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98 年公務人員、關務人員升官等考試試題


Academic year: 2022

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等 別:簡任

類 科:各類科(公務)、各類別(關務)

科 目:中華民國憲法與英文

考試時間:2 小時 座號:


甲、 申論部分:(50 分)



一、國內 A 知名拍賣網站販售「電車之狼」模擬暴力性侵害遊戲軟體,主管兒童及少 年福利、性侵害犯罪的內政部兒童局、家暴及性侵害防治委員會均未有查察之失職 行為,而經濟部對於拍賣網站登記,也只有書面審查致未能及時阻止非法色情、暴 力商品在網路上散布,影響青少年身心發展。經公益社團法人之 B 基金會向監察 院檢舉,則監察院應如何處理?試依憲法、憲法增修條文及相關法律規定分析說明 之。(25 分)

二、今年 4 月 22 日總統公布之公民與政治權利國際公約及經濟、社會、文化權利國際 公約施行法第 2 條規定:「兩公約所揭示保障人權之規定,具有國內法律之效力」,

該法第 4 條又規定:「各級政府機關行使其職權,應符合兩公約有關人權保障之規 定,避免侵害人權,保護人民不受他人侵害,並應積極促進各項人權之實現」。此 值得公務員注意之兩公約關於人權保障之規定與我國憲法及憲法增修條文之規 定,有何不同?試分析說明之。(25 分)

乙、測驗部分:(50 分) 代號:2101


共25 題,每題2 分,須用2B鉛筆在試卡上依題號清楚劃記,於本試題或申論試卷上作答者,不予計分。

1 The tailor-made diet and exercise program are to her health. Her doctor already indicated that her recovery from the surgery was extraordinary.

 abrasive  conducive  ingenious  reflective

2 To prove himself not involved in the crime, Tommy has to provide an .

 album  autonomy  alias  alibi

3 Taipei 101 is a breathtakingly work of art, a stunning masterpiece of concrete and steel that soars 508 meters into the sky.

 audible  olfactory  strenuous  audacious

4 The warnings on cigarette packs aim to remind the smokers of the danger of smoking.

 blunt  dubious  genetic  exotic

5 Unemployment anywhere is a on the country’s resources.

 drive  drain  lift  sign

6 Earthquakes accompanied rising tidal waves are deadly to seaside residents.

 for  in  with  by


代號:10120 | 19020 60120 60220 頁次:4-2 7 the boss wants to know is whether they have taken all factors into consideration.

 What  That  The thing  Which

8 Around one thousand years ago, undoubtedly the warming climate and absence of new epidemics paved the way for an increase in individual rights, economic freedom, and living standards.

 It is no doubt that warm weather and a number of infectious diseases in the 11th century contributed greatly to the increased human rights, free economy, and high quality of life.

 Had it not been for the tepid weather and increasing new pandemic diseases in the 11th century, people would not have enjoyed more individual rights, economic freedom, and living standards.

 Warm weather and new diseases contributed little to the fact that people in the 11th century enjoyed more human rights, freedom, and a better quality of life.

 Unquestionably, people in the 11th century enjoyed more human rights, economic freedom, and a better quality of life than before due to the higher temperature and lack of new plagues.

9 Children, more attuned to social trends, guide their parents through the maze of modern life.

 To the parents’ amazement, their children guide them through the confusion in the modern society.

 Parents were led by their children, who are more socialized, through the complicated modern life.

 Adjusting quickly to social fashion, children help their parents understand the amazement of the modern life.

 Being more aware of the social style, children lead their parents through the confusion of modern life.

10 The mobile, high-tech society prizes knowledge work—work that relies on our intellectual abilities—and yet increasingly we feel that we have no time to think.

 People are discouraged from thinking because knowledge work has taken away their time in the mobile, high-tech society.

 People are urged to use their intellectual abilities in the mobile, high-tech society because little time is left for them to think.

 People find little time to develop intellectual abilities even though knowledge work is valued in the mobile, high-tech society.

 Knowledge work pays well but people do not want to spend time developing intellectual abilities in the mobile, high-tech society.

11 Conservators of many fragile monuments know that often the only way to protect the “real thing” is by restricting access to it, by substituting virtual auras for actual ones.

 To protect the real fragile monuments, conservators have to reproduce actual auras in replacement of virtual ones.

 Conservators replace the actual with the virtual because public access may do harm to many fragile monuments.

 Conservators restrict public access to the “real thing” because it is more valuable than many fragile monuments.

 According to the conservators of monuments, the “real thing” with restricted public access would generate virtual auras.

12 Today’s youngsters are often complained by the older generations to be lacking in . They do not behave very well, nor can they control themselves.

 self-esteem  self-discipline  self-abuse  self-confidence

13 If you are deeply engaged in performing an activity, you’ll be less amenable to a distraction.

 If your mind wanders off, it’s because the work you’re doing is not interesting.

 If you are fully absorbed in what you’re doing, you won’t be easily distracted.

 If you are engaged to a person you love, there will be no one to distract you.

 If you work deeply on an interesting activity, your work will be less amenable.


14 In the war on drugs, Singapore, has adopted a “zero tolerance” law regarding drug trafficking and possession.

“Zero tolerance” is the law that deals with the behaviors of Singaporeans.

 Singapore is attractive to drug traffickers because of its “zero tolerance” law.

 The sales of drugs in Singapore may cause a war between Singapore and several other countries.

 Singapore is a country that adopts a tough drug policy allowing no one to buy or sell drugs.

