

.....9   第一節  職業聲望之內涵及相關理論.......9   第二節  專業發展之內涵及相關理論.

......21 第三節  職業聲望與專業發展之相關研究.....30 第三章  研究方法...........

......35 第一節  研究架構...............35 第二節  研究對象與取樣方法......

....36   第三節  研究工具...............37   第四節  資料處理與統計方法....

......49   第五節  實施程序...............50 第四章  結果與討論........

........53 第一節  職業聲望影響因素描述性統計......53   第二節  當前台灣四十項職業類別 描述性統計...55 第三節  不同背景變項的受試者其教師職業聲望各層面之差異分析.............

58   第四節  不同背景變項的受試者其教師專業發展各層面之差異分析............. 64   第五節   教師職業現況之描述性統計.......68   第六節  教師職業聲望與專業發展之相關分析...70   第 七節  教師職業聲望對專業發展的預測分析...73 第五章  結論與建議................76 第 一節  結論.................76   第二節  建議.................80 參 考文獻......................84 附錄A 預試問卷.................96 附 錄B 正式問卷.................102 表目錄 表 2- 1不同研究所做之職業聲望影響因素的排序...

.14 表 2- 2各學者對專業之定義.............22 表 2- 3職業聲望相關研究.............

.30 表 2- 4教師專業發展相關研究............32 表 3- 1家庭社經地位等級計算表..........

.38 表 3- 2教師職業聲望調查表」各層面之題項歸類表...39 表 3- 3「教師職業聲望調查表」內部一致性效標分析及同


質性分析結果摘要表.............41 表 3- 4教師職業聲望調查表之因素分析摘要表.....42 表 3- 5「

教師專業發展調查表」各層面之題項歸類表..44 表 3- 6「教師專業發展調查表」內部一致性效標分析及同質性分析結果 摘要表.............46 表 3- 7教師專業發展調查表之因素分析摘要表.....47 表 4- 1職業聲望影響因 素之平均數、標準差......54 表 4- 2當前台灣四十項職業之平均數、標準差.....55 表 4- 3不同性別填答者其 教師職業聲望獨立樣本考驗分析59 表 4- 4不同教育程度的填答者在教師職業聲望上的差異情形............

.........60 表 4- 5不同社經地位填答者其教師職業聲望獨立樣本考驗分析................

....61 表 4- 6不同背景變項的教師職業聲望考驗分析一覽表(t值)63 表 4- 7不同性別填答者其教師專業發展獨立樣本考 驗分析64 表 4- 8不同教育程度的受試者在教師專業發展上的差異情形.....................65 表 4- 9不同社經地位填答者其教師專業發展獨立樣本考驗分析....................66 表 4-10不同 背景變項的教師專業發展考驗分析一覽表(t值)67 表 4-11教師職業聲望指標次數分配情形........68 表 4-12職業 聲望與專業發展之相關分析........71 表 4-13教師職業聲望對教育知識之多元迴歸摘要表...73 表 4-14教師 職業聲望對教學專業之多元迴歸摘要表...74 圖目錄 圖 2-1教師的專業發展內涵體系............25 圖 3-1研究架構圖..................35 圖 3-2研究架構表..................50 REFERENCES

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