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從迷的行動看玩具功能與意義之變遷歷程: 以《玩具總動員》、《怪獸電力公司》與《無敵鐵金剛》為例 - 政大學術集成


Academic year: 2021

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(1)The Graduate Institute of Early Childhood Education National Chengchi University. 《. 學. ,-. ‧. ‧ 國. 立. 政 治 大. -. y. Nat. sit. Exploring the Changes in Toy Function and Meaning from Fans’ Actions:. n. al. er. io. Take "Toy Story", "Monster, Inc. " and "Mazinger Z" as an example. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. DOI:10.6814/NCCU201900295.

(2) 「 , 9 - 1 0 0 」. 6. 「. 」. 」. 」. ‧. 」. 」. n. 」. Ch. 」. er. io. 」. al. 0. sit. y. Nat 」. 」. 學. ‧ 國. 立. 0「. 「. 政 治 大. engchi. 9 iv n U. 」. 0 2. 0. ! 、. 」 0. - 0 」. 0. DOI:10.6814/NCCU201900295.

(3) 0. 」. ─. 0. 」. 9. 0. 」. 政 治 大. 立. ‧. ‧ 國. 學 y. sit. io. 0. n. al. er. Nat. 66. Ch. i n U. v. 0. e n g c h i。. 0 6. -. DOI:10.6814/NCCU201900295.

(4) . ‧ sit. io. n. al. y. er. Nat. 學. ‧ 國. 立. 政 治 大. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. DOI:10.6814/NCCU201900295.

(5) Abstract The figurines and toys spun-off from modern day film & animation industry have seen their purpose shifted from mere playthings marketed at children or younger audience to the cherished commodities of selected members of adulthood; aside from adoring and amusing oneself with the products as they were the intended consumer, the toy-loving grownups have their unique hobbyist subculture outlined by careful preservation and collection on the treasured subject. This study aims to cover the development of function and symbolic implications of the toys, recounted by the behaviour of the said hobbyists. We seek to retrace the courses on which the evolution. 治 政 大Z, from our semi-structured hobbyists of Toy Story, Monsters, Inc., and Mazinger 立came out prominent, as shown below: interviews. Four conclusions of the function and meaning of the toys occurred with the assistance of thirteen. ‧ 國. 學. 1. The hobbyists’ standpoint shifted along several stages; and through the stages,. ‧. inner implications of the toys to the collectors have also evolved from the original presented values by the mass media, to the new meanings merged. y. sit. Nat. with the ideas from their own previous experiences.. 2. The toys gained new functions of being collected, aside from the original. io. n. al. er. purpose of being played as an object of entertainment. In essence, the origin of. i n U. v. consumer behaviour in the hobbyists has moved from Serial Motivation to Real Motivation.. Ch. engchi. 3. A hobbyist community does not consist solely of the physical community, but a whole hobbyist subculture in general. The hobbyist community allows not just information exchange and member conversation, but a cultural function of hatching new meanings in the interactions of participants. 4. Values and significance of the toys are not exclusively defined by the consumer behaviour, but also the connotation born from the intersubjective engagements between man and objects.. Keywords: toys, collectors, hobbyists, transitional object, symbolic consumption. DOI:10.6814/NCCU201900295.

(6) ································································································ 1 ······················································································ 1 ? - ········································································ 3 0 - ··········································································· 6 ······················································································· 8 ····················································································· 11 ································································· 11 ······························································ 12 0 - ································ 15 8 ····························································································· 20 : - ·········································································· 23 ·············································································· 23 - ····································································· 25 0 - ············································································· 28 - ·············································································· 30 — - ················································ 31 ···································································· 31 ································································· 35 0 ···································································· 43 ······························································· 50 8 ····························································································· 52 ············································ 55 ·································································· 56 ························································ 63 0 8 ····························································································· 67 - ······································ 71 , ························································· 72 ························································· 81 0 ···························································· 87 8 ····························································································· 91 - , ········································· 95 」 ······················································································· 95 ···························································· 101 0 V.S ································································ 103 ···························································· 105 - - ·································································· 107 ···················································································· 109 : ········································································································ 113 ·············································································································· 》. 立. 政 治 大. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. DOI:10.6814/NCCU201900295.

