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高雄市立陽明國中 109 學年度第 1 學期第 1 次段考一年級英語科試題


Academic year: 2021

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1 頁,共 6 頁【一年級英語科】

科目代碼:02 一年 班 座號: 姓名:

高雄市立陽明國中 109 學年度第 1 學期第 1 次段考一年級英語科試題

一、 聽力測驗(20%)

PART A.辨識句意:每題均有三張圖片,請依據所聽到的句子,選出符合描述的圖片 5%

1. (A) (B) (C)

2. (A) (B) (C)

3. (A) (B) (C)

4. (A) (B) (C)

5. (A) (B) (C)

PART B.基本問答:每題均有三個選項,請依據所聽到的內容,選出一個最適合的回應 5%

6. (A) Yes, today is her birthday. (B) Yes, she’s a great cook. (C) Yes, she’s twenty years old.

7. (A) He’s young. (B) He’s my husband. (C) Yes, he’s happy.

8. (A) I’m from Taiwan. (B) I’m sixteen years old. (C) I’m a junior high school student.

9. (A) They’re tigers. (B) I like lions, too. (C) They’re not in my family.

10. (A) It’s a cool picture. (B) Are they your cups? (C) They are mice.


2 頁,共 6 頁【一年級英語科】

11. (A) A pencil. (B) A banana. (C) A pencil box.

12. (A) Annie’s brother is a farmer. (B) Annie’s father isn’t a teacher.

(C) Annie’s brother is a PE teacher.

13. (A) The man is the woman’s father. (B) The cup is for the man.

(C) The cup is for the man’s father.

14. (A) The woman in the picture is Sonia. (B) It is the man’s picture.

(C) It is an old picture.

15. (A) The horse is in Australia now. (B) The horse is a gift for Uncle Eric.

(C) The horse is a gift from Joyce’s father.

二、 綜合測驗(56%,每題 2 分)

16. Look! Those are cute. (A) foxs (B) my kangaroos (C) koala (D)sheep 17. My friend, Jenny, tall and cool. (A) are (B) is (C) am (D)aren’t

18. A: Are you a junior high school student? B:

(A)Yes, I’m. (B)Yes, we are. (C)No, I’m not. (D)No, we aren’t.

19. He is

(A) twelve. (B)an one-year-old boy. (C)an eight-year-old girl. (D) twelve year old.

20. I have two brothers. John and Bob. (A) Their (B)They’re (C) He is (D)We’re 21. This school is famous. (A)girls’ (B) a girl’s (C)girls (D) is a girls’ famous 有名的 22. wives are doctors.

(A) Mr. Lis and Mr. Wangs (B) Mr. Li’s and Mr. Wang (C) )Mr. Li’s and Mr. Wang’s (D)Mr. Li and Mr. Wang

23. a lion. name is Strong. (A) Its; It’s (B) It’s; It’s (C)Its; Its (D) It’s; Its 24. Spot is our . (A) pet mice (B) pig’s names (C) cats (D)pet dog

25. A: What are those? B:

(A) They are fish. (B) That is an elephant. (C) Watchs. (D)These’re buses.

26. A: Nice to meet you, Sam. B:

(A) Nice to see you, too. (B) How do you do? (C) No way! (D)Nice to meet you, too.

27. Which is right?

(A) Who are this young man? (B) I’m fine. Thanks.

(C) Happy birthday dad. (D) Is it birthday gift?

28. Which is right?

(A) She is a english teacher. (B)I and Sam are happy.

(C) The Lins are from Australia. (D)Tom is a cooker.


3 頁,共 6 頁【一年級英語科】


29. (A) What (B) Who’s (C) How is (D) What’s 30. (A) I (B) My (C) Her (D) She’s

31. (A) a math teacher (B) a man (C) an PE teacher (D) an art teacher 32. (A) Is she (B) They are (C) His name is (D) Your name is


33. (A) THEY (B) IT (C) ITS (D)THEM


35. (A) I’M MOM. (B) YOU’RE ME. (C) I’M YOU. (D) THIS’S MOM.

John: Hello, I’m John. 29 your name?

Amy: Hi, John. 30 name is Amy.

John: What class are you in?

Amy: I’m in Class 720.

John: Class 720…… Is your homeroom teacher 31 ? Amy: No. Look! That’s my homeroom teacher.

John: 32 …….?

Amy: Mr. Wang. He teaches math, and he is very nice.

John: I see.


IF I COOK IT ………...…….. YOU EAT 33 . IF I BUY IT………. YOU WEAR IT.





