• 沒有找到結果。

第四章 外國人工生殖法制之研究

第二節 外國人工生殖法規範

西元1799 年英國醫生 John Hunter 完成人類第一個人工授精 成功之案例,西元 1978 年世界上第一個試管嬰兒在英國出生,人 工生殖技術之進展可用突飛猛進來形容,使受不孕問題困擾者燃 起生機,可望大幅改善問題。隨後歐美各國紛紛立法以因應人工 生殖技術對法律所帶來之衝擊,此種狀況於西元 1980 年代中期達 到高峰。在子女法律地位方面,各國有以民法、家事法直接規範 者,亦有以另立專法形式為規定者。218以下將就美國及英國之人 工生殖法律規定進行討論。

第一項 美國

第一款 美國人工生殖法相關規範

家事法在美國屬於州法之範疇,於不牴觸憲法與聯邦法 之情形下,由各州議會自行訂定,而各州法院審理家事案件 則以所在地州法與判例為依據。各州家事法採行制度不一致 即可能衍生出適用問題,如:當事人來自不同州、或一方當 事人遷居別州,究應如何為之。為解決上述問題,美國先後 成立「統一州法制定委員會 219」(the National Conference of

217 Harry D. Krause, supra note 158, at 282.

218 王海南,同註 215,頁 106。

219 1892 年成立,旨在提供迫切需要與實用的法案供各州立法機構參考(得以自由選擇不具強制


Ann MacLean Massie, Restricting Surrogacy to Married Couples: A Constitutional Problem? The Married Parent Requirement in the Uniform Status of Children of Assisted Conception Act, 18 Hastings Const. L.Q. 487, at 492 (note 25) (1991);陳美伶,人工生殖之立法規範,政治大學法律 學系研究所博士論文,頁76 (註 29),1994 年 6 月。


Commissioners on Uniform State Laws)及「美國法律學院」

(American Law Institute)負責統一法典之擬訂以適用於全國,

前者以各州官方代表為組成員;後者純屬民間協會性質。自 1970 年代,兩組織開始對於各項法律議題制定統一法典供各 州參考,使各州議會於立法時得以全部、部分或加以修正後 採用之。統一州法制定委員會於1973 年制定了「統一親子關 係法」(Uniform Parentage Act),該法以對於非婚生子女歧視 之消除、父母身分之確定、子女利益及被扶養權利之保障為 主旨,以「生產事實」與「血緣關係」為認定母親身分之要 件,以「血緣關係」為認定父親身分之要件 220,更對人工生 殖子女親子關係加以規範。此後各州陸續採用該法內容或稍 加修正,經立法程序,成為各州家事法中認定父母子女關係 之條款。而後,於2000 年再提出「統一親子關係法」(Uniform Parentage Act 2000),復於 2002 年提出該法之修正版(Uniform Parentage Act 2002 )。

2008 年,美國律師協會(the American Bar Association)亦 提出「管理人工生殖技術模範法」(the Model Assisted

Reproductive Technologies Act, MARTA 或稱 Model Act)法 案,目的在於提供施實人工生殖手術之當事人間明確權利義 務之規範與保護,並透過解決社會對於人工生殖技術之擔憂 及疑慮,建立配子與胚胎(gametes and embryos)之使用、保管 或其他處至之法律標準達成其目的。該法案以提供靈活框架 做為解決設想但尚未發生之爭議的一種機制 221,其為各州提 供靈活有彈性的立法架構,以規範法律權利、義務及保護,

並希冀解決 UPA 未被承認或未解決的許多法律問題,對凝聚 相關議題共識之努力不容忽視。222

以下將就美國關於人工生殖法制之重要規定,進行討 論:

一、1973 年統一親子關係法

美國於西元1973 年由統一州法制定委員會通過「統一親 子關係法」,作為各州制定親子關係法律之參考。該法第5

220 紀欣,同註 213,頁 41。

221 AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION MODEL ACT GOVERNING ASSISTED REPRODUCTI VE TECHNOLOGY, PREFATORY NOTE, February 2008, https://www.americanbar.org/content /dam/aba/publishing/family_law_quarterly/family_flq_artmodelact.pdf, last visited:Sep. 1, 2019.

