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The Influence of Family Atmosphere, School Living Adjustment and Psychological Well-being on Elementary School Students 陳美怡、翁淑緣


Academic year: 2022

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The Influence of Family Atmosphere, School Living Adjustment and Psychological Well-being on Elementary School Students


E-mail: 9901103@mail.dyu.edu.tw


The purpose of this study is to understand the influence of family atmosphere, school living adjustment and psychological well-being on elementary school students’ resilience. Subjects are 587 fifth- and sixth-grade students selected from elementary schools in Taiwan. The research instruments include “Family Atmosphere Scale”, “School Living Adjustment Scale”, “Psychological Well-being Scale”, and “Resilience Scale”. The results were as follows: (1) In general, students’ family atmosphere, school living adjustment, psychological well-being and resilience are good. (2) There are sig- nificant differences in family atmosphere, school living adjustment, psychological well-being and resilience between boys and girls. (3) The resilience of students differs significantly according to their family atmosphere, school living adjustment and psy- chological well-being. (4) There are significant positive correlations among family at- mosphere, school living adjustment, psychological well-being and resilience of students. (5) Family atmosphere and school living adjustment have influences on students’ psy- chological well-being directly. Family

atmosphere, school living adjustment and psy- chological well-being have influences on students’ resilience directly. Family atmos- phere and school living adjustment also have influences on students’ resilience through their psychological well-being.

Keywords : family atmosphere, school living adjustment, psychological well-being,resilience Table of Contents

內 容 目 錄 中文摘要 ... iii 英文摘要 ... iv 誌謝辭 ... v 內容目錄 ... vi 表目錄

...viii 圖目錄 ... x 第一章 緒

論...1 第一節 研究動機與目的...1 第二節 研究問 題...2 第三節 名詞釋義...3 第四節 研究範圍與限 制...5 第二章 文獻探討...8 第一節 復原力相關理論與研

究...8 第二節 家庭氣氛相關理論與研究...18 第三節 學校生活適應相關理論與研 究...22 第四節 幸福感相關理論與研究...31 第三章 研究方

法...39 第一節 研究架構...39 第二節 研究對 象...41 第三節 研究工具...43 第四節 研究流 程...59 第五節 研究處理...60 第四章 研究結

果...62 第一節國小學童家庭氣氛、學校生活適應、幸福感與復原力...62 第二節國小學童 在家庭氣氛、學校生活適應、幸福感學童與復原力的差異情形..72 第三節 家庭氣氛、學校生活適應、幸福感及復原力之關 係...79 第四節 家庭氣氛、學校生活適應與幸福感預測復原原力之徑路分析...89 第五章 結論、討論與建

議... 91 第一節 結論與討論... 91 第二節 建 議... 101 參考文獻 ... 106 附錄A 研究問 卷... 125


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The school practises small class teaching with the number of school places for allocation being basically 25 students per class. Subject to the actual need at the Central

The academic achievement of math of high-grade elementary school students is significant related to their SES and the self-concept in math, but is non-related to their

The objective of this study is to investigate the current status of the elementary school teachers who promote Gratitude Education by using Gratified Dream Savings Notebook

This study focuses on the need of walking to school for middle-grades students and designs related teaching plans.This study firstly conducts a questionnaire

The aim of this research is to design the bus- related lesson plans based on the need of the students of the 3 rd to 6 th grade of an elementary school in remote

The campus of an existed elementary school was this object of research which was evaluated according to evaluation tables of biodiversity, greenery and on-site water

The study applies Discriminate Analysis to discuss the aspects of Junior high school students living Adjustment Scale and then develops a scale to be the standard of Junior

In order to serve the fore-mentioned purpose, this research is based on a related questionnaire that extracts 525 high school students as the object for the study, and carries out