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高雄市立陽明國中 學年度第 學期第 次段考一年級英語科試題 100 1 1


Academic year: 2021

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一年 班 座號:  姓名:

高 雄 市 立 陽 明 國 中 100 學 年 度 第 1 學 期 第 1 次 段 考 一 年 級 英 語 科 試 題


A.根據錄音內容,與圖片相符合的寫 T,不符合寫 F。5%


( )


( )


( )


( )


( ) B.根據錄音內容,選出適當的答句。10%

1. (A) Nice to meet you. (B) No, I’m not. (C) Yes, thank you. (D) No, he’s not.

2. (A) It is my pen. (B) I am a doctor. (C) It’s not my puppy. (D) Fine, thank you.

3. (A) Yes, it is. (B) Sally is my friend. (C) That is a chair. (D) Yes, they are.

4. (A) Yes, I am. (B) It’s cool. (C) That is not my sister. (D) Nice to meet you.

5. (A) They are my friends. (B) She is a cook. (C) She is Peter’s mom. (D) They are balls.


1. subject     2. require     3. BREAD     4. EXTREME     5. CATEGORY III、字彙測驗:20%

1. Seediq Bale(賽德克巴萊) is my f______e movie. I even(甚至) see it twice(兩次) with my friends.

2. E_____e is watching the dancing show. The show is amazing(驚人的).

3. These are my roller s_____s. They are birthday presents(禮物) from my parents(父母).

4. A: I am not well today. B: You’d better(最好) see a d_________r after school.

5. Tiger is a cat, but it is a s_____l friend to me.

6. My teacher, Mr. Hsu, has two c_________n, and they are twins(雙胞胎).

7. Alex is p______r in our class. We like him so much.

8. A: What are those? B: They are Monet’s(莫內) w______s. His paintings(畫作) are good.

9. The p______e over here are my friends. They are from Japan(日本).

10. Janet and Linda are h_____s. They do housework, and their dishes(料理) are delicious(美味).


1. What’s Lucy’s phone number?

(A) Three-four-three-six


(B) Three-four-five-six


(C) Five-six-three-two


(D) Three-four-five-six


2. A: What are those? B: ______.

(A) That is a book (B) These are painters (C) Those are my students (D) They are schoolbags 3. That _____ a pen; it is _____ eraser.

(A) not;X (B) isn’t;a (C) isn’t;an (D) is;not 4. Mrs. Wilson is these __________ English teacher.

(A) girls’ (B) girl’s (C) girls (D) girls’s

5. A: Earl, is that tall man a police officer? B: Yes, ______________.

(A) that is (B) he is (C) she is (D) it is 6. They have _____________.

※背面有試題※ 一英語1


(A) three big watches (B) two cute puppys (C) four cells phones (D) eight green chairs and yellow desk 7. ________ my pen; ________ your rulers.

(A) This;these (B) This is;these are (C) These are;this is (D) This’s;these are 8. A: Aren’t the two girls your sisters? B: __________. They are my classmates.

(A) Yes, they are (B) Yes, they aren’t (C) No, they aren’t (D) No, they are 9. A: Hello. My name is Hebe. ________ B: Selina.

(A) Hello, Selina. (B) Nice to meet you. (C) Are you Selina? (D) How about you?


(A) Lily is in paris now. we miss her. (B) The toy shows over here is great.

(C) A: How are you doing? B: Fine, thanks. (D) A: Is it a puppet? B: Yes, It’s a shadow puppet.


Hi, my name is Mr. Charming, a prince in the kingdom of far, far away. This is my pet.         name is Donkey. It is nice to me. Alice      my girlfriend. She and I      in the same junior high school. Alice has a pet,     .      pet’s name is Rabbit. Donkey and Rabbit      cute. And they are good friends.

 prince 王子 the kingdom of far, far away 遠的要命王國 pet 寵物 same 相同的


1. Lucy: Good afternoon, Tina. Tina: Good afternoon, Lucy.

(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D

2. Joe: What’s your name? Joyce: I’m Joyce, your new classmate.

(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D VII、依提示作答:10%

1. The puppy’s toy is a ball.(改成複數句)

2. Is this your hand puppet? (先肯定簡答,後詳答) 3. These are dolls. (依畫線部分造原問句)

4. Tina / a / kung fu / Is / master / too? (重組句子) 5. They are my classmates. (以同位語合併成一句)

Their names are Peter and Sam.


1. Robert 是工程師,不是銷售員。


3. A:這些不是鉛筆盒(box)嗎? B:是的,它們不是。


5. A:順便一提,這是什麼? B:它是支小型的手電筒。



一年 班 座號:  姓名:

高 雄 市 立 陽 明 國 中 100 學 年 度 第 1 學 期 第 1 次 段 考 一 年 級 英 語 科 答 案 卷

訂正後分數 訂正教師簽名 閱卷分數


A.根據錄音內容,與圖片相符合的寫 T,不符合寫 F。5%

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


1. 2.














陽明國中 100 學年度第 1 學期第 1 次段考一年級英語科聽力腳本

A.根據錄音內容,與圖片相符合的寫 T,不符合寫 F。( PAUSE: 3 seconds ) 1. Mr. Martin is a cook. He is my friend, too. ( PAUSE: 3 seconds )

2. Peter is not a doctor. He is a painter. ( PAUSE: 3 seconds ) 3. These are Jason’s puppies. ( PAUSE: 3 seconds )

4. Boy: Is this your friend?

Girl: No, she’s my sister, Rose. ( PAUSE: 3 seconds ) 5. Boy: Is Kevin a TV reporter?

Girl: No, he’s a police officer. ( PAUSE: 3 seconds ) B.根據錄音內容,選出適當的答句。( PAUSE: 3 seconds ) 1. Is this your book? ( PAUSE: 5 seconds )

2. I am a salesman. How about you? ( PAUSE: 5 seconds ) 3. Are these Sally’s books? ( PAUSE: 5 seconds )

4. This is my classmate, Owen. ( PAUSE: 5 seconds )

5. Who are those people? ( PAUSE: 5 seconds )



私立大成高級商工職業學校 37 造園景觀 廖晁偉 1 國立台中高級農業職業學校 37 造園景觀 陳昭儒 1 國立台中高級農業職業學校 37 造園景觀 王為 2 國立淡水高級商工職業學校 37

(附件 6)110 學年度第 1 學期臺中市公立幼兒園契約進用駕駛人員甄選成績複查申請表及查覆 表。. (附件 7)110 學年度第

一、 本人報名參加臺中市外埔區外埔國民小學附設幼兒園 107 學年度第 1 學期代理 教保員甄試,無下列情事:. (一)教師法第 14 條第

國小中高年級組:第一階段比賽將出 10 題國中等級單字,完成後將審查現場學生之分數,取 前 100 名繼續進入第二階段比賽,並列同分者得佔一個名額,若有與第 100

民國 104 年開始,身障生考試歷史考科將依據 101 學年度實施之「普通高級中學課程 綱要」之「歷史課程綱要」(簡稱「101 課綱」)命題

臺北市大理高級中學 第32試場.

年級 教學重點 學科活動 價值觀及態度 三年級 主題:粵劇 中文科:認識粵劇的背景
