• 沒有找到結果。

第五章 結論與建議

第三節 未來研究建議

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第三節 未來研究建議


1. 持續追蹤本研究所涉及適地性行動廣告的經營模式

本研究雖然針對個案公司微巨行動科技所推出的適地性廣告平台「FREEdi 驚人真相」的經營模式有了分析與探討,但因為到本研究告一段落的時間點為 止,微巨行動科技經營適地性行動廣告的時間尚短,暫時還無法看出成績。所以 建議後續研究者可以持續觀察「FREEdi 驚人真相」的後續發展,以補充本研究 的不足。

2. 擴大探討其它類型的行動廣告經營模式:

本研究專注於探討獎勵式行動廣告以及適地性行動廣告的經營模式。然而還 有許多其它種類的行動廣告經營模式並未被納入本研究的探討範圍,後續的研究 者可以針對這些未被本研究所探討的創新行動廣告經營模式進行進一步的研究。

3. 將新形態的行動上網裝置納入行動廣告媒體研究標的:

隨著蘋果電腦公司的平板電腦產品 iPad 的熱賣,產業界普遍認為平板電腦 將會是未來幾年熱門的行動上網電子設備。以平板電腦較大的螢幕與較佳的運算 能力,必定能夠創造出更多創新形態的行動廣告模式,後續研究者可以持續觀察 平板電腦上的相關行動廣告創新,並作為研究標的。

4. Nicholas Negroponte,「數位革命」:011011100101110111…的奧妙(Being Digital),齊若蘭譯。台北市:天下遠見出版股份有限公司,1998。

5. 陳釧瑤等,「行動寬頻下之適地性服務」,經濟部技術處產業知識服務計畫 (ITIS),2009。


1. Konczal, E.F., “Models Are for Managers, Not Mathematicians”, Journal of System Management, 26(1) pp.12-14, 1975.

2. Schlachter, E., “Generating revenues from websites”, http://www.ispworld.com /boardwatchonline /1995/jul95/bwm39.htm, 1995.

3. Timmers, P., “Business Models for Electronic Markets”, Electronic Markets, Vol.8, No.2, pp.3-8, 1998.

4. Mahadevan, B., “Business Models for Internet-based E-Commerce”, California Management Review, Vol.42, No.4, pp.55-68, 2000.

5. Hamel, G., “Leading the Revolution”, Harvard Business School Press, Boston, 2000.

6. Amit, R. & Zott, C., “Value creation in E-Business”, Strategic Management Journal, 22: pp.493-520, 2001.

7. Magretta, J., “Why Business Models Matter”, Harvard Business Review, Vol. 80, pp. 86-92, 2002.

8. Chesbrough, H. & Rosenbloom, R. S., “The Role of the Business Model in Capturing Value from Innovation: Evidence from Xerox Corporation’s Technology Spin-off Companies,” Industrial and Corporate Change, 11(3). pp.529-555, 2002.

9. Lumpkin, G.T. and Dess, G.G., “E-Business Strategies and Internet Business Models: How the Internet Adds Value”, Organizational Dynamics, Vol. 33(2), pp.161-173, 2004.

10. Hill, C. W. L., and Jones, G. R., Strategic management: An integrated approach, South-Western College Pub; 8th edition, 2007.

11. Osterwalder, A. and Y. Pigneur, “An Ontology For E-Business Models” in Value Creation from E-Business Models, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2004.

12. Osterwalder, A., Y. Pigneur, and C.L.Tucci, “Clarifying Business Models: Origins, Present, and Future of the Concept”, Communications of the Association for

Information Systems, Vol. 15, 2005.

13. Daniel, D. Ronald, “Management Information Crisis”, Harvard Business Review, September-October, 1961.

14. Rockart, John F., "Chief executives define their own data needs", Harvard Business Review 1979 (2), pages 81-93, 1979.

15. Rockart, John F.,“A Primer on Critical Success Factors”, published in The Rise of Managerial Computing: The Best of the Center for Information Systems Research, edited with Christine V. Bullen. McGraw-Hill School Education Group, 1986.

16. Aaker, D., Developing Business Strategies, N.Y.: John Wiley & Sons Inc. 1984.

17. Leidecker, J.K. & Bruno, A.V.,“Identifying and using Critical Success Factors:

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18. Hofer & Schendel, Strategic Management and Strategic Marketing: What' s Strategic About Either One?, New York: John Wiley and Sons., 1985.

mobile advertising”, Expert Systems with Applications, 24(4), 399-414. 2003.

20. Bauer, H.H., Barnes, S.J., Reichardt, T. and Neumann, M.M.,“Driving Consumer Acceptance of Mobile Marketing: A Theoretical Framework and Empirical Study”, Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 6(3), pp181-191, 2005.

21. Scharl, A., Dickinger, A., and Murphy, J., “Diffusion and Success Factors of Mobile Marketing”, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, Vol. 4, pp.

159-173. 2005.

22. Patrick Barwise & Colin Strong, “Permission-Based Mobile Advertising”, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Vol.16, pp.14-24. 2002.

23. Mittal, B. and Lassar, W.M., “The Role of Personalization in Service Encounters”, Journal of Retailing, Vol.72, no. 1, pp. 95-109, 1996.

24. Allen C., D. Kania, B. Yaeckel., “One to One Web Marketing: Build a

Relationship Marketing Strategy One Customer at a Time”, 2nd edition. John Wiley and Sons, New York, 2001.

25. Liu, Yuping and L. J. Shrum, “What is Interactivity and is it always such a good thing? Implications of Definition, Person, and Situation for the Influence of

Interactivity on Advertising Effectiveness”, Journal of Advertising, 31 (4), 53-64.


26. Ahonen, T.T., Mobile as 7th of the Mass Media: Cellphone, Cameraphone, iPhone, Smartphone, Futurertext, 2008.


1. Business Model Generation: www.businessmodelgeneration.com 2. Wikipedia: http://www.wikipedia.org/

3. Mobile Marketing Association UK:

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4. Mobile Marketing Association Global: http://mmaglobal.com/main 5. PWC: http://www.pwc.com/ 

6. International Advertising Bureau UK: http://www.iabuk.net/

7. Wachob, C., “What are personalization and customization??”, available at:


8. Blyk.com: www.blyk.com

9. ShopShavvy: http://shopsavvy.mobi/

10. FREEdi私廣告:http://www.freedi.com.tw/freedi/home.f