Government of Macao Special Administrative Region Statistics and Census Service
FEBRUARY/2007 No. 2
In February 2007, Macao’s total value of exports amounted to MOP1.25 billion, up 29.2% over the same month of 2006. Among this, the value of domestic exports went up 41.8% to MOP879 million, and the value of re-exports increased 6.8% to MOP374 million. Total value of imports amounted to MOP2.40 billion, up 14.4% year-on-year.A trade deficit of MOP1.15 billion was recorded.
During the period of January - February 2007, the value of total exports decreased 2.6% year-on-year to MOP2.95 billion. Among this, the value of domestic exports fell 13.3%, whereas that of re-exports rose 31.9%. Meanwhile, the value of imports totalled MOP5.66 billion, up 19.9% over the same period of 2006.
In the first two months of 2007, Macao’s trade balance registered a deficit of MOP2.71 billion. The exports/imports ratio decreased from 64.1% in the corresponding period of 2006 to 52.1%.
Table 1
MOP thousand
2006 2007 Year-on-year % change
Principal indicators
February Jan. – Feb. February Jan. – Feb. February Jan. – Feb.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Exports 969 666 3 029 765 1 252 538 2 951 628 29.2 -2.6 Domestic exports 619 560 2 312 868 878 614 2 005 845 41.8 -13.3 Re-exports 350 105 716 897 373 924 945 783 6.8 31.9 Imports 2 101 242 4 724 433 2 403 836 5 663 601 14.4 19.9 Trade balance a -1 131 577 -1 694 668 -1 151 298 -2 711 973 -1.7 -60.0
Exports/Imports ratio 46.1 64.1 52.1 52.1 .. ..
a Trade balance is the difference between the values of exports and imports.
.. Not applicable
Note: Due to rounding, the totals may not correspond to the sums of the partial figures.
During these two months, the value of Textile & garment exports, which accounted for 65.0% of the total exports, dropped 18.0% over the same period of 2006, while the value of Non-textile exports rose 49.5%.
As the major components of the non-textile exports, Machines and apparatus; parts & accessories thereof and Footwear surged 109.3% and 663.9% respectively year-on-year.
Official Statistics. Reproduction of these data is allowed provided the source is quoted.
Statistics and Census Service
Table 2
MOP thousand 2006 2007 Principal commodity
Jan. – Feb. Structure % Jan. – Feb. Structure %
% change
1 2 3 4 5 6
Total 3 029 765 100.0 2 951 628 100.0 -2.6
Textile and garment 2 337 870 77.2 1 917 501 65.0 -18.0
Garment of:
Knitted fabrics 1 228 733 40.6 1 134 212 38.4 -7.7
Non-knitted fabrics 908 788 30.0 615 884 20.9 -32.2
Textile fabrics 150 809 5.0 138 133 4.7 -8.4
Textile yarn and threads 33 944 1.1 16 891 0.6 -50.2
Others 15 596 0.5 12 381 0.4 -20.6
Non-textile 691 895 22.8 1 034 127 35.0 49.5
Machines and apparatus; 180 450 6.0 377 755 12.8 109.3 parts and accessories thereof
Footwear 10 774 0.4 82 305 2.8 663.9
Image and sound appliances 7 525 0.2 8 626 0.3 14.6
Others 493 146 16.3 565 441 19.2 14.7
Note: Due to rounding, the totals may not correspond to the sums of the partial figures.
The USA and the EU remained as Macao’s major export markets, together making up 60.3% of the total value of exports. Among this, exports to the USA, which accounted for 43.1% of the total export value, decreased 18.2%, while exports to the EU, which took up 17.2% of the total, shrank 8.8% year-on-year. As regards the Asian markets, Mainland China and Hong Kong together absorbed 27.7% of Macao’s total export value. Compared with the first two months of 2006, the values of exports to Mainland China and Hong Kong rose 35.9% and 24.6% respectively.
Table 3
MOP thousand 2006 2007 Main country /
territory Jan. – Feb. Structure % Jan. – Feb. Structure %
% change
1 2 3 4 5 6
Total 3 029 765 100.0 2 951 628 100.0 -2.6
EU 556 915 18.4 508 062 17.2 -8.8
Germany 179 989 5.9 196 660 6.7 9.3
United Kingdom 123 334 4.1 106 415 3.6 -13.7
France 87 665 2.9 61 470 2.1 -29.9
Portugal 2 666 0.1 350 0.0 -86.9
USA 1 556 321 51.4 1 272 586 43.1 -18.2
Mainland China 328 736 10.9 446 685 15.1 35.9
Hong Kong 298 125 9.8 371 493 12.6 24.6
Taiwan, China 15 202 0.5 21 574 0.7 41.9
Japan 23 665 0.8 31 418 1.1 32.8
Australia 6 876 0.2 3 298 0.1 -52.0
During the period of January – February 2007, Macao’s total value of imports grew 19.9% year-on- year, mainly due to increases in import values of, by broad economic categories, Capital goods (+39.2%), Consumer goods (+17.6%), Raw materials & semi-manufactures (+13.9%) and Fuels & lubricants (+11.6%).
Table 4
MOP thousand 2006 2007 Broad economic
category Jan. – Feb. Structure % Jan. – Feb. Structure %
% change
1 2 3 4 5 6
Total 4 724 433 100.0 5 663 601 100.0 19.9
Consumer goods 1 908 205 40.4 2 244 099 39.6 17.6
Raw materials and 1 375 202 29.1 1 566 641 27.7 13.9
Fuels and lubricants 554 351 11.7 618 864 10.9 11.6
Capital goods 886 675 18.8 1 233 997 21.8 39.2
Note: Due to rounding, the totals may not correspond to the sums of the partial figures.