222 Noah Baron & Jennifer Bazzell, Assisted Reproductive Technologies, 15 Geo.J GL 57, at 63 (2014).




Insemination)方式。224爾後,美國聯邦衛生、教育及福利部 (Department of Health, Education and Welfare) 於 1977 年開始 受理有關體外授精研究獎助之申請,隔年成立「倫理諮詢委 員會」(Ethics Advisory Board),並於 1979 年提出報告。美國 婦產科學會亦於 1983 年就關於代孕人工生殖所可能涉及之 倫理問題發表報告,提出指導綱領。2251988 年 8 月,美國律 師公會家族法研究部門下之收養法委員會以及臨時代孕人工 生殖研究委員會研擬並提交「模範代孕人工生殖法草案 226」 (Draft ABA Model Surrogacy Act)予全美律師公會代表大會,

期使代孕契約得以合法化,同時一併提議修正「統一親子關 係法」與制定「遺傳物質法」。同一時間,統一州法制定委 員會通過「人工生殖子女法律地位統一法」(Uniform Status of Children of Assisted Conception Act , USCACA)法案,並公布 予各州做為立法參考。227隔年 2 月,全美律師公會(the American Bar Association)亦通過此一法案。228

223 Uniform Parentage Act 1973, Section 5 :“(a) If, under the supervision of a licensed physician and with the consent of her husband, a wife is inseminated artificially with semen donated by a man not her husband, the husband is treated in law as if he were the natural father of a child thereby conceived.

The husband's consent must be in writing and signed by him and his wife. The physician shall certify their signatures and the date of the insemination, and file the husband's consent with the [State Department of Health], where it shall be kept confidential and in a sealed file. However, the physician's failure to do so does not affect the father and child relationship. All papers and records pertaining to the insemination, whether part of the permanent record of the court or of a file held by the supervising physician or elsewhere, are subject to inspection only upon an order of the court for good cause shown. (b) The donor of semen provided to a licensed physician for use in artificial insemination of a married woman other than the donor's wife is treated in law as if he were not the natural father of a child thereby conceived.”本條為關於人工授精之規定,依其規定得歸納出以下


224 Kristine S. Knaplund, Children Of Assisted Reproduction, 45 UMIJLR 899, at 908-909 (2012).

225 陳美伶,同註 219,頁 71。

法執照之機構為之。然而,本法案最終並未通過。參照Draft ABA Model Surrogacy Act, 22 Fam.

L.Q. 123, at 123-143 (1988);陳美伶,同前註,頁 81-88。

227 Carla Spivack, The Law of Surrogate Motherhood in the United States, 58 AM. J. Comp. L. 97, at 110-111 (2010).

228 Ann MacLean Massie, supra note 219, at 489.


二、1988 年人工生殖子女法律地位統一法

該法乃規範人工生殖子女之法律地位,為確保人工生殖 子女之福祉與安全而設立。特別的是,該法起草委員會對於 代孕無法達成共識,故持中立態度,於該法中提供各州兩種 選擇,取決其是否允許代孕契約。229其主要規範異質人工授 精(artificial insemination by donor, AID)、體外人工受精(in vitro fertilization, IVF),與移植式代孕人工生殖子女之法律地 位,不包括配偶間人工授精之生殖方式。該法案共計有 16 個條文,第 1 條至第 4 條、第 10 條至第 16 條為共通部分,

規範人工生殖、捐贈者、代孕者、有意的父母之定義、已婚 婦女之人工生殖、捐贈精卵者之地位、其他細節規定;第5 條至第 9 條則針對代孕契約部分為規定,並提供兩種方案以 供選擇,第一種方案乃承認代孕契約,並透過法院許可該代 孕契約,使有意為父母之夫妻成為該人工生殖子女之父母;

第二種方案則於不承認代孕契約的州,即當代孕契約為無效 時,代孕者即為人工生殖子女之法定母親。230其中關於人工 生殖親子關係之認定為:

(一) 人工生殖

除代孕人工生殖外,若已婚女性為人工生殖,則該名女 性與子女間之親子關係,依第2 條231分娩者為母成立。父子 關係之認定,則依第3 條 232規定,推定其夫為子女之父親。

而該夫僅得於其妻實施人工生殖手術未得其同意時,提起否 認之訴,不得以違反血統真實性為由提起訴訟。此外,為維 護子女利益,婚姻於手術後無效或解消,不影響該名子女之 婚生地位。而生殖細胞捐贈者,依第4 條第 a 項 233之規定,


229 Id., at 489-490.

230 參照鐘翊綾,同註 136,頁 81-85;紀欣,同註 24,頁 177;紀欣,同註 213,頁 42;陳美 伶,同註219,頁 76-79。

231 Uniform Status of Children of Assisted Conception Act, Section 2:“[Except as provided in Sections 5 through 9,] a woman who gives birth to a child is the child’s mother.”