RULE 規定 IF 如果 BUY 買 WEAR 穿 CLEAN 清理/乾淨 KEEP 保持 SAY 說 DON’T 不 ASK 問 BECAUSE 因為

homeroom teacher 導師 teach 教


4 頁,共 6 頁【一年級英語科】

36. What does Moo Moo mean? mean 意思是指;sound 聲音 (A) An animal’s name. (B) An animal’s sound. (C) The snack. (D) The milk.

37. What is I ?

(A) A rabbit. (B) A dog. (C) A cow. (D) A zebra.


38. What is the test for?  whether 是否;what kind of 哪種 (A)To know whether you like dogs. (B)To know how to make friends.

(C)To know whether monkeys are funny. (D)To know what kind of person you are.

39. Which is right?

(A)Jane loves monkeys. (B)Dogs are funny.

(C)Tom’s friends are friendly. (D)Tom is friendly and happy.

40. What is the best title for this reading?  best title 最好的標題;reading 閱讀文章 (A)Animal in You. (B)What Is Your Favorite Animal?

(C)What Is Your Favorite Pet? (D)My Favorite Monkeys and Dogs.


I have black and white spots.

I like to eat grass for a snack.

I eat, and I chew and chew.

When I don’t eat, I say Moo Moo.

Who am I? Try to think the milk I give you every day.

Jane: Let’s do a test.

Tom: OK! Let’s go.

Jane: Question 1: What is your favorite animal?

Tom: Monkey.

Jane: Why?

Tom: It is funny and happy.

Jane: Question 2: What is your favorite pet?

Tom: Dog.

Jane: Why?

Tom: It is friendly. And what can I know from the test?

Jane: From question 1, it shows you are a funny and happy person.

Tom: What can I know from question 2?

Jane: It shows your friends think your’re very friendly.

Tom: I like the test. It’s really interesting.

 spot 斑點 grass 草 snack 點心 chew 咬 when 當 try 嘗試 think 思考 give 給

 let’s 咱們 test 測試 favorite 最喜愛的 funny 有趣的 friendly 友善的 can 能夠 know 知道 show 顯示 interesting 有趣的


5 頁,共 6 頁【一年級英語科】


41. What is World of Warcraft ?

(A) A ball. (B) A park. (C)A color. (D)A game.

42. Where can you see these articles? article 文章;newspaper 報紙 (A) On the farm. (B) In the zoo. (C) In the newspaper. (D) In the card.

43. Which is right? has to 必須

(A) A bed tester works four hours a day. (B) A video game tester’s English must be good.

(C) A bed tester can get 200 coins in an hour. (D)A video game tester has to sleep on the bed.

Call Ms. Sung 0915-520-888


Can you play World of Warcraft, an interesting video game?

We need you to help us test it.

You need to……

1. Get two hundred coins in an hour during the game.

2. Work four hours a day.

Your English must be good.

Call now!

Do you like to sleep? We have a job for you.

Come sleep on a luxury bed and post your feelings on the Facebook.

Working time: From ten in the morning to six in the evening every day.

Working days: Twenty –four days

Working days: Twenty –four days


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 video 影音的 need 需要 help 幫忙 get 得到 hundred 百 coin 錢幣 hour 小時 during 在…..期間 work 工作 day 日 must 必須

job 工作 luxury 豪華的 post 張貼 feelings 感受


6 頁,共 6 頁【一年級英語科】

A. 印刷體字母大小寫互換(請將大寫轉小寫,小寫轉大寫) 5% (每題 1 分) 1.JUDGESHIP 2.quality 3.KUNGFU 4.realize 5.DEPENDABLE

B. 文意字彙 12% (每題 2 分)

1. Mr. and Mrs. Wang are h d and wife. They love each other.  each other 互相

2. It is w m in spring; many flowers are in the park.  spring 春天;flower 花 3. She is seventy, but she looks y g.  look 看起來

4. I can’t hear you. Please say it a n.  hear 聽 5. A: Is this Amy? B: You have the w g number.

6. It is s y to walk in the dark.  dark 黑暗

C. 課文佳句翻譯 7% (分段給分)

1. 我的媽媽是個漂亮的女人。(2 分)

2. 在某些人眼裡,我們是熊科動物。(2 分)

3. 這些是你的照片嗎?不,它們是我父母親的照片。(3 分)


一年 班 座號: 姓名:

高 雄 市 立 陽 明 國 中 1 0 9 學 年 度 第 1 學 期 第 1 次 段 考 一 年 級 英 語 科 答 案 卷


1.本答案卷之班級、座號、姓名等資料不完全者,本科扣 5 分。

2.本答案卷限用黑色墨水原子筆作答,違反以上規定者,本卷扣 20 分 3.若本卷總分未達 20 分,則以 0 分計算。



A.印刷體字母大小寫互換(請將大寫轉小寫,小寫轉大寫):5%(每題 1 分)

1. 2.

