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Academic year: 2021

Share "影響北市社區健康營造志工推行健康促進活動成效相關因素之探討"


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自 1974 年 Marc Lalonde 指出個人生活方式對健康影響的重要性後,世界各國紛紛將健康促進活動列為最主要的衛生政策,但目前多針對醫

療專業團體或政府組織機關主導推行該活動方面的探討,唯對以社區志工為主導推行該活動之成效尚未探究。因此,本研究將針對培訓之 社區健康營造志工,以( 1 )瞭解志工推行健康促進活動的知識、態度、意願及成效;( 2 )探討志工基本特質與推行健康促進活動知識

、態度、意願之相關性;( 3 )探討影響志工推行健康促進活動成效之相關因素。


保健志工課程培訓完成之志工共 65 名。研究調查工具共有兩份:第一份自擬問卷乃依研究目的、架構並參考國內外相關文獻自擬而成,採 志工當場填寫回收及郵寄方式收集。第二份問卷乃沿用衛生署於評值社區健康營造計劃成效中使用之家戶三大健康議題行為追蹤量表,前 測由志工第一次接觸家戶或社區個案時,評值其三大健康議題之行為現況,並依據衛生署製作的健康 DIY 教材給予行為衛教,後測則由研 究者以電話訪談方式評值家戶或社區個案健康行為改善程度。


每月平均收入介於 15001 元至 65000 間者為多,且家人對其擔任志工多數表贊同意、擔任志工經驗比率將近 1 : 1 。參與原因依序為「自 我導向」之學習保健知識與技巧、從服務中獲得自我成長,以「他人導向」之貢獻社會幫助別人、深入社區服務使更多人受益及以「情境 導向」之可以多結交朋友。在參與程度部份,定點執行健康篩檢服務 1.56 次 / 月,至社區中進行家戶訪視 0.58 次 / 月,目前家戶訪視個案 累計數平均為 1.07 戶,已接受自助式健康教材平均共計 1.25 戶。其參與服務後的滿意度及未來持續參與意願方面,整體而言皆達到滿意程 度以上,並願意繼續參與推行健康促進活動。但對繼續推動家戶訪視及發放自助式健康教材的意願程度則較低。在推動家戶或社區個案執 行三大健康議題行為之改善程度方面,僅健康飲食及運動行為執行頻率之前、後測達顯著提昇。由結果中並得知,志工年齡越輕其健康促 進活動知識得分越高。教育程度在大專(含)以上、參與原因以「他人」及「情境」導向者,對推行社區健康促進活動的看法較為正向。

推行健康促進活動意願方面,與全職工作者、家人對擔任志工的看法及以「自我」及「他人」導向為參與原因者,達統計上顯著差異。有 關影響志工推行健康促進活動成效之因素方面,以志工基本特質中的工作內容、以「他人導向」為參與原因者,與定點值勤之次數有相關 性存在;全職工作者的滿意度高於兼職者;家人對其擔任志工持反對看法者未來持續參與意願高於贊成及無意見者。預期民眾參與的看法 越正向者,其參與後滿意度及未來持續參與意願越高;但與家戶健康訪視戶數及分發自助式健康教材戶數成負相關。





Factors affecting the accomplishment of health promoting activities among healthy communities volunteers in Taipei


Since Marc Lalonde pointed out that the life-style had significant influence on individual’s health, every country in the world had reformed its policy t o promote its citizens’ health. However, most of health promoting projects had been led by the health professionals and the governmental organization s, accomplishment of this type of activities that were leading by healthy communities’ volunteers had not yet been studied. Therefore, this research wil l focus on the effects of trained healthy communities’ volunteers in Taipei. The major objectives were as following: ( 1 ) to describe community vol unteers’ knowledge, attitude, willingness and efforts toward health promoting activities, ( 2 ) to explore the relationship between volunteers’ perso nal characteristics and their knowledge, attitude and willingness toward health promoting activities, and ( 3 ) to explore related factors that influenc e the volunteers’ effects of health-promoting activities.