232 Uniform Status of Children of Assisted Conception Act, Section 3:“[Except as provided in Sections 5 through 9,] the husband of a woman who bears a child through assisted conception is the father of the child, notwithstanding a declaration of invalidity or annulment of the marriage obtained after the assisted conception, unless within two years after learning of the child’s birth he commences an action in which the mother and child are parties and in which it is determined that he did not consent to the assisted conception.”

233 Uniform Status of Children of Assisted Conception Act, Section 4 (a):“A donor is not a parent of a child conceived through assisted conception.”


(二) 代孕人工生殖

本法第5 條 234規定,代孕者及其配偶(若代孕者已婚)與 有意父母為書面約定,代孕者放棄對該人工生殖子女一切作 為母親之權利義務,並且該契約經法院於代孕者懷胎前為認 可後,有意父母依第8 條235規定成為該名子女之父母;反之,

若未於懷胎前經法院依第6 條認可契約者,該契約無效,代 孕者依分娩者為母原則成為該名子女之母親,其配偶亦為代 孕契約當事人時,為該名子女之父親。若代孕者未婚或其夫 並非契約當事人時,子女之父親身分由統一親子法為認定。

本法規定代孕契約須以書面為之並於懷胎前經法院許可,係 欲透過法院公權利之介入監督,以期排除非法或不當之代孕 人工生殖。

三、2002 年統一親子關係法

2000 年 8 月,統一州法制定委員會參考 1973 年統一親 子關係法及 1988 年人工生殖子女法律地位統一法後,提出 2000 年統一親子關係法(Uniform Parentage Act 2000,簡稱 2000 年 UPA),目的乃為父母子女身分關係之決定建立可行 並健全之法則作為依據 236。該法於2002 年修正(Uniform Parentage Act 2002,簡稱 2002 年 UPA),第 7 條(Article 7)及 第8 條(Article 8)分別就人工生殖與代孕契約為規定,基本上 重申了 1988 年人工生殖子女法律地位統一法之規定,僅有少

234 Uniform Status of Children of Assisted Conception Act, Section 5:“(a) A surrogate, her husband, if she is married, and intended parents may enter into a written agreement whereby the surrogate relinquishes all her rights and duties as a parent of a child to be conceived through assisted conception, and the intended parents may become the parents of the child pursuant to Section 8. (b) If the agreement is not approved by the court under Section 6 before conception, the agreement is void and the surrogate is the mother of a resulting child and the surrogate’s husband, if a party to the agreement, is the father of the child. If the surrogate’s husband is not a party to the agreement or the surrogate is unmarried, paternity of the child is governed by [the Uniform Parentage Act].”

235 Uniform Status of Children of Assisted Conception Act, Section 8:“(a) The following rules of parentage apply to surrogacy agreements approved under Section 6: (1) Upon birth of a child to the surrogate, the intended parents are the parents of the child and the surrogate and her husband, if she is married, are not parents of the child unless the court vacates the order pursuant to Section 7(b). (2) If, after notice of termination by the surrogate, the court vacates the order under Section 7(b) the surrogate is the mother of a resulting child, and her husband, if a party to the agreement, is the father. If the surrogate’s husband is not a party to the agreement or the surrogate is unmarried, paternity of the child is governed by [the Uniform Parentage Act]. (b) Upon birth of the child, the intended parents shall file

235 Uniform Status of Children of Assisted Conception Act, Section 8:“(a) The following rules of parentage apply to surrogacy agreements approved under Section 6: (1) Upon birth of a child to the surrogate, the intended parents are the parents of the child and the surrogate and her husband, if she is married, are not parents of the child unless the court vacates the order pursuant to Section 7(b). (2) If, after notice of termination by the surrogate, the court vacates the order under Section 7(b) the surrogate is the mother of a resulting child, and her husband, if a party to the agreement, is the father. If the surrogate’s husband is not a party to the agreement or the surrogate is unmarried, paternity of the child is governed by [the Uniform Parentage Act]. (b) Upon birth of the child, the intended parents shall file