• 沒有找到結果。

第三章   合理隱私期待簡介

第一節  概念的起源、功能與發展

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第三章 合理隱私期待簡介

第一節 概念的起源、功能與發展

第一項 從物理侵入到合理隱私期待

「合理隱私期待」(reasonable expectation of privacy)的概念源自於美國法 院對美國憲法增修條文第4 條適用範圍的解釋。增修條文第 4 條旨在賦予人民不 受國家不合理搜索與扣押的權利,其明文表示:「人民有保護其身體、住所、文 件與財物之權,免受於不合理的搜索與扣押,並不得非法侵犯。除有正當理由,

經宣誓或代誓宣言,並詳載搜索之地點、拘捕之人或收押之物外,不得頒發搜索 票、拘票或扣押狀。」1觀察該條的要件結構,規範客體是「不合理的搜索與扣 押」,因此在適用上,我們必須先確定特定行為是否為憲法意義上的「搜索或扣 押」,才能進一步判斷「搜索或扣押」是否為「不合理」。而法院在決定特定政府 行為是否構成搜索或扣押時,合理隱私期待的概念就是作為法院回答這個問題的 標準之一。2

事實上,政府對人民的搜索與扣押行為,以及搜索票等令狀的使用,早在美 國憲法增修條文第4 條制訂以前,就存在於英國已久。3隨著印刷術的快術發展,

為了避免煽動性、誹謗性刊物的散布,英國警方開始氾濫地進行搜索。4此外,十 六世紀的英國政府為了執行出版法,也開始濫發空白令狀(general warrant)。5然 而,到了十七世紀中葉,對於不斷氾濫的令狀,以及無限制的搜查和扣押,人民 的不滿聲浪迅速升高。6面對英國民眾的不滿,英國法院開始關注這個議題,最後 在 Entick v. Carrington 案7作出了具有里程碑意義的決定。


1 中文翻譯引用自司法院網站:http://www.judicial.gov.tw/db/db04/db04-03.asp,瀏覽日期:2013 年6 月 15 日;U.S.CONST. amend. IV (1791) “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”

2 See Stephen P. Jones, Reasonable Expectation of Privacy: Searches, Seizures, and the Concept of Fourth Amendment Standing, 27 U.MEM.L.REV. 907, 912 (1997).

3 See Richard G. Wilkins, Defining the ‘Resonable Expectation of Privacy’: An Emerging Tripartite Analysis, 40 VAND.L.REV. 1077, 1081 (1987).

4 Id. at 1082.

5 Id.

6 Id.

7 19 Howell's St. Tr. 1030 (1765).

在 Entick 案中,總理大臣(secretary of state)發出空白令狀(general warrant), 授權有關機關搜索原告Entick 的家,最後以有煽動性的誹謗文字為由,扣押他的 能完全劃上等號,始終保留有解釋的空間。也因此,在 Hester v. United States 案

12,法院得以將搜索的概念與物理侵入相連結的現象予以修正。13在 Hester 案, 構成憲法增修條文第4 條「搜索」的重要標準。例如在 Olmstead v. United States15中,當事人Olmstead 因為涉嫌共同合作違法持有、運送、販賣酒品,而被控 違反國家禁酒法(National Prohibition Act)。但聯邦官員無令狀即於被告住所外        

14 Hester, 265 U.S. at 59 (“As to that, it is enough to say that, apart from the justification, the special protection accorded by the Fourth Amendment to the people in their ‘persons, houses, papers and effects,’ is not extended to the open fields. The distinction between the latter and the house is as old as the common law.”).

15 277 U.S. 438 (1928).

待」(subjective expectation of privacy),而後者則簡稱為「客觀隱私期待」(objective expectation of privacy)。有了合理隱私期待的標準後,法院終於可以將政府所有 的監控技術納入違憲審查體系,這與以往僅以物理侵入為標準的時代,有所不同。

19 Katz, 389 U.S. at 351 (”The Fourth Amendment protects people, not places. What a person knowingly exposes to the public, even in his own home or office, is not a subject of Fourth Amendment protection. . . But what he seeks to preserve as private, even in an area accessible to the public, may be constitutionally protected.”).

20 Id. at 361 (Harlan, J., concurring) (”My understanding of the rule that has emerged from prior decisions is that there is a twofold requirement, first that a person have exhibited an actual (subjective) expectation of privacy and, second, that the expectation be one that society is prepared to recognize as ‘reasonable’.”).