(7) ····································································26 ·······································································27 ·························································································28 ···················································································29 ····································································32 ·······································································36 ··········································································44 - ······························································50 ·······································································67. 立. 政 治 大. 學 ‧. ‧ 國 io. sit. y. Nat. n. al. er. 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 5-1. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. DOI:10.6814/NCCU201900295.

(8) 2-1 ··················································································· 21 3-1 ············································································· 29 3-2 - ··················································································· 29 4-1 ············································································· 32 4-2 - ··················································································· 32 4-3 ················································································ 32 4-4 - ······································································· 33 4-5 ················································································ 33 4-6 ················································································ 33 4-7 ······················································································ 33 4-8 ················································································ 34 4-9 ················································································ 34 4-10 0 」 ········································································ 34 4-11 , ··········································································· 34 4-12 , ········································································ 34 4-13 - ··········································································· 36 4-14 - 1 ········································································ 36 4-15 - ········································································ 36 4-16 ················································································· 37 4-17 ················································································· 37 4-18 ··········································································· 37 4-19 1 ········································································ 37 4-20 ········································································ 37 4-21 1 ················································································· 38 4-22 ········································································ 38 4-23 ··········································································· 38 4-24 ········································································ 38 4-25 - ········································································ 39 4-26 ········································································ 39 4-27 ················································································· 39 4-28 - ······················································································· 39 4-29 ··········································································· 39 4-30 8 ················································································· 40 4-31 8 ·············································································· 40 4-32 ,- ·············································································· 40 4-33 ··········································································· 40 4-34 「 ········································································ 40 4-35 ····································································· 41 4-36 CDA - 、 ················································································· 41 4-37 CDA 8 ········································································ 41. 立. 政 治 大. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. DOI:10.6814/NCCU201900295.

(9) ·········································································41 ·····························································42 ·····················································································42 ············································································42 ···································································44 ···························································································44 6 ···································································45 ·································································································45 - ···························································································45 ······························································································45 ···············································································46 ·········································································46 ············································································46 ···············································································46 ························································································47 ··················································································47 ·········································································47 :, ·······················································47 - ·····················································································48 ································································48 1 ··············································48 ··················································································48 ··························································48 ············································································70 ··········································································74 」 ······························································74 ···························································80 - ··················································80 ················································································89 ················································································92 ······················································································96 8. 立. 政 治 大. 學. ‧. ‧ 國. y. sit. io. n. al. er. CDA. Nat. 4-38 4-39 4-40 4-41 4-42 4-43 4-44 4-45 4-46 4-47 4-48 4-49 4-50 4-51 4-52 4-53 4-54 4-55 4-56 4-57 4-58 4-59 4-60 5-1 6-1 6-2 6-3 6-4 6-5 6-6 7-1. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. DOI:10.6814/NCCU201900295.

(10) 幻並 、. 0. 代. 幻. 用. B. 出 吐. 兄0. 立. 日放. 心. 明. 半 住 到 昇. al. 住. 0 叉. 吃1:. 併9. d. 合叉. 尤. 功. e n g c h9i. 合. 住. 怪. 父市十. 君 0. 志. i n U. 0 忠. 弗. 合0. 切. 仍0. P. 她. 句. B. Ch. 用. 民. 民. l. n. 店──. 支. 市兒. : 「. 她世 里. io. 伍. r. 斥. ‧. ‧ 國. 合. Nat. 吃. 先她. 政 治 分大 ]合. 叉. 折. 妥. 學. 冰. B. 功. 0 步. 5Toy Story 26. 幻二. 兒. 幻二. 5Pixar animation studio6 1999. 《光幻. 0似幻. B. y. 仍. 、. sit. 9怖. 乎. er. B串. v. B 吵昇 打r. 合. 合. 吃吵 尤. 也 、. 入沉. 住. 民仍止. 官. 支 官. 0. 1. DOI:10.6814/NCCU201900295.

