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Academic year: 2022

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第一節 哲學名稱和哲學概念

哲學是對宇宙觀和人生觀一般問題的科學論述。(By philosophy present usage understands the scientific treatment of the general questions relating to the universe and human life.)

1. φιλοσοφείν 和 φιλοσοφία 意涵「追求智慧」(striving after wisdom)(柏拉圖和亞 里斯多德)。哲學即德語之 Wissenschaft(科學)。一般哲學,是我們認識

「現存」事物的井井有條的理想工作;個別哲學,是特殊科學,研究和認識 存有事物的個別領域。(philosophy in general is the methodical work of thought, through which we are to know that which “is”; individual “philosophies” are the particular sciences in which individual realms of the existent are to be investigated and known.)。

─基於科學原則的生活藝術的實踐意義。(the practical meaning of an art of life, based upon scientific principles.)(希臘化時期)

─企圖從人類知識最普遍的結論中獲得指導生活的信念。 (hoped to win from the most general results of human knowledge a conviction for the direction of life)


─一個科學地奠定、發展和捍衛教義的婢女。(a handmaid to ground, develop, and defend dogma scientifically)(中世紀)

─從科學的洞見中提供宇宙觀和人生觀的理論基礎。(to supply from scientific insight a foundation for a theory of the world and of human life)(近代哲學)

─理性對其自身的批判活動。(critical consideration by Reason of itself)(康德哲 學)

※Philosophy is the science which by the natural light of reason studies the first causes or highest principles of all things—is, in other words, the science of things in their first causes, in so far as these belong to the natural order.(Jacques Maritain, An Introduction to Philosophy .)

2. 從歷史的比較中要想獲得哲學的普遍概念似乎是不現實的。


--Philosophy of Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas

Philosophy and the corpus of other sciences have the same material object (everything knowable). But the formal object of philosophy is first causes, of the other sciences secondary causes.


Philosophy absorbs the other sciences—is the whole of science.

--Auguste Comte

The sciences absorb philosophy—there is not philosophy.

(Jacques Maritain, An Introduction to Philosophy .)


1. 方法學 1.1 邏輯 logic

1.2 知識論 epistemology 1.3 方法論 methodology 2. 形上學 2.1 一般形上學 ontology

2.2 特殊形上學 special metaphysics 2.2.1 自然哲學 natural philosophy

2.2.2 哲學人類學 philosophical anthropology 2.2.3 自然神學 natural theology

3. 價值學 3.1 倫理學 ethics 3.2 美學 aesthetics

3. 哲學對於其他科學之間沒有一種亙古不變的固定關係。

─哲學表現為總體科學,其他科學表現為彼此界限大致分明的哲學組成部分 。 (Hegel)



─有時哲學處理包括特殊科學的問題,哲學運用更廣闊的遠見和趨於統一的 傾向性,為解決問題貢獻有價值的因素。(如:19 世紀新教神學與德國哲 學的關係)





第二節 哲學史

1. 其它科學的研究領域是固定的。但是哲學史沒有各時期都共有的對象。哲學 的每一偉大體系一開始著手解決的都是新提出的問題,好像其他哲學體系幾 乎未曾存在過一樣。

2. 哲學史是一個發展過程,在這個過程中歐洲人用科學的概念具體表現了他們 對宇宙的觀點和對人生的判斷。(The History of Philosophy is the process in which European humanity has embodied in scientific conceptions its views of the world and its judgments of life.)

─哲學史告訴我們,概念和形式是怎樣創造出來的;我們大家在日常生活中 以及在各特殊科學中,都用這些概念和形式去思維,去判斷我們的經驗世界 (It teaches how the conceptions and forms have been coined, in which we all, in every-day life as well as in the particular sciences, think and judge the world of our experience.)

3. 哲學史,作為體現人類對宇宙的觀點和對人生的判斷的基本概念的總和,是 種種不同的單個的思維活動的產物。(The history of philosophy, considered as such a sum-total, in which the fundamental conceptions of man’s views of the world and judgments of life have been embodied, is the product of a great variety of single movements of thought.)

─邏輯的,實用的因素無疑是非常重要的。(The logical, pragmatic factor is no doubt sufficiently important.)

