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Twenty-eighth Congregation - Session 1-5


Academic year: 2021

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第二十八屆學位頒授典禮2020 eighth. 第二十八屆學位頒授典禮2020 eighth. 2020 . 11 . 21. School of Humanities and Social Science School of Science. Interdisci. 人文社會科學學院 理學院 跨學科課程事務處. President’s Address by Professor Wei SHYY 4 校長史維教授的祝辭. Addresses by the Deans 6 院長的講辭. Addresses by Graduate Representatives 18 畢業生代表的講辭. Congregation Programs 學位頒授典禮. Session 1 第一節 10:00am, 21 • 11 • 2020 . Order of Proceedings 32 典禮程序. Graduates in the School of Humanities and Social Science (PhD, MPhil, MA, MSc, BSc) 人文社會科學學院畢業生名錄 (哲學博士、哲學碩士、文學碩士、理學碩士、理學士). Session 2 第二節 11:30am, 21 • 11 • 2020. Order of Proceedings 38 典禮程序. Graduates in the School of Science - Department of Life Science (PhD, MPhil, MSc, BSc) 理學院生命科學部畢業生名錄 (哲學博士、哲學碩士、理學碩士、理學士). Session 3 第三節 1:00pm, 21 • 11 • 2020. Order of Proceedings 46 典禮程序. Graduates in the School of Science - Department of Mathematics (PhD, MPhil, MSc, BSc) 理學院數學系畢業生名錄 (哲學博士、哲學碩士、理學碩士、理學士). 目錄. Session 4 第四節 2:30pm, 21 • 11 • 2020. Order of Proceedings 54 典禮程序. Graduates in the School of Science - Departments of Chemistry, Ocean Science & Physics (PhD, MPhil, MSc, BSc) 理學院化學系、海洋科學系及物理學系畢業生名錄 (哲學博士、哲學碩士、理學碩士、理學士). Session 5 第五節 4:00pm, 21 • 11 • 2020. Order of Proceedings 62 典禮程序. Graduates in the Interdisciplinary Programs Office (PhD, MPhil, MPP, MSc, BSc) 跨學科課程事務處畢業生名錄 ( 哲學博士、哲學碩士、公共政策碩士、理學碩士、理學士 ). Appendices 附錄. Degrees Conferred i 頒授學位. Titles of PhD Theses Completed in 2019-20 iv 2019-20年博士畢業論文題目. Distinguished guests, graduates, parents, friends. and colleagues,. Although we cannot gather in person, I warmly. welcome you to our virtual Congregation. This very. special occasion is a joyous moment shared by the. HKUST community, families, and friends, as we. celebrate the achievements of our Class of 2020.. Graduates, this Congregation signifies you have. reached a new milestone in your lives. While. the world around us is evolving, we hope you. will always live by our commitment to uphold. shared principles and values, appreciate and. respect people of diverse views and opinions, and. collaborate with them.. It is also time to express gratitude to your parents,. other family members, teachers, mentors and. friends, who have helped and encouraged you to. stride forward successfully and confidently.. As you pursue your dreams, please share your own. experience and achievements with the coming. generations of HKUST students. Therefore, see. this not as an end but as the start of a lifelong. relationship with HKUST, your alma mater. See. it as a time for celebration as well as reflection. . Your HKUST education and spirit will support you. wherever and whenever you need it.. Congratulations and my best wishes to you all for a. fulfilling and bright new chapter. We cheer for you,. support you and look forward to hearing from you. again and again.. President’s Address. Professor Wei SHYY. 4 PRESIDENT’S ADDRESS BY PROFESSOR WEI SHYY. 各位嘉賓、畢業生、家長、親友及同事:. 縱使今天大家未能親身聚首一堂,我依然由衷歡. 迎各位出席這個網上畢業典禮。在這個別具意. 義的喜慶日子,科大同仁、家長及親友共同慶賀. 2020年度的畢業同學經過辛勤耕耘後,最終學有. 所成。. 今天的畢業典禮,標誌著各位畢業生跨越了人生. 中的一個重要里程碑。現今世代瞬息萬變,前路. 未知,祈盼各位同學在往後的日子,能時刻恪守. 大學的共同原則和核心價值,尊重不同觀點、包. 容不同聲音,不分彼此,通力合作。. 你們卓然有成,實應感謝你們的父母、親人、老. 師、前輩和同儕。全賴他們的支持和鼓勵,你們. 才得以滿懷信心、成竹在胸地向前邁進。. 校長祝辭. 史維教授. 在你追尋夢想之際,請謹記與學弟學妹分享你的. 人生經驗和成就,薪火相傳。今天一別,不代表. 你的科大歲月走到終站;反之,此刻實為你與母. 校終身結緣的起點。在你慶祝畢業的同時,請不. 忘反思在大學中所獲得師長的訓誨。不論將來你. 身處何時何地,科大的教育和精神將會在你需要. 啟導的時候提供指引。. 再次恭賀全體畢業同學,並祝願大家在人生的新. 階段活得精彩豐盛。我們會一直默默為你加油打. 氣,並期待你與母校保持緊密聯繫。. 5校長史維教授的祝辭. Distinguished guests, graduates, parents, friends. and colleagues,. When our school welcomed you at the outset of. your program, we reminded you that having a. meaningful educational experience entails more. than studying and learning in the classroom, and. that your time with us in SHSS would be truly. memorable. Both expectations came to fruition. . But not in the way that any of us ever imagined.. As members of the graduating Class of 2020,. your generation will be remembered for coming. of academic age during a period of political. polarization and protest in Hong Kong, followed. by a global pandemic. Whether you are an. undergraduate student whose final year was. fragmented by uncertainty, a Master’s student. whose only year with us was similarly punctuated,. or a research postgraduate student who defended. a thesis via Zoom, you all had to adapt to a series. of fluid and profoundly challenging disruptions.. The congratulations that I offer you and your. loved ones this year thus extend well beyond. familiar expressions of pride for your academic. accomplishments. Yes, you read large volumes. of dense literature. Yes, you spent sleepless. nights writing papers and studying for exams. . Yes, you met the high standards of our faculty. even if you may have had doubts about your. abilities along the way. All of you worked hard. Address by the Dean of Humanities and Social Science. Professor Kellee S. TSAI. to earn your degrees. But you also did all of. that under extraordinary conditions this past. academic year—suddenly taking classes on-. line, not seeing your classmates or professors. in person, wondering if you will be able to find. a job, and perhaps, worrying about friends and. family members who have struggled with illness. or financial hardship.. It is precisely because you have completed. your degree programs under more difficult. circumstances that I am confident you will. emerge as a more resilient class of graduates. than your predecessors. Navigating through. uncertain waters requires more creativity,. more determination, and more patience than. accomplishing something under smoother. conditions. Managing the challenges of the past. year have made you stronger and better equipped. to tackle the ones that lie ahead.. Meanwhile, we live in a digital age where. technology imbues our daily lives. As more jobs. are being automated, and conflicting sources of. data are being marshalled to support different. policy preferences, SHSS graduates are well. poised to bring a critical yet compassionate. perspective to understanding and addressing the. most important issues of our time. You have the. capacity to lead by example.. 6 ADDRESS BY THE DEAN OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCE. As you transit ion the next stage of your. professional or academic lives, you are also. joining an intimate and supportive community. of SHSS alumnae that you can count on to be. a source of friendship and support for years to. come. We are truly proud and honored to have. the Class of 2020 join our alumnae network. . Please keep in touch with each other and with. us, so we can share your accomplishments with. other SHSS members. Congratulations to you and. all the people who have supported you in this. journey!. 7ADDRESS BY THE DEAN OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCE. 各位嘉賓、畢業生、家長、親友及同事:. 畢業同學,回想當年你們剛到科大展開一段全新. 學習歷程之際,我們曾強調真正的教育不止於課. 堂學習,並預祝大家有一段難忘的科大人文社科. 學習之旅。今天,這兩個願景都得以實現,但路. 途卻未如我們想像般平坦。. 作為2020年畢業生,在這條求學之路上你們經歷. 了香港社會的政治分化、多場示威,以及新冠疫. 情在全球肆虐的危機。無論你是在畢業年度經歷. 了幾番變化的本科生、在一年制課程中遇到各種. 波折的碩士生,或者是一個剛剛在網上完成論文. 答辯的研究生,我相信你們都面對了因轉變與困. 難所帶來的一連串巨大挑戰。. 故此,今年我向所有畢業生及其摯愛親朋所送上. 的恭賀,絕不像以往一樣只限於學術上的成就。. 同學們,你們曾研讀大量文獻、曾為準備論文及. 考試而渡過無數不眠之夜,又或曾在自我否定的. 情況下達到教授定立的嚴格標準。為完成學業,. 各人都全力以赴、竭盡所能,更何況過去的一年. 是多麼的非比尋常—突如其來的網上學習、無法. 與教授和同學親身交流,還要擔憂個人的就業前. 景,甚至家人和朋友的健康和財政狀況。. 人文社會科學學院院長講辭. 蔡欣怡教授. 正因為在最困難的時期完成學業,我堅信你們將. 