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Academic year: 2021

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組織承諾。 二、研究目的 (一)探討高中職體育組長所知覺工作特性之現況。 (二)探討高中職體育組長組織承諾之現況。 (三)探討背景變項在高中職體育組長知覺工作特性之差異。 (四)探討背景變項在高中職體育組長組織承諾之差異。 (五)探討高中職體育組長所知覺工作特性與組織承諾之關係。 (六)探討高中職體育組長所知覺工作特性對於其整體組織承諾之預測力。


一、研究對象 本研究以九十六學年度任職於臺灣地區各公私立高中職並兼任體育組長職務之教師為 研究對象。 二、研究工具編製 本研究採用自編之「高中職體育組長工作特性與組織承諾之研究問卷」為研究工具, 包含「高中職體育組長工作特性量表」與「高中職體育組長組織承諾量表」等二個分量表 以及體育組長背景變項調查表。「高中職體育組長工作特性量表」初稿之編製,是以Hackman 與 Oldham (1975) 所提出之工作特性模式的五項核心層面為基礎,並參考相關教師(公務 人員)工作特性之研究工具(吳淑蓉,2006;賴俊哲,2004;紀翠玲,2001;羅文旗,2004), 採用工作特性模式之「技能多樣性」、「工作完整性」、「工作重要性」、「工作自主性」、 「工作回饋性」等五個核心層面25個題項,來評量高中職體育組長之工作特性,採Likert 五點量表計分,得分愈高代表體育組長對於其工作特性之知覺程度愈高。


係之研究。未出版碩士論文,國立臺灣師範大學,臺北市。 黃秀霜(1987)。教育行政人員成就動機、工作特性與組織承諾之相關研究。未出版碩士 論文,國立政治大學,臺北市。 劉富美(2005)。工作特性與組織承諾、組織公民行為關係之研究-以宜蘭縣鄉鎮市公所為 例。未出版碩士論文,佛光人文社會學院,宜蘭縣。 賴俊哲(2004)。領導型態、工作特性、組織承諾與工作績效關係之研究-以縣市主計人員 為例。未出版碩士論文,南華大學,嘉義縣。 羅文旗(2004)。國民中學行政人員工作壓力、工作特性與工作滿意之研究。未出版碩士 論文,南華大學,嘉義縣。 蘇獻宗(2002)。國小排球教練組織承諾與專業承諾現況及其相關之研究。未出版碩士論文, 國立臺灣體育學院,臺中市。

Hackman, J. R., & Oldham, G. R. (1975). Development of the job diagnostic survey. Journal of

Applied Psychology, 60(2), 159-70.

Kushman, J. W. (1992). The organizational dynamics of teacher workplace commitment: A study of urban elementary and middle schools. Educational Administration Quarterly, 28(1), 5-42. Morris, J. H., & Sherman, J. D. (1981). Generalizability of an organizational commitment model.

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A Study on the Relationship between Job characteristics and

Organizational commitment of Athletic Directors in Senior High



The purposes of this study were to explore the current situation and the relationship between job characteristics and organizational commitment for Athletic Directors in senior high schools. Based on theoretical literature and empirical research on related subjects, an assessment tool is developed: Questionnaire-“A study on the relationship between job characteristics and organizational commitment of athletic directors in senior high schools”. Four hundred and seventy-one samples were chosen from senior high schools. Based on questionnaires from 262 athletic directors, several conclusions made according to the research findings are: 1. At present, athletic directors in senior high schools feel that their job characteristics are at the upper middle level. 2. At present, athletic directors in senior high schools feel that their organizational commitment is at the upper middle level. 3. There are significant differences in athletic directors’ job characteristics for the variables of seniority, martial status, and education levels. 4. There are significant differences in athletic directors’ organizational commitment for the variables of seniority and marital status. 5. There is a significant positive relationship between athletic directors’ job characteristics and organizational commitment. 6. Parts of athletic directors’ job characteristics have significant predictability on athletic directors’ organizational commitment.



“Does perceived organizational support mediate the relationship between procedural justice and organizational citizenship behavior”. Academy of Management

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