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A Study on the Relationships between Parenting Styles and Computer Attitude of Elementary School Students -The Moderatin 林鉦彪、李德治


Academic year: 2022

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A Study on the Relationships between Parenting Styles and Computer Attitude of Elementary School Students -The Moderatin


E-mail: 9805420@mail.dyu.edu.tw


The purpose of this study was to probe the relationship among parenting styles, peer influence and computer attitude of elementary school students. And to examine the effects of differences in gender, grade, parenting styles and peer influence on the com-puter attitude of elementary school students.

The tools used in this research are Computer Attitude Questionnaire, Parenting Styles Questionnaire and Peer Influence

Questionnaire.The subjects were 1090 elemen-tary school students, third to sixth graders, living around Taipei city, Taichung and Yunlin County. The data collected were analyzed by independent sample t-Test, one-way ANOVA, and General Linear Model by using SPSS for Windows 12.0 as the analysis tool . The conclusion acquired from this research has been indicated in the

fol-lowing:There was no significant difference between the computer attitude of elementary school students and their genders. The variable of grade acted significant differences on the computer attitude of elementary school students. The variable of parenting styles acted significant differences on the computer attitude of elementary school students. The interaction effect existed between parenting styles and the computer attitude of elementary school students.

According to the results and analyses, conclusions and suggestions were also pro-vided as reference for the further studies.

Keywords : computer attitude、parenting styles、peer influenc

Table of Contents

中文摘要 ..................... iii 英文摘要 ..................... iv 致謝辭  ..................... v 內容目錄 ..................... vi 表目錄  ..................... viii 圖目錄  ..................... x 第一章  緒論................... 1   第一節  研究背景與動機............ 1   第二節  研究目的............... 4   第三節  研究問題............... 5   第四節  研究限制............... 5   第五節  名詞釋義............... 6 第二章  文獻探討................. 8   第一節  電腦態度............... 8   第二節  性別、年級與電腦態度之實證研究.... 13   第三節  父母管教方式............. 17 第四節 父母管教方式與電腦態度之實證研究... 29

第五節 同儕影響............... 30

第三章  研究方法................. 35   第一節  研究架構............... 35   第二節  研究假設............... 36   第三節  研究對象與抽樣方法.......... 36   第四節  研究工具............... 37 第五節 資料處理與分析............ 49

第四章  研究結果分析............... 51   第一節  資?回收............... 51   第二節  樣本描述性統計分析.......... 52


  第三節  假設檢定............... 56 第五章  結論與建議................ 70   第一節  研究結果摘要............. 70   第二節  結論與討論.............. 73   第三節  研究建議............... 75 參考文獻 ..................... 77 附錄 A  預試問卷................. 103 附錄 B  正式問卷................. 107 REFERENCES

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This study focuses on the need of walking to school for middle-grades students and designs related teaching plans.This study firstly conducts a questionnaire

This article mainly discusses the cognition and attitude of traffic safety education toward the elementary school teacher in Taichung. Six aspects are analyzed within this research,

The usage of computer and Internet has provided a passageway to satisfy the needs.The purpose of this study is to probe into the Internet usage/online behavior and Internet

Hence this study uses a systematic method to develop safety evaluation indices and their weights to evaluate the walking environment of way to school for

This study based on the computer attitudes, the digital learning attitude and the digital game attitude and tried to find out the factors affecting digital game-based

The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of learning organization culture on teachers’ study and teaching potency in Public Elementary Schools.. The research tool of

The objective of this research is to study the influence of safety disposition tendency on the safety and health attitude for the workers of a government-owned enterprise..

The purpose of this study was to investigate the current situation of multicultural literacy and intercultural sensitivity of junior high school teachers in Taichung