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A Correlation Study among Health-Promoting Lifestyle, Nutritional Knowledge and Dietary Behavior:in Case of Colleges 林萩虹、李維靈


Academic year: 2022

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A Correlation Study among Health-Promoting Lifestyle, Nutritional  Knowledge and Dietary Behavior:in Case of Colleges


E-mail: 319685@mail.dyu.edu.tw


This study is aimed to explore the relationships among health-promoting lifestyle, nutritional knowledge and dietary behavior.

Samples of study are drawn from the Colleges Students in Chang-hwa county. Total of 1012 valid questionnaires are collected. The study is conducted by questionnaires. Through descriptive statistical, t-test, one-way ANOVA, reliability analysis, and Pearson product-moment correlation were utilized for data analysis. The analysis results concluded as followings: (1) Most of the respondents are woman, sophomores, college of management, Da-Yeh University(2) Respondents’ backgrounds will partially affect the health-promoting lifestyle, nutritional knowledge and dietary behavior(3) There was a significant negative relationship between respondents’ health-promoting lifestyle and dietary behavior’s avoiding behavior;and there was a significant positive relationship between respondents’ health-promoting lifestyle and dietary behavior’s behavior modification and replacement behavior(4) There was a significant positive relationship between respondents’ nutritional knowledge and dietary behavior(5) There was a significant negative relationship between respondents’ nutritional knowledge and health-promoting lifestyle(6) The significant forecast factors which result in dietary behavior were health-promoting lifestyle and nutritional knowledge.

Keywords : health-promoting lifestyle、nutritional knowledge、dietary behavior Table of Contents

內 容 目 錄 中文摘要 .....................iii 英文摘要 .................

....iv 致謝辭 .....................v 內容目錄 ...................

..vi 表目錄  .....................viii 圖目錄  ...................

..x 第一章   緒論................1    第一節   研究背景與動機...........1    第二節   研究目的..............4    第三節   研究問題..............4    第四節   研究範圍與限制...........5    第五節   名詞解釋..............5 第二章    文獻回顧..............7    第一節   健康促進生活型態..........7     第二節   營養知識..............10    第三節   飲食行為..............16    第四節   健康促進生活型態、營養知識及飲食行為 之相關性研究 ........... 20 第五節 總結 .....

.......... 25 第三章    研究方法..............27    第一節   研究架構.....

.........27    第二節   研究假設..............28    第三節   研究工具....

..........28 第四章   資料分析..............37    第一節  量表信度分析與描述..

.......37    第二節  背景特性分析............40    第三節  假設驗證........

......42    第四節  健康促進生活型態、營養知識及飲食行為 之分析...............66    第五節   假設驗證結果呈現..........69 第五章  結果摘要、結論與建議........72    第一節    研究結果摘要............72    第二節   綜合討論..............74    第三 節   研究建議..............79    第四節   研究限制..............80 參考文獻

.....................81 附錄A    正式問卷..............89 附錄B    學 院別分類.............93 附錄C   問卷效度審查之專家名單..........95


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