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不是品牌的品牌—由無印良品看 生活雜貨品牌的價值傳達 - 政大學術集成


Academic year: 2021

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(1)!. 立. 政 治 大. !. y sit. n. al. er. io. !. •. • 國. Ᏸ. Nat. ’ Ch. n engchi U. iv.

(2) !. …. 政 治 大. 立. sit. y. •. • 國. Ᏸ. io. n. al. er. Nat. ……. Ch. n engchi U. "! !. iv.

(3) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. ""! !. iv.

(4) !. Abstract “Zakka” phenomenon has spread from Japan and been popular in Taiwan for years, accordingly, many zakka brands have emerged. Since MUJI came in, there have been 21 stores in Taiwan till 2011. In 2008, MUJI set up new stores in several countries in the world while the financial crisis was sweeping the whole world. Taiwan MUJI’s general manager Wang Wenxin said it’s because MUJI is good at conveying its value so that it has built up plenty of loyal customers. Therefore, MUJI is the main case for this research to approach the complex relationship among the brand image, perceived value, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty of zakka brand’s value conveying by using both quantitative and qualitative research methods: online survey and in-depth interview. By online survey, this research took customer who ever purchase products in Taiwan MUJI in one year. 政 治. as sample, 522 valid questionnaires were analyzed. 大 By the part of in-depth interview,. 立. • 國. Ᏸ. there are 8 participants included in this research.. After analyzing, this research comes to the following conclusion: A significant. •. positive relationship exists between brand image and customer satisfaction; A. sit. y. Nat. significant positive relationship exists between brand image and customer loyalty; A. er. io. significant positive relationship exists between perceived value and customer. a. n. v l Crelationship exists satisfaction; A significant positive n i between perceived value and hen. hi U. gc customer loyalty; A significant positive relationship exists between brand image and perceived value; A significant positive relationship exists between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. The obvious variations of brand image, perceived value, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty are displayed only among some of the demographic variables. This research also provides 5 marketing suggestions as following: 1. Shorten the gap between brand image and perceived value to customers. 2. Increase customers’ acceptance of the price. 3. Offer more information about co-operative manufactories. 4. Promote MUJI’s online channel. 5. Grasp single customers. Key Words: zakka, brand image, perceived value, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty """! !.

(5) !. …………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………… ……………………………………………… ...... ………………………………………………… ……………………………………………… ……………………………………… 政 治 大 ……………………………………… 立 …………………………………. • 國. Ᏸ. •. ……………………………………………8 ……………………………………………...... ……………………………………………… …………………………………………… al iv n C U h …………………………………………… engchi n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. ……………………………………………. ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………… ……………………………… …………………………………. …………………………………………… 7 ……………………………………………… ……………………………………… ………………………………… ………………………………… ……………………………………………… …………………………………………… ……………………………………………… ………………………………………………..78 "#! !.

(6) !. ………………………………………… ……………………………………………...... ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………… …………………………………. …………………………………………………... …………………………………………… ……………………………………………. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. #! !. iv.

(7) !. 2-2-1 2-2-2. ………………………………….1 …………………………………9 ………………………………..10 ……………………………… ……………………………… …………………………… …………………………… ………………………………… ……………………………………..48 ……………………..50 ……………………..50 …………………..51 治 …………………..52 政 大 立 KMO Bartlett ………………….53 ……..53 ……..54 …..54 …..55 ……………………..56 al v n i ……………………..57 Ch U engchi …………………..59 …………………..60 ………………………………………..61. •. • 國. Ᏸ. 4-1-1 4-2-1 4-2-2 4-2-3 4-2-4 4-3-1 4-3-2 4-3-3 4-3-4 4-3-5 4-3-6 4-3-7 4-3-8 4-3-9 4-4-1 4-5-1 ………………………………………………………………………..65 4-5-2 ………………………………………………………………………..65 4-5-3 …………..67 4-5-4 …………..68 4-5-5 …………………………..69 4-5-6 ……………………..70 4-6-1 …………………………………..71 4-6-2 …………………………………..72 4-6-3 ……………………………..72 n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. #"! !.

(8) !. 4-6-4 4-6-5 4-6-6 4-6-7 4-6-8 4-6-9 4-7-1 4-7-2 4-8-1 4-8-2 5-1-1 5-2-1 30~49 5-2-2. ……………………………..73 ……………………………..73 …………………………………..74 (2)……………………………….74 …………………………..75 ………………………..75 ………………………………………..76 ………………………..77 ……………………………..78 ………………………………………..79 ………………………………..83 ………………………………...89 ………………..89. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. #""! !. iv.

(9) !. 4-7-1. …………………………………………………… ………………………………………… … …………………………………………… ……………………………………………… ………………………………………… ………………………………… ………………………………………… ………………………………………………… ………………………………….78. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. #"""! !. iv.

(10) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. "! !. iv.

(11) !. 粧. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. #! !. iv.

(12) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. $! !. iv.

(13) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. %! !. iv.

(14) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. &! !. iv.

(15) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. '! !. iv.

(16) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. (! !. iv.

(17) !. 晹. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. )! !. iv.

(18) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. *! !. iv.

(19) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. "+! !. iv.

(20) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. ""! !. iv.

(21) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. "#! !. iv.

(22) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. "$! !. iv.

(23) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. "%! !. iv.

(24) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. "&! !. iv.

(25) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. "'! !. iv.

(26) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. "(! !. iv.

(27) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. ")! !. iv.

(28) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. "*! !. iv.

(29) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. #+! !. iv.