(11) 冰. 羊年. 伸. 吐十. 位0用. B. a. 力. 式. 寸. 妒. 「. ]. 市. 昇 分. 201021360. 怪. P. 立. 旦. 5Cross. Ch. 正. sit. y i n U :. v. 全. 明. 幸. 她更1 抵. 壯. 0. :. 怖吐. 亨父 9 今矛互. 9 力d0任. 市. 字 忘. 仍. :. 沉. 決5. 折. 佔. 怪. 0. 年. er. 「. e n g c明h i. 巧. B今. 合心羊. 明. :. 9合 兒. 世. 伶公0. 明 :. 叉式. ]. 巨. 她更. 免. ::. a叉l. 0. ‧. ‧ 國. 心. 她. 低. 加. 以. 合 明. 200360. B. 母. 示. n. 合. 事吐. ]. 學. 羊r. 字. io. 羊. 奇. 毛. 字. Nat. 佬秀. 年吐. 政 治 大. 她. 乳. 弄未心. _. 9. 吵昇心. 年. 共. 0. 旨. 字. 仍. 友. 0. 9. 幻. 幻. 明0. 2. DOI:10.6814/NCCU201900295.

(12) 她更. 她更. :. 住. 用. 住. 她. 0. 市乎. 9. 仍. 串. 市 世. 住. 明. 手店. 0. 弗. :. 伶. 安. 治 政 5symbolic consumption6 大 立. 字. 幻. 字. 斥 市. 字 仍. al. 住. Ch 叉. 字. 幻. 乎 B. 字. engchi 佔. :. 她叉. 市幻. 9. 0. 世. /. 她更. 仇i n U. 她更i. v. 幻. :. 防. 幻 手店. 住 叉. 字. 住 0. 字. 並 加. 住. 昇. 防. 找. sit. 9互完. n. 字. 519956. 形. ‧. 吵. io. 字. 仍0 找. d. 字. Nat. 字. 叉式. 學. 找. 1 字 0 「. 找. Jean Baudrillard. 找. ‧ 國. 她更 字. 幻. 里. 毛. 9. 9. y. 仍. 改市. er. 世. 0. 矛互. 並 抽子. 0. Story6. 往. B. 《光. 幻二 5Toy. r. 5Monsters, Inc.6. 正幻. r. 0合. 3. DOI:10.6814/NCCU201900295.

(13) 叉冰!. 正幻. 努. 0. 各 伍. 念. 昇. 究 叉. d. 佔乃. 民. 店. 其攻. 拍 乎. 幻. 生. 仍. 佔. !奇 吃. 幻. e n g抽年 chi 毛. B正. 什. 吐. 《光. v以. 吧大 比u. 正 0. 羊. 男. 仍止. 服. 0. 你. 王 刺. 毛. 羊 :. 0. 抽. 幻. 毛. 民. i n U. 《光. 《光 :. 叉 0. 怪. y r. 幻二. Ch. 0. sit. r. 幻. 心. al. :. 判 合. 往. n. 2006. 召. 叉『. er. io. 幻. 仍. Z6. 5. 弄 式. 找. 各. ‧. 七. 幻二. 羊. 引. r 亨. 吵. Nat. 拍. 往. 學. 伶. u 怪. 治 政 工定用 幻二 大 立. ‧ 國. 乃. 父. 毛. 住. 叉. B. 七0. 仍. 幻. 奇. 店. 0友. 里. 別年. 抗丟史. ]. 延. 亨. 多. 仍. d. l0. 4. DOI:10.6814/NCCU201900295.

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From 1912 to the enactment of martial law, the faith of the average person is often seen as just a superstitious culture, and only a few folklore historians and sociologists have

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