The correlational design was used. The convenient was utilized to select two health communities in Taipei ( Hsin-Yi district and Shih-pai district ) that provide health check up duty and home visiting. A total of 65 volunteers trained with health promotion related courses were recruited. There were two instruments used in this study. The self-developed questionnaire was filled in on the spot and send by mail to evaluate volunteers’ knowledge, attit ude, willingness and effects. The second instrument was developed by the Department of health to evaluated the effects of volunteers in changing com munity residents’ health behaviors. The scale was pre-tested when the volunteers first approached the residents. Then, volunteers would utilize the heal th DIY brochures to educate residents to implement the health promotion behaviors. Three months later, researcher would use the same scale to call th e residents to evaluate their health behaviors.

Study results identified that the volunteers who participate at this project were mostly women, the middle age, married, housewives, Buddhists, with hi gh school education and with full-time job. Their monthly family income was mostly between 15,001 and 65,000. Most of their families support their participation at such volunteer works. The ratio of the volunteer with and without experience was 1:1. The reasons for their participation were respecti vely "self-directed" as for learning health related knowledge and technique, self achievement from providing services; "other-directed" as for social co ntributions and helping more people; and "situation-directed" as for making more new acquaintances. In level of participation, the mean serve for healt h check up was 1.56 times/month, and the average home visit was 0.58times/month. Each volunteer had visited 1.07 home in average; the number of f amilies that accept health DIY brochures was 1.25 in average. In evaluating volunteers’ satisfaction and their willingness to participate the relevant acti vities in the future were great in deed. However, volunteers’ willingness to conduct home visit and dispensing health DIY brochures were much reluct ant. As for the effects of promoting the individual family and community to change their healthy behaviors, healthy diet and regular exercise were all s ignificantly improved. The younger volunteers, the better their knowledge regarding health-promoting activities. The highly educated and "other-direc ted" or "situation-directed" participants held positive attitude toward the community’s health promotion project. Volunteers with high participation will ingness were those with fulltime job, with their family’s support and as the "self-directed" and "other-directed" participants. In evaluating factors relate d to volunteer’s effects on promoting health activities, volunteer’s job status and as "other-oriented” participate were relate to the frequency of on-duty . Full-timers were more satisfied with their work than the part-timers. Those who did not earn much family member’s support were more willing to par ticipate such activities in the future than others. Those who positively expect the public’s attendance were more satisfied and were more willing to part icipate the relevant activities in the future; however, This type of attitude was negatively relate to level of participation in home visit and brochures dist ribution.

Based on results of this study, the community health nurses have to apply their professional knowledge and technique on promote the relevant activitie s. We must also pay attention to the latest health promotion strategies in order to propose proper training courses for the volunteers to help them to ser ve the community to further achieve the goal of establishing a healthy community.

Key words: healthy communities volunteers, health promoting activities, effect



• 受供養⾧者人口比率上 升。就業人士要承受額 外的負擔, 以資助增加 的⾧者人數及更多的醫

④ 小腸:小腸有消化和 吸收作用,藉由小腸 壁分泌的腸液、來自 胰臟的胰液和來自肝 臟的膽汁,消化為葡 萄糖、胺基酸等營養 物質,再由小腸壁上 的絨毛吸收。.

正向成就 (positive accomplishment) 正向目標 (意義) (positive purpose) 正向健康 (positive health).. Flourish: A visionary new understanding of happiness

(‘Integrating Mental Health Into Primary Care: A Global Perspective’)的

課題三 回應健康(護理、推廣及保 健)與社會關懷範疇的需要 課題四 推廣及維持社區內的健康與 社會關懷( II).

We hope to engage and collaborate with stakeholders in the community to explore the many possibilities of aging through creative workshops and community engagement3. We hope

9 Curriculum Development Council & Hong Kong Examination and Assessment Authority (2007). Technology Education Key Learning Area: Health Management and Social Care

課題五 身體力行 — 健康推廣、保健與社會關懷 5C 理解精神健康屬個人狀態及其與社會情境的關連 內容. 5C5