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Academic year: 2021

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研究係以台北市馬偕醫院 ( 醫學中心 ) 台北院區之住院病患為研究對象。排除 新生兒中心、小兒科病房、加護病房、精神科病房之住院病患、插管餵食者、

接受全靜脈營養支持者等無法由口進食之住院病患或餐種為檢查餐者,為排除 條件。本研究目的是 ( 一 ) 、探討住院病患對醫院飲食整體滿意之情況。 ( 二 )

、探討不同基本資料背景變項及情境因素之住院病患對醫院飲食整體滿意之差 異狀況。 ( 三 ) 、找出影響住院病患對醫院飲食整體滿意度之因素。利用結構 式問卷對住院病患進行醫院飲食滿意度調查,並採李克特 (Likert 5-point scale) 五分量表衡量滿意度評分情形。調查期間為 94 年 8 月、 95 年 8 月及 96 年 8 月,共 3 次。每次收集問卷需 3 個連續工作天(不含週六及例假日),總共收 集有效問卷 548 份。統計軟體為 SPSS 10.0 版本套裝軟體。結果發現,年齡與 飲食種類、住院前食慾、有無接受營養師衛教有顯著相關 (p<0.05) 。教育程度 與飲食種類、有無接受營養師衛教有顯著相關 (p<0.05) 。住院前有無職業與目 前飲食種類有顯著相關 (p<0.05) 。對醫院飲食滿意度的評分,滿意分數高於不 滿意分數。性別與主食、配菜溫度有顯著相關 (p<0.05) ,教育程度與配菜份量

、主食溫度有顯著相關 (p<0.05) 。整體滿意度與滿意度項目 (n=8) 有顯著相關 (p<0.05) 。

本研究顯示:住院病患年齡、性別、教育程度、職業有無、飲食種類、飲食禁 忌、了解病情配合飲食、訂餐訊息來源、有無接受營養師等與醫院飲食整體滿 意度之間無顯著相關。住院期間食慾、餐食菜色搭配、餐食味道、餐食新鮮度 等是影響醫院飲食的整體滿意度的因素。


A study on satisfaction to hospital meals among inpatients

The reception of hospital meals by patients have until now been a matter of speculation. The purposes of th

is study were (1) to investigate the overall satisfaction of hospital inpatients eating. (2) to investigate differ

ent individual characteristics and contextual factors of the inpatients satisfaction and (3) to find out the fact

ors that affected inpatients eating satisfaction. A structural questionnaire was used to collect and survey the

inpatients eating satisfaction and a Likert 5-point scale was used to quantify satisfaction. The study sampli

ng for this research was collected from the hospitalized patients of Mackay Memorial Hospital (Medical C

enter) - Taipei District. The newborn center, pediatric ward, intensive care unit, psychiatric ward inpatients

and those inpatients who were unable to eat by mouth or whose meals were part of an examination diet suc

h as TPN nutrition support patients and NG tube feeding patients were excluded. The investigational perio

d took place in: August/2005, August/2006 and August/2007, three times altogether. Each questionnaire ne

eded to be collected on three consecutive working days (excluding Saturdays and public holidays). In total

548 valid questionnaires were collected. The statistical analysis was performed with the software SPSS ver

sion 10.0. The results showed that age, type of diet, appetite before hospitalization, and whether dietary co

nsult took place were parameters that significantly affected satisfaction (p<0.05). Educational level and typ

e of diet, were also significantly different (p<0.05). The patients employment status was found to be statisti

cally different as well (p<0.05). The scores with regard to the hospital’s meals indicated that the satisfactio

n scores were higher than the dissatisfaction ones. Gender and main dish (cereal, rice, etc.,), the temperatur

e of the side dishes were all significantly different (p<0.05). Educational level and the amount of side dishe

s and the temperature of the main dishes have significant differences (p<0.05). The overall satisfaction and

satisfaction project (n=8) were significantly different (p<0.05). In conclusion, the main factors impacting t

he satisfaction with hospital catering are the contents of meal, flavor of meal, freshness of meal and hospita

lized appetite.



設籍本市之市民,年滿 65 歲老人、55 歲以上原住民、50

而考量到 Covid-19 重症病患的需求,醫院的重症病床數量格外重要。根據統 計,在 OECD 國家間,每十萬人擁有之重症病床數量差距可達 10 倍(如下圖)。. 歐盟疾病管制局 (European

同意委員意見,本試驗試驗期間為 3 個月治療期 及 9 個月追蹤期,因此不會有受試者進行到年滿二十

一、本部同意臺中榮民總醫院詴驗主持人變 更為李建儀醫師。二、本詴驗主持人應任用


IRB 編號 CE20018A 計畫主持人 王振宇 計畫名稱 電子病歷警示系統對改善敗血症病患預後之影響 審查意見

IRB 編號 SE20156A-1 計畫主持人 許佳茵 計畫名稱 思覺失調症病患疾病觀感對其遵囑服藥及精神症狀之影響 審查意見

第三節 研究方法 第四節 研究範圍 第五節 電影院簡介 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 電影片映演業 第二節 服務品質 第三節 服務行銷組合 第四節 顧客滿意度 第五節 顧客忠誠度