會比學長學姐更加堅韌不拔、能屈能伸。相較順. 水行舟,逆流而上需要更多的創造力、更大的決. 心,及更強的忍耐力,我深信過去一年的歷練已. 經讓你們變得更強,並且能成竹在胸地迎接未來. 的挑戰。. 我們現今身處數碼時代,科技融入生活各個層. 面。隨著越來越多的工種被自動化,紛陳的資訊. 被引用作各種政策的依據。在此大環境下,人文. 社科畢業生必能發揮所長,運用批判精神與人文. 關懷的視野來理解和應對這個世代最重要的挑. 戰,以身作則。. 你們將要展開人生或學業的新階段,也將成為科. 大人文社科校友這個社群中的一員,願我們彼此. 在往後的日子能友誼永固、互相支持。2020年畢. 業生,歡迎你們加入人文社科校友的大家庭。為. 此,我們感到既驕傲,又榮幸。請謹記與我們及. 同儕保持聯繫,分享成功的喜悅。我謹代表人文. 社會科學學院,向你及所有支持你完成這段旅程. 的人士送上最至誠的恭賀!. 8 人文社會科學學院院長蔡欣怡教授講辭. 9人文社會科學學院院長蔡欣怡教授講辭. Distinguished guests, graduates, parents, friends. and colleagues,. It is my distinct honor and great pleasure to speak. with you today, in celebration of two classes of. students, the 2019 and 2020 School of Science. graduates.. Today I have but one official obligation, so let me. start by discharging this responsibility post-haste:. I offer you all my most heartfelt congratulations.. After what must seem like an interminable period. of toil, countless sleepless nights and, if your. college career in any way resembled my own,. mountains of junk food, you have arrived at this. moment: the imminent conferral of that most. important testament to your remarkable efforts:. your diploma.. In commemorating this milestone it would be. remiss of me not to acknowledge others who. have made your journey possible: your parents,. siblings, and extended families; your friends and. companions; your teachers and mentors. To all. of you who have provided support, both material. and spiritual, you have my sincerest gratitude.. Now I am sure that many of you, in the midst. of your joy and no doubt relief at reaching. this important juncture in your lives, may be. experiencing some trepidation regarding your. future in a world that seems to be perennially. Address by the Acting Dean of Science. Professor Andrew Glen COHEN. mired in crisis. With an uncertain economy, rising. inequality, deteriorating international relations,. a changing climate, and of course the pandemic. that has transformed our lives over the past year, a. certain amount of anxiety may be understandable.. But it is precisely under these difficult circumstances. that you should remember the diploma you receive. today. This is a document bestowed upon you. not simply as a reward for your performance. on exams; not for your facility with non-linear. differential equations; not for your understanding. of the complex conditions that formed the. black hole at the center of our galaxy; not for. your understanding of the use of CRISPR-cas9. to remake the human genome; nor for any of. these specific, wonderful areas of knowledge. that you have mastered. Rather this diploma. should more properly be thought of as a license,. a permit to practice those skills which are the. true measure of your academic prowess: your. ability to think critically about the world around. you; to look, listen, and ask questions; to. recognize that the world, with all its challenges. and problems, is fundamentally understandable. through observation and reflection. And through. this understanding, solutions will come, no. matter how difficult or how insurmountable these. challenges may seem.. This is the true, deep meaning of today’s ceremony. . It is not just a celebration of your accomplishments,. along with the conferral of a piece of paper so. 10 ADDRESS BY THE ACTING DEAN OF SCIENCE. often framed and hung on a wall or put away in. a drawer.. No, today’s ceremony is meant to serve as both. recognition and reminder: a recognition of your. profound ability to engage with the world and. thereby make it better, and a reminder of your. obligation to do so.. I stand by you today with enormous pride in all. of your accomplishments and equally enormous. hope and expectations for your future. As you. begin to write the next chapters in your personal. stories, I wish you all health, happiness, and the. greatest success.. 11ADDRESS BY THE ACTING DEAN OF SCIENCE. 各位嘉賓、畢業生、家長、親友及同事:. 今天我非常榮幸能出席這個典禮,跟理學院2019. 年度和2020年度兩屆的畢業生一起慶祝這個重要. 的日子。. 首先,讓我衷心祝賀大家順利畢業。這是個值得. 紀念的時刻,標誌著大家渡過了漫長而艱辛的學. 習歲月、熬過了無數個挑燈夜讀的晚上、又或如. 像我在大學時期般,經歷了不少以吃「即食麵」. 為生的日子。今天,你們將獲頒授學位證書,這. 是你們多年來付出努力的憑證。. 在我們一起慶賀這重要里程碑的時候,希望大家. 不忘向所有幫助你們學有所成的人致敬,包括你. 們的父母、兄弟姐妹和親友、朋友和同伴、老師. 和導師,他們無論在物質或精神上給予的支持,. 均成為你們強大的後盾,對於他們的付出,我深. 表敬意。. 我相信你們當中許多人,一方面為踏入人生的新. 階段而感到欣慰和如釋重負,但同時亦為身處這. 充滿危機和挑戰的時代而感到不安。面對經濟不. 明朗、各種不平等的情況日益加劇、國際關係漸. 趨惡化、氣候環境變化,以及過去一年疫情對人. 類生活帶來的重大改變,我理解大家對未來或會. 感到焦慮及擔憂。. 署理理學院院長講辭. 高漢安教授. 但在這困難重重的情況下,你們更應該時刻想起. 今天所獲頒的學位證書。這證書不僅證明你們已. 順利通過考試的挑戰,也非為了反映你們對非線. 性微分方程的熟練、對黑洞如何在銀河系中心形. 成之複雜條件的了解、又或是對如何使用CRISPR-. cas9以改造人類基因組的認識,從而證明你們掌. 握了一些專業知識。反之,這學位證書應該被視. 為一張許可證,代表你們有能力實踐所學,透過. 觀察、聆聽及發問,對周邊世界作出批判性思. 考,這才是彰顯你們的學術能力的最佳明證。雖. 然世界充滿了各種挑戰與問題,你們應該明白,. 通過不斷的觀察和反思,我們還是能夠更深入了. 解這個世界,掌握問題的核心。無論那些挑戰看. 似多麼困難,憑藉對事物的洞察力及批判思維,. 我們總能找到適切的解決方案。. 今天的畢業典禮意義十分重大,它不單標誌著你. 們已完成學業,並獲取一張可裱框並懸掛在牆上. 或放在抽屜裏的證書;其中更深層的意義是肯定. 你們有能力為創建一個更美好的世界出一分力,. 並讓你們銘記,要以發揮所學貢獻社會為己任。. 今天,我為你們所得的成就感到無比驕傲,同時. 亦對你們的未來充滿希冀和期望。在你們開始撰. 寫人生的下一章節的同時,我祝願大家健康、幸. 福及前程錦繡。. 12 署理理學院院長講辭. 13署理理學院院長講辭. Address by the Director of Interdisciplinary Programs Office. Professor Huamin QU. Distinguished guests, graduates, parents, friends. and colleagues,. On behalf of the faculty and staff members of the. Interdisciplinary Programs Office (IPO), I would. like to congratulate all graduates. During the. past year, every one of you have overcome the. challenges brought by the societal development. within Hong Kong and COVID-19 pandemic. globally, like the anxiety of social divisiveness,. the loneliness of social distancing, and the. inconvenience of online classes. Despite all of. these obstacles, you are successfully graduated. today. You should feel very proud of yourself. . The knowledge, sk i l l s e t s and resea rch. achievements that every student acquired and. accomplished at IPO, be it in the fields of the. technology and management, risk management,. environment and sustainability or public policy,. all are closely related to our contemporary society.. On one hand, the current world development trend. is represented by the fast evolving technology of. AI, robotics and quantum computing, iteration. becomes faster and faster. On the other hand,. Black swan events happen more often, human. beings face the critical challenges like extreme. climates, resources depletion, social cleavage, and. ethnic opposition. Every discipline has its strengths. and limitations. Any one single discipline cannot. cope with these challenges alone. We require. our students nowadays to have an independent. critical thinking while embracing diverse views,. more than ever. We also demand our students to. acquire and integrate knowledge from different. disciplines to provide a comprehensive solution.. Like tackling COVID-19, we need expertise from. different academic backgrounds including biology,. medical, psychology, big data analysis and public. policy to cooperate closely. Students are required. to have a broad horizon and be able to master. the problem-solving skills with the ability to. integrate knowledge across different disciplines,. this is exactly the vision and mission of the. establishment of IPO. When entering university,. you selected IPO, out of traditional Schools of. Engineering, Science, Business and Management,. and Humanities and Social Science, it might be. because you did not want to be confined to any. one single discipline, and be able to learn with. and from students of different backgrounds and. cultures, progress together day by day. I hope that. you have realized your wishes here.. I hope the excellent sea view here in Clear Water. Bay, the conscientious and responsible world-. class professors, and the friendly and dedicated. supporting staff will all stay in your wonderful. memories of HKUST. “My way ahead is long; I see. no ending; yet high and low I will search with my. will unbending.” You are about to turn a new page. 14 ADDRESS BY THE DIRECTOR OF INTERDISCIPLINARY PROGRAMS OFFICE. in life. I hope you will remember and carry out the. core values of HKUST which are Inclusiveness,. Diversity, and Respect and the “Can-do” spirit. I. hope you can apply what you have learned here. to serve the society, to cope with the pressing. challenges facing by human beings with your. mindset, skillsets and team spirit.. IPO will keep innovating and evolving to provide. the best learning and research environment for. nurturing the next generations. We will also. enhance the future interactions with alumni. and update our latest happenings to keep in. touch with all of you. IPO is always a home that. welcomes you to come back often.. 