(30) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. #"! !. iv.

(31) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. ##! !. iv.

(32) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. #$! !. iv.

(33) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. #%! !. iv.

(34) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. #&! !. iv.

(35) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. #'! !. iv.

(36) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. #(! !. iv.

(37) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. #)! !. iv.

(38) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. ø. #*! !. iv.

(39) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. al. er. io. sit. y. Nat. ø. ø. Ch. n engchi U. $+! !. iv.

(40) !. H7. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. H2. Ch. er. io. al. sit. y. Nat. H1. engchi U. H4. H6. H5. $"! !. v ni. H3.

(41) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. $#! !. iv.

(42) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. $$! !. iv.

(43) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. $%! !. iv.

(44) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. $&! !. iv.

(45) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. $'! !. iv.

(46) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. $(! !. iv.

(47) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. $)! !. iv.

(48) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. ø. $*! !. iv.

(49) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. %+! !. iv.

(50) ! ø. 焍 焍. 立. n. al. er. io. sit. y. Nat. 焍. 焍. •. 焍. Ch. n engchi U. %"! !. Ᏸ. 焍. 焍. • 國. 焍. 政 治焍 大. iv.

(51) !. 焍 焍. 焍. 焍 焍. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. %#! !. iv.

(52) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. %$! !. iv.

(53) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. %%! !. iv.

(54) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. %&! !. iv.

(55) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. %'! !. iv.

(56) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. iv. 焍 焍. 焍 焍. 焍 焍. %(! !. 焍.

(57) !. 焍立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. 焍 焍 焍 焍 焍 焍 焍. %)! !. 焍. iv.

(58) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ sit. y. Nat. er. io. 焍. n. 焍 a v l C ni U h engchi 焍 焍 焍. %*! !.

(59) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. &+! !. iv.

(60) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. &"! !. iv.

(61) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. &#! !. iv.

(62) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. &$! !. iv.

(63) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. &%! !. iv.

(64) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. &&! !. iv.

(65) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. &'! !. iv.

(66) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. &(! !. iv.

(67) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. &)! !. iv.

(68) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. iv. ø. &*! !.

(69) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. '+! !. iv.

(70) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. '"! !. iv.

(71) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. '#! !. iv.

(72) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. '$! !. iv.

(73) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. '%! !. iv.

(74) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. '&! !. iv.

(75) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. ''! !. iv.

(76) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. '(! !. iv.

(77) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. ')! !. iv.

(78) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. '*! !. iv.

(79) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. (+! !. iv.

(80) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. ("! !. iv.

(81) !. 焍. 焍. 立. 焍. 焍. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. (#! !. iv.

(82) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. ($! !. iv.

(83) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. (%! !. iv.

(84) !. 立. 焍. 政 治 大 焍. Ch. n engchi U. •. • 國. Ᏸ. 焍. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. (&! !. iv.

(85) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. ('! !. iv.

(86) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. ((! !. iv.

(87) !. H1. H2. H3. H4. H6. 立. 政H5治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. ()! !. iv.

(88) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. (*! !. iv.

(89) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. )+! !. iv.

(90) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. )"! !. iv.

(91) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. )#! !. iv.

(92) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. )$! !. iv.

(93) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. iv. 焍. )%! !.

(94) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. )&! !. iv.

(95) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. )'! !. iv.

(96) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. )(! !. iv.

(97) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. iv. 焍. ))! !.

(98) !. 焍 焍 焍 焍. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. v ni U • engchi •. •. )*! !.

(99) !. •. •. Ᏸ. • 國. 立. 政 治 大 •. •. n. Ch. n engchi U. •. *+! !. er. io. •. sit. y. Nat al. iv.

(100) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. *"! !. iv.

(101) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. *#! !. iv.

(102) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. *$! !. iv.

(103) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. *%! !. iv.

(104) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. *&! !. iv.

(105) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. *'! !. iv.

(106) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. *(! !. iv.

(107) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. *)! !. iv.

(108) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. **! !. iv.

(109) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. "++! !. iv.

(110) !. ö. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. "+"! !. iv.

(111) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. "+#! !. iv.

(112) !. http://sowf.moi.gov.tw/stat/year/y02-03.xls. 立. ’. ’. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. "+$! !. ’. 政 治 大. iv.

(113) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. "+%! !. iv.

(114) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. "+&! !. iv.

(115) !. 立. 政 治 大. •. • 國. Ᏸ. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat al. Ch. n engchi U. "+'! !. iv.

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This shows that service quality, perceived value, DM advertising, customer satisfaction and loyalty have become important issues on business management.. Therefore, the

The analytic results show that image has positive effect on customer expectation and customer loyalty; customer expectation has positive effect on perceived quality; perceived

(1982), “An Investigation into the Determinants of Customer Satisfaction,” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 1996), “Relationship Marketing in Consumer Markets,” Journal

The regression analysis results indicated that after the corporate image, service quality, satisfaction, perceived value and loyalty between each dimension and is

Research of Cultural and Creative Product’s Effect on Customer Value and Customer Attitude- - -Take - Taiwan “MUJI” Product of RYOHIN KEIKAKU..

Through literatures relevant to service quality, service value, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, this research conducts study on the five aspects of the theme

And we also used company image, service quality perceived quality, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, and customer complaint to measure the car customer

Hildreth,2005)於《Brand America》一書中所提出的: 「美國這個國家尌像是一個品牌 的概念」 。如今,一個國家,也可以被看作是一個全球性商標,作為一個品牌(Nömm,