• 沒有找到結果。

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編號 動詞 總計分 學習者習得研究排序


穿 7



戴 4



帶 7



聊 5



拿 6



說 7



談 5


表 4.16:[近義及物動詞+名詞賓語]詞組的學習者習得研究排序

表 4.14-4.16 中,30 組動賓詞組按照三種不同的動賓搭配類型以學習者為中心的概 念加入學習者習得研究的因素,形成學習者習得研究排序。表中可見學習者習得研究的 總計分,以阿拉伯數字標示,還有依據總計分高至低的學習者習得研究排序,以大寫數 字標示。當總計分相同時,學習者習得研究排序標示相同並且依序往後累進,因此排名 最高為一,最低為四十二。



同時還參考了《漢語常用動詞搭配詞典》的用法以及《教育部重編國語辭典修訂本》的 釋義,列出動賓詞組實例、教學說明與進一步說明22,以作為編製教材時的依據(請參 見表 4.17-4.19):

22 英語說明教學部分根據黃麗儀博士的意見所改,進一步說明的英文部分參考 Cambridge Dictionary. 2018 年 6 月 3 日。 https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/eat

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立 政 治 大 學

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編號 動賓詞組實例 教學說明

1 吃好吃的晚飯 「吃」together with 「好吃的晚飯」 means “to eat delicious dinner.” 「好吃的」 is the modifier of 「晚飯」.

2 點一些菜 「點」 together with 「一些菜」 means “to order some dishes.”

「一些」 is the modifier of「菜」.

3 給我的朋友一些錢 「給」together with 「我的朋友一些錢」 means “to give my friend some money.” 「一些」 is the modifier of 「錢」.

4 喝熱水 「喝” together with 「熱水」 means “to drink hot water.” 「熱」

is regarded as modifier of 「水」.

5 換這雙紅色的皮鞋 「換」 together with 「這雙紅色的皮鞋」 means “to change this pair of red leather shoes.” 「紅色的」 is regarded as modifier of


6 買一支很貴的手機 「買」together with 「一支很貴的手機」 means “to buy an expensive cell phone.” 「很貴的」 is regarded as modifier of 「手 機」.

7 賣三輛舊車 「賣」 together with 「三輛舊車」 means “to sell three old cars.”

「舊」 is regarded as modifier of 「車」.

8 聽中國音樂 「聽” together with 「中國音樂」 means “to listen to Chinese music.” 「中國」 is regarded as modifier of 「音樂」.

9 玩電腦遊戲 「玩」 together with 「電腦遊戲」 means “to play computer games.” 「電腦」 is regarded as modifier of 「遊戲」.

10 問很多問題 「問」 together with 「很多問題」 means “to ask many questions.”

「很多」 is regarded as modifier of 「問題」.

11 洗我的手 「洗」 together with 「我的手」 means “to wash my hands.” 「我 的」 is regarded as modifier of 「手」.

12 用這雙黑色的筷子 「用」together with 「這雙黑色的筷子」 means “to use this pair of chopsticks.” 「黑色的」 is regarded as modifier of 「筷子」.

13 坐這輛小公車 「坐」 together with 「這輛小公車」 means “to take this small bus.” 「小」 is regarded as modifier of 「公車」.

表 4.17:[單義及物動詞+名詞賓語]詞組語義搭配教材編製參考指標

means “to play professional basketball.” 「職業」 is regarded as modifier of 「籃 球」.

In Chinese, the meaning of 「打」is “to play (by using hands).” 「打」 usually

collocates with the objects such as basketball, baseball, tennis, etc.

打幾個電話 「打」 used with 「幾個電話」

means “to make a few phone calls.” 「幾個」 is regarded as modifier of 「電話」.

In Chinese, the meaning of 「打」 is “to make a phone call (dialing with hands).”

「打」 usually collocates with the objects such as telephones, cell phones, etc.

15 放我的東西 「放」 used with 「我的東西」 objects such as books, bags, etc.

放暑假 「放」 used with 「暑假」

means “to have a summer vacation.” 「暑」 is regarded as modifier of 「假」.

In Chinese, the meaning of 「放」 is “to have vacations or long break.” 「放」

usually collocates with the objects such as vacations, holidays, etc.

16 關那扇大門 「關」 used with 「那扇大門」

means “to close that big door.”

「大」 is regarded as modifier of 「門」.

In Chinese, the meaning of 「關」 is “to close.” 「關」usually collocates with the objects such as doors, windows, etc.

關那盞白色的燈 collocates with the objects related to

electronic devices such as lights, computers, etc. across from one side of something to the other.” 「過」 usually collocates with the objects such as roads, bridges, etc.

過二十歲的生日 「過」 used with 「二十歲的 生日」 means “to celebrate my 20th birthday.” 「二十歲的」 is regarded as modifier of 「生 日」.

In Chinese, the meaning of 「過」 is “to celebrate.” 「過」 usually collocates with the objects such as birthday, special

occasions, etc.

objects related to vehicles such as cars, buses, planes, etc.

開很多會 「開」 used with 「很多會」

means “to hold many

meetings.” 「很多」 is regarded as modifier of 「會」.

In Chinese, the meaning of 「開」 is “to hold an activity or events.” 「開」 usually collocates with the objects such as

meetings, sports events, etc.

開那扇大門 「開」 used with 「那扇大門」

means “to open that big door.”

「大」 is regarded as modifier of 「門」.

In Chinese, the meaning of 「開」 is “to open.” 「開」 usually collocates with the objects such as doors, windows, etc.

開那盞白色的燈 collocates with the objects related to

electronic devices such as lights, computers, etc.