15ADDRESS BY THE DIRECTOR OF INTERDISCIPLINARY PROGRAMS OFFICE. 跨學科課程事務處處長講辭. 屈華民教授. 各位嘉賓、畢業生、家長、親友及同事:. 我謹代表跨學科課程事務處同仁熱烈祝賀各位畢業. 生學有所成。大家在學期間,尤其是在過去一年,. 成功克服了香港的社會事件和新冠疫情帶來的各種. 挑戰,包括社會分化所引發的焦慮,社交隔離措施. 所伴隨的孤獨,以及網上課堂所造成的不便。你們. 能夠順利畢業,這本身就是一件非常值得自豪的事. 情。. 各位同學在跨學科課程事務處所學到的知識和技. 能,以及所取得的研究成果,無論是科技與管理、. 風險管理、環境與可持續發展,還是公共政策方. 面,都和我們現今的社會密切相關。當今世界的發. 展一方面以技術日新月異的人工智能、機器人、量. 子計算為大趨勢,叠代周期越來越快;另一方面,. 各種黑天鵝事件發生次數越見頻繁,人類面臨極端. 氣候、資源枯竭、社會分岐、族群對立等方面的嚴. 峻挑戰。「尺有所短,寸有所長;物有所不足,智. 有所不明。」任何單一的學科,都不足以應對這些. 挑戰。相對以前,我們更需要同學們具有兼容並包. 的獨立思考精神,同時能夠融合不同學科的知識,. 提供全面的解決方案。. 正如應對新冠疫情,就需要生物、醫學、心理學、. 大數據分析,以及公共政策等不同學科背景的專家. 密切合作。同學需要有廣闊的視野,才能把不同學. 科的知識和技能融為一體,從中掌握綜合解決問題. 的能力,而這亦正是跨學科課程事務處成立的目的. 和使命。當大家踏進校園,選擇入讀跨學科課程事. 務處的課程,而不是傳統的工程學,理學,工商管. 理學,以及人文與社會科學學院的時候,大概也是. 不想被單一的學科所局限,而是希望能夠和不同背. 景和文化的同學互相學習,一起進步。我衷心祝願. 大家的目標已經達成。. 我希望清水灣的無敵海景、認真負責的世界一流. 教授,以及友好敬業的員工給大家留下了美好的回. 憶。「路漫漫其修遠兮,吾將上下而求索。」你們. 人生新的一頁即將揭開,請同學們謹記和恪守香港. 科技大學和諧共融、匯聚多元、彼此尊重的核心價. 值以及凡事皆可為的精神;也希望同學們能夠學以. 致用,把你們在大學學到的思維方式、知識技能、. 團隊精神用於解決人類面臨的巨大挑戰,真正造福. 社會。. 跨學科課程事務處也會不斷求進、不斷變革,為下. 一代學生提供更好的跨學科教學與科研環境。我們. 會進一步加強校友活動,及時更新動態,與大家保. 持緊密聯繫,守望相助。跨學科課程事務處的大門. 永遠為你打開。. 16 跨學科課程事務處處長講辭. 17跨學科課程事務處處長講辭. 18 ADDRESSES BY GRADUATE REPRESENTATIVES. Address by the Graduate Representative of the School of Science. WANG Zhien Bachelor of Science in Chemistry. Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,. I am greatly honored to be invited to share my. joy with everyone today. Over the years, many. brilliant minds whose achievements surely tower. over my own have blossomed at HKUST. If there. is one quality that unites us all, it is a heart. overflowing with gratitude. My sincere thanks. to the various family members, close friends,. teachers and staff whose tireless encouragement. and support has ultimately made me the person. you see standing here today.. Students who are passionate about science are. privileged to be able to explore a truly miraculous. world of atoms, molecules and chemical reactions.. The power to think independently and critically. is yet another priceless gift I and my fellow. Chemistry graduates will take away from our. studies at HKUST.. In moving forward in a time of profound changes. and challenges, it is my hope that we graduates. of HKUST’s Class of 2020 will continue to be. courageous. Congratulations to you all and let’s. each never stop daring to dream big in the face of. all the uncertainties that surely lie ahead!. 19畢業生代表的講辭. 理學院畢業生代表講辭. 王知恩 理學士 (化學). 各位嘉賓:. 我很榮幸今天有機會與各位分享個人喜悅。多年. 來,香港科技大學培育了許多出色人才。他們成. 就卓越,我實在難以望其項背。然而,我們也有. 一個共通點,那就是一顆充滿感恩的心。謹此衷. 心感謝所有家人、朋友、老師和大學職員—是你. 們不斷的鼓勵與支持,我才有機會今天站在這. 裡。. 我們是一群對科學充滿熱忱的學生,非常感恩有. 機會探索無比神奇的原子、分子和化學反應世. 界。另外,我們還培養了獨立思考和批判思維能. 力,這些都是大學給予我和化學系同學的無價之. 寶。. 面對充滿變化與挑戰的未來,我希望科大2020年. 的畢業同學能夠無畏無懼、勇往直前。讓我們每. 一個人都能在未來變化萬千的世界努力追夢,永. 不言棄!. 祝賀大家!. 20 ADDRESSES BY GRADUATE REPRESENTATIVES. Address by the Graduate Representative of the School of Science. ZHANG Hoi-Lam Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology. Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,. Welcome! It is my great pleasure and honor to be. part of today’s Class of 2020 celebration!. My four years here have been a wild ride – these. last 12 months in particular have been real. doozies. While I was all fired up for a stress-. filled final year, no one said anything about an. impending global pandemic! Despite it being a. trying time for us all, we dodged all the curveballs. life threw at us and, hey, here we all stand as. proud graduates of HKUST.. Marking the end of our undergraduate days and. beginning of the time we must finally stand on our. own two feet, graduation is equally amazing and. terrifying. Like you, I feel daunted and find myself. wondering where my next steps will lead me.. But that’s OK! Life would never be much fun if. everything was 100% pre-planned and packaged.. Ultimately, regardless of whether we wish to test. our mettle in society, pursue further studies or. just take a break and relax for a while, HKUST has. given us everything we need to succeed! . I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to the. professors who worked tirelessly 24/7 in sharing. their knowledge and helping us become the best. we could be! And let’s not overlook the amazing. faculty staff who were always there to cheer us on. whenever we fell. Without your patience, care and. wise counsel these past four years, I don’t think. any of us would have made it this far!. 2020 may have been tough, but it has brought. out our inner perseverance and courage. With the. right people at our back and us kitted out with the. best tools, I am confident we’ve all got a bright. future!. 21畢業生代表的講辭. 理學院畢業生代表講辭. 張海琳 理學士 (生物科技). 各位嘉賓:. 我很榮幸能代表2020年的畢業生歡迎大家參加今. 天的畢業典禮!. 在科大的四年時光就好像坐過山車一樣,最後這. 一年尤其非比尋常。雖然我已做好準備全力應付. 畢業年的學業壓力,但突如而來的全球疫情讓我. 措手不及!幸好的是,我們已經安然度過這個艱. 難的考驗,這裡每一位都是值得自豪的科大畢業. 生!. 畢業令人歡喜,但也同時令人惶恐;學生時代的. 終結代表往後我們必須自立,走出自己的路。. 像你們一樣,我忐忑不安,對自己的前路感到惘. 然。但不要緊!如果一切都是事先安排,人生. 將變得平淡無趣。無論我們希望踏足社會一試身. 手、繼續學業深造,還是只想暫時放鬆休息,我. 們在科大所學的都足以讓我們勝券在握!. 我謹此衷心感謝孜孜不倦地向我們傳授知識、助. 我們盡展潛能的教授們。我也必需感謝其他出色. 的大學員工!當我們失意跌倒時,他們總會在旁. 鼓勵,讓我們重整旗鼓。四年來,沒有師長們的. 耐心關懷和悉心指導,沒有一位同學能走到今天. 這一步!. 2020年縱使艱難,它卻啓發了我們內在的毅力和勇. 氣。全賴我們有著最好的夥伴作為堅強後盾,加. 上科大賦予我們有用的技能本領,我們的前途必. 然一片光明!. 22 ADDRESSES BY GRADUATE REPRESENTATIVES. Address by the Graduate Representative of the School of Science. Jeff York YE Bachelor of Science in Mathematics. Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,. As a Math graduate of the PMA track, I would like. to congratulate my fellow graduates in reaching. this milestone in life.. When I entered HKUST four years ago, I was. very ambitious. To give myself greater flexibility. later on, I was determined to sign up for every. course open to me. I am so grateful that my Math. professors approved so many of my applications. and were then so generous with their suggestions. while I studied. Their support ultimately proved. hugely influential in enabling me to map out. my future academic path and rounding out my. learning. My sincere thanks must also go to my. fellow Math majors who so freely shared their. insights into various specialist fields during our. sometimes weary yet always fruitful academic. journey.. If I had to choose one quote to sum up my time at. HKUST it would be former US President Dwight. Eisenhower’s “While plans are useless, planning. is indispensable”. Unpredictable events have a. nasty habit of derailing the best laid plans. By. looking ahead, I learned to make better decisions. – even if it sometimes meant scrapping Plan A. and adopting Plan B. Remember, rather than. simply hope for the best outcome, it’s wise to. ready ourselves for the worst and most probable. scenarios! By staying flexible and holding some. options back, our last cards can then always be. played with passion and conviction.. As our time at HKUST nears its end, we will meet. many new people and experience multiple new. adventures. In writing the next chapters in our. life stories, let’s all resolve to face and overcome. obstacles with pride and dignity come hell or high. water! I wish everyone good luck. Thank you!. 23畢業生代表的講辭. 