21 See Wilkins, supra note 3, at 1087.

22 要注意的是,合理隱私期待並非法院判斷隱私權保障範圍的唯一標準。詳見本文,頁 41 以


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人利益必須與社會利益相互權衡,也因此,當事人主張受到憲法增修條文第4 條 保護時,法院不一定要接受當事人的意見,而應由法院在個案中自行決定。23而 增修條文第4 條的「合理」判斷,被視為一種,必須與社會規範相互協調的價值 判斷,一項法律問題。24

第二項 合理隱私期待的功能



行為人有何正當事由?」以及「行為人欠缺正當事由而侵害隱私,應承擔什麼法 律效果?」以美國憲法增修條文第4 條為例,法院會先判斷政府的行為是否構成 搜索或扣押(searches and seizures),而侵害憲法上的隱私利益。若確認構成搜索 扣 押 之 後 , 法 院 將 進 一 步 分 析 政 府 的 搜 索 或 扣 押 , 是 否 為 「 合 理 的 」

(reasonableness)、有無「令狀」(warrants)、「相當理由」(probable cause)等正 當化事由。倘若欠缺正當化事由而成為「不合理的搜索或扣押」(unreasonable searches and seizures)者,法院將適當地給予證據排除效果。而「合理隱私期待」

的概念功能,就是在幫助法院判斷特定行為是否構成隱私權的侵害,在增修條文 第4 條脈絡下,就是政府的行為是否構成憲法上的搜索或扣押。

要注意的是,如同前一章的介紹,隱私權並不是一個絕對的權利,他是有代 價的。因此,當我們決定要保護特定人的隱私利益的時候,就意味著我們願意承 擔隱私利益所附隨而來代價。以增修條文第4 條為例,若我們承認政府的特定行 為構成搜索或扣押而侵害人民的隱私利益時,就表示,除非政府能夠證明符合其 他例如令狀等合理化條件,否則政府不得搜索扣押,違法所取得的資料不得作為 證據使用。25換言之,當特定規範以「隱私權」作為構成要件時,合理隱私期待 的概念功能,就是在協助我們判斷個人是否享有隱私權的保障。倘若答案是肯定 的,我們就必須進一步判斷侵害隱私權的行為(不論是政府行為還是私人行為)

是否滿足憲法、侵權法或其他法規範所提出的合理化要求,以進行隱私利益與其 他利益間的調和,甚至要求行為人承擔一定的法律效果。


23 See Edward J. Imwinkelried, The Dangerous Trend Blurring the Distinction between a Reasonable Expectation of Confidentiality in Privilege Law and a Reasonable Expectation of Privacy in Fourth Amendment Jurisprudence, 57 LOY.L.REV. 1, 6 (2011).

24 Id. at 20-21.

25 See Orin S. Kerr, Four Models of Fourth Amendment Protection, 60 STAN.L.REV. 503, 527 (2007).

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第三項 合理隱私期待的發展

第一款 侵權行為法上的發展

雖然合理隱私期待的概念起源於美國法院對該國憲法增修條文第 4 條的解 釋,但它的影響力不僅以憲法為限,它也被擴張適用在其他規範上,而普通法上 的隱私侵權就是一個例子。在the Restatement (Second) of Torts § 652B 的「對 個人獨處和私人事務的入侵」(Intrusion Upon Seclusion or solitude, or into private affairs),以及§ 652D 的「公開私人生活」(Publicity Given To Private Life)兩類 型侵權行為中,法院常常使用「合理隱私期待」26的概念,來判斷原告是否享有 隱私利益。

例如,在 Villanova v. Innovative Investigations, Inc.案27中,原告的前妻懷疑 原告不忠,於是接受徵信業者的建議,將一個衛星定位跟踪設備安裝在家庭汽車 上,以追蹤原告的行蹤。原告事後發現後,以侵犯隱私為由,向給予建議的徵信 業者請求損害賠償。法院拒絕了原告的請求,其認為原告未能舉證證明曾將車子 開到一個私人的,或隱蔽而遠離公眾視線的位置,無法說明他有一個合法的隱私 期待,所以被告不構成侵犯隱私權的侵權責任。28