Moreover, 64.3% of the total import value of consumer goods belonged to Consumer goods not elsewhere specified, which represented an increase of 12.8% year-on-year. Amongst these consumer goods, durable consumer goods rose 46.9%, followed by non-durable consumer goods, up 6.7%, and semi- durable consumer goods, up 0.8%.
Table 5
MOP thousand 2006 2007 Principal category
of consumer goods Jan. – Feb. Structure % Jan. – Feb. Structure %
% change
1 2 3 4 5 6
Total 1 908 205 100.0 2 244 099 100.0 17.6
Household consumption (food and beverages)
482 430 25.3 624 552 27.8 29.5
Passenger motor cars
& motorcycles
146 365 7.7 176 418 7.9 20.5
Consumer goods not elsewhere specified
1 279 410 67.0 1 443 129 64.3 12.8
Durable consumer goods 273 046 14.3 401 049 17.9 46.9
Semi-durable consumer goods 541 456 28.4 546 035 24.3 0.8 Non-durable consumer goods 464 907 24.4 496 045 22.1 6.7
Note: Due to rounding, the totals may not correspond to the sums of the partial figures.
Among the imports of Raw materials & semi-manufactures, the value of textile materials (27.6%) fell 19.7% year-on-year, and that of construction materials (19.1%) increased 19.0%.
Table 6
MOP thousand 2006 2007 Principal category of raw
materials & semi-manufactures Jan. – Feb. Structure % Jan. – Feb. Structure %
% change
1 2 3 4 5 6
Total 1 375 202 100.0 1 566 641 100.0 13.9
Textile materials 538 864 39.2 432 866 27.6 -19.7
Construction materials 251 948 18.3 299 771 19.1 19.0
Raw materials and semi-manufactures 79 861 5.8 90 096 5.8 12.8
for furskins, paper and plastics
Other products 504 530 36.7 743 908 47.5 47.4
Note: Due to rounding, the totals may not correspond to the sums of the partial figures.
Meanwhile, Macao’s main suppliers of imported goods still concentrated in the Asian region. Imports from Mainland China and Hong Kong together constituted 52.8% of the total import value. Compared with the first two months of 2006, the value of imports from Mainland China and Hong Kong increased 23.9%
and 21.0% respectively. Moreover, total values of imports from the EU and the USA, which accounted for 17.3% and 5.1% of the total, went up 55.8% and 18.2% respectively.
Table 7
MOP thousand 2006 2007 Main country /
territory Jan. – Feb. Structure % Jan. – Feb. Structure %
% change
1 2 3 4 5 6
Total 4 724 433 100.0 5 663 601 100.0 19.9
EU 628 282 13.3 978 836 17.3 55.8
France 194 024 4.1 259 795 4.6 33.9
United Kingdom 87 974 1.9 101 775 1.8 15.7
Germany 154 428 3.3 267 983 4.7 73.5
Portugal 15 710 0.3 22 774 0.4 45.0
USA 243 559 5.2 287 815 5.1 18.2
Mainland China 1 943 323 41.1 2 408 150 42.5 23.9
Hong Kong 481 110 10.2 581 920 10.3 21.0
Taiwan, China 159 885 3.4 163 377 2.9 2.2
Republic of Korea 120 942 2.6 97 947 1.7 -19.0
Japan 444 270 9.4 472 567 8.3 6.4
Australia 62 910 1.3 94 817 1.7 50.7
Others 640 152 13.5 578 172 10.2 -9.7
The following statistical tables can be downloaded from our website
Table 1 − Imports and exports - monthly figures
Table 2 − Domestic exports and re-exports - monthly figures
Table 3 − Imports by section and division of SITC-Rev. 4, and country/territory of origin Table 4 − Exports by section and division of SITC-Rev. 4, and country/territory of destination
Table 5 − Domestic exports by section and division of SITC-Rev. 4, and country/territory of destination Table 6 − Re-exports by section and division of SITC-Rev. 4, and country/territory of destination Table 7 − Imports by country/territory of origin, and section and division of SITC-Rev. 4
Table 8 − Exports by country/territory of destination and principal commodity
Table 9 − Domestic exports by country/territory of destination and principal commodity Table 10 − Re-exports by country/territory of destination and principal commodity Table 11 − Principal indicators of external trade
Table 12 − Imports and exports by geographical/economic zone and statistical country/territory
Table 13 − Domestic exports and re-exports by geographical/economic zone and statistical country/territory Table 14 − Imports by broad economic category and country/territory of origin
Table 15 − Exports by principal commodity and country/territory of destination
Table 16 − Domestic exports by principal commodity and country/territory of destination Table 17 − Re-exports by principal commodity and country/territory of destination
* Table 18 − Quarterly exports by principal commodity and country/territory of destination
* Table 19 − Quarterly domestic exports by principal commodity and country/territory of destination
* Table 20 − Quarterly re-exports by principal commodity and country/territory of destination
* Table 21 − Quarterly imports by broad economic category and country/territory of origin
* Table 22 − Exports by group of CAM-Rev. 1
* Table 23 − Domestic exports by group of CAM-Rev. 1
* Table 24 − Re-exports by group of CAM-Rev. 1
* Tables are available only in March, June, September and December.