15 The unique web of technologies Silicon Valley was building can be incredible force multipliers for individuals and small groups to do both good and evil.

 Silicon Valley determines the good and evil doings of people around the world.

 What Silicon Valley does in building the web of technologies is incredible.

 People can use a web of technologies created by Silicon Valley to do both good and evil.

 People in Silicon Valley can multiply the force incredibly through doing both good and evil.

16 The painter developed an economy of expression which could describe the landscape with a few lines.

 The painter skillfully used lines to present the scenery in a simple way.

 The lines of the picture represented the ideas the economist wanted to express.

 The painter elaborated the layout of the landscape with expressions not used before.

 The lines behind the landscape were designed to explain the complex economic theory.

17 The emphasis on official documents has long been part of the government’s strategy to control wartime history.

 The importance of official documents about the war cannot be over-emphasized.

 The office in control of wartime documents has been ordered by the authority to compile an official version of the history of the war.

 The government manipulates wartime history by underscoring the importance of government-held documents.

 The government leadership has been found guilty of trying to manipulate wartime history by hiding some official documents.

第 18 題至第 21 題為題組

Popular music varies between cultures and generations. In the past century, there has been an explosion of popular music styles in the West. Three of them are reggae, punk, and rap.

Reggae developed from a kind of Afro-Caribbean music called “mento,” sung and accompanied by guitars and drums. Initiated on the Caribbean island of Jamaica in the 1960s, it spread throughout the world in the 1970s. Some musicians changed “mento” into a music style called “ska” by adding a hesitation beat. Later, other musicians changed “ska” to introduce “reggae.”

Punk is a style of rock music composed to react against previous forms of rock. Punks felt that rock music no longer represented the counterculture from which it had sprung and had sold out to the mainstream, conventional culture. Through their clothing and hairstyles, punks intended to shock society. The “punk look”

included spike hairdos, ripped clothing, body piercing, and jewelry made from objects such as razor blades and safety pins. Their onstage behavior was aggressive and provocative. Punk music is simple, but its message is anti-government, anti-authority, and anti-conformity.

Rap, or hip-hop, is a type of dance music in which the performers—rappers—speak in rhythm and rhyme, but not sing. This art originated in Africa, then, transferred to America via Jamaica, where it was known as

“toasting.” In America, during the 1970s rap appeared in the discos of New York’s black neighborhoods. It was mainly about dancing, partying, and the romantic adventures of the rappers, but, later, politics became its important theme.

18 What was the correct sequence of the development of popular music in the West?

 Mento, ska, reggae, and then rap  Ska, reggae, punk, and then mento

 Punk, mento, rap, and then reggae  Rap, reggae, mento, and then punk


代號:10120 | 19020 60120 60220 頁次:4-4 19 According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?

 Reggae originated from a kind of Afro-Caribbean music.

 The fans of punk are in support of the beliefs and values of the West.

 Rap is a kind of dance music.

 The rappers prefer to speak in rhythm and rhyme, but they do not sing.

20 Based on this passage, what music fans would most probably fight or have violent behaviors at concerts?

 Reggae  Punk  Rap  Ska

21 According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?

 The punk people tend to wear plain and simple clothes.

 Both reggae and rap are rooted in the African culture.

 Like mento, rap is accompanied by guitars and drums.

 Originated in Africa, rap presents the political values of the West.

第 22 題至第 25 題為題組

Researchers of human communication generally divide talks into two major types: chatting and information-related talk. Chatting is defined as the exchange of amicable conversational turns with another speaker. 22 Thus, chatting forms a large part of anyone’s social life. Skillful chatting involves finding a fluid stream of topics that speakers find interesting to take up. 23 And it is more important to create a good atmosphere and to agree than to express oneself or to be truthful.

24 People’s talk at work mostly belongs to this kind of talk. For example, nurses and doctors talk to patients, or factory workers interact with each other. 25 There are several strategies to reach this aim.

When talking, people can give the information in chunks, speak with logical progression, repeat important details, and appeal to common background knowledge.

22  It is not necessarily true that women talk more than men.

 Men are said to talk less about sadness with their friends.

 The primary purpose is to make social contact, and to oil the social wheels.

 Information-related talk, on the other hand, refers to speech aimed at transferring information on a particular topic.

23  The topics are not necessarily discussed very deeply.

 Men are said to talk less about sadness with their friends.

 Information-related talk, on the other hand, refers to speech aimed at transferring information on a particular topic.

 The most important point about information-related talk is getting the message across and confirming that the listeners have understood it.

24  The topics are not necessarily discussed very deeply.

 It is not necessarily true that women talk more than men.

 The primary purpose is to make social contact, and to oil the social wheels.

 Information-related talk, on the other hand, refers to speech aimed at transferring information on a particular topic.

25  Men are said to talk less about sadness with their friends.

 The primary purpose is to make social contact, and to oil the social wheels.

 Information-related talk, on the other hand, refers to speech aimed at transferring information on a particular topic.

 The most important point about information-related talk is getting the message across and confirming that the listeners have understood it.


題  數: 25題 標準答案:

題序 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

答案 B D D A B D A D D C B B B D C A C A B B

題序 21 22 23 24 25

答案 B C A D D

備  註: 無更正紀錄。



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26 假設 2000 年的年利率為 10%,2001 年的年利率為 5%;則 2001 年年底的 100 元,在 2000 年的年初約等於 多少?.  80 元  83 元  87 元 

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theVinaya and Abhidharma literature, learning still enjoyed respects in religious life but the scope of learning became more specific. Mahāyāna literature recognize learning