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The Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility and Sport Sponsorship on Brand Image and Brand Equity-A Sponsorship Case 顏珮雯、李城忠、曹偉駿


Academic year: 2022

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The Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility and Sport Sponsorship on Brand Image and Brand Equity-A Sponsorship Case


E-mail: 374775@mail.dyu.edu.tw


In recent years, scholars and entrepreneurs have attached increasing importance to the concept and implementation of corporate social responsibility (CSR). To improve sports culture, Acer has been providing long-term sponsorship to golf sports to contribute to the society. In 2012, Ya-ni Tseng, the golfer sponsored by Acer won the championship of Ladies Professional Golf Association (LPGA), and was ranked the first place among professional athletes in Taiwan. Is Ya-ni Tseng’s world championship helpful to the brand image of Acer? This study took Ya-ni Tseng, the golfer sponsored by Acer, as an example to investigate corporate social responsibility (CSR) and the effect of sports sponsorship on brand image and brand equity. This study conducted a questionnaire survey upon convenience sampling, and retrieved 372 valid questionnaires. The data were analyzed with SPSS and AMOS. The results showed that: (1) companies’ fulfillment of CSR helped to improve the brand image, namely, CSR had a positive effect on brand image; (2) sports sponsorship improved brand image, namely, sports sponsorship had a positive effect on brand image; (3) brand image had a positive effect on brand equity.

Keywords : CSR、sport sponsorship、brand image、brand equity Table of Contents

封面內頁 簽名頁 授權書 ...................... iii 中文摘要 ...............

....... iv 英文摘要 ...................... v 誌謝 ...............

....... vi 目錄 ...................... vii 圖目錄  ..............

........ ix 表目錄  ...................... x 第一章  緒論   第一節  研 究背景與動機............. 1 第二節  研究目的................ 3 第三節  研究 對象與範圍............. 4 第四節  研究流程................ 4 第二章  文獻探 討 第一節  企業社會責任.............. 6   第二節  運動贊助...............

. 18   第三節  品牌形象................ 27   第四節  品牌權益...........

..... 32   第五節  各變數之關連性............. 37 第三章  研究方法 第一節  研究架構 與假設................ 40 第二節  研究變項之操作定義........... 41 第三節  研 究對象與抽樣方法........... 48 第四節  資料分析方法.............. 49 第四章  資 料分析與研究結果 第一節  問卷基本資料分析............ 52   第二節  信度與效度分析....

......... 59   第三節  整體結構模式分析............ 73   第四節  模式驗證結果分 析............ 78 第五章  結論與建議 第一節  研究結論................ 80    第二節  管理意涵................ 84   第三節  後續研究建議及研究限制........

. 85 參考文獻 中文文獻..................... 87 英文文獻................

..... 91 附錄 附錄一 問卷...................... 95 REFERENCES

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Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), brand image, product attributes, purchase intention, Structural Equation Models (SEM)... 誌

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