3. 4.


B.文意字彙:12%(每題 2 分)

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.


1. (2%)

2. (2%)

3. (3%)

電腦閱卷分數 訂正後分數 訂正教師簽名 讀寫閱卷分數


一、 聽力測驗(20%)

PART A.辨識句意 5%


PART B.基本問答 5%

6-10 ABABC

PART C.言談理解 10%

11-15 CABCA

二、 綜合測驗(56%,每題 2 分)

16-20 DBCAB 21-25 ACDDA 26-30 DBCDB 31-35 DCBCA 36-40 BCDDA 41-43 DCB

三、 寫作測驗:(24%)

A.印刷體字母大小寫互換(請將大寫轉小寫,小寫轉大寫):5%(每題 1 分)

1. judgeship 2.QUALITY 3.kungfu 4.REALIZE 5.dependable B.文意字彙:12%(每題 2 分)

1. husband 2.warm 3.young 4.again 5.wrong 6.scary C.課文佳句翻譯:7%(分段給分)

1. (2%) My mom is / a beautiful woman. 或 My mother is / a beautiful woman.

2. (2%) In some people’s eyes, / we’re in the bear family.

3. (3%) Are these your pictures? / No, they are / my parents’ pictures.

3 校

正確 修改



高雄市立陽明國中 109 學年度第 1 學期第 1 次段考一年級英語科聽力測驗

Part A、辨識句意:每題均有三張圖片,請依據所聽到的句子,選出符合描述的圖片,每題播放兩 次。(每題中間請停頓5秒)

1. The animal from Australia is a sheep. (PAUSE : 5 seconds) 2. My son and daughter are our cooks today. (PAUSE : 5 seconds) 3. The dog in the box is cute. (PAUSE : 5 seconds)

4. In the picture, some apples are big, and some are small. (PAUSE : 5 seconds) 5. My sisters, Cindy and Anna, like the cakes. (PAUSE : 5 seconds)

Part B、基本問答:每題均有三個選項,請依據所聽到的內容,選出一個最適合的回應,每題播放 兩次。(每題中間請停頓10秒)

6. Is this cake for your mother? (PAUSE : 10 seconds) 7. Who is that happy man? (PAUSE : 10 seconds) 8. Where are you from, Irene? (PAUSE : 10 seconds) 9. I like lions. What about you? (PAUSE : 10 seconds)

10. What are those animals in the picture on the cup? (PAUSE : 10 seconds)

Part C、言談理解:每題均有三個選項,請依據所聽到的對話與問題,選出一個最適當的答案,每 題播放兩次。(每題中間請停頓10秒)

11. G: Happy birthday, Jimmy!

B: Thank you.

G: This is for you.

B: A banana?

G: It’s a pencil box.

B: Cool.

Q: What is the birthday gift? (REPEAT) (PAUSE : 10 seconds) 12. M: Is Annie’s brother a farmer?

W: Yes, he is.

M: Is her father a farmer, too?

W: No, her father is a PE teacher.

Q: What is right? (REPEAT) (PAUSE : 10 seconds) 13. M: What is in the box?

W: It’s a tea cup.

M: Is it for your father?

W: No, honey, it’s for you.

Q: What is right? (REPEAT) (PAUSE : 10 seconds) 14. M: Sonia, what is this?

W: It’s an old picture.

M: Is the woman you?

W: No, it’s Aunt Sarah, my father’s sister.

Q: What is right about the picture? (REPEAT) (PAUSE : 10 seconds) 15. M: Joyce, the animal in this picture is your birthday gift this year.

G: A horse? Wow! Thank you, Dad!

M: Well, it’s from your uncle.

G: Uncle Eric? Isn’t he in Australia?

M: He is, and the horse is in Australia, too.

Q: What is right? (REPEAT) (PAUSE : 10 seconds) 本次聽力測驗結束,請繼續作答。



一、 本人報名參加臺中市外埔區外埔國民小學附設幼兒園 107 學年度第 1 學期代理 教保員甄試,無下列情事:. (一)教師法第 14 條第

民國 104 年開始,身障生考試歷史考科將依據 101 學年度實施之「普通高級中學課程 綱要」之「歷史課程綱要」(簡稱「101 課綱」)命題

臺北市大理高級中學 第32試場.

主旨探析》(載《濰坊教育學院學報》2012 年 1 月第 25 卷第 1

間接問句:Do you know your favorite color can also tell people what kind of person you are.. 句中有兩個間接問句:第一個間接問句 your favorite color can also tell people