理學院畢業生代表講辭. 葉正夫 理學士 (數學). 各位嘉賓:. 我謹代表數學系的畢業生,恭喜各位同學邁向人. 生的新里程。. 四年前考入科大時,我為自己定下了很多目標。. 我希望儘早修讀所有課程,以便之後幾年的大學. 生活更有彈性。我非常感激多位數學教授批准了. 我的許多請求,還在學業上提出不少具體建議,. 使我獲益良多。正因為有他們的大力支持,我才. 能學有所成,也可以更好地規劃未來的學業發展. 路向。我還要衷心感謝數學系的學長與我並肩踏. 上研究數學的征途,並在這條精疲力竭但收獲甚. 豐的學術路上,慷慨地分享有關不同專科範疇的. 真知灼見。. 如果要用一句話總結我的科大歲月,我會選擇美. 國前總統艾森豪威爾的名句:「計劃雖毫無用. 處,卻必不可少」。再周詳的計劃,仍然會有給. 意外打亂的機會。展望未來,我學會作出明智的. 選擇,隨機應變。與其等待好運降臨,不如裝備. 自己,未雨綢繆。只要靈活處事,時刻制定後備. 計劃,我們就能臨危不亂,堅定地向前邁進。. 告別校園的時刻將至,而我們將會認識新的朋. 友、展開新的歷程。不論有甚麼困難,讓我們一. 起以積極勇敢的態度譜寫人生新的一頁!. 祝各位事事順利!謝謝!. 24 ADDRESSES BY GRADUATE REPRESENTATIVES. Address by the Graduate Representative of the School of Science. YANG Yi Doctor of Philosophy in Marine Environmental Science. Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,. I am a graduate from the Department of Ocean. Science with a Doctor of Philosophy degree in. Marine Environmental Science.. One of the most unforgettable of my many wonderful. experiences at HKUST came on day one of my. PhD course. It was then that our department head. Professor QIAN Peiyuan and faculty members. explained what we needed to do to become excellent. scientists. As we immersed ourselves in our studies,. the staff of our department did everything possible. to ensure we led equally fulfilling lives outside the. lecture hall. Their kind introduction of various extra-. curricular activities ultimately succeeded in greatly. enriching all of our academic lives.. On behalf of my fellow science graduates, I would. like to extend my appreciation to all those – be. they teachers, supporting staff, family or friends –. who supported us on our academic journeys. As. we prepare to bravely face the various difficulties. life is sure to throw our way in the years ahead, I. hope we will all remain passionate about science,. experimentation and discovery. In closing, I would. like congratulate and wish my fellow graduates in. every discipline a big, bright and bold future! . 25畢業生代表的講辭. 理學院畢業生代表講辭. 楊弋 哲學博士 (海洋環境科學). 各位嘉賓:. 我是香港科技大學海洋科學系的畢業生,獲授海. 洋環境科學哲學博士學位。. 在科大的許多精彩經歷中,最難忘的其中一次當. 然要數博士學位開課的第一天。當日,系主任. 錢培元教授聯同系內其他教職員現身說法,闡述. 成為優秀科學家的先決條件。而當我們全力學習. 時,部門的職員也在竭盡所能,確保我們的課餘. 生活過得充實。他們安排的各類課外活動,大大. 豐富了我們的校園生活。. 我謹代表各理科畢業同學,向所有陪伴我們走過. 這數年學術旅程的人—包括老師、教職員、家人. 和朋友—送上最真誠的謝意。當我們整裝待發,. 勇敢迎向充滿各種挑戰的未來人生時,希望大家. 仍然保留對科學研究和探索的熱情。. 最後,請允許我誠摯地祝福各學系畢業生鵬程萬. 里,前程似錦!. 26 ADDRESSES BY GRADUATE REPRESENTATIVES. Address by the Graduate Representative of the School of Science. WONG King-Chun Bachelor of Science in Physics. Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,. It is my great honor to have been selected to. represent Physics department in congratulating my. fellow classmates on their academic attainments.. Like all disciplines, Physics constantly challenges. students to elevate their thirst for knowledge to ever. higher levels. Who among us here today can ever. forget the terrible feeling of finishing an exam only. to have discovered how much there was we had yet. to learn? Or those frantic all-nighters that we ended. up pulling just hours before urgent papers and lab. reports were due!. We’re now moving on to the next chapter in our. life with daunting challenges lying ahead of us. The. good news is that we have absolutely nothing to. fear as our time at HKUST has made us all so adept. at facing challenges and pushing the intellectual. envelope.. I am especially proud – if a little downhearted –. to salute my inspirational teacher, Professor K.Y.. SZETO, who sadly passed away earlier this year and. cannot join us in our well-deserved celebrations.. Once again, I’d like to congratulate my fellow. graduates in HKUST’s Class of 2020.. 27畢業生代表的講辭. 理學院畢業生代表講辭. 王景俊 理學士 (物理). 各位嘉賓:. 我很榮幸獲選為物理學系的學生代表,向各位畢. 業同學送上祝賀。. 跟其他學科一樣,物理學時常給我們考驗,推動. 大家追求更深層次的知識,不斷求進。試問我們. 當中有誰能夠忘記考試過後才發現自己一無所知. 的那種挫敗感?又有誰可以忘掉為了趕交論文和. 實驗報告而熬過的無數漫漫長夜?回想起來,這. 些情景至今仍然歷歷在目。. 我們快要揭開人生的新一章,未來的挑戰將更為. 艱鉅。儘管如此,我們卻毋須擔心。因為在科大. 四年的學習生活,讓我們能夠遊刃有餘地應付各. 種挑戰,變得更加博學睿智。. 我謹此特別向恩師司徒國業教授致以崇高的敬. 意。他於年初不幸離世,無法參加今天的畢業典. 禮,萬分惋惜。. 最後,再次祝賀科大2020年度全體畢業生鵬程萬. 里。. 謝謝各位!. 28 ADDRESSES BY GRADUATE REPRESENTATIVES. Address by the Graduate Representative of the Interdisciplinary Programs Office. CHAN Lok-Hang Phoebe Master of Public Policy. Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,. I would like to begin by congratulating my fellow. graduates on finally receiving their thoroughly well-. deserved degrees during a genuinely unprecedented. final year at HKUST.. While now is a challenging time to be starting a new. chapter in our lives, HKUST has added resilience. to our DNA. Having survived years of juggling our. teachers’ famously tough deadlines with our own. colorful extra-curricular activities, none of us are. going to let a few bumps in life’s road slow our. forward momentum!. HKUST’s extended interdisciplinary family shares. one common goal – to make the world a better. place. Others’ opinions may sometimes cause us to. question our decisions, but by staying true to the. values we have learnt here, we will contribute to. making our society better in 10 years’ time than it is. today. . In closing, I would like to thank all our professors. for the dedication and time they’ve spent in teaching. us, and to our parents and friends for supporting and. encouraging our growth.. Let me congratulate my 2020 classmates once again.. Remember, no matter what life we lead or where we. may find ourselves in a decade or so, self-belief and. hard work are all we need to succeed!. 29畢業生代表的講辭. 跨學科課程事務處畢業生代表講辭. 陳洛珩 公共政策碩士. 各位嘉賓:. 首先,我在此祝賀各位應屆畢業同學,在畢業學. 年面對史無前例的挑戰下,最終能夠排除萬難,. 學有所成。. 此時此刻邁向人生另一里程,前路崎嶇是意料中. 事,但感謝科大為我們的基因注入堅韌性。在大. 學生活多年,不時參與豐富多姿的課外活動,還. 要追趕教授設下的許多「死線」,這一切的經歷. 培養出我們的抗逆能力,我們絕不會因小小挫折. 而失去前進的動力!. 科大跨學科社群的成員都懷抱一個共同目標—讓. 世界變得更好。有時候,我們或會因別人的意見. 而質疑自己的決定,但只要秉持在科大所學到的. 價值觀,我們必能努力貢獻和回饋社會,使十年. 後的日子更勝今天。. 最後,感謝所有教授的悉心教導,以及父母和朋. 友在成長路上給予我們的支持和鼓勵。. 讓我再次祝賀2020年的畢業同學。請大家謹記,. 無論往後身處何方何地,保持自信、努力奮鬥,. 就是通往成功之路的不二法門!. 30 ADDRESSES BY GRADUATE REPRESENTATIVES. Address by the Graduate Representative of the Interdisciplinary Programs Office. LAM Man-Yee Bachelor of Science in Environmental Management and Technology. Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,. Welcome fellow Class of 2020 members! Well, we. did it! First and foremost, I would like to express. my gratitude to the amazing mums, dads, family. members, friends, teachers and supporting staff. who’ve accompanied us through our four-year. academic journeys.. Overcoming the challenges posed by today’s topsy-. turvy world will not only be memorable but also. meaningful. Who here today could have predicted. that November 2019 would be the last time any of us. entered an actual classroom?. At what is a critical moment for all mankind, let’s. not squander precious time recalling the past months. spent literally Zooming through our studies. Instead,. let’s celebrate the joy of shared experience, progress. and personal growth. Soon, we will hopefully not. only witness the emergence of an effective vaccine,. but also the recovery of our economy and, most. importantly of all, the return of normal life. As. quick learners who communicate well and are. perfectly equipped to solve problems across multiple. disciplines, we 2020 HKUST graduates are just what. our city and the world needs to lead those changes!. In the face of such unprecedented challenges, let’s. pool our positivity, passion and specialist knowledge. and create a Utopia full of love and care. Thank you.. 31畢業生代表的講辭. 