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Facebook Usage and the Interpersonal Relationships in the Classroom and Internet of Junior High School Students 甘子美、黃德祥


Academic year: 2022

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Facebook Usage and the Interpersonal Relationships in the Classroom and Internet of Junior High School Students


E-mail: 381882@mail.dyu.edu.tw


The main purposes of this study were to explore the relationships among the Facebook usage and the interpersonal relationships in the classroom and internet of junior high school students. The study was conducted through the questionnaire-survey method.

Subjects were 358 junior high school students from Taichung City. The collected data underwent descriptive statistics, independent t-test, one-way analysis of variance, Pearson’s correlation, Discriminate Analysis, and Logistic regression via the SPSS 18.0. The findings of this study: 92.46% used Facebook; the main purpose is to kill time and maintain the interaction with people; the most commonly used function is playing games; the use of years mostly is year to two years; the use of time mostly is hour to two hours;

the number of friends mostly is 101 to 200. There were significant differences in the different gender of junior high students concerning Facebook use of time, number of friends, understanding to deepen, self-disclosure and close. There were significant differences in the different grade of junior high students concerning Facebook seniority , Facebook use of time and close. There were significant positive correlations in terms of number of friends, Facebook experience and Facebook social interaction. There were significant positive correlations in terms of Facebook experience and Facebook social interaction. Facebook usage could not predict and discriminate the interpersonal relationships in the classroom. It was not efficient for the variables to discriminate between Facebook social interaction and the interpersonal relationships in the classroom. The peer identity of Facebook experience could significantly predict and explain the difference between popular group and rejected group of interpersonal relationships in the classroom. Facebook social interaction could significantly predict and discriminate the difference between popular group and rejected group of interpersonal relationships in the classroom, among which seek recognition and expression of self are important factors. The suggests for parents, teachers, and future researchers were made according to the results in the study.

Keywords : Facebook、Facebook usage、the Interpersonal Relationships in the Classroom、the Interpersonal Relationships in the Internet

Table of Contents

中文摘要 ... iii 英文摘 要...iv 誌謝辭 ...vi 內容目錄

...vii 表目錄...ix 圖目錄...xi 第一章 緒論

...1 第一節 研究動機 ...1 第二節 研 究目的 ...7 第三節 研究問題 ...8 第四節 研究 假設 ...9 第五節 名詞釋義 ...10 第六節 研究範 圍與限制 ...11 第二章 文獻探討 ...13 第一節 臉書發 展與功能及臉書相關研究...13 第二節 人際關係理論及相關研究...23 第三節 臉書與真 實及網路人際關係之相關研究...35 第三章 研究方法 ...39 第一節 研究架構 ...39 第二節 研究對象 ...41 第三節 研究工具 ...42 第四節 資料分析與處理 ...54 第五節 實施程序 ...56 第四章 結果與討論 ...58 第一節 國中學生 使用臉書之概況分析...59 第二節 不同背景變項國中學生臉書使用之差異分析...65 第三節 不同背景變 項國中學生臉書人際互動之差異分析.71 第四節 國中學生臉書使用與臉書人際互動之相關分析...73 第五節 國中學生臉書 使用對班級人際關係之區別分析...79 第六節 國中學生臉書人際互動對班級人際關係之區別分

析...83 第七節 國中學生臉書使用與臉書人際互動對人際關係受 歡迎組與被排 斥組之區別、二元邏輯斯迴歸分析...86 第五章 結論與建議 ...93 第一節 結論

...93 第二節 建議 ...100 參考文獻 ...105 中文部分 ...105 英文


部分 ...112 附錄A 國中學生生活經驗、臉書使用行為問卷 ...116 REFERENCES

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The study applies Discriminate Analysis to discuss the aspects of Junior high school students living Adjustment Scale and then develops a scale to be the standard of Junior

The usage of computer and Internet has provided a passageway to satisfy the needs.The purpose of this study is to probe into the Internet usage/online behavior and Internet

Therefore, this study uses Mainland Chian tourist as survey respondent to explore the relationships among store expertise, shopping satisfaction and share of wallet.. The study

The purposes of this research was to investigate relations among learning motivation, learning strategies and satisfaction for junior high school students, as well as to identify

In different gender、time for study、time for cram、the parents education level and household income of junior high school students , some aspects of the academic stress were

This research tries to understand the current situation of supplementary education of junior high school in Taichung City and investigate the learning factors and

This study was conducted to understand the latest situation between perception of principal‘s leading role and school effectiveness in junior high schools, and