又例如,在 Shulman v. Group W Productions, Inc.案29中,車禍事故受害者的 救援過程被拍攝成紀錄片,並在電視節目上播出,受害者知悉後認為記者拍攝救 援與傷患運送過程並將該影片公開播出,構成隱私權侵害,遂向紀錄片製造者提 起侵權訴訟。原審法院判決認為車禍事件有新聞價值,認為原告無理由。但原告 不服提起上訴後,上訴法院則部分維持、部分駁回,因為上訴法院認為原告在救 護直升機內有隱私期待,而且記者將原告與救護人員的對話紀錄下來並公開播放,

已經構成合理人可能認為高度冒犯的侵害。30 第二款 對其他法規的影響


26 有時候法院稱之為「合法的隱私期待」(legitimate expectation of privacy),但兩者內涵相同。

例如在Minnesota v. Carter, 525 U.S. 83, 91 (1998) (stating that merely being present in another's home with the owner's consent does not necessarily confer a “legitimate expectation of privacy” for purposes of the Fourth Amendment).

27 21 A.3d 650 (App. Div. 2011).

28 Id. at 656-57.

29 955 P.2d 469 (Cal. 1998).

30 Id. at 477.

入法規中,例如阿拉巴馬州法(Code of Alabama)關於加重刑事監視罪,立法者 將「合理隱私期待」的概念用到法規條文中,條文表示:「意圖滿足性慾,在未

(Arizona Revised Statutes Annotated)關於性犯罪(Sexual Offenses)類型中的偷 窺狂犯罪(Voyeurism) 33、錄影偷窺犯罪(Crime of video voyeurism)34,科羅 拉多州修訂規範彙編(Colorado Revised Statutes Annotated)關於性犯罪登記法

(Colorado Sex Offender Registration Act)35等。換言之,合理隱私期待的概念,

不僅僅對法院發揮其影響力,更被立法者明文承認,而廣泛出現在關於保障隱私 權益的眾多規範之中。36


31 ALA. CODE § 13A-11-32.1 (1975) “(a) A person commits the crime of aggravated criminal surveillance if he or she intentionally engages in surveillance of an individual in any place where the individual being observed has a reasonable expectation of privacy, without the prior express or implied consent of the individual being observed, for the purpose of sexual gratification.”

32 DEL.CODE ANN.tit. 11 § 925 (2013) “(a) A videotape distributor may not wrongfully disclose an individual or summary listing of any videotapes purchased or rented by a protected individual from the videotape distributor.

(b) In this section the following words or terms have the meanings indicated:…

(4)a. "Wrongful disclosure" means any publication that occurs in circumstances in which a protected individual who rents or purchases a videotape has a reasonable expectation of privacy…”

33 ARIZ.REV.STAT.ANN. § 13-1424 (2006) “D This section does not apply to any of the following:

1. Photographing, videotaping, filming or digitally recording for security purposes if notice of the use of the photographing, videotaping, filming or digital recording equipment is clearly posted in the location and the location is one in which the person has a reasonable expectation of privacy.”

34 ARK.CODE ANN. § 5-16-101 (2009) “(a) It is unlawful to use any camera, videotape, photo-optical, photoelectric, or any other image recording device for the purpose of secretly observing, viewing, photographing, filming, or videotaping a person present in a residence, place of business, school, or other structure, or any room or particular location within that structure, if that person:

(1) Is in a private area out of public view;

(2) Has a reasonable expectation of privacy; and (3) Has not consented to the observation.”

35 COLO.REV.STAT. § 16-22-112 (2010) “(1) The general assembly finds that persons convicted of offenses involving unlawful sexual behavior have a reduced expectation of privacy because of the public's interest in public safety…”

36 參考劉定基,從美國法的觀點評司法院大法官釋字第六八九號解釋-以新聞自由、言論自由、

隱私權的保障與衝突為中心,興大法學,11 期,2012 年 5 月,頁 215-216。

40 Id. at 3 (“That principle renders this case a straightforward one. The officers were gathering information in an area belonging to Jardines and immediately surrounding his house—in the curtilage of the house, which we have held enjoys protection as part of the home itself. And they gathered that information by physically entering and occupying the area to engage in conduct not explicitly or implicitly permitted by the homeowner.”).

41 462 U.S. 696 (1983).

42 Id. at 6 (“Thus, we need not decide whether the officers' investigation of Jardines' home violated his expectation of privacy under Katz. One virtue of the Fourth Amendment's property-rights baseline

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