19 看網路電視 「看」 used with 「網路電視」

means “to watch network TV..”

「網路」 is regarded as modifier of 「電視」.

In Chinese, the meaning of 「看」 is “to watch.” 「看」 usually collocates with the objects such as TV, movies, etc.

看一本中文書 「看」 used with 「一本中文 書」 means “to read a Chinese book.” 「中文” is regarded as modifier of 「書」.

In Chinese, the meaning of 「看」 is “to read.” 「看」usually collocates with the objects such as books, newspapers, etc.

20 送一個大禮物給我的 offer something to someone as a special present.” 「送」 usually collocates with the objects such as presents and then add a person.

送我朋友去桃園機場 「送」 used with 「我朋友去 桃園機場」 means “to take my friends to Taoyuan Airport.”

「我」 is regarded as modifier of 「朋友」.

In Chinese, the meaning of 「送」 is “to go somewhere with someone.” 「送」 usually collocates with the objects such as family, close friends, important people, etc. and then add locations.

means “to miss my family.”

「我的」 is regarded as modifier of 「家人」.

In Chinese, the meaning of 「想」 is “to miss.” 「想」 usually collocates with the objects such as family, close friends,

important people, etc.


「想」 used with 「這個很難 的問題」 means “to think about a question.” 「很難的」 is regarded as modifier of 「問 題」.

In Chinese, the meaning of 「想」 is “to think.” 「想」 usually collocates with the objects such as questions.

22 找一個好的工作 look somewhere carefully in order to find something or someone that you are eager to have.” 「找」 usually collocates with the objects such as jobs, important things, etc.

找客人一塊錢 「找」 used with 「客人一塊

usually collocates with the objects such as money, dollars, etc.

23 做好吃的點心 「做」 used with 「好吃的點 心」 means “to make delicious snack.” 「好吃的」 is regarded as modifier of 「點心」.

In Chinese, the meaning of 「做」 is “to make” 「做」usually collocates with the objects such as desserts, dishes, etc.

做健康的運動 「做」 used with 「健康的運 動」 means “to do healthy exercise.” 「健康的」 is regarded as modifier of 「運 動」.

In Chinese, the meaning of 「做」 is “ to do.” 「做」 usually collocates with the objects such as exercise, homework, etc.

表 4.18:[多義及物動詞+名詞賓語]詞組語義搭配教材編製參考指標

means “to wear this black coat.” 「黑 色的」 is regarded as modifier of 「衣 服」.

In Chinese, 「穿」 is “to put something on one’s body.” 「穿」 usually collocates with the objects which related to clothing, such as clothes, pants, shoes, etc.

25 戴這只很貴的 手錶

「戴」 used with 「這只很貴的手錶」

means “to wear this expensive watch.”

「很貴的」 is regarded as modifier of


In Chinese, 「戴」 is “to put something on part of one’s body.” 「戴」 usually collocates with the objects which related to accessory, such as glasses, hats, etc.

26 帶一些錢

「帶」 used with 「一些錢」 means

“to carry some money.” 「一些」 is regarded as modifier of 「錢」.

In Chinese, the main idea of 「帶」 is“to carry something in one’s pocket/bag.”

「帶」 usually collocates with the objects which related to something that you can bring with, such as money, wallets, etc.

27 聊我的生活 「聊」 used with 「我的生活」 means

“to chat about my life.” 「我的」 is regarded as modifier of 「生活」.

In Chinese, the main idea of 「聊」 is“to chat.” 「聊」 usually collocates with the objects which related to the informal or casual topics, such as life, interests, etc.

28 拿三本中文書

「拿” used with 「三本中文書」

means “to hold three books.” 「中文」

is regarded as modifier of 「書」.

In Chinese, the main use of 「拿」 is “to hold something in one’s hands/hand.” 「拿」

usually collocates with the objects which related to something that you can hold, such as cell phone, books, etc.

29 說一點點中文 「說” used with 「一點點中文」

means “to be able to speak a little Chinese.” 「一點點」 is regarded as modifier of 「中文」.

In Chinese, the main idea of 「說」 is“to use a particular language to say words, or to have a conversation with someone.” 「說」

usually collocates with the objects which related to languages, such as Chinese, English, etc.

30 談重要的事情

「談」 used with 「重要的事情」

means “to talk about important things.” 「重要的」 is regarded as modifier of 「事情」.

In Chinese, the main idea of 「談」 is“to talk about something in a formal way.” 「談」

usually collocates with the objects which related to the formal topics, such as business, important things, etc.

表 4.19:[近義及物動詞+名詞賓語]詞組語義搭配教材編製參考指標

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本研究之第四項指標是動賓語義搭配。表 4.17-4.19 中呈現三種不同類型的動賓語 義搭配以及清楚的英語教學說明。英語教學說明針對每一組動賓詞組的關係,除了說明 整體的華語語義,還呈現了「及物動詞+修飾語+名詞賓語」在華語的位置,筆者認為能 夠直接應用到教材規劃當中。此外,筆者在[多義及物動詞+名詞賓語]詞組與[近義及物 動詞+名詞賓語]詞組的部分附上進一步的教學說明,筆者的目的是預計提供給華語教師 釐清每一組有搭配限制的動賓詞組中,及物動詞和名詞賓語的連結關係,能夠直接用英 文說明教給學習者,也是後續教材規劃的時候所依據的教學重點,筆者會在教材裡以圖 片、語例等方式呈現給學習者,讓華語教師意識到有搭配限制的動賓詞組在教學上的重 要性,還有幫助學習者建立基本的搭配概念。