─在哲學史上反覆出現的不僅是哲學的主要問題,而且還有謀求解決問題的 主要路線。 (That not only the chief problems in the history of philosophy, but also the chief lines along which a solution is attempted, are repeated.)

─哲學史的發展,在某一些時期內,只能完由實用去理解,也就是說,只能 通過思想內在的必然性和「事物的邏輯」去理解。 (Progress in the history of philosophy is, during certain periods, to be understood entirely pragmatically, i.e.

through the internal necessity of the thoughts and through the “logic of things.”)


questions of the special sciences, the movements of the religious consciousness, the intuitions of art, the revolutions in social and political life, ─all these given philosophy new impulses at irregular intervals, and condition the directions of the interest which forces, …)

─在某種條件下,我們就發現有某種哲學體系出現,它準確地代表著特定時 代 對 自 我 的 正 確 認 識 。 (we have under certain circumstances a philosophical system appearing, that represents exactly the knowledge which a definite age has of itself;…)

5. 來自個人因素(The individual factor)

─不僅對於問題的選擇和綜合起著決定性的作用,而且既在他們自己的學說 中,也在他們的繼承人的學說中,對於創制概念以提供問題的解答,也起著 決定性的作用。 (in the development of the history of philosophy deserves so great attention for the reason that those who have borne the leading part in the movement have shown themselves to be marked )

6. 哲學史研究要完成的任務

─(1)準確地證實從各個哲學家的生活環境,智力發展和學說的可靠資料中可 以推導出什麼東西來;(To establish with precision what may be derived from the available sources as to the circumstances in life, the mental development, and the doctrines of individual philosophers;)

─(2)從這些事實,重建出創始的發展過程,以便就每個哲學家來說,我們可 能了解他的學說哪些來自前人的學說,哪些來自時代的一般觀念,哪些來自 他自己的性格和所受教育;(from these facts to reconstruct the genetic process in such a way that in the case of every philosopher we may understand how his doctrines depend in part upon those of his predecessors, in part upon the general ideas of his time, and in part upon his own nature and the course of his education;)


哲學史總的成果說來,具有多大價值。(from the consideration of the whole to

estimate what value for the total result of the history of philosophy belongs to the

theories thus established and explained as regards their origin.)


第三節 哲學和哲學史的劃分 1. 理論問題

對 現 實 世 界 的 認 識問題

現 實 世 界 整 體 的 一般問題



現 實 世 界 所 屬 各 個領域的問題

自 然 界


外部:宇 宙論、自 然哲學、

物理學 內部:心

理學 歷史哲學

對 知 識 本 身 的 研 究

認識論 心理學 邏輯 方法學

2. 實踐問題




實踐問題 附屬


法律哲學/權利哲學 歷史哲學




(ii) theoretical philosophy or simple philosophy, which studies the being of things (real being, ens reale);


practical philosophy or ethics, which studies human acts.

(Jacques Maritain, An Introduction to Philosophy .) 哲學史的劃分

(1) 希臘哲學:從開始有科學思想起到亞里斯多德之死─600B.C.-322B.C.。

(2) 希臘化─羅馬哲學:從亞里斯多德之死到新柏拉圖主義的消亡─ 322B.C.


(3) 中世紀哲學:從奧古斯丁到庫薩的尼古拉─五世紀到十五世紀。

(4) 文藝復興時期哲學:十五世紀到十七世紀。

(5) 啟蒙時期哲學:從洛克到萊辛之死─1689-1781。

(6) 德國哲學:從康德到黑格爾和赫爾巴特─1781-1820 (7) 十九世紀哲學

(8) 廿世紀哲學




在這一節中, 我們介紹 change of basis 的概念, 了解到一個 linear operator 換了 ordered basis

• 第三種教學觀認為,教學的目的是改變學生對事物、現象 的理解。教學( Teaching )的焦點是學生對學習內容的理解 和掌握。教師須瞭解學生想什麼

本計劃的目的是透過 發展具校本特 色的語文課程,以加強學生在文學 和中華文化的學習。學校可善用課 程提供的「建議篇章」



常生活的課題,增加學生對中國歷史、中 華民族和文化,以及國家發展的興趣;整

第二種為專門論述西方印刷字體發展史的著作,目前具代表性例如前節所 述,哈佛大學出版的 Daniel Berkeley Updike《Printing Type: Their History, Forms and