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5 參考資料

5.1 中文書目(按姓名筆劃順序)




吳妍靜,〈蘇聯學者對史達林民族概念的研究〉,(淡大俄羅斯所碩士論文,民 95)



庫內(Reinhard Kühnl)著,邸文、李廣起譯,《法西斯主義剖析》,(北京:軍事 科學出版社,1992)

祖布林(Robert Zubrin)、華格納(Richard Wagner)著,張玲譯,《移民火星》,

(台北:城邦,民 87)


民 87)



紐先鍾,《二十一世紀的戰略前瞻》,(台北:麥田,民 88)

李德哈特(Liddel Hart)著,鈕先鍾譯,《戰略論:間接路線》,(麥田,民 85)

富勒著(J. F. C. Fuller),鈕先鍾譯,《西洋世界軍事史》,(台北:麥田,1998)

馮.曼斯坦著(von Manstein)、鈕先鍾譯,《失去的勝利:馮.曼斯坦元帥戰時 回憶錄》,(台北:星光,民 83)

達爾文(Darwin)著,葉篤莊等譯,《物種起源》,(台北:商務,民 87)



曾靖芳,〈民族分離運動的比較研究-以俄羅斯聯邦之韃靼共和國與車臣共和國 為例〉,(政大俄羅斯所碩士論文,民 91)


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潘基文,〈A Climate Culprit In Darfur〉,《華盛頓郵報》,2007 年 6 月 16 日。

鄧雲特,《中國救荒史》,《民國叢書》第二編,(上海:上海書店,1990 重印)

奇羅(Daniel Chirot)、麥考利(Clark McCauley)著,薛絢譯,《為什麼不殺光》,

(台北:立緒,民 96)

巴斯托夫(A. L. Barstow)著,嚴韻譯,《獵殺女巫》,(台北,女書,民 88)

5.2 外文書目

Allen, William, The Nazi Seizure of Power: The Experience of a Single German Town 1922~1945 (London: Penguin Books, 1989)

Bascomb, Neil, Hunting Eichmann: How a Band of Survivors and a Young Spy Agency Chased Down the World's Most Notorious Nazi. (Boston/New York:

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. 2009)

Baumel, Judith Tydor. The Holocaust Encyclopedia. (Yale University Press, 2001) Claude Bélanger, Why did Canada Refuse to Admit Jewish Refugees in 1930s?, (Department of History, Marianopolis College)

Bergier, Jean-Francois; W. Bartoszewski, S. Friedländer, H. James, H. Junz, G. Kreis, S. Milton, J. Picard, J. Tanner, D. Thürer, J. Voyame. Final Report of the Independent Commission of Experts Switzerland – Second World War. (Zürich: Pendo Verlag GmbH. 2002)

Brechtken, Magnus: Madagaskar für die Juden: Antisemitische Idee und politische Praxis 1885-1945, 2nd edition, (Oldenburg, Wissenschaftsverlag, 1998)

Browning, The Origins of the Final Solution, (University of Nebraska Press, 2007) Chris Bishop, Waffen-SS Divisions 1939-45, (London: Amber Books, 2007)

Clay, Leapman, Herrenmenschen - Das Lebensborn-Experiment der Nazis. (München:

Heyne, 2001)

Conquest, Robert, The Harvest of Sorrow: Soviet Collectivization and the Terror-Famine. (Oxford University Press, 1986) p.306

Courtois, Stephan; Nicholas, Werth; Jean-Louis, Panne; Paczkowski, Andrzej;

Bartosek, Karel; Margolin, Jean-Louis & Kramer, Mark, The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression. (Havard University Press, 1999)

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Gilbert, Gustave: Nürnberger Tagebuch p.448~450, (Frankfurt: Fischer Taschenbuchverlag, 1962)

Hammer, Joshua, Hitler’s Children. (Newsweek International, March 20th, 2002) Kaszeta, Daniel J. Lithuanian Resistance to Foreign Occupation 1940–1952, Volume 34, No. 3. (Chicago: Lituanus, 1988)

Hubert, Mauss, Sacrifice: Its Nature and Function (1899; London: Cohen and West, 1964)

Kershaw, Ian. Hitler: 1936-1945: Nemesis. (New York: Norton, 2000.)

Fischer, Conan: Stormtroopers: A Social, Economic and Ideological Analysis, 1929~35 (London: George Allen & Unwin, 1983)

Des Forges, Leave None To Tell The Story: Genocide In Rwanda. (New York: Human Rights Watch, 1999)

Harris, Robert, Selling Hitler: The Story of Hitler Diaries, (New York: Pantheon, 1986)

Kater, Michael, The Nazi Party: A Social Profile of Members and Leaders 1919~1945, (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1983)

Littlejohn, David: Foreign Legions of the Third Reich, Volume 4: Poland, the Ukraine, Bulgaria, Romania, Free India, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland and Russia, (San Jose: R. James Bender Publishing, 1987)

Dolot, Miron, Execution by Hunger: The Hidden Holocaust. (New York: W. W.

Norton, 1985)

Lieb, Peter, Konventioneller Krieg oder NS-Weltanschauungskrieg: Kriegführung und Partisanenbekämpfung in Frankreich 1943/44,( München: Oldenburg, 2007)

Maddison, Historical Statistics for the World Economy: 1–2001 AD, (University of Groningen, 2001)

Osborn, The Wild Frontier: Atrocities During the American-Indian War from Jamestown Colony to Wounded Knee, (NY, Random House, 2001)

Pipes, Richard,Russia Under the Bolshevik Regime, (New York: Vintage books, 1995),

Pringle, The Master Plan: Himmler’s Scholars and the Holocaust, (NY, Harper Perennial, 2006)

von Rauch, Konrad, Die Erste Deutsche SS-Tibet-Expedition, (Der Biologe, August 1939)

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Reeves, Quantifying Genocide in Darfur, http://www.sudanreeves.org/Article102.htm (April 28, 2006)

Rigg. Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers: The untold story of Nazi Racial Laws and men of Jewish descent in the German military. (University Press of Kansas, 2002)

Rummel, Encyclopedia of Genocide, (University of Hawaii, 1999)

Schramm (ed.), Picker, Hitlers Tischgespräche im Führerhauptquatier 1941-1942 , (Bonn: Athenäum, 1951)

Severloh, Heinrich: WN 62: Erinnerungen an Omaha Beach Normandie, 6. Juni 1944 , (Garbsen: Hek Creativ Verlag, 2004)

Speer, Albert: Spandaur Tagebücher (Frankfurt a. M.; Ullstein, 1975) p, 533 (Oct. 22, 1960)

Stanton. The 8 Stages of Genocide, (Genocide Watch, 1996)

Tischkov, Ethnicity, Nationalism and Conflict in and after the Soviet Union, (Thousand Oaks: Sage, 1996)

Weinberg (ed.), Adolf Hitler, Hitler’s Second Book (NY: Enigma Books, 2006)