跨學科課程事務處畢業生代表講辭. 林敏儀 理學士(環境管理及科技). 各位嘉賓:. 歡迎2020年畢業同學參加這個別具意義的典禮。. 大學畢業,標誌我們邁向人生的新里程!我謹代. 表全體畢業生,衷心感謝每位出色的家長、親. 友、老師和大學人員陪伴我們走過四年的求學歲. 月。. 現今世界紛亂無章,我們在崎嶇路上披荊斬棘的. 過程,不僅值得回味,更是意義深長。試問有誰. 可以預計2019年11月,已是我們最後一次踏足課. 室的時候?. 身處此歷史時刻,與其浪費珍貴時光,回憶多月. 來在網上上課的細枝末節,倒不如為大家的共同. 經歷、人生進展和個人成長而喝彩。相信不用多. 久,我們便可見證有效疫苗的誕生,經濟復甦,. 生活重回正軌!身為學習能力高強的科大2020年. 畢業生,我們具備出色的溝通技巧以及解決各類. 難題的能力,足以造福香港以至全世界!面對前. 所未見的挑戰,且讓我們同心協力,以積極樂觀. 的態度和專業知識,共同建立滿載愛與關懷的理. 想家園。. 謝謝各位!. 1. The Council Chairman declares the Congregation open. 2. The President addresses the Congregation. 3. The Dean of Humanities and Social Science addresses the Congregation. 4. The Dean of Humanities and Social Science presents candidates for the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY. 5. The Dean of Humanities and Social Science presents candidates for the Degree of MASTER OF PHILOSOPHY. 6. The Dean of Humanities and Social Science presents candidates for the Degree of MASTER OF ARTS. 7. The Dean of Humanities and Social Science presents candidates for the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE. 8. The Dean of Humanities and Social Science presents candidates for the Degree of BACHELOR OF SCIENCE. 9. The Council Chairman admits candidates to their degrees. 10. The Council Chairman declares the Congregation closed. Mace carried by Professor Christian DANIELS. ORDER OF PROCEEDINGS. SESSION 1 10:00am, November 21, 2020. SCHOOL OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCE (PhD, MPhil, MA, MSc, BSc). 1. 校董會主席宣佈典禮開始. 2. 校長致辭. 3. 人文社會科學學院院長致辭. 4. 人文社會科學學院院長宣讀哲學博士學位畢業生名單. 5. 人文社會科學學院院長宣讀哲學碩士學位畢業生名單. 6. 人文社會科學學院院長宣讀文學碩士學位畢業生名單. 7. 人文社會科學學院院長宣讀理學碩士學位畢業生名單. 8. 人文社會科學學院院長宣讀理學士學位畢業生名單. 9. 校董會主席頒授學位予畢業生. 10. 校董會主席宣佈禮成. 唐立教授持大學權杖. 典 禮 程 序. 第一節. 2020年11月21日 上午10時正. 人文社會科學學院. (哲學博士、哲學碩士、文學碩士、理學碩士、理學士). 34 學位頒授典禮 CONGREGATION. 人文社會科學學院 SCHOOL OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCE. Postgraduate Degrees 研究生學位. Doctor of Philosophy in Humanities 哲學博士 (人文學). CHAN, Kin Wing Kevin 陳健榮 CHEN, Shu 陳 抒 CHONG, Hoi Shan 莊海珊 ZHOU, Yingyi 周颖异. Doctor of Philosophy in Social Science 哲學博士 (社會科學). CHEN, Bijia 陳必佳 CHEN, Jiaying 陳佳莹 WANG, Yige 王一鴿. Master of Philosophy in Humanities 哲學碩士 (人文學). CHAN, Tsan Tsai HE, Miao 何 苗 LAI, Tsz Ching Nicole 黎芷晴 LEUNG, Rachel 梁慧淇 SO, Ning 蘇 靈 TANG, Yajun 汤雅俊. Master of Philosophy in Social Science 哲學碩士 (社會科學). HE, Xin 何 歆 LIU, Siqin 刘思勤 LIU, Zhengcheng 劉正鋮 LU, Wenzhi 陸文質 MA, Shaocong 马少聪 QIAN, Sheng 钱 盛. Master of Arts in Chinese Culture 文學碩士 (中國文化). CAI, Qinyuan 蔡沁园 CAO, Ziying 曹紫樱 CHEN, Lifeng 陈利峰 DENG, Liujia 鄧柳嘉 DONG, Yingchu 董颖初 DU, Xueying 杜雪莹 FAN, Jingjing 樊婧婧. FANG, Le 方 乐 GONG, Yi 巩 一 GUAN, Yong 关 詠 GUO, Jiayu 郭家誉 HU, Jianzhe 胡健哲 HU, Yi 胡 怡 HU, Yiwen 胡艺闻 HUANG, Kunlin 黄琨霖 KE, Xiaotong 柯晓桐 LAI, Xiangyi 赖相伊 LI, Dongni 李冬泥 LI, Mengke 李梦珂 LI, Mengqi 李孟琦 LI, Mengyi 李梦怡 LI, Minhui 李旻晖 LI, Yihong 李一鴻 LI, Yixi 黎弋熙 LI, Zhengqiao 李政桥 LI, Ziyi 李子奕 LIN, Jiaan 林家安 LIU, Yunge 柳云歌 MENG, Zixin 孟子鑫 MI, Jiaqi 米嘉琪 SU, Jiewan 苏杰宛 TONG, Jiawen 童嘉文 UN, Hong Nei 阮康妮 WANG, Dandan 王丹丹 WANG, Hao 王 昊 WANG, Ran 王 冉 WU, Lingxi 吴聆汐 WU, Xiangjun 吳湘君 WU, Xiangting 吴向婷 YAN, Tianyu 闫天瑜 YANG, Ke 杨 珂 YANG, Ruijia 杨瑞嘉 YANG, Tongfan 杨彤帆 YIN, Wenyi 尹文宜 YU, Shuyang 俞舒扬 ZHANG, Min 張 旻 ZHAO, Xinlei 赵欣蕾 ZHAO, Yuhui 赵玉辉 ZHENG, Dongyu 郑东昱 ZHENG, Hong 郑 虹 ZHENG, Yamei 郑雅梅 ZHOU, Zirui 周子瑞 ZHU, Siyu 朱思宇 ZOU, Sirong 邹思容. 35學位頒授典禮 CONGREGATION. Master of Arts in International Language Education 文學碩士 (國際語言教育). CAO, Pian 曹 翩 CHAN, Hiu Wai 陳曉慧 CHAN, Ki Tsun 陳其俊 CHANG, Yifan 常亦帆 CHEN, Hanzhang 陈含章 CHEN, Jianxin 陈健欣 CHEN, Junyu 陈俊宇 CHEN, Qihang 陈启航 CHEN, Shuang 陈 爽 CHEN, Shuyan 陈淑妍 CHIANG, Ching Man 蔣靜汶 CHIU, Yan Yan Angela 趙恩恩 CUI, Junyuan 崔筠苑 DIAO, Ke 刁 刻 FANG, Yutong 方宇同 FENG, Qinglei 冯庆蕾 GAO, Shu 高 姝 GUO, Yiran 郭怡然 HUANG, Lilan 黄莉岚 JI, Yaxuan 季雅璇 JIANG, Xinxing 蒋新星 JIANG, Xue 姜 雪 JIN, Yuhong 金宇虹 LI, Huan 李 欢 LI, Yanfang 李彦芳 LI, Yichen 李沂宸 LI, Zhijun 李芷珺 LIU, Hexin 刘荷欣 LIU, Yue 刘 越 LU, Dingyi 路丁一 LUO, Xinyi 罗心仪 NI, Yu 倪 瑜 NIU, Wuyang 牛午阳 PAN, Xinyuan 潘昕媛 SHI, Yichen 施亦辰 SHI, Yilin 石亦琳 TANG, Yushang 唐雨裳 TSUI, Wing Mun 徐穎滿 WANG, Dongyu 王东玉 WANG, Hongrun 王泓润 WANG, Lejing 王乐婧 WANG, Zitian 王秭阗 WU, Qien 吴奇恩 XIA, Chengfeng 夏成凤 XIA, Jiapei 夏嘉佩 XIAO, Yaxin 肖雅心 XU, Xi 徐 熹 XU, Xuefan 徐雪凡 XU, Yiduo 许一多. YAN, Ge 颜 阁 YAN, Zilin 严子琳 YANG, Shanshan 楊珊珊 YANG, Shulong 杨舒珑 YANG, Xiaohan 杨筱涵 YAO, Siqi 姚思琪 YE, Wenxin 叶雯欣 YIN, Shufang 殷淑芳 YOSHIDA, Koi YU, Jing 余 婧 YUAN, Xinyi 袁心仪 ZHANG, Chuandi 张传迪 ZHANG, Dongxue 张冬雪 ZHANG, Xiyue 张茜悦 ZHAO, Fei 赵 霏 ZHAO, Ziwei 赵紫薇 ZHI, Ye 支 叶 ZHU, Siqiao 朱思乔. Master of Arts in Social Science 文學碩士 (社會科學). BAO, Huanhuan 包欢欢 CAI, Jinling 蔡金玲 CHEN, Xi 陈 曦 CUI, Mengdi 崔梦迪 DUAN, Yuan 段禹安 GAO, Zelin 高泽琳 GU, Chunjing 顾纯璟 GU, Xinke 顾欣科 HE, Yun 何 云 HE, Ziyuan 何子媛 HU, Yidan 胡译丹 HUANG, Hua 黄 铧 JIANG, Chengnuo 蒋程诺 LEI, Haoting 雷皓婷 LI, Lin 李 琳 LI, Peishan 黎佩栅 LI, Weixuan 李蔚瑄 LIN, Fubin 林福斌 LIU, Yanwei 刘艳炜 LU, Ruiyang 卢睿洋 LU, Wanying 陆婉滢 LU, Zhuofeng 卢卓枫 MA, Xuejiao 马雪娇 OU, Xiaotong 欧晓潼 PU, Zhengyan 濮郑妍 QUAN, Naitian 全乃天 SA, Riya 萨日雅 SONG, Xueyao 宋雪瑶 SUN, Zeming 孙泽明. 36 學位頒授典禮 CONGREGATION. WANG, Yingshuoyao 王莺铄瑶 WEI, Anqi 魏安琪 WEI, Wenting 魏文婷 WU, Mujing 吴沐菁 XIAO, Nanting 肖楠婷 XIONG, Yifei 熊佚飞 YANG, Yiwei 杨艺玮 YANG, Yuqi 楊羽琪 YAO, Yiping 姚依平 YE, Xiaofang 叶晓芳 YE, Yizhou 叶一舟 YIN, Lu 尹 璐 ZHANG, Qi 张 琪 ZHAO, Jinqian 赵槿芊 ZHENG, Qiyu 郑淇予 ZHOU, Danting 周丹婷 ZHOU, Jialei 周佳蕾 ZHOU, Yili 周弋力. Master of Science in Global China Studies 理學碩士 (環球中國研究). CAI, Baoyi 蔡宝仪 CHAN, Sheila 陳思華 CHEN, Jun 陈 珺 CHEN, Juntian 陈俊天 CHEN, Qinlu 陈钦璐 CHENG, Jiayi 成嘉怡 CHI, Xu 迟 煦 CHONG, Kit Ming 莊潔明 FANG, Xingyu 方兴宇 GAO, Han 高 寒 HAN, Xiaochen 韩笑尘 HE, Ning 何 凝 HON, Wai Kei 韓慧琦 HUANG, Ning 黄 宁 HUANG, Shiyi 黄诗怡 HUO, Kaiyang 霍凯扬 JIANG, Ping 江 萍 JIANG, Xiaohui 蒋晓晖 LEI, Zhuofan 雷卓凡 LI, Yu 李 昱 LIN, Haobin 林浩彬 LIN, Jingyi 林靖怡 LIU, Bole 刘勃乐 LIU, Haozhi 刘豪志 LIU, Huiqi 劉慧琪 LIU, Jiaxi 刘佳玺 LIU, Juan 刘 娟 LIU, Shiqi 刘诗祺 LIU, Weixiao 刘薇霄. LU, Yunyun 陆云芸 LUO, Feitong 罗非桐 LUO, Qingyang 罗青阳 NI, Miaomiao 倪苗苗 SHEN, Yuqi 沈钰棋 SIU, Wing Tung Ady 蕭詠彤 TANG, Zikun 唐子昆 TIAN, Mi 田 谧 TONG, Libin 童栎滨 TU, Minze 涂民泽 WANG, Chuyao 汪楚尧 WANG, Han 汪 涵 WANG, Huaiyu 王怀宇 WANG, Lichen 王立晨 WANG, Yiru 王逸如 WANG, Zhiyi 王枳懿 WONG, Sze Pui 黃詩蓓 WONG, Tai Yau 黃大佑 WU, Zichun 武子淳 XI, Xiaoyu 席晓玉 XIAO, Junyan 肖君妍 XUE, Jiaqi 薛佳琪 YANG, Chengjie 杨程洁 YANG, Fengxu 楊豐旭 YANG, Tian 杨 恬 YI, Yini 蚁伊妮 ZENG, Peng 曾 鹏 ZHANG, Jinjin 张金金 ZHANG, Mengdong 张孟冬 ZHANG, Wei 张 玮 ZHAO, Cunxu 趙存緒 ZHAO, Yiming 趙一銘 ZOU, Tongjie 邹童洁. 37學位頒授典禮 CONGREGATION. Bachelor of Science in Global China Studies: Humanities and Social Science 理學士 (環球中國研究:人文及社會科學). CHAN, Chiu Wing 陳超穎 CHAN, Kwan Fai 陳昆輝 CHAN, Yuen Ching 陳遠貞 CHAN, Yuen Kee 陳宛琪 * CHEN, Bianca 陳比安卡 CHIM, Yuen Yu 詹琬渝 CHOI, Hanna CHOI, Wing Kei 蔡穎琦 CHOW, Tsz Wun 周子瑗 CHOY, Hiu Yi 蔡曉怡 * CHU, Chau Yuet 朱秋悅 * DENG, Weiye 邓玮烨 #* GARCIA ALBERO, Fernando HAN, Jimin HUI, Yan Ling 許欣羚 #* JIANG, Wenhao 蒋文灏 KAN, Yat Fei 簡日非 KWOK, Ying Ying 郭縈縈 LAM, Hoi Ling 林凱鈴 LAM, Sum Yi 林心兒 LAM, Tsz Ching Jasmine 林子菁 LAU, Ho Lam 劉皓琳 LAU, Yee Ting 劉依婷 LAW, Wai Ki 羅慧琪 LEE, Donghyeok LEE, Hei Ting 李希婷 LEE, Hoi Yat 李凱逸 LEE, Sze Wing 李施頴 LEUNG, Ching Hei 梁正晞 LEUNG, Shuk Yin 梁淑賢 LI, Ching Man 李瀞雯 LI, Hiu Man 李曉雯 LO, Chi Ying 羅致盈 LUI, Man Yin 呂文晛 MAN, Ho Chi 文顥孜 * MOK, Ho Ying 莫可瑩 NG, Yeuk Lan 伍若蘭 SIN, Shuk Ling 冼淑鈴. SO, Tsz Man Chloe 蘇梓文 TAM, Wai Bun 譚偉斌 TANG, Lok Yi 鄧諾誼 TSANG, Hoi Yiu 曾凱瑤 TSE, Wai Yu 謝慧愉 TSOI, Shuk Sze 蔡淑詩 TSOI, Wan Fei 蔡雲飛 WANG, Yalin 王雅琳 WONG, Ka Wai 王嘉煒 WONG, Mak Wa 黃麥樺 WONG, Yuen Yi 黃婉怡 WU, Fergus Chi Yin 胡子彥 YEUNG, Siu Yin 楊兆賢 * YEUNG, Tsz Wang 楊梓宏 * YEUNG, Wing Lam 楊詠琳 YIP, Ching 葉 政 * YOSHIDA, Chieko YU, Sik Tung Daisi 余適彤 ZHANG, Xinyuan 张鑫媛 * ZHANG, Zixin 张子欣. Bachelor of Science in Quantitative Social Analysis 理學士 (定量社會數據分析). #* LEE, Hojun. ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS 學業成就獎. #* GARCIA ALBERO, Fernando BSc in Global China Studies: Humanities and Social Science #* JIANG, Wenhao 蒋文灏 BSc in Global China Studies: Humanities and Social Science #* LEE, Hojun BSc in Quantitative Social Analysis. Undergraduate Degrees 本科生學位. # Academic Achievement Awards 學 業 成 就 獎. * First Class Honors 甲 等 榮 譽. 1. The Council Chairman declares the Congregation open. 2. The President addresses the Congregation. 3. The Acting Dean of Science addresses the Congregation. 4. The Acting Dean of Science presents candidates for the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY. 5. The Acting Dean of Science presents candidates for the Degree of MASTER OF PHILOSOPHY. 6. The Acting Dean of Science presents candidates for the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE. 7. The Acting Dean of Science presents candidates for the Degree of BACHELOR OF SCIENCE. 8. The Council Chairman admits candidates to their degrees. 9. The Acting Dean of Science presents graduates for the Degrees of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY, MASTER OF SCIENCE and BACHELOR OF SCIENCE, of the Class of 2019.. 10. The Graduate Representative addresses the Congregation. 11. The Council Chairman declares the Congregation closed. Mace carried by Professor Zhenguo WU. ORDER OF PROCEEDINGS. SESSION 2 11:30am, November 21, 2020. SCHOOL OF SCIENCE – DEPARTMENT OF LIFE SCIENCE (PhD, MPhil, MSc, BSc). 1. 校董會主席宣佈典禮開始. 2. 校長致辭. 3. 署理理學院院長致辭. 4. 署理理學院院長宣讀哲學博士學位畢業生名單. 5. 署理理學院院長宣讀哲學碩士學位畢業生名單. 6. 署理理學院院長宣讀理學碩士學位畢業生名單. 7. 署理理學院院長宣讀理學士學位畢業生名單. 8. 校董會主席頒授學位予畢業生. 9. 署理理學院院長宣讀二零一九年度哲學博士、理學碩士及理學士學位畢業生名單. 10. 畢業生代表致辭. 11. 校董會主席宣佈禮成. 鄔振國教授持大學權杖. 典 禮 程 序. 第二節. 2020年11月21日 上午11時30分. 理學院 生命科學部. (哲學博士、哲學碩士、理學碩士、理學士). 40 學位頒授典禮 CONGREGATION. 理學院 SCHOOL OF SCIENCE. Postgraduate Degrees 研究生學位. Doctor of Philosophy in Life Science 哲學博士 (生命科學). CHEN, Xudong 陈旭栋 DAI, Yimei 戴一梅 DING, Dongbo 丁栋博 GAO, Guanbin 高冠斌 GUO, Chenxi 郭晨曦 GUO, Weilin 郭威林 GUO, Yanjiang 郭彦江 HUANG, Yan 黃 艷 JI, Tiantian 季田恬 JIANG, Taolue 蔣韜略 LAN, Yi 兰 奕 LI, Shaohua 李韶華 LIN, Xi 林 茜 LIU, Wen 劉 文 LO, Hau Kwan 羅巧君 LONG, Xi 龙 希 MIAO, Haitao 缪海涛 NGUYEN, Thuy Linh TONG, Haoya 童昊雅 WANG, Peng 王 鵬 WEI, Xiuqing 韋秀清 WONG, Ka Ming WU, Qiyun 吳启韵 YANG, Xin 楊 鑫 YU, Xiaodan 余晓丹 YUE, Lu 岳 麓 ZHOU, Zijing 周子晶 ZHU, Ruichi 朱瑞驰. Master of Philosophy in Life Science 哲學碩士 (生命科學). CHENG, Cheuk Yin 鄭卓然 CHENG, Kar On 鄭加安 CHUNG, Yin Kwan 鍾炫坤 DENG, Lixia 邓丽霞 FUNG, Chun Wing 馮俊穎 GAO, Lin 高 林 HU, Shenyuan 胡深元 HUANG, Shengshuo 黄圣烁 JIANG, Yiheng 江宜恒 LAU, Tsz Yin 劉梓彥 LI, Chun Hei 李晉熙 LI, Yubing 李裕冰. LIU, Tingxuan 刘庭璇 NGUYEN, Thi Thuy PANG, Yu Hin 彭裕軒 XU, Heming 徐鹤鸣 YANG, Xingyu 楊興宇 YUAN, Xue 袁 雪 ZHANG, Chengle 张承乐 ZHOU, Yiren 周逸人. Master of Science in Biotechnology 理學碩士 (生物科技). CAI, Yunting 蔡云婷 CAO, Zhengzheng 曹铮铮 CHEN, Ning 陈 宁 CHEN, Yanxian 陈彦先 CHEN, Yining 陈依宁 CHEN, Yuqi 陈羽琪 CHEN, Ze 陈 则 GE, Minjie 葛敏洁 HAN, Zihui 韩子卉 HUANG, Dongna 黄东娜 LAM, Hei Yin Joe 林禧彥 LI, Xinyue 李心悦 LI, Zixuan 李梓轩 LI, Zixuan 李子璇 LIANG, Ruanyi 梁阮仪 LIU, Ningci 刘柠慈 LIU, Rui 刘 蕊 LO, Man Ching 蘆文靜 MOK, Weng Kei 莫詠淇 NG, Shing Hin 吳承軒 SHEN, Zhiqi 沈芷琦 SUEN, Ching Monica 孫 晴 SUI, Yixuan 隋祎萱 SUN, Jingyan 孙婧妍 SUN, Zimo 孙紫陌 WANG, Sijia 王思佳 WANG, Xiaoyang 王晓阳 WANG, Ziwei 王紫微 WENG, Zhuqing 翁主清 WONG, Shun Chau 黃信洲 WOO, Gun WU, Wai Chung 胡瑋聰 WU, Yumeng 吴雨萌 XIE, Shuping 谢舒平 XU, Xin 徐 欣 YANG, Chen 杨 琛. 41學位頒授典禮 CONGREGATION. YANG, Mengqi 杨梦琦 YANG, Xiaohan 杨宵晗 ZENG, Mingxuan 曾明煊 ZHANG, Jingyi 张景怡 ZHANG, Xucheng 章栩铖 ZHANG, Zhongyan 张中艳 ZHENG, Yiyang 郑伊阳 ZHENG, Yuqi 郑语琪 ZHOU, Mingyuan 周铭源 ZHOU, Ruihong 周瑞鸿. 42 學 位 頒 授 典 禮 CONGREGATION # Academic Achievement Awards 學 業 成 就 獎 * First Class Honors 甲 等 榮 譽. Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology Dual Degree Program in Technology and Management 理學士 (生物科技). 科技及管理學雙學位課程. CHU, Ora-in 朱安怡 TAI, Lok Sang 戴樂生. Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry and Cell Biology, and in Computer Science 理學士 (生物化學及細胞生物學及計算機科學). * KONG, Deyue 孔德玥. Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry and Cell Biology 理學士 (生物化學及細胞生物學). CAMARILLO, Macx Jigger Delfino * CHAN, Shiu Kai 陳卲楷 CHAN, Sze Ki 陳詩琪 CHAN, Tsz Yau 陳芷柔 CHAN, Yan Pui 陳姻霈 CHEN, Shuxian 陳淑賢 * CHEN, Zhuojian 陈卓见 CHEUNG, Ho Yin 張皓然 CHIN, Yui San Jason 錢銳燊 CHING, Yuen Ying 程沅瑩 CHIU, Hoi Yan 趙凱殷 * ENGINEER, Vaspan Darius FUNG, Pui Hing 馮沛鑫 GURUNG, Cheetij HO, Kam Sum 何鑫芯 * HO, Man Wai 何文慧 HO, Tsoi Man 何采汶 HO, Tsz Wing 何梓泳 KAKARLA, Indhu Lekka KEUNG, Yan Sheung Natalie 姜欣常 LAM, Chak Man 林澤民 LAM, Chi Ki 林芷棋. LAM, Wing Sum 林穎琛 LAW, Cheuk Him 羅卓謙 LEUNG, Cheuk Sum 梁綽芯 LEUNG, Ka Hang 梁家衡 LI, Chun Hong 李俊匡 LI, Yuen Tung 李菀桐 LIANG, Yanping 梁燕平 * LIAO, Helen Ziqing LO, Tung Kei 羅東琦 LO, Tung Yan 羅彤欣 #* MALKI, Yasine 馬建生 * NG, Man Yung 吳汶蓉 NG, Miu Yum 吳妙音 NG, Tin Yan 吳天恩 NG, Yee Lok 吳漪諾 SAWHNEY, Apurva SHUEN, Chi Yeung 孫沚揚 #* SIU, Ming Shing 蕭銘誠 * SULLIVAN, Chantelle Dorothy 蘇盈安 SUN, Siu Nam 孫紹楠 TAM, Cheuk Lam 譚焯琳 * TAM, Man Yee 譚敏儀 TANG, Tsun Ming 鄧浚明 TO, Hoi Yan Dorothy 杜海恩 TO, Wing Kiu 杜穎翹 WANG, Ximeng 王希萌 WONG, Ho Yu 王浩瑜 WONG, Ming In 黃茗姸 WONG, Tsz Ching 黃芷晴 WONG, Yui On Andy 王睿安 YAM, Cheuk Sze Anita 仼焯詩 YAM, Wing Shing 任永丞 YIP, Fung Ming 葉峰銘 YU, Chun Yin 余俊彥 YU, Shuk Man 余淑雯 * YUN, Sangeun. Undergraduate Degrees 本科生學位. ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS 學業成就獎. #* MALKI, Yasine 馬建生 BSc in Biochemistry and Cell Biology #* SIU, Ming Shing 蕭銘誠 BSc in Biochemistry and Cell Biology #* LUI, Sze Wai 呂思蔚 BSc in Biotechnology #* UHM, Hyebin BSc in Biotechnology. 43學位頒授典禮 CONGREGATION. Bachelor of Science in Biological Science 理學士 (生物科學). AU, Fong Shing 區晃誠 AU, Ho Hin 區皓軒 CHAN, Hau Chun 陳巧真 CHAN, Ho Hin 陳浩軒 CHAN, Ka Nam 陳迦南 CHAN, Lok Sze 陳樂詩 CHAN, Lok Yee 陳樂怡 CHAN, Pak Hei 陳柏熙 CHAN, Pui Mei 陳培美 CHAN, Tak Chuen 陳德泉 CHAN, Uen Chong Louise 陳宛莊 CHEUNG, Hoi Yue 張凱裕 CHIU, Shi Kit 趙士傑 * CHOI, Ki Yi 蔡棋薏 CHOW, Ho Lun 周灝麟 HUNG, Chor Ki 洪楚琪 KO, Tsui Woon 高翠媛 KOO, Chi Hang 古志鏗 KWOK, Ka Lee Kelly 郭家莉 KWONG, Mei Shan 鄺美珊 LAI, Hoi Ying 黎凱瑩 LAI, Tiffany 黎姵妏 LAM, To Hung 林道鴻 LAM, Ying Yi 林影怡 LAW, Yik Tim 羅奕添 LEE, Ka Ki 李嘉祺 LEE, Queenie Kwan Ting 李筠婷 LEE, Wan Lin 李宛霖 LEE, Wing Mui 李詠梅 LEUNG, Hoi Ying 梁凱瑩 LEUNG, Pui Yee 梁珮怡 LEUNG, Wing Ting 梁詠婷 LEUNG, Wing Yi 梁詠怡 LI, Ho Yim 李灝嚴 MA, Tsz Ki 馬梓棋 NGAI, Yik Man 魏翊文 PAN, Yixin Kel 潘毅欣 PANG, Lee Lee 彭莉莉 SASEENDRAN, Anjaly SIU, Pui Yue 蕭沛諭 SO, Chi Man 蘇梓文 SUN, Daxiao 孫大校 TAI, Man Hei Eunice 戴旻熹 TANG, Cheuk Shun 鄧焯淳 TANG, Chiu Yee 鄧釗怡 TANG, Yan Chuen Grace 鄧恩全 TSANG, Calvin 曾天峰 TSANG, Hon Cheung Terence 曾瀚祥 TSANG, Yan Yee 曾欣儀. TSUI, Yeuk Yan 徐鑰因 WAN, Cheuk Shing 温卓成 WAN, Chi Nok 温智諾 WONG, Chun Ki 黃俊淇 WONG, Jo 王 冑 WONG, Ka Ki 黃家琦 WONG, Sze Ki Tiffany 王詩錡 YEUNG, Kam Hung 楊金虹 YEUNG, Oi Man 楊藹雯 YIP, Ho Chuen 葉浩泉 YUET, Wai Sum 越慧心. Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology 理學士 (生物科技). AHMED, Anika Tahsin BALAY, Angelica 張媜媜 BERAGO, April Mae Mendoza * BHARATI, Ayushi CHAN, Pak Chuen 陳柏泉 CHAN, San Yuen 陳燊源 CHAN, Wing Yan 陳穎欣 CHAN, Yee Nga 陳以雅 CHENG, Hiu Cheung 鄭曉璋 CHENG, Ka Yan 鄭嘉茵 CHENG, Man Wai 鄭汶尉 CHEONG, Kyle 張浚韜 CHEUNG, Sze Wan 張詩韻 CHEUNG, Wai Kit 張偉傑 CHIU, Pang Sum 趙鵬森 CHUNG, Hiu Yan 鍾曉欣 CHUNG, Sze Long 鍾施朗 FAN, Wai Ting 樊瑋庭 FUNG, Kerrie Sin Ting 馮善筳 FUNG, King Ling 馮景鈴 HARRISS, Eleanor Jillian 夏瑾敏 HEO, Jiwon HO, Yat Yan 何溢恩 HON YUEN, Roxana 韓芷蔚 HUNG, Ka Hei 洪家希 KONG, Xiaolin 鄺曉琳 * KUSUMA, Alvin Riva KWOK, Tsz Chun 郭子駿 LAI, Fuk Yung 黎馥榕 LAM, Ting Yan 林莛恩 * LAM, Yat Sum Brisson 林逸琛 LAM, Yuen Kwan 林苑君 LAN, Yuen Yan Priscilla 藍婉欣 LAU, Wing Ki 劉詠麒 LEE, Chiu Leung 李昭樑 LEE, Ho Yin 李浩然. 44 學 位 頒 授 典 禮 CONGREGATION # Academic Achievement Awards 學 業 成 就 獎 * First Class Honors 甲 等 榮 譽. * LEE, Lok Yi 李樂怡 LEE, Ming Yan 李明茵 LEONG, Hei Ching Hayley 梁晞晴 * LEUNG, Ziuwin 梁兆穎 LI, Yuhang 李峪行 LIU, Man Kit 廖文杰 LO, Long Gwan 盧朗鈞 LO, Yee Wa 羅倚華 LOR, Shek Hin 羅碩騫 #* LUI, Sze Wai 呂思蔚 MAK, Ho Wan 麥浩昀 MAK, Yuen Fung Kelvin 麥源峰 MATHUR, Vrinda * NADJAJA, Devi Natalie NG, Hau Yee 吳巧儀 NG, Ka Wai 伍嘉惠 NG, Lok To 吳洛淘 NGO, Min May 敖明美 PANG, Wing Yan 彭穎欣 PARK, Hyein * PARK, Keun Yang POON, Chi Shing 潘志鋮 POON, Ching 潘 晴 POON, Wing Man 潘穎文 PUN, Ming Lee 潘銘莉 QIAN, Winny Yunyi 錢藴怡 * SANTOSO, Marcel SHING, Ka Man 盛嘉雯 SIU, Hau Lam 蕭巧琳 SUAREZ, Domenick Arrigo TAI, Wai Ting 戴瑋霆 TANG, Kai Fung 鄧啟峰 TANG, Tsoi Ying 鄧采瑩 TO, Tsz Yan Kalice 屠芷忻 TO, Yuen Ching 杜婉晴 TSANG, Sze Wai 曾思維 TSE, Wing Ka 謝穎嘉 TSO, Ka Ho 曹家浩 #* UHM, Hyebin WAN, Joseph 惲約瑟 WONG, Kai Yin Kyle 黄啓彥 WONG, Kwai Mei 黃桂美 WONG, Kwok Sin Kiko 黃國倩 WONG, Lok Hei 黃樂曦 WONG, Long Hei 黃朗熙 WONG, Man Ying 王曼熒 WONG, Po 黃 寶 WONG, Sheung Yi 王湘怡 * WONG, Siu Fai 黃兆輝 WONG, Yee Mei 黃綺湄 YEUNG, Tsz Kwan 楊芷鈞 YUN, Joyce Cheuk Ying 甄卓盈. ZHANG, Hoi Lam 張海琳 * ZHANG, Yue 张 悦 ZHONG, Mingqian 鍾銘謙. Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology and Business 理學士 (生物科技及商學). AU, Mei Yan 區美欣 * CHAN, Ho Yung 陳浩榕 CHAN, Tsz Ki 陳子淇 CHENG, Wing Wai 鄭穎煒 * CHEUNG, Yat Hin Boris 張逸軒 CHIK, Chun Him 戚雋謙 CHIU, Timothy Tiger 趙樂希 CHOI, Suet Yu 蔡雪如 CHU, Chun Fung 朱浚峯 CHU, Wing Fung 朱永峰 * CHUI, Man Chun Martin 崔文俊 CHUI, Yin Tung Chimney 徐嫣桐 CHUNG, Ho Ying 鍾可瑩 FAN, Xinyu 范欣雨 * FU, Brian * JEONG, Hae Yoon * KIM, Tae Hoon KO, Man Tsung 高旻驄 KONG, Jonathan Wai King 江渭璟 KONG, Shiu Long 江肇朗 LAU, Hiu Lam Audrina 劉曉霖 LEE, Pok Yeung 李博洋 PWINT, Phyu Win SHOW, Chung Hin 仇仲軒 SO, Ching Han 蘇靖閑 * STEVEN, Laurensius TAI, Ao Hsiang 戴傲翔 TANG, Shiu Cheung 鄧劭章 TSE, Yan Tung Theodora 謝恩彤 * WIDJAYA, Nichelle Sri Maya Kumala WONG, Chun Yuen 黃竣遠 * WONG, Hin Ching 黃騫正 XU, Muhan 徐慕涵 YANG, Sasha Xia Xiao 楊夏曉 * YEE, Kei Yin 余紀延 * YI, Zhiyuan 易志远 YIN YEUNG CHO, Melissa. 1. The Council Chairman declares the Congregation open. 2. The President addresses the Congregation. 3. The Acting Dean of Science addresses the Congregation. 4. The Acting Dean of Science presents candidates for the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY. 5. The Acting Dean of Science presents candidates for the Degree of MASTER OF PHILOSOPHY. 6. The Acting Dean of Science presents candidates for the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE. 7. The Acting Dean of Science presents candidates for the Degree of BACHELOR OF SCIENCE. 8. The Council Chairman admits candidates to their degrees. 9. The Acting Dean of Science presents graduates for the Degrees of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY, MASTER OF SCIENCE and BACHELOR OF SCIENCE, of the Class of 2019.. 10. The Graduate Representative addresses the Congregation. 11. The Council Chairman declares the Congregation closed. Mace carried by Professor Zhenguo WU. ORDER OF PROCEEDINGS. SESSION 3 1:00pm, November 21, 2020. SCHOOL OF SCIENCE – DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS (PhD, MPhil, MSc, BSc). 1. 校董會主席宣佈典禮開始. 2. 校長致辭. 3. 署理理學院院長致辭. 4. 署理理學院院長宣讀哲學博士學位畢業生名單. 5. 署理理學院院長宣讀哲學碩士學位畢業生名單. 6. 署理理學院院長宣讀理學碩士學位畢業生名單. 7. 署理理學院院長宣讀理學士學位畢業生名單. 8. 校董會主席頒授學位予畢業生. 9. 署理理學院院長宣讀二零一九年度哲學博士、理學碩士及理學士學位畢業生名單. 10. 畢業生代表致辭. 11. 校董會主席宣佈禮成. 鄔振國教授持大學權杖. 典 禮 程 序. 第三節. 2020年11月21日 下午1時正. 理學院 數學系. (哲學博士、哲學碩士、理學碩士、理學士). 48 學位頒授典禮 CONGREGATION. Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics 哲學博士 (數學). CAO, Guiyu 曹贵瑜 CHU, Kwun Lun 朱冠麟 DAI, Xuanzhong 戴烜中 GUO, Feifei 郭菲菲 HAN, Ruijian 韩睿渐 HUANG, Yiyi 黄奕翼 LI, Zhenzhen 李珍珍 MIAO, Lizhang 繆立璋 QIN, Xiaoxue 秦晓雪 SUN, Zhaoyi 孫趙億 TAN, Chunxi 谭淳曦 YE, Rougang 叶柔刚 ZHANG, Yupei 张宇沛. Master of Philosophy in Mathematics 哲學碩士 (數學). CHENG, Hok Laam 鄭學嵐 SO, Chi Long Ivan 蘇志朗 TONG, Kam Hung 唐錦鴻 ZHAO, Shifan 赵世凡. Master of Science in Financial Mathematics 理學碩士 (金融數學). CANG, Zijie 仓子杰 CAO, Weiqing 曹蔚清 CHEN, Leheng 陈乐恒 CHEN, Ruiting 陳睿婷 CHEN, Shuying 陈淑颖 CHEN, Weihang 陈伟航 CHENG, Qing 成 清 DING, Tianhao 丁天浩 DU, Manhua 杜曼华 DU, Yixuan 杜艺璇 FAN, Haolan 范浩澜 FENG, Yuan 冯 源 FENG, Yunhao 冯云浩 GAO, Chang 高 暢 GAO, Jianyu 高鉴钰 GU, Enhao 顾恩豪 HE, Yuhang 何雨航 HOU, Jie 侯 洁. HUANG, Baohui 黄宝慧 HUANG, Bo 黄 博 HUANG, Jian 黄 坚 HUANG, Qianmeng 黃倩梦 HUANG, Wei 黄 炜 HUANG, Xingyi 黄星熠 HUANG, Zhenzhen 黄振珍 JI, Chunhua 紀春華 JIANG, Tingting 江婷婷 JIANG, Zhining 蒋芷宁 KANG, Xiaofeng 亢晓峰 KE, Chenji 柯忱佶 KU, Taekyun LAM, Hiu Fung 藍曉鋒 LEI, Qiuyue 雷秋月 LI, Gaoshan 李杲珊 LI, Jiahao 李嘉豪 LI, Jinwen 李瑾雯 LI, Liangde 李亮德 LI, Longxin 李隆昕 LI, Lu 李 鷺 LI, Mingzhe 李明哲 LI, Qian 李 倩 LI, Wenjun 李文君 LI, Xianda 李咸達 LI, Yingshuo 李营硕 LI, Ze 李 泽 LIU, Xian 刘 娴 LIU, Yang 刘 洋 LIU, Yifei 刘奕斐 LIU, Yuchen 刘昱辰 LIU, Zhechen 刘哲晨 MA, Huanyu 麻欢钰 MAO, Shaokun 毛绍堃 NI, Rongjing 倪榕菁 NIU, Hongqian 牛洪乾 PAN, Jiayi 潘嘉毅 QIAN, Yue 钱 玥 QIU, Chuchu 丘楚楚 SHEN, Kairan 沈楷然 SONG, Chu 宋 楚 SONG, Yaxuan 宋亚轩 SONG, Yijia 宋宜佳 SUN, Lei 孙 磊 SUN, Renze 孙仁泽 SUN, Zhuo 孙 卓 TANG, Mandi 唐曼迪 WAN, Jing 万 菁 WANG, Boyu 王博宇. 理學院 SCHOOL OF SCIENCE. Postgraduate Degrees 研究生學位. 49學位頒授典禮 CONGREGATION. WANG, Chenghui 王成辉 WANG, Jie 王 杰 WANG, Keyao 王珂瑶 WANG, Menghao 王梦毫 WANG, Sunan 王苏南 WANG, Xiaohan 王晓涵 WANG, Xinyu 王馨宇 WANG, Xuan 王 漩 WANG, Yichen 王懿晨 WANG, Yisong 王一松 WANG, Zehao 王泽昊 WEN, Jinfeng 温劲锋 WONG, Kwun Wa 黃冠樺 WU, Jianmei 伍建玫 WU, Jiaquan 吴嘉权 WU, Mo 吴 末 WU, Shukun 吳舒坤 WU, Xuanji 吴璇玑 XIE, Hao 谢 豪 XU, Liyuan 徐立媛 XU, Yuqing 徐雨晴 XUE, Yang 薛 杨 YAN, Ke 颜 克 YANG, Shihao 杨仕豪 YE, Yifan 叶一帆 YU, Lifang 余丽芳 YU, Ye 俞 晔 YU, Yipeng 于毅鹏 YUAN, Ziwei 袁子微 YUE, Yangshanhui 乐杨珊慧 ZENG, Qingqiulin 曾庆秋霖 ZHANG, Banruo 张般若 ZHANG, Bin 张 彬 ZHANG, Fangrui 张方睿 ZHANG, Jian 张 健 ZHANG, Lingxi 张玲西 ZHANG, Mengkai 张梦凯 ZHANG, Qianying 张倩颖 ZHANG, Wenya 张雯雅 ZHANG, Yanran 张嫣然 ZHANG, Yuxin 张宇鑫 ZHAO, Jingru 赵婧如 ZHAO, Siheng 赵思衡 ZHENG, Hanshen 郑涵深 ZHONG, Jing 钟 景 ZHOU, Huixin 周惠欣 ZHOU, Yawen 周雅文 ZHOU, Zhen 周 臻 ZHUANG, Jianfei 庄建非. Master of Science in Mathematics for Educators 理學碩士 (教育數學). BIAN, Qiulu 卞秋璐 CAI, Yao 蔡 瑶 GE, Zhouzhou 葛周洲 GUO, Xinyi 郭昕怡 HUANG, Rong 黄 蓉 HUANG, Yixuan 黄译萱 JIN, Yichen 金亦晨 LAI, Shiyue 来诗悦 LEI, Aoyu 雷傲宇 LIU, Miaoqian 刘妙倩 LUAN, Qinrong 栾沁蓉 POON, Ming Kei 潘銘基 POON, Wing Sze 潘穎詩 SHEN, Letian 沈乐天 SHEN, Yaoting 沈瑶婷 WANG, Xiaoting 王晓婷 WANG, Yingling 王滢岭 WANG, Yining 王祎宁 XIN, Wei 信 維 YANG, Yue 杨 悦 YUE, Anqi 岳安琪 ZHANG, Jingdan 张竞丹. 50 學 位 頒 授 典 禮 CONGREGATION # Academic Achievement Awards 學 業 成 就 獎 * First Class Honors 甲 等 榮 譽. Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, and in Computer Science 理學士 (數學及計算機科學). CHEUNG, Tsz Yan 張芷茵 * CHUNG, Kam Hin 鍾錦軒 * LI, Fuzhe 李富哲 * WANG, Xinyi 王心怡. Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Economics, and in Computer Science 理學士 (數學與經濟學及計算機科學). * CHAN, Siu Chung 陳兆聰 * FENG, Xuming 冯煦鸣 * ZHU, Haoren 朱浩仁. Bachelor of Science in Mathematics 理學士 (數學). AU, Hei Yeung 區希揚 #* AU, Kam Cheong 區錦昌 CHAN, Cheuk Wai 陳倬偉 CHAN, Ching 陳 靖 CHAN, Ching Lam 陳靖琳 CHAN, Hin Fei 陳衍妃 CHAN, Kai Fai 陳啟輝 CHAN, Kai Sin 陳啟羨 CHAN, Lok Hin 陳樂軒 CHAN, Pak Chung 陳柏聰 CHAN, Sze Ting 陳思婷 CHANG, Chi Sum 鄭智心 CHAU, Hiu Yan 周曉欣 CHEN, Minghui 陈明慧 CHEN, Shiqin 陳適欽 CHEN, Shuting 陳淑婷 CHEUNG, Wai Chung 張煒聰. CHIN, Youngho CHIU, Yui Fan 趙睿釩 CHOI, Chung Shing 蔡松盛 CHOI, Hong Wang 蔡康宏 CHOI, Ka Wing 蔡嘉穎 CHOI, Tang Fei 蔡騰飛 CHOW, Man Yiu 周文耀 CHOW, Suet Ling 周雪翎 CHOW, Tsz Chun 周子俊 CHOW, Tsz Ho 周梓豪 CHU, Chun Kit 朱俊杰 CHU, Peter Man Lung 朱文龍 DAI, Chi Hang 戴志恆 DAS, Prasenjit DE VRIES, Andreas Reinhart 韓永逸 DU, Haoneng 杜浩能 FOK, Tsz To 霍祉陶 FU, Zhihong 傅智宏 FUNG, Yat Chun 馮逸俊 GIANNI, Irene HO, Jamie Ching Man 何靜雯 * HO, Tak Kin 何德健 HU, Fan 胡 梵 HUANG, Zijie 黄梓杰 IP, Yee Shan 葉綺珊 JIA, Shuting 賈舒婷 JIM, Kai Chun 詹啟俊 JU, Chuandong 鞠传栋 KONG, Chi Kit 江志傑 KWAN, Hoo Lam 關浩霖 KWOK, Friedman Owen 郭傲雲 KWOK, Tai Tim 郭泰添 KWONG, Yuk Him 鄺鈺謙 LAI, Long Hang Ernie 黎朗恒 LAI, Pui Ngai 黎培藝 LAI, Wing Fung 黎永豐 LAM, Chit Lee 林哲利 LAM, Kin Wai 林鍵瑋 LAM, Wai Kei 林為淇 LAM, Yik Long 林奕朗. ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS 學業成就獎. #* AU, Kam Cheong 區錦昌 BSc in Mathematics #* LEE, Young Kyu 李榮規 BSc in Mathematics #* WAN, Jingbo 万静波 BSc in Mathematics #* YE, Jeff York 葉正夫 BSc in Mathematics #* HSU, Ke-cheng 許可證 BSc in Mathematics and Economics #* ZHUANG, Xiaoyan 庄晓彦 BSc in Mathematics and Economics. Undergraduate Degrees 本科生學位. 51學位頒授典禮 CONGREGATION. LAU, Chun Ting 劉振庭 LAU, Ka Ho 劉家浩 LAU, Kai Leong 劉繼亮 LAU, Wing Ip 劉榮燁 LEE, Chin 李 擎 LEE, Chun Yat 李俊逸 LEE, Ka Shing 李嘉誠 LEE, Sui Sang 李瑞生 LEE, Yiu Chuen 李耀尊 #* LEE, Young Kyu 李榮規 LEUNG, Chin Chin 梁芊芊 LEUNG, Chun Kwan 梁振坤 LI, Kai Wang 李啟宏 LI, Shuman 李舒曼 * LI, Xuanang 李轩昂 LI, Yifan 李一凡 LO, Yee Ki 盧綺琪 LO, Yin Lam 盧彥霖 LUK, Ho Man 陸顥文 MA, Ho Yin 馬浩然 MA, Kung Chi 馬鞏馳 MAN, Ho Yan 文可欣 MAN, Sze Kei 萬詩琦 MAN, Wing Faat 文永發 NG, Cherry Cheuk Yu 伍焯瑜 NG, Hiu Tsung 吳曉淞 NG, Man Fei 吳旻霏 NG, Tat Fu 吳達富 NG, Tsun Yam 吳峻任 * NGAI, Chun Yung 魏雋茸 * PARK, Do Yang PING, Hiu Lam 平晓琳 QIAN, Zian 钱子安 SHIU, Yeuk Yu 邵若瑜 SHUM, Hok Man 岑學旻 SIN, Man Yin 冼敏賢 * SINGHAL, Deepesh SIT, Chun Long 薛俊朗 * SUN, Yuran 孙雨然 TAM, Kit Ying 譚潔瑩 TAM, Wing Mui 譚穎梅 TAMIN, Valencia Theodora TANG, Cheuk Tin 鄧卓天 TANG, Hiu Tung 鄧曉彤 * TANG, Tianchen 唐天宸 TANG, Wai Tin 鄧偉天 TANTONO, James TSANG, Kwok Fu 曾國富 TSANG, Yuen Ting Michelle 曾婉婷 TSE, Hei Yau 謝熹佑 TSE, Sing Hei Hayden 謝承羲 TSOI, Kei 蔡 琦. WAHYUDI, Devina #* WAN, Jingbo 万静波 WANG, Fu Cheng David Loick 王福誠 WIJAYA, Dharma Saputra WONG, Bryan Cheungchun 黃翔駿 WONG, Chi Him 王智謙 WONG, Hang Lam 黃幸霖 WONG, Ngo Cheung 黃傲翔 WONG, Pak Ho 黃柏皓 WONG, Tai Sze 黃泰司 WONG, Tsun Kit 黃浚杰 WONG, Yu Yuk 黃汝鈺 YANG, Guang 杨 光 #* YE, Jeff York 葉正夫 YEUNG, Ka Wing 楊家榮 YEUNG, Long Yin 楊朗然 YIP, Ching Yu 葉靜瑜 YIU, Chun Ting 姚俊廷 YU, Qinying 俞沁瑩 ZENG, Zijun 曾紫鈞 ZHAN, Zepei 詹澤培 ZHENG, Meizhi 鄭美枝. Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Economics 理學士 (數學與經濟學). BUDIMAN, Jason Christian CHAN, Ka Ho 陳嘉浩 * CHANG, Jiacheng 常家诚 CHEN, Tiantian 陈恬恬 * CHIU, Hung Kit 趙雄傑 FAN, Wenjie 范文杰 FU, Guanghui 符广卉 HAN, Xinze 韩昕泽 HO, Pak Wa 何柏華 #* HSU, Ke-cheng 許可證 HWANG, Min Ho KWOK, Tsz Fung 郭子鋒 LEE, Chung Kiu Roy 李仲翹 LEE, Yat Long 李逸朗 LEUNG, Ching Kit 梁正杰 LEUNG, Chun Hin 梁俊軒 * LIU, Xinyu 刘新语 LO, Wai Yau 盧韋遊 * LUK, Tsz Fei 陸子斐 MAK, Chun Cheong 麥俊鏘 MAK, Wai Ming 麥偉明 TAI, Ka Yi 戴嘉怡 TAN, Li 譚 利 TSANG, Ming Chu 曾明珠 WANG, Yayi 王雅祎. 52 學 位 頒 授 典 禮 CONGREGATION # Academic Achievement Awards 學 業 成 就 獎 * First Class Honors 甲 等 榮 譽. * WANG, Yimiao 王一苗 WU, Hoi Ki 鄔凱祺 XIE, Meng 谢 蒙 YUE, Xiaoyu 岳笑宇 * ZHANG, Kaixin 张恺欣 * ZHANG, Shiyu 张世钰 #* ZHUANG, Xiaoyan 庄晓彦. 1. The Council Chairman declares the Congregation open. 2. The President addresses the Congregation. 3. The Acting Dean of Science addresses the Congregation. 4. The Acting Dean of Science presents candidates for the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY. 5. The Acting Dean of Science presents candidates for the Degree of MASTER OF PHILOSOPHY. 6. The Acting Dean of Science presents candidates for the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE. 7. The Acting Dean of Science presents candidates for the Degree of BACHELOR OF SCIENCE. 8. The Council Chairman admits candidates to their degrees. 9. The Acting Dean of Science presents graduates for the Degrees of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY, MASTER OF PHILOSOPHY, MASTER OF SCIENCE and BACHELOR OF SCIENCE, of the Class of 2019.. 10. The Graduate Representatives address the Congregation. 11. The Council Chairman declares the Congregation closed. Mace carried by Professor Zhenguo WU. ORDER OF PROCEEDINGS. SESSION 4 2:30pm, November 21, 2020. SCHOOL OF SCIENCE – DEPARTMENTS OF CHEMISTRY, OCEAN SCIENCE & PHYSICS (PhD, MPhil, MSc, BSc). 1. 校董會主席宣佈典禮開始. 2. 校長致辭. 3. 署理理學院院長致辭. 4. 署理理學院院長宣讀哲學博士學位畢業生名單. 5. 署理理學院院長宣讀哲學碩士學位畢業生名單. 6. 署理理學院院長宣讀理學碩士學位畢業生名單. 7. 署理理學院院長宣讀理學士學位畢業生名單. 8. 校董會主席頒授學位予畢業生. 9. 署理理學院院長宣讀二零一九年度哲學博士、哲學碩士、理學碩士及理學士學位畢業生名單. 10. 畢業生代表致辭. 11. 校董會主席宣佈禮成. 鄔振國教授持大學權杖. 典 禮 程 序. 第四節. 2020年11月21日 下午2時30分. 理學院 化學系、海洋科學系及物理系. (哲學博士、哲學碩士、理學碩士、理學士). 56 學位頒授典禮 CONGREGATION. 理學院 SCHOOL OF SCIENCE. Postgraduate Degrees 研究生學位. Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry 哲學博士 (化學). AN, Yiming 安一鸣 ARUNAGIRI, Lingeswaran CHEN, Yuzhong 陈于中 CHONG, Man Chun 莊文俊 CHONG, Tin Hang 莊天恒 CUI, Mingxu 崔明旭 GAO, Nanfeng 高南风 HU, Chen 胡 琛 HU, Yubing 胡余冰 KHORLOO, Michidmaa LEE, Kui Fun 李炬歡 LI, Tin Lok 李天洛 LIN, He 林 鹤 MA, Haichen 马海宸 MA, Lik Kuen 馬力權 MENG, Ling 蒙 玲 TU, Yujie 涂于洁 WANG, Xiaowei 王晓唯 WEI, Wei 魏 巍 WONG, Kai Hong 黃啓康 WU, Wenjie 吴文杰 YU, Yeqing 虞叶卿 ZHANG, Lihua 张丽华 ZHANG, Wen 张 问 ZHANG, Zhihan 张之涵 ZHANG, Zhihong 張志宏. Doctor of Philosophy in Marine Environmental Science 哲學博士 (海洋環境科學). LIU, Kailin 刘凯琳 YAN, Neng 颜 能 YANG, Yi 杨 弋. Doctor of Philosophy in Nano Science and Technology 哲學博士 (納米科學與技術). CAI, Xiangbin 蔡祥滨 WANG, Jingwei 王经纬 XU, Wei 徐 炜 ZHAO, Chunyu 赵春雨. Doctor of Philosophy in Physics 哲學博士 (物理學). AN, Liheng 安礼恒 ANDRIOLO, Stefano GAO, Ziang 高子昂 HE, Mengyuan 何梦遠 JIANG, Yue 蔣 悅 MA, Chao 马 超 MEI, Yefeng 梅叶峰 MIAO, Zichun 苗滋春 SZE, Wai Pang 施緯鵬 TANG, Hongyang 汤洪阳 TANG, Suet To 鄧雪濤 TSANG, Kin Yau 曾堅祐 XIA, Bowen 夏博文 YAN, Min 嚴 敏. Master of Philosophy in Chemistry 哲學碩士 (化學). ALIA, Abdalla Galaa Mohamed CHEN, Wenjun 陈文君 CHI, Huanyu 迟环宇 LEUNG, Cheuk Wai 梁倬維 LI, Xiong 李 雄 LIAW, Ming Wai 廖明慧 LIU, Song 刘 松 LIU, Zeyu 刘泽宇 LO, Man Ting 羅敏婷 REN, Zhong 任 众 SHI, Dongmin 史东敏 WANG, Guannan 王冠南 WANG, Yu 汪 煜 ZHANG, Zhefan 張哲帆. Master of Philosophy in Marine Environmental Science 哲學碩士 (海洋環境科學). KWAN, Yick Hang 關亦恒 LEUNG, Sze Ki 梁斯祺 WONG, Tsz Kwan 黃子鈞 ZHANG, Yanping 张艳萍 ZHAO, Fangxin 趙芳欣. 57學位頒授典禮 CONGREGATION. Master of Philosophy in Physics 哲學碩士 (物理學). CHOW, Tsz Pong 周梓邦 GAO, Ruiyan 高瑞彦 LAU, King Long Wilson 劉景朗 LI, Nana 李娜娜 LIU, Teng 刘 腾 NGUYEN, Quang Quan QUAN, Yuhui 全宇辉 SHING, Ming Tony 成 銘 SOU, Chon Man 蘇俊文. Master of Science in Analytical Chemistry 理學碩士 (分析化學). CAI, Demin 蔡德敏 CHAN, Yuen Ting 陳琬婷 CHEN, Hong 陈 宏 CHEN, Rong 陈 荣 CHEN, Yongyu 陈泳羽 CHEN, Yujie 陈羽洁 CHENG, Yan 程 谚 DONG, Yueyang 董月阳 HO, Ho Yat 何浩一 HONG, Wenqing 洪文清 HUANG, Lei 黄 磊 JIANG, Yunze 姜匀泽 JIN, Jirui 金佶睿 KAN, Wai Him



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Joint “ “AMiBA AMiBA + Subaru + Subaru ” ” data, probing the gas/DM distribution data, probing the gas/DM distribution out to ~80% of the cluster. out to ~80% of the cluster

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