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Research on Teachers’ Occupational Burnout in an Elementary School: A Case Study of an Elementary School in Changhua 謝峻碧、劉子歆


Academic year: 2022

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Research on Teachers’ Occupational Burnout in an Elementary School: A Case Study of an Elementary School in Changhua


E-mail: 9606856@mail.dyu.edu.tw


This thesis is a qualitative case study of an elementary school in Chang-hua. I explore the impact of learning attitude and deviant behavior of students on occupational burnout of teachers. This study shows that a teacher’s age, parents’ concernment about education, students’ examination pressure, teachers’ ability of media application, and learning of special education’s students may lead to occupational burnout of teachers as they dealing with learning attitude of students. Besides, this article finds that deviant behavior of students usually comes from the problematic family. This kind of behavior may negatively affect teaching activities and cause teachers’ burnouts. This study suggests teachers must adjust themselves to the new teaching condition and a school’s administration may have a thoughtful consideration on its educational policy. Suggestions for future research are also presented.

Keywords : occupational burnout ; learning attitude ; deviant behavior Table of Contents

內容目錄 中文摘要 ..................... iii 英文摘要 ................

..... iv 誌謝辭  ..................... v 內容目錄 ...............

...... vi 表目錄  .................... viii 圖目錄  ..............

....... ix 第一章  緒論................... 1   第一節  研究背景與動機....

........ 1   第二節  研究目的............... 2   第三節  名詞定義......

......... 3   第四節  研究流程............... 4   第五節  論文結構.....

.......... 6 第二章  文獻探討................. 7   第一節  職業倦怠的定義與 症狀......... 7   第二節  教師職業倦怠的相關理論與研究..... 9   第三節  研究架構...

............ 24 第三章  研究方法................. 26   第一節  研究對象.

.............. 26   第二節  個案研究方法............. 27   第三節  資料來 源與彙整............ 28   第四節  資料分析方法............. 30 第四章  個案分 析................. 31   第一節  某國小個案.............. 31   第二節   學生學習態度對教師職業倦怠的影響... 33   第三節  學生偏差行為對教師職業倦怠的影響... 39   第四 節  減輕教師職業倦怠的作為........ 44 第五章  結論與建議................ 50    第一節  結論................. 50   第二節  建議................. 57 參考文獻...................... 60   中文部份...................

. 60   英文部分.................... 61 附錄A  參與研究同意書 ...........

... 65 附錄B  受訪者基本資料 .............. 66 附錄C  訪談大綱 ............

..... 67 附錄D  訪談紀錄 ................. 68   訪問紀錄0325甲..........

....... 68   訪問紀錄0405甲 2................ 71   訪問紀錄0321乙........

......... 75   訪問紀錄0411乙 2................ 79   訪問紀錄0328丙......

........... 82   訪問紀錄0419丁................. 85   訪問紀錄0426戊....

............. 90 附錄E  觀察紀錄表 (一).............. 98 附錄F  觀察紀錄表 (二)

.............. 99 REFERENCES

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