• 沒有找到結果。

第五章 結論與建議

5.2 研究建議


1.本研究因受時效及成本因素之影響,因此研究樣本多集中於 20-25 歲、居住於台中、

單身之受訪者,其樣本分佈狀況或有不足之處,後續研究者在考量時效性、成本效益後 可將受訪樣本做進一步的擴大,或能得到更有可信度之結果。





1.杜世洲,女性消費者對促銷傾向之研究,1992,淡江大學管理科學研究所碩士論文 2.黃俊英,行銷研究-管理與技術,第四版,1992,台北:華泰書局。


4.余育芬,消費者對百貨公司之市場區隔及形象定位之研究-以台北市為例,1996,交 通大學管理科學研究所碩士論文。

5.曾鈴潮,大學生購物方式偏好行為之研究,1999,國立中央大學工業管理研究所碩士 論文。




9.葉佳宜,大型購物中心之區位與消費者生活型態對消費行為之影響研究,2001,國立 交通大學管理科學研究所碩士論文。

10. 張紹勳、張紹評、林秀娟,統計分析-初等統計與高等統計,2001,台北:松崗電 腦圖書資料股份有限公司。

11.林坤源,促銷策略對消費者行為影響之研究-以加油站為例,2002,國立高雄第一 科技大學行銷與流通管理所碩士論文。

12.康華容,探討消費價值認知對於消費者銷售促進活動影響之研究,2002,淡江大學國 際貿易研究所碩士論文。



14.黃建中,高雄市百貨公司消費者購買行為與商店形象之探討,2002,國立中山大學企 業管理研究所碩士論文。



16. 吳明隆,SPSS統計應用學習實務-問卷分析與應用統計,2003,台北:知城數位科 技股份有限公司。


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2. Berman, B. and Evans, J.R., Retail Management: A strategic Approach, 1978, MacMillan Publishing Inc., New York, NY

3. Brass, J., Desing for Decision, 1963, MacMillan Publishing Inc., New York, NY.

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13. Lazer, W., "Life Style Concepts and Marketing in Stephen Greyserm," Toward Scientific Marketing, Vol. 18, No. 3, 1963, pp. 140-151.

14. Marcus, B. W., Modern Marketing, 1975, Ran House Inc., New York, NY.

15. Nicosia, M., ”Consumer Decision Process,” Marketing and Advertising Implication, 1968, Prentice-Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ.

16. Nord, R., and J. Peter, ”A Behavior Modification Perspective on Marketing,”

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17. Overall, J. E., and C. J. Klett, Applied Multivariate Analysis, 1972, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, NY.

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19. Patrick, E. M., and M. E. Ben, “Classifying Products Strategically,” Journal of Marketing, Vol. 5, No. 7, 1989, pp. 24~42.

20. Plotnik, R., Introduction to Psychology, 4th Ed., 1996, International Thomson Publishing Inc., Pacific Grove, CA.

21. Pratt, W. R. Jr., ”Measuring Pruchase Behavior,” Handbook of Marketing, Robert Ferber Edition, 1974, McGraw-Hill Co., New York, NY.

22. Rothman, J. L., Using Multivariate Statistics, 2th Ed., 1989, Harper & Row Inc., Alabama, AL.

23. Reynolds, F.D., Life Styles and Psychographics, 1974, American Management Association, Chicago, IL.

24.Blattberg, Robert C., & Neslin, Scott A., (1990), “Sales Promotion: Concepts, Methods, and Strategies. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.

25. Rossiter, J. R., L. Percy, and R. J. Donovan, “The Distinction Recall andBetween Recognition and Their Role in Advertising Planning,” Working Paper,

The University of New South Wales, Vol. 20 , No. 3, 1989, pp. 890-939.

26. Sawyer, A. G., and Dickson, P. R., “Psychological Perspectives on Consumer Response to Sales Promotion,” In Research on Sales Promotion Collected

Papers, Vol. 15 , No. 1, 1984, pp. 1-21.

27. Schiffman, L.G., and Kanuk, L.L., Consumer Behavior, 2th Ed., 1991, Prentice-Hall Inc., New Jersey, NJ.

28. Schultz, D. E., and Robinson, W. A., Sales Promotion Management, 1989, Crain Book Inc., Chicago, IL.

29. Nord, W. R., and J. P. Peter, “A Behavior Modification Perspective on Marketing,” Journal of Marketing, 1980, Vol. 44, No. 7, pp. 36-47.

30. Wendell, R. S., “Product Differentiation and Market Segmentation as Alternative Marketing Strategies,” Journal of Marketing, Vol. 21, No. 7, 1956, pp. 3-8.

31. Zaltman, G., and Burger, P. C., Marketing Research: Fundamentals and Dynamics, 1975, John-Wiley and Sons Co., New York, NY.

32.Robertson, T. S., Joan, Z., and Scott, W., Consumer Behavior, 1984, Foresman and Company Inc., Scott, IL.

33. Kotler, Marketing Management: Analysis, Planning, and Control, 5th Ed., 1998, Prentic-Hall Inc., New Jersey, NJ.



非 不 無 同 非


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3.婚姻家庭狀況:□單身 □已婚 □已婚有小孩 1-6 歲 □已婚有小孩 7-18 歲

□小孩 18 歲以上尚未獨立生活 □小孩 18 歲以上獨立生活 □其他 4.職業: □軍公教 □工 □商 □自由業 □服務業 □學生□其他

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