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國立台東高級中學 99 學年度第二學期 第二次期中考高二英文 科


Academic year: 2021

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國立台東高級中學 99 學年度第二學期 第二次期中考高二英文 科 適用班級:體二、原二 Class: No. Name:

一、 文意字彙:30%

1. It is a______g that your five-year-old daughter can sing an English song so well.

2. Roger loves to read and goes to the library f______y.

3. Bruce studies very hard; his g_____l is to attend a good college.

4. Molly likes to write and has the p_____l to become a good writer.

5. Frank does not know all the words in the book, but he can c______d the overall meaning.

6. Rick feel f______ted about not being able to communicate with his parents.

7. Don’t worry. NT$80,000 will be s______t for our trip to Japan.

8. Soak your feet in warm water. That should r______e the pain.

9. Those engineers are trying to test the s______h of the building.

10. People in Asia tend to c______e more seafood than those in America.

11. Sam learned many v______e lessons from volunteering in a hospital.

12. The p_____y for returning the book late is a $5 fine.

13. You can p______e flowers by drying them.

14. A person who s_______ls must be punished.

15. The seniors are a______ned the best classrooms in the high school.

二、 片語選擇:10%

(A) be seated (B) stay alert to (C) get hung up on (D) For instance (E) were put in jail

16. When you take a test, answer the questions you know first and don’t ________ the ones you cannot answer.

17. Try to _______ the call-in contest when you listen to the radio.

18. The bank robbers _______ for what they did.

19. The service is about to start. Please _______.

20. The typhoon caused many problems. _______, many roads were damaged.

三、 綜合測驗題:20%

Children have an amazing ability to __21.__ languages naturally and easily. It’s because __22.__ the way

they learn. Children lean by simply doing __23.__ comes naturally---they listen, copy and communicate.

Let’s __24.__ how children learn languages. Perhaps we can find a better, more “natural” way __25.__


25. (A) learning (B) learn (C) to learn (D) learned

In the Roman Empire, one of __26.__ important roads was the one on which salt was taken __27.__ the salt mines __27.__ Rome. Guards were placed along the road to __28.__ salt thieves. Those guards were paid __29.__ in money __29.__ in salt. From this custom, we get the English word “salary.” Any guard who fell asleep on duty was said to be “not__30.__ his salt.”

26. (A) the most (B) most (C) least (D) the least 27. (A) not…until (B) up…to (C) from…to (D) all…around 28. (A) prevent along (B) protect against (C) preserve for (D) receive from 29. (A) not… but… (B) both…and (C) not only…but (D) neither…nor 30. (A) worthy (B) worthwhile (C) withdraw (D) worth

四、 閱讀測驗:10%

Early childhood is the best time to learn a language. By the age of four, children start to make up stories and show their opinions in a simple way. By the age of six, they can control writing tools and begin to write.

Not only are they developing physically, but their brains are also very capable. Research shows that a child can be exposed to several languages at once without any confusion.

However, some studies of the human brain development also show that a child’s ability to learn a new language appears to decline quickly after the age of six. Therefore, many language experts point out that all parents should take advantage of this “window of opportunity” which children have a great chance to learn other languages during this time.

31. According to the passage, which is the best period of life to learn a language?

(A) Adulthood (B) Late childhood (C) Early childhood (D) After retirement 32. Children can invent stories of their own by the time they are _______.

(A) 3 (B) 2 (C) 1 (D) 4

33. Children are able to control writing tools when they are _______.

(A) 5 (B) 6 (C) 4 (D) 3

34. Will children get confused when exposed to several languages at the same time?

(A) Yes, they will(B) No, they won’t (C) It’s not mentioned (D) We don’t know yet.

35. The closest meaning of the phrase “make up” in the passage is to ______.

(A) create

(B) invite (C) relax (D) enjoy

高二英文(體班、原班) Page 2 of 5


五、 合併句子與改寫: 10%

36. The mother cried not because she was sad. She cried because she was happy to see her baby. (用 not…


The mother cried _______________________________________________________________

37. The dog was seen. It was digging a hole in the garden. (用 S+ be caught/seen/spotted/heard + Ving 句 型合併)


38. The man was caught. He was stealing the car. (用 S+ be caught/seen/spotted/heard + Ving 句型合併)


39. Some food is on the table. I will eat that for dinner. (用 (S+) V+ what + (S) + V 句型合併)


40. Jake is saying something. Kyle thinks it makes sense. (用 (S+) V+ what + (S) + V 句型合併)


六、 翻譯填空: 20% (每格 1 分)

41. Perry 的父親在他小時候過世,所以他的哥哥在他的人生中扮演很重要的角色。

Because Perry’s father died when he was little, his elder brother ______ ______ _______ ______

______ his life.

42. 當你在圖書館內時,說話盡你所能小聲點。

When you are in a library, talk ______ ________ ________ ______ ______.

43. 我們不可以認為健康是理所當然的。

We cannot _________ health ________ _________.

44. 他獻身於幫助盲人。

He _________ himself to __________ the blind.

45. 你應該養成早睡早起的習慣。(整句翻譯,5 分)



國立台東高級中學 99 學年度第二學期 第二次期中考高二英文 科 適用班級:體二、原二 Class: No. Name:

答案卷 (作答完畢請繳回)



1.amazing 2.frequently 3.goal 4. potential 5. comprehend

6. frustrated 7. sufficient 8. relieve 9. strength 10. consume 11. valuable 12. penalty 13. preserve 14. steals 15. assigned

二、 片語選擇:1


16. (C) 17. (B) 18. (E) 19. (A) 20. (D)


21. (B) 22. (C) 23. (A) 24. (D) 25. (C)

26. (B) 27. (C) 28. (B) 29. (A) 30. (D)

四、閱讀測驗: 10%

31. (C) 32. (D) 33. (B) 34. (B) 35. (A)


36. not because she was sad but because she was happy to see her baby.

37. The dog was seen digging a hole in the garden.

38. The man was caught stealing the car.

39. I will eat what is on the table for dinner.

40. Kyle thinks what Jake is saying makes sense.

六、 翻譯填空:20% (每格 1 分,45 題為整句翻譯,5 分)

41. plays an important role in

42. as quietly/softly as you can

43. take for granted

高二英文(體班、原班) Page 4 of 5


44. devotes helping

45. You should make a habit of keeping early hours.





Consider 37 your social media notifications off during meals with family and friends or important meetings at work?. Also, pay attention to